A/N: Oh gosh, it's been forever since I have updated this thing. Had a bit of a writer's block, but I am here yet again! Well, onto this next chapter!
Chapter 3: Gradual Realization
Riku slowly woke up to hear the sound of the heart monitor. He tried to jolt awake, but a hand gently forced him down. Riku looked at the source of the hand and saw Carolina looking worried.
"W - What happened?" Riku murmured weakly.
"You were attacked by a werewolf," Carolina replied.
"A werewolf?!" Riku gasped sitting up. The strain of his muscles made him groan and plop back down. Carolina cast a worried glance at him. "We're still dating, right? Even though I am covered in blood and bandages and my lips are cracked. Damn, I am thirsty."
Carolina giggled and pressed her lips to his. "What does that say?"
"Yes," Riku murmured.
"Now, stay here, I'll be right back," Carolina whispered.
She then left, leaving Riku to stare after her. Why do I have to be so useless right now? I'll kill that wolf as soon as I find it for what it did to me. I don't care how long it takes...or who it is. This wolf will pay for what it has done to me! Riku thought. Soon Carolina came back with water. Riku drank the water in huge gulps.
"Thank you, Carolina," Riku said.
"Oh, it's on my honor that I heal the sick and injured. Here, I'll get you some food, you stay right there," Carolina said.
"I want to find that werewolf and kill it before it hurts someone else," Riku said.
"Oh, you do?" Carolina replied, growing silent for a few seconds.
"Carolina?" Riku asked. "Are you okay?"
"Oh yes, of course," Carolina replied.
"Okay, just making sure. I'll rest now," Riku said.
"Yeah, good idea," Carolina.
Dark water surrounded Riku, driving the air out of his lungs. He couldn't muster any strength to call for help. Suddenly, he noticed that he had a white tail. He tried to scream, but it came out as a yowl. Confused, Riku looked down at his hands and saw that they were paws. His eyes widened in shock. There was no way that he was a wolf, he was a human! Right?
"Riku," a voice said, echoing.
"Who's there?" Riku called.
"Riku," the voice repeated, taunting him.
Riku woke up with a start. Tears and sweat was all over his face. He looked at his hands and saw that they paws. He tried not to cry, scream, escape. He knew that the transformation had begun.
A/N: Creepy voices. No creepy voices, please. Lol anyway, please review.