To anyone who hates my stories: welcome to fanfiction.

To anyone who loves my stories: welcome to fanfiction :D

Oh, just a bit of warning: this story is smut before plot. I guess I'm going back to my roots, eh?


Vicky stared up at the sign in front of the small business in the southeastern corner of the Boardwalk, the busiest location of Brockton Bay in terms of volume, commerce, and tourism.

No one could enter this shop willy-nilly, however. This place belonged to someone very powerful but chose to hide themselves away because they just weren't interested in cape politics.

What they were interested in, however, came through contracts and trade.

"What could a cape offer?" It was actually a legitimate question from TV, magazine, school work, and more.

The owner of the [Shop of Dreams] offered a lot of things. What he doesn't offer are leadership, normal tinkertech, combat service, and intelligence.

What he does offer are far too many and varied to list, but there was a criteria to entering the shop: a potential customer may only see the shop if they desperately want something at the moment that they are in Boardwalk and may only enter the shop if they mean no harm towards anyone inside it, the shop, or the business.

Anyone who attempt to harm the shop cannot enter if they had previously harmed its business, customers, or owner before.

She was a little kid at the time, but she'd heard about this shop. Vicky first found this shop because she had something she desperately wanted, and so, without thinking, she rushed in.

'Can you bring my auntie back to life?!' she'd asked tearfully.

The owner smiled at her. 'Of course, I can. But there's a cost.'

Vicky sighed as she opened the door, remembering exactly what she said.


The merciless owner of [Shop of Dreams] had her sign a contract, and she signed her name with gusto. The next morning, they found her aunt's grave open and auntie walked back home in her burial clothes, healthy and shocked. Vicky, staring at her crying aunt with the other adults of the family, felt something she hadn't known before then.


Despite having felt it, she didn't know why she kept coming back. The owner wasn't the best guy to be around, but he was … nice.

… Okay, there were other reasons why she came back.

Almost like clock, she came to his shop every available Saturday. She didn't have a boyfriend or anything. She knew the owner had something to do with her near habitual return to his shop, yet when she didn't feel like it, she never stayed for more than an hour, but on some days, she would spend her entire day here, watching the owner makes some of the commissioned items his customers wanted, browsing through the goods he displayed for the first timers, and even bothering him when he was busy.

The owner, who had been reading the latest edition of "Capes Abound" magazine, looked up. "Oh, if it ain't Victoria~!" he sing-sang, his eyes glancing at her bouncing skirt.

She wrinkled her nose in irritation. If there was one thing that bothered her, then it was the fact that this man, who had to be over thirty years old at the minimum, never looked older. He never got facial hair, he never grew hair period, and his skin was always that smokey blue.

Yes, he was a Case 53 but without the amnesia. Apparently, he remembered everything about his past but adamantly refused to tell her how he came to be a Case 53.

She walked passed the homey wooden interior designed everything in his front room and walked around his counter.

Then she plopped himself down on his lap and twisted her torso around. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned in for a kiss. He leaned down and kissed her.

She hummed in her satisfaction of getting what she wanted.

This … was unfortunately what she came here for.

Back when she was a little kid, she just liked all of the pretty little baubles he would show her. Starting last year, however, she had been wanting something more exciting.

For some odd reason, she decided that her friend, the owner of [Wealth of Dreams] was the perfect person to experiment with.

They broke the kiss and grinned at each other.

"Hey, Alan," she said playfully, her irritation gone in an instant.

"Hey, Vicky," he replied.

"What have been up to?"

He snorted. "This again?"

"Come on, Alan. Just go along with it."

"... Doing what an old man do."

"That's right, you're an old man!" she laughed.

"Seriously, Vicky. I'm only thirty years old. Still in the prime of my life."

"Nuh uh, you're an old man. You made me sign a marriage contract and everything."

"How many times do I have to tell you? It wasn't a marriage contract; it was a return contract. You just had to come back every Saturday to keep me company an-"

She placed a finger on his lips.

"Just. Go along. With it."

