Disclaimer: I do not own Mass Effect or Strike Witches

-(Cascade Effect)-


(~68,000 BCE) The Protheans achieve spaceflight and discover mass effect technology from the ruins of the extinct inusannon. They go on to establish a galaxy-wide civilization linked by the mass relay network with the Citadel as their capital.

At some point, however, the Protheans relocate their capital to their homeworld, following after a galaxy-wide computer crash, better known as the "Terrific Blackout". This gargantuan electronic shutdown lead to the Protheans losing more than 60 percent of their military and political secrets, since the extranet was completely owned and managed by the government. At the same time, certain races of machine intelligence, including the Zha'Til, are left in few numbers after the shutdown, thus left with no choice but to lay in dormant until another species discovers them.

A thousand years before the Reapers arrive around 48,000 BCE, the Protheans fully recover from the blackout, followed with an investigation to figure out what caused it. A century later, the Protheans conclude that the blackout was caused by a series of major faults in their ternary-based computers, software, and hierarchy: a combination of overburden and corrupted algorithms, a weaken and heavily restricted server management, and faulty VI technology lead to the blackout. Subsequently, the Protheans pursue a new technological effort to better understand and avoid another electronic catastrophe ever again.

Through this newfound age of technological research and development, the Protheans pioneer some of the most stable and powerful electronic hardware and software the galaxy had ever seen since the creation of the Reapers. One of the flagship creations of Prothean electronic technology was the massive cyber mind hive called, Argos. Similar to what become the Geth in the countless millennium to come, Argos uses countless programs equivalent to VIs, all operating in parallel to form an emergent intelligence; however, learning from the lessons that caused the blackout and enlightened by the threat of sentient artificial intelligence, Argos was designed to be absolutely adaptive yet loyal as possible to its creators.

(~48,000 BCE) Although the Protheans had learned of the Reapers' existence from studying the ruins of previous civilizations and had begun to prepare, they were nonetheless caught off-guard; however, thanks to Argos, the Prothean Empire manages to miraculously repel the Reapers. Unable to hack, corrupt, or infect Argos, the Reapers are left stumped as they retreat back into hiding for a decade. While the Reapers managed to take the Citadel upon arrival, there wasn't much for the Reapers to work with, not when there wasn't that much vital information and intelligence there in the first place.

The Reapers eventually return for a second invasion, this time using a massive charge on the Citadel. Successfully able to retake and hold the Citadel this time, the Reapers begin the initially slow and painful invasion of the Prothean Empire. Over the next century, the Protheans fight the Reapers system by system, world by world, and city by city, most of them being Prothean victories. At some point, the Reapers discover the dormant races of artificial intelligence, eventually discovering the Zha'Til. Shortly after, the Reapers subjugated the Zha'Til, altering them to seize control of the bodies of their masters and altered their genetic material at the deepest level, transforming the Zha into synthetic monsters and their offspring into slaves. With new allies in the invasion, the Zha'til proceeded to multiply into "mechanical swarms" that "blotted out the sky".

Astonishingly, despite outnumbering the Protheans, this was not enough to make the second Reaper invasion any more successful. Rather, it only strengthen the Protheans' resolve and determination to fight; however, the Protheans became increasingly more over-reliant on Argos, thus seeing it as the de-facto commander-in-chief of all Prothean military forces. Upon discovering this over-reliance, however, the Reapers increase their attention on reverse-engineering Zha'Til technology, eventually creating a virus that would almost instantly turn any organic being - especially the Protheans - into monstrous cyborgs/machines for the Reapers.

Initially unable to turn against its own creators, Argos slowly overcomes this issue in decades; however, by the time it recovered, the damage had already been done. To avoid being captured and studied by the Reapers, Argos has no choice but to self destruct. But prior to its self-initiated destruction, Argos engineers its own anti-virus, specially created ti turn all infected life against its Reaper creators.

This anti-virus would prolong the Reaper-Prothean War for several more centuries, forcing the Reapers to fight the remaining Protheans, the other contemporary species at the time, and perhaps the most damning of all, it's own virus-infected subjects. The anti-virus would cause all Reaper-infected creatures and creations to turn against the Reapers, all the while transforming and corrupting Reaper programming and hardware into this counter-infectious crystalline material. These crystalline anti-Reapers would be famously known in the countless millennium to come by one name, the Neuroi.

(~40,000 BCE) The Reapers methodically wipe out the remaining Protheans, as well as the other contemporary species. But with the anti-virus unleashed, however, the Reapers are left with the painful and daunting task to defeating and dismantling their own creations, thus starting the Reaper-Neuroi War. With primitive Krogan and Batarians killed to extinction during the Reaper-Neuroi war, the Reapers throw everything they have against their former creations, even if it meant causing a few supernovas to destroy the Neuroi.

Through one last century of intense fighting, the Reapers finally reduce the Neuroi to several devolved and deteriorating remnants. Thousands of years of planning and careful harvesting have largely gone undone from the Reaper-Neuroi War, with hundreds of planets devastated or altered beyond their original form. One of the planets in the galaxy, Earth, suffered major geographic alteration, thus beginning the first deviation in the evolution of human history.

