(Enjoy a bit of fluff you guys. ;p Also I've started another fic with BixLu. This is where I leave this one)

Bonus Chapter: Lucy's POV:

Months after the problems and degeneracy from Eric, The Guild Hall was fully rebuilt. The guildmates felt stronger than ever together, and Lucy found herself living with Laxus in his newly built home. She didn't continue to rent from her landlady, nor did she replace many of her broken belongings. She took her letters, her book and her clothes and keys. It was all she felt she needed alongside her friends and Laxus. Him of course, being on a different level than most of the guildmates. The man somehow always brought a smile to her face.

But the reality of what happened still haunted Lucy. Feeling like it truly was all her fault. That should could have avoided all of it if she just didn't leave her own home. The manor. But she appreciated that Laxus tried very hard every day to make sure she didn't feel responsible for it all. She knew it would take a while, and she was grateful that she had someone so patient to help remind her. Still, even if she was wordless about her doubts, the lightning dragon slayer had little problems reading her like an open book. Moments of quiet were when they came out the most. Which, in the guild hall, didn't happen often. It was mostly at home together.

Lucy knew it was getting easier. She just wished it would go faster in getting easier. "So Blondie. How's about going on a mission?" The blond man asked, as he stood in front of her, completely naked and steaming. Straight from the shower. "Been a long time since you've called me that…" she muttered, not looking up from her book. Though she did as soon as the man cleared his throat. Looking up finally, Lucy squealed, nearly throwing the book out of her hand. Her face felt hot. She hid behind her book and peeked out to look at Laxus' face. The man was laughing heartily at her reaction. Lucy frowned and threw a couch cushion at him. "Put some clothes on!" She demanded of him. "I won't go anywhere with you if you're naked!" She giggled, watching him turn around and saunter away from her, his towel draped over his shoulder. "C'mon babe, I'm just teasing you." He admitted, Lucy watched him enter their room to presumably put some of his clothes on.

The Celestial Mage put her book down on their coffee table, watching Laxus disappear into the room. Most nights were fine for Lucy, but she still had the occasional nightmare. Which only served to have her suffer lack of sleep, but in the long run she knew she had worse. She felt lucky Laxus was there every night she had a nightmare. While they were few and far between, they were usually about Laxus dying. Or of him disappearing and Eric replacing him. Most nights it happened Lucy held her breath until she couldn't anymore, it's what caused her to wake up. Lucy set her book down on the table in front of her and stood up, thinking she needed to change from her pyjamas at the very least before they headed to the Guild Hall. She marched her way into their bedroom, stopping at the sight of Laxus in just his pants, grinning at her. "What?" She asked, curious as to why the man was so happy today. Lucy removed her shirt and pants, revealing her cute blue undergarments. She could feel Laxus's eyes on her as she took a short skirt and a low-cut sweater from her dresser drawers and put them on. She turned around to see Laxus still staring at her, he had put on a white button up shirt and as well as the coat Lucy wore the day he saved her.

"Hmm? I can't enjoy the view of my girlfriend half naked?" He teased her again. Lucy knew he was right. He could enjoy her all he wanted, she would let him because she loved him and knew she could trust him. Though it still didn't stop Lucy from feeling shy, despite them having already done the deed with one another. Laxus pushed his arms through his coat and put his hands in his pockets. "Wh-" He pulled a pen from his pocket and held it in front of him. Lucy recognized it from Laxus writing Eric's full name before. She felt her guilt creep back up, but she continued to watch Laxus' smile return. He held up the pen and wrote backwards to himself. The words were the right way to herself, she waited patiently but began to giggle as she knew what he was writing as he got halfway. It read; Lucy is my… "Come on Laxus! Everyone knows already. I know already." She protested, sticking her tongue out at him. The man across the bed from her chuckled and raised and lowered his eyebrows in a fast succession. Lucy watched Laxus dispelled the words, pocketing the light pen once more and felt a little disappointed that he didn't finish them anyway, despite her protests.

The lightning dragon slayer came around the bed and hugged Lucy, giving her a kiss on her head. "Doesn't mean I don't like to remind you." He said playfully. "Come on then, let's go find a job we can do, shall we?" He asked, removing his arms from the hug and opting to hold her hand already. Lucy nodded and walked with Laxus outside of their little shared home. Originally just Laxus' until he asked her to move in. It was a nice, little quaint home. With the appearance of a log cabin with a magical modern interior. Lucy learned that Laxus liked the look of sleek decorations, or hardly any at all. But he let her decorate with whatever she wanted. To make it feel like her home too. Happily, she obliged. On their way to the Guild Hall, Lucy kept herself pressed up close to Laxus's side. Not for fear of something else, she just simply liked being near him. He brought great comfort to her by simply being there for her. Though she couldn't help but wonder how Bixlow was with his newer soul. She hadn't heard much from him since they explained everything. It seemed that the seith mage had gone out to train the Eric soul. That suited Lucy just fine. She would've rather have been away from the disobedient soul.

