The total drama and naruto series are owned by the respective creators so I own nothing.
"bold talking"
Chapter 1 the intern
Walking down the street with a backpack we find Naruot Uzumaki Namikaze a orhan with a shadowed past. He was heading to the library till he saw a poster for some show called total drama, seems they were looking for an intern to help with the show and that they were holding a meet-n-greet at the library today. Since he was going there anyway he decided to see if he could get a steady job as an intern while he worked on his book.
Making it to the library he saw a table with two people and a large stack of papers, making his way over he noticed the short slim one complaining to his large buff and african companion.
"Excuse me i was wondering if this were you sign up to be an intern for total drama? I saw a flyer on my way here i'm qualified i think i workout plenty and very studies, I also fix things in my spare time.
The buff one pushed the slime one away making him fall off his chair. "Well im chef hatchet and this is chris McLean. He's the host i'm just the cook but since he's pretty useless i'll give the interview. Ok lets see do you have and experience in stunts? Making them or doing them yourself? Do you have life insurance? Do you have knowledge of counselling a camp of teens to young adults? And finally if you are selected what are your demands for working in the show?" recited chef as he looked naruto up and down noticing his laptop, lean yet muscular body and bandaged right arm.
"Well I've been in a movie once when i was young but im sure you've never heard of it, i used to work in the military of my home till i was discharged, no i don't have life insurance but I heal really fast so i've never needed it. I use to run some of my teams operations so i think that might count as camp counseling. As for my demands I think being apart of the entire series if there is more the one and getting paid for what im worth would be good if you chef would determine my pay and not . I suppose id also like time to myself so I could continue writing my book and maybe an air conditioned building with working apinces, for. lights,water and the like. That I think sums it up chef hatchet sir."
"Hmm I think can get you all that but it won't be anything to glameries as for me deciding your pay all i got to say to that is your smart ill write up your contract like mine. So what branch of the military were you in? I used to be a soldier myself." chef hatchet asked as chris got back in his seat after fixing his hair with a grumble.
" I was in my home black ops division. We did things like ninja would from espionage and assassintion to protection and assaults but that's the basics of what I did. Not much really just simple missions. Nothing to open anyway." naruto replied while scratching the nape of his neck.
There was silence between chef hatchet and chris till chef nodded and said he was hired at to meet them at the muskoka ontario docks at five in the afternoon to be brought to the site of the show. Nodding to chef he made his way to the other side of the library to continue his book for a few hours till it was four so saving his progress and closing his laptop he headed home to pack his stuff and call a taxi to get to the docks by five.
Meeting up with chef hatchet and chirs to board the boat to go to the island he made small talk with the chef about what he would have to do when they made it there like setting up the camera in the outhouse confessional and other ones around the camp for now as the cameras for the first challenge was already set up but not the ones around camp or the rest of the island. He'd also have to build the campers their bunk beds and tables with long enough benches in the mess hall.
The island
So turns out his first day on the job was that night, at least they had all the wood, nails, and beds with bedding to start with.
Working through the night naruto was able to make the eleven bunk beds for the twenty-two campers and started on the table and benches in the mess hall. By the time he was done it was close to three in the morning. So going to find chef to find out where he will sleep since there were only two airstreams which he figured was chris's and chef's home away from home.
Walking over to the airstreams he saw signs on the door with one saying chef hatchet in camo and the other saying McLean inside a star with gold and silver glitter on the name. With a sweetdrop and chris's nameplate he knocked on chef's door. When it was open naruto saw chef without a shirt and baggy pajama pants showing his scars and what looks like old bullet wounds.
"It's almost three in the morning! Whos wants a beating!...oh it's you naruto what do you need it's almost three am?" chef yelled till he saw it was naruto and calmed down somewhat
"That's the thing chef there only two airstreams so i was wondering where was mine like I asked? I just got done making the eleven bunk beds and mess halls tables and benches so i was hoping for a shower and some sleep till the camper showed up." Naruto explained with a calm face but a tense stance like he was ready for a fight in the blink of an eye.
"Oh… damn that chris and his none working ass. I'll see to it that you get one by tonight but for now you will have to use the campers showers and pick one of the beds you made. Sorry i'
will be sure to give chris and the producers an earful. The first campers should be showing up at seven in the morning so that would give you about four hours of sleep do you think you can make do with that?" chef cursed chris for his nelagenst and asured naruto that he'd have an airstream by tonight.
"Okay thank you chef i'll be going now and let you get back to sleep. I'm sure you will be busy later. night boss" naruto thanked with a yahn as he headed for the communal washrooms to show and then bed for a few hours of sleep.