Then she took off her finger with a victorious smile.

He just sighed but the light in his eyes didn't seemed to mind.

"I made you sign a marriage contract," he grumbled out the "play."

"And then your handsome self bewitched me."

"Yes. I did. You certainly liked it when I handed you your first bottle of Beautification."

She huffed. "It didn't do anything except a little bit of touch-up!"

"Because you were already beautiful three years ago when you came to visit me," he said smoothly without missing a beat.

"Some might call you a pedophile for that."

"Well, you're legal now, aren't you? Just like you asked, I didn't date anyone because, oh how did it go?"

"Nuh uh, you don't get -" she tried to stop him., pushing her arms to the front and trying to grab his mouth.

He ducked underneath her assault despite her sitting on his lap, and did it while making it look easy. "You were like 'if this is, like, the things you, like, get me all the time, then I, like, am going to marry you!'"

She knew she was blushing. "I was going through a phase with my words!"

"Uh huh. Then you dragged your mom in here."

She stopped and winced. "I… may have overgone with that stunt."

"Yes. She wrecked over one million dollars worth of goods."

Vicky winced again. "She apologized…!" she whined, defending her mom feebly.

"While glaring daggers at me and with her parahuman powers still active."

"But you forgave her."

"Because you told me to forgive her."

"Exactly! You didn't seduce me, I seduced you!"

A pause.

Vicky withered a bit. "I… thought it sounded better than it does."

Instead of laughing at her, Alan wrapped both of his blue arms around her waist and turned her around so that instead of hanging both of her legs on one side of his, she was straddling him with each of her leg on each side and facing him.

"But you are totally right," he said solemnly. "You went from a stranger to a darling."

She huffed and tossed her chin sideways. After a moment of ignoring him, she looked back at him.

"... You really didn't see anyone else?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I work here twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three-hundred sixty-five days a year. It's been that way for a whole decade now, Vicky."

"Yeah, right after you plowed through Boston's Teeth."

Alan hummed before pulling her in closer and placed the side of his between her well endowed breasts.

"And I came here, set up my shop, and met you for the first time. My first customer. My first friend."

"I'm your girlfriend," she chastised even as she wrapped her own arms around his head, neck, and back. "... Are you sure you don't want to join New Wave? I mean, it'll make mom more accepting of you."

"I'm sure. I'm not interested in cape politics and unnecessary fighting."

She smacked him in the back, but between his Brute back and her Brute hand, the only thing that happened was a booming crack of unstoppable force hitting an immovable object ringing out around the shop.

"It is not unnecessary! You could've removed all of the gangs by yourself. I'll bet my virginity on that!"

His slow rhythmic caressing of her waist and back abruptly stopped. He lifted his back up and stared her in her eyes, which was surrounding a freshly blushing face as she realized what she just said.

"No betting yourself. You're mine."

It was a statement, a declaration. It was …

Vicky didn't know how to put it in English. When he said it like that, it was like feeling an absolute declaration. There was a power behind his words that he never showed her, and she only got to glimpse it in the rare moments of his seriousness.

This was what she came to fear. That power that made her, the next Alexandria, tremble before him when she had returned to this very shop the day after he resurrected her aunt.

She knew him as Alan Marris, but to the world, he was the greatest Tinker to have ever come out of New England, nay the entire East Coast. The only other Tinkers that were on his level were Hero and Dragon.

Vicky yelped when she found his room temperature cooled hand slithering underneath her shirt and up her back.


"Okay, okay!" she shouted frantically.

He smiled and placed his head back down at the top of her chest.


"Argh," she grunted in exasperation even as she kept her arms around him. "You brute."

"Just like you."

"Hey, you're supposed to call me a beauty!"

"I thought we established that."

"Yes, but you're su- EEK!"

D-Did he just kiss her b-b-b-boob?!


He looked up, ignoring her thumping heart.

"You wear a shirt that shows so much cleavage, Vicky. You're seducing me like always, so I just kissed you."

Her mouth opened, closed, and opened, and closed.

