A/N: Hi! I never written anything for a holiday before, so this is a first! All my other stories won't update until after Halloween except this and Ducktales. I own nothing and R&R!

The Move… to A New Dimension

It was a dark, stormy night. On a hill sat an old house. The windows were baorded up, and shingles were missing from the roof. Inside was a very pregnant lady with long black hair and sea blue eyes with skin as pale as snow. She was stiching a cyan blue baby dress in an old, creaky rocking chair. A fire raored in the fireplace, adding much needed light and warmth. Six children, three boys and three girls, played with toys scattered on the floor. One of the boys, a five year old with spikey auburn hair and hazel eyes with skin as pale as the lady's, got up and rushed to the front door…

"Momma, is Daddy goin' be home soon?" The boy asked as he looked out the window.

The mother looked up from her sewing, "Kaitaro, get away from the window! Stormy weather like this is perfect for Hunters to hide in!"

Kaitaro leapt away from the window just as a flash of light reaveled a bat flapping outside the house. The boy's face broke into a huge grin, "Daddy!" Kaitaro flung himself at the door rushing outside. Frightened, his mother leapt from her chair, "Kaitaro! No! Get back here!"

Outside, Kaitaro ran headfirst into danger. It didn't take long for him to noticed that the bat he saw was a black plastic toy. Panicking, the child turned to get back inside only for a large unfamiliar hand to roughly grab him from behind, yanking him backwards. Frightened, Kaitaro screamed, "Heeelp! Momma! Daddy!"

Another large person stepped forward weilding a silver knife. Seeing this, Kaitaro screamed even louder. None of the Hunters noticed a dark figure crouching on the roof, ready to pounce…

Ignacia Village

Ron was your average sheep farmer. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. There was nothing remarkable about him. Ron was tending to his sheep when he heard a loud popping noise from the other side of a nearby bush. Worried that it might be a hungry wolf after his flock, he slowly approached the bush. "Hello? Who's there?"

A tall man jumped out of the bush. He had Auburn hair and mustache with hazel eyes. His skin, though, was as white as freshly fallen snow. He smiled at Ron, "Hello young boy, I'm in search of a place to live and work. May you point me in the right direction?"

Ron slowly nodded, "Ye-yes s-sir! I'm Ron and we've been looking for a blacksmith, doctor, storekeeper, and a few farmhands. You see this is Ignacia Village, we were founded only just last month."

The man tilted his head in thought, "New village, hmm. That will work nicely. I did have blacksmith training a few thousand years ago…"

Ron cleared his thraot, feeling like the strange man forgot all about him. "What's your name?"

The pale man jumped at Ron's voice. Ron swears he heard him hiss. "My name is…" The man trailed off as if he couldn't remember who he is for a few seconds, "will you believe me if I said Ray Smith?"

Ron shrugged, "Unless someone says otherwise, kinda have to. Ya by yourself?"

Ray shooked his head, "No, I have my wife and children… Hope…Derick…Kai…Aya…Nya…and Bram."

Ron raised an eyebrow noticing how he hesitated at each kids' name. "Umm, okay, meet me in the village square and I can show you the forge then."

Ray nodded, "Okay I need to talk to… umm… Maya! Yea, Maya my wife! Okay see you soon Ron!"

With that Ray disappeared into thin air. Ron shooked his head as he left. He told himself that he didn't imagined that Ray struggled with his, and his family's, names.

The next at the square, Ron meet the rest of the Smiths. He noticed that Kai, a five year old boy that looked exactly like his father, had a cut on his right eye. A cut that had a strange ointment rubbed onto that smelled like garlic. After getting the Smiths settled, Ron headed out with his sheep. Ron was your average sheep farmer. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. There was nothing remarkable about him.

Forty two years later…

"That's a wrap! Let's head home and see what Dad's been up to." Hope Smith called out to her brothers and sisters. She was a teenager with auburn hair and sea blue eyes and pale skin. Then again everyone in the Smith family has skin as pale as snow.

Derick Smith also has auburn hair and sea blue eyes. Aya had short black hair and hazel eyes. Nya looked like Aya only with sea blue eyes. Bram has black hair sea blue eyes and the newest member, Min has bright red hair and hazel eyes. Kai looks the same he did as a small five year old boy, only the cut on his eye has scarred.

Aya smirked, "Nobodies around, and if we go though the attic window no one will noticed."

Min frowned as she picked up a basket of wild fruit. "But we aren't supposed to use our Pipistrello powers in public. Besides, it will take four of us to carry one basket that way, and we have seven."

"Min's right, better safe than sorry. Come on, the sooner we go the better. It's getting dark as is." Kai spoked firmly were he stood with basket in hand. Turning, he lead his siblings out of the darkening forest and into Ignacia Village. Seeing the forge they call home, the twins sprinted forward with the baskets in a foot race.

Giggling, Bram and Min both charged forward in hopes of catching the sisters. Rolling their eyes, Hope and Derick joined the race inside where their mother was making roasted tomatoes for super. Kai sat his basket next to a ladder that went up to their roof.

"Dad? Whatcha doin'?" Kai hollered, his night vision allowing him to see his father doing something to the big sign that read Four Weapons.

Ray looked down at his young son, "Kai! I'm just adding a secret campartment to this hold sign."


Ray chuckled softly, "A young man, old in humans terms, asked me to hide a map for him. I'll be down in a moment."

Smiling at the answer he got, Kai went into their house where everyone was already sitting down to eat. Maya smiled at her late son, "Kaitaro, go wash your hands and help Minayia with getting the baked mushrooms to the table. Careful their hot!"

"Yes Mom!" Kai then followed Min into the kitchen, where he started pulling mushroom caps wrapped in tin foil out of the oven.

Maya glanced at her other kids, "Hopelena, can you get the rice? Aldericko, get the fried peppers. Layaminia get the garlic butter, while Likanya gets the minced cilantro. Bramlyan, go get your father."

Maya always insisted using her children's real names in the privacy of their home. She knows the reason why Ray lied to everyone when the first moved here about what the names are, and when Minayia was born insisted they called her Min instead of the name they agreed on. But she doesn't want her kids to forget their Pipistrello heritage.

Just then Ray walked in with Bram, "Supper smells divine my sweet."

Maya rolled her eyes at the kind man, "Quarayo, not in front of the children, now everyone sit so we can have a proper feast."

Ray chuckled, "Yes ma'am. Why Pamayalin! Everything looks scruptious! You truly out done yourself!"

Nya turned to Kai, "Have you told them about the fire yet?"

Kai raised an eyebrow, "No, have you told them about the water yet."

"No, I'm scared how they'll react. No Pipistrello ever had those powers before." Nya wishpered back nervously.

Kai smiled at his younger sister, "Don't worry sis. I'm scared too, so why don't we both talk to them about it tomorrow. It's not like they are going anywhere."

Nya smiled, "Deal! I'm glad Dad moved us to this Dimesion, it's soo much safer!"