Taking them just under fifteen minutes to arrive at the Guild Hall, Laxus stopped Lucy just outside the doors. "What? Why do we have to wait here?" She asked him, frowning at him. The man shook his head, "No no, just you. Give me like one minute, and if I'm not out again by that time, come look for me, alright? I'll guarantee you someone will want to talk to me." He explained. He seemed serious about something, but Lucy couldn't discern why. She crossed her arms. "Fine. I'll wait here." She relented. Laxus leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss, lingering for a few seconds before he was grinning again and slipped through the door. Lucy turned around and faced the street connected to the Guild Hall. She could see someone running towards her, immediately she knew who it was. She felt like it would be incredibly hard to miss the pink hair and white scarf. "Luuuucyyy!" She heard him yell. She tried to look behind him, but it didn't appear to be that there was anything chasing him. He was just… running. Towards her. "Natsu, slow down! You're gonna hi-" She warned, but her words too late. Natsu jumped at her in a bear hug, sending them flying through the doors and into the Guild Hall. Soon enough, Lucy found herself coughing, pushing herself off of Natsu. She took him by the scarf and started shaking him, "What the hell were you thinking, Natsu, you could've hurt us both and anyone in the Guild Hall!" She shouted at him. But the pink haired man just laughed, his eyes closed as he pointed behind them, to the doors. "Nah. Look at the Hall, Luce." He responded as Lucy let go of him.

It was then the Celestial mage noticed how the Guild Hall was different. There didn't seem to be a single soul inside besides them. The tables were all moved to the side. A note lay on the floor in the middle. She whipped her head back to Natsu, "Natsu? What is this, where is everyone?" She asked, wondering where Laxus went, most of all. The dragon slayer showed his toothy grin and laughed lightly, "Read the note, Luce." He suggested, then sat up on his legs, waiting patiently for her to read. Lucy cautiously stood up with a suspicious look towards her friend. She moved towards the note, then sat down to pick it up and read it. Covering her mouth as she did so. Tears seemed to well in her eyes and she blinked them away, turning to look at Natsu. She couldn't stop herself from smiling, she started to giggle. "So? Are you going to tell me what it says?" He asked.

Lucy shakily held up the note and read it aloud, "Lucy, you told me to stop at home. But… as it turns out, my love for you just seems to burst from me. So let me finish, will you? I love you. - Laxus Dreyar." She recited. Lucy's eyes were glued to Natsu now, she noticed just how much none of this seemed to phase him. He was still smiling. It was like he knew something she didn't.

The note implied something else, too. Was this the reason he told me to stay outside? Lucy watched as Natsu tipped his head to the side, "Hey Luce? What's that?" The fire dragon asked, looking up, pointing above Lucy. The Celestial mage looked above her, and saw in big letters… written in that damned light pen; Lucy Heartfilia is my…. She stared at the words for a few seconds, wondering what the hell Laxus was trying to say. "Future wife?" She heard the man in question ask from somewhere in front of her. She brought her head down to see Laxus standing in front of her. His hand stretched out to her. Lucy took it and let him help her off the floor. She stared at him with bewilderment. "Future wife?" She asked him, repeating his question. Like she was testing it out. In reality, Lucy wanted to make sure she heard him right. Then Laxus got on one of his knees and grinned, "Lucy Heartfilia will be my future wife? You're the only woman I'll ever bow to." He winked at her, as he pulled a ring out. It was gold and shaped into a lighting bolt with stars shooting off of it. Lucy gasped. It was such a strange way to be proposed to, but Lucy didn't care. She was happy. And though she never would have expected it so soon, she didn't have her doubts. She was certain they had been through the worst together. They had become a team. The blonde woman jumped in her spot and nodded her head, "Please?" She asked Laxus, holding her hand out to him. The lightning dragon slayer chuckled and slid the ring on her finger. He then stood up and gave her another kiss. To which, Lucy stopped very suddenly upon hearing cheering coming from the second floor. Had the entire Guild been waiting up there for this? She peered at Laxus, accusing him silently. "Sorry. I would've just done this privately but you know how Mira is when she catches wind of romantic plans." He rubbed the back of his neck.

Lucy found herself giggling. "I don't think it matters anymore." She said to him before she kissed him back. After a moment, they pulled apart and the cheering still continued. "I guess we better start planning, though. I have a feeling some here won't rest until we do." Laxus said with a laugh. Lucy laughed with him, "Right, let's celebrate first though?" She nudged him as everyone came down to the first floor again, congratulating them.