"Y-You're not supposed to do anything until w-we…"


"... I'm not going to say it?"

"Then should I?"

She wiggled her body forward, trying to keep him off of her chest. "Hell no! You're going to make it sound crass and dirty!"

"Then you say it."


"Why not?"

"B-Because it's embarrassing!"

He blinked lazily, but by this point, Vicky had pushed herself all the way … to his chest. Instead of Alan laying his head on her chest, now she was laying the side of her head on his.

Alan just hummed as he leaned back, holding her tightly in his embrace.

"For a girl that grew up near New York City and Boston, you're oddly easy to fluster with a few words about sex."

She bit the insides of her mouth.

"B-Because I want it t-to be special."

They embraced each other like that.

"So today was your birthday… and coincidentally not a Saturday." 'You're legal and you came here on your own two feet,' she translated.


"Are you here to make it official?" he asked. His voice was so… deep and calm and -.

She blushed and fidgeted a little.

He opened his arms up and grabbed her by the shoulders. Lifting her up a little as he straightened himself, he stared right into her eyes with his brown iris and black sclera. "Victoria, I don't do casual."

She stared at him.

"I have a condition," she muttered, a little bit embarrassed and scared about what she was going to ask.

"Ask away," he said solemnly.

"... Be a hero with me."

He stared at her before he smiled. "Then we can make it official?" he asked.

She felt her face become hotter as she nodded.

Yeah, she really liked the idea of being boyfriend-girlfriend with Alan, but there was bound to be problems if Alan continued to be a rogue. She wanted to help people, but Alan … he sold things to villains.

"I accept. If I can be your boyfriend, then being a hero is something I can compromise," he said with a big smile, and she felt like melting on the inside.


She blinked when she saw smoke suddenly pop up around her, but since Alan didn't move, she didn't. The smoke cleared away soon, and her eyes widened when she saw … another Alan?!

"Uh-?" she uttered, completely flabbergasted. She looked at the Alan that was holding her. "I thought you were a Tinker!"

Alan tutted as he stood up with her somehow shifting in his arms so that she was now being bridal carried? Huh? How did that happen?!

"I always said I am more than a Tinker," he replied as he walked away from the counter and the "clone" took place of the original. He made his way deeper into his shop, far deeper than he had any right to because she knew that the building his shop was surrounded by was no more than fifty yards from the entrance of his storefront, and he'd walked at least thrice that! "And if you're going to be my girlfriend, then you'll learn more about me. For now, I want something else, though. Something I've been looking forward to for the last two years."

She blushed.

"U-Umm umm you don't mean that right? W-We're not going to be doing that right now, right?" she pleaded. She wasn't ready for this!

Then they stood before a door, and he pushed the door and entered with her still in his arms.

Her head turned around and her eyes widened. It was a room she'd never been in before.

It was painted a cool green and yellow, two large drawers, a closet, a desk and chair, and … a bed.

"A-Alan? I-I have to be home s-soon!" she squeaked.

"I can dilate time for us if we need to," he replied casually as he set her down on the bed.

Her heart pounded inside her chest. "Wait, wait-!" she said loudly as she tried to sit up, but he leaned in and touched his forehead to hers. With him so close to her face, she stopped and stared with wide eyes into his.

"I want this," he whispered. "Will you give it to me?" he asked.

Her lips quivered and she heard her heart pounding in her ears.

She squeezed her eyes shut, not knowing what to do. She felt Alan's hands on her side, roaming down to her thighs. Her chest felt tight.

"A-Alan..." she whimpered. Oh God, did she just whimper?! What should she do?!

She suddenly felt his lips on her, and she kissed him back.

Oh God, she was scared!

He broke the kiss so quickly. "Please," he growled, throatily.

She quivered underneath him.

Unsure as she was …

Would she regret not doing it now? She knew that he wanted her. She wanted him.

Did she have anything to regret?

I-If she said no, would he be hurt?

She opened her eyes and stared into his eyes.

He could see just how much he wanted her right here, right now.

Did… she want him too?

"Okay," she gulped. "P-Please be gentle."

He smiled, and leaned to kiss her again. She let herself be caught in his lips, and she kissed back as he pushed her down to the bed. Her head and back was completely flat on the bed now.

His hands stopped caressing her thigh and reached up. Both of them grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over her boobs. She whimpered into his mouth.

Alan then grabbed her skirt and pulled it off in one fluid motion.

Then he broke the kiss again and she saw him hovering over her. He straightened himself and pulled his shirt off.

She found herself staring all over him. He didn't have that dreamy six-pack or anything like that, but there was a definite chiseled muscles along his arms and chest.

Then he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down.

Her eyes widened when she saw his prick.

'That's supposed to fit in me?!' she screamed mentally in panic.

"M-maybe this was a bad idea, Alan!" she squeaked as he grabbed her panties. He grabbed her legs together, and pulled her panties off.

Skirtless, panty-less, her belly exposed, and only her boobs covered by her bra, she felt exposed. No, she was exposed.

He leaned back down and kissed her, and she eagerly kissed him back. She felt his hands reach down and push her legs aside, and she shut her eyes close shut in trepidation.

Then she felt it.

H-His prick rested against herself, but she didn't dare to open her eyes.

"Vicky," he called her with that deep baritone voice of his. "Look at me, Vicky?"

Se slowly opened her eyes and looked at him in the eyes.

"I love you."

She felt tears building in her eyes. "I-I love you, too."

His prick slid back and then pushed at her opening. His right hand guided his prick while his left hand pinned her right hand to the bed.

Her free left hand gripped the bed as she quivered.

She bit her lip as she felt him enter her, and mewled as she felt him slide deeper and deeper into her.

"Shh…" he coo'ed her as he leaned down and wrapped himself around her. Her own arms wrapped around his neck and wide back.

Vicky breathed shallowly through her mouth as she felt just a bit of pain as Alan dug deeper and deeper into her. She gasped when she felt his prick reach the deepest part. She quivered underneath him.

Then he moved.

She moaned as he pulled out, and yelped when he slammed back into her.

"A-Alan!" she moaned out hoarsely as he pumped in and out of her. Her knees were by her ribs with how he was pounding into her. Trying to wrap herself around him too just to feel more of him, she pressed her legs that were in the air to his sides, and squeezed.

Had this been anyone else, her Brute rating would have had her legs slice through the body like a messy lasagna, but it didn't.

As Alan pounded into her and she yelled out her ecstasy, she remembered one of the reasons why she decided to experiment with this man and not anyone else. He was the only Brute she knew who didn't wear a mask.

God, that sounded patheti-!

Vicky felt her lips getting caught by Alan's lips, and she moaned into his mouth. She opened her eyes and saw his eyes staring already. She felt her lips quirk while kissing, and she closed her eyes.

She felt herself grow tighter inside and -!

"A-Alan, I-I-I'm gonna c-cum!" she whimpered frantically as her hips began to move back and forth in rhythm to his thrusts. "A-Alan, Alan-!"

She squeezed, but Alan was stronger. He easily pushed her legs apart and pulled himself out. Vicky moaned as she felt herself climaxing. Her vision whitened out for a split second before colors came back in blotches. Then she felt … hot liquid splattering on her stomach.

She loosened her embrace and looked down. There was white jizz on her stomach, and she stared at them for a few moments. She gulped.

'W-Would I have become pregnant if Alan shot his things into me?' she thought before tilting her head back and laying on the bed, still riding the high down.

Alan straightened himself, sitting on the bed while she kept herself laying down.

"You're beautiful, Victoria," he said, and she felt her stomach flutter.

She looked at him and grinned, sweaty and tired despite how short it must have been.

"You're pretty handsome yourself, Alan," she coo'ed. She slowly pushed herself up from the bed and stared down. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw how stiff and throbbing his member was. "Wow," she muttered with a blush.

"Haha," he just laughed at her reaction.

She glared at him once before huffing. "Are you holding yourself back?" she asked. "I can take it, you know."

He quirked an eyebrow before there were multiple poofs and smokes surrounded her. Suddenly, she was surrounded by five Alans, all of whom were standing naked with their throbbing members.

"If I really let go Victoria, then it'll be a one-man gangbang for you."

Her wide eyes looked around in shock before she shuddered. "I-I don't think I'm ready for that."

Alan snapped his finger, and all of the clones disappeared in poofs.

Vicky stared at him with wide eyes and he just laughed at her! She frowned and slapped him on the shoulder without holding back. There was a loud "thoom" of her open palm slapping his shoulder. It sounded less like skin on skin and more like an iron beam striking a giant metal bell without the ringing. "Asshole!" she hissed.

Alan just hummed. "Is that where you want it next time?" he asked playfully. "Sure!"

She squawked when he jumped her.

Less than a minute, she was screaming her ecstasy as he rammed her.

True to his words, he did dilate time for them when he entered his bedroom. Apparently, that was a feature built into his room because he wanted to spend less time sleeping.

Vicky knew she spent more than an hour just rutting away with Alan but when they came out after showering, no more than ten minutes had passed.

"That's handy," she remarked as she floated an inch off the floor. She wasn't sure about walking right now.

Alan hummed as he escorted her out of the shop, grabbing a vial of something … and then walked out with her.

She stared at him. "You… never leave your shop," she said in shock.

True to her words, people were now staring at Alan and the shop that was suddenly visible to all.

"I made a compromise with you, Vicky," he replied with a confident smile. "You wanted me to be a hero, so I will be. That means coming out of my shell."

She gawked at him.

Then she jumped up to him and kissed him. He spun her around and then when they broke the kiss, she laughed.

This was the best day of her life.

"Let's go see my family!" she said excitedly, grabbing his hand and floating up. He smiled … and began to float up too. Her eyes widened in surprise before she pouted. "Damnit, Alan! What can't you do!"

"A lot," he replied cheekily before they flew off.

They flew at a leisurely pace to her house, and we came to a feather-falling step in front of the doorsteps. Vicky opened the door with her usual exuberance, and came face to face with her mom.

"Why are you with him?" she bit out.

Vicky didn't stumble back but she was taken aback.

"H-He's my boyfriend."

There was a pause before mom exploded.

"He's not right for you!" mom shouted.

"I get to decide who's my boyfriend!" she shouted.

"That man is a villain!"


Alan hugged her from behind and steadied her hands.

"It's alright," he said gently. "You don't have to fight with your mom over this." Instead, he pushed his hand into his pocket and brought out a vial. It was the same vial he grabbed on his way out of the shop.

"What is that?" mom asked Alan.

"Status Restoration Potion," he replied casually. "Any kind of physical disease can be cured by this, though the scars they left behind cannot be healed by it. What is depression if not a physical disease where there is a significant hormonal imbalance?"

Mom and she just stared at the vial in surprise.

"I know that you don't like me. You made that very clear last time we saw each other," I spoke. "But Vicky and I are together, and I just want you to accept that. Consider this to be my peace offering."

Mom just stared at the vial before snatching it off of his hands. "This isn't over."

Alan just smiled with his head on Vicky's shoulder. "So you say."

Vicky felt a headache come.

"Mom's going to be fighting you a lot, isn't she?" she asked.

Alan shrugged. "I don't mind."

She giggled a little.

Worm CYOA v.3 Revised
Standard 5
Case-53: 2.4 meters tall, smoky blue skin, black sclera, lack of body hair 7
Without a Map: Middle of Teeth hideout 9
Wanted: Gesellschaft, CUI, Protectorate 15
Pint-Sized 16
Man of Mystery 15
Special Snowflake 14
FOR WANT OF A NAIL: Being dropped in the 2000's 12
Apprentice: Force Adept+ (Star Wars Tinker) 9
Apprentice: Naruto Jutsu+ (Ninjutsu) 6
Apprentice: Thaumaturgy 4
Crossover: Amanomahitosu (Overlord (Maruyama))