Among the damage on Earth was the accidental terraformating of what was once the North American continent. In addition, the Battle of the Pacific between Reapers and Neuroi creates the reemergence of the South Sea Islands. Lastly, much to the Reaper's discontent, the Neuroi damaged the Charon Mass Relay beyond repair, disrupting any further Reaper reinforcements to the Sol System for the remainder of the war; however, the relay is still operational as a one-way exit out of the Sol System.

Exhausted and weakened from the war, the Reapers have no choice but to leave the remaining Neuroi remnants for dead and forever trapped in the Sol System, thus proceeding to make their departure from the galaxy and await the next cycle. But before leaving, the Repears discover a Prothean research base on Mars, swiftly destroy it and sparing no technology or trace of the Reaper's existence. Expecting the damaged Charon Relay to destroy the Sol System, the Reapers scuttle and destroy the relay.

But once the last Reapers left, none would realize that the planets would instead be doused in a massive wave of element zero, subsequently contaminating the environment on Earth and triggering a wave of extinctions. Miraculously, the human species manages to survive and adapt, with a handful of people developing a very refined and powerful form of biotic powers. This would forever change the human species via the introduction of biotics capable individuals called, Witches.

Unbeknownst to the everyone, the Neuroi reemerges on Pluto, awakening from hibernation as a means to survive the Charon Relay's destruction. For the next thousands of years before the first human civilizations emerged, the Neuroi slowly transform Pluto into their new homeworld. By 20,000 BCE, Pluto completely disappears from the night sky, suggesting the Neuroi's successful transformation of the dwarf planet.

(~13,000 BCE) The turians of Palaven begin to develop their first civilizations around this time.

(~10,000 BCE) The humans of Earth begin to develop their steps to civilizations around this time.

(~3,000 BCE) The Indus Valley civilizations on Earth are founded around this time, alongside the Egyptian civilization a millennia prior.

(~2,070 BCE) The foundation of the Xia Dynasty occurs around this time, subsequently beginning the Chinese civilization on Earth.

(~1,800 BCE) A supernova propels the Mu Relay, the only point of access to the remote Pangaea Expanse, out of position. Concealed somewhere in the dense nebula formed by the supernova, the relay's position is effectively lost for centuries. Later, the rachni rediscover the relay.

(~1,600 BCE) The Olmec civilization on Earth is founded around this time.

(~760 BCE) According to legend, two brothers, possibly wizards (male witches), Romulus and Remus, create the city of Rome. Sadly, Remus is killed by his brother after a bitter argument of who would be the city's ruler. Nonetheless, the Roman civilization is subsequently founded.

(~660 BCE) The Fusonese civilization on Earth is founded around this time.

(~580 BCE) After developing faster-than-light spacefaring capabilities based upon Prothean technology, the asari begin to explore the mass relay network, and eventually discover the huge Citadel space station at a hub of many mass relays.

(~550 BCE) The Persian civilization - or specifically, the Achaemenid Empire - on Earth is founded around this time.

(~525 BCE) Darius I unites the entire Asia Minor (aka, the Orient).

(~520 BCE) The salarians discover the Citadel and open diplomatic relations with the asari.

(~509 BCE) The Romans transition to republicanism, thus creating the Roman Republic.

(~500 BCE) The Citadel Council is formed. The asari and salarians together colonize the Citadel and establish it as a center of the galactic community, led by the Council. This year is also known as 0 GS, the beginning of the Galactic Standard (GS) timeline.

As a gesture of openness with their new asari allies, the Salarian Union opens the records of the League of One. Under threat, the League responds by assassinating every member of the Union's inner cabinet; Special Tasks Group operatives then hunt down and eliminate the League.

Around the same time back on Earth, a series of conflicts between the Achaemenid Empire and Greek city-states, better known as the Persian Wars, erupts in 499 BCE (later concluding somewhere in 442 BCE).

(~306 BCE) Alexander the Great unifies the Asia Minor, having survived years of undefeated conquest from his expeditions (began back in 334 BCE).

(~300 BCE) The volus begin exploring and colonizing the stars shortly after discovering FTL.

First contact is made with the volus. Eventually, the Citadel Council commissions the volus to draw up the Unified Banking Act, which establishes a standard galactic currency known as the credit and links all galactic economies.

Meanwhile, the turian Unification War occurs. The increasingly isolated and xenophobic colonies on the frontiers of turian space go to war with each other. After years of fighting, the Turian Hierarchy sweeps in and pacifies the remaining factions. Animosity between turian colonies continues for decades.

The Council grants the volus the honor of being the first non-Council species with an embassy at the Citadel, rather than a Council seat.

The asari discover the elcor home system and help the elcor locate and activate their nearest mass relay. 'Within one elcor lifetime', they establish a regular trade route to the Citadel and are granted an embassy.

First contact is made with the hanar and the quarians. Both races are later granted embassies.

(~272 BCE) Rome units the entire Apennine Peninsula. Later in 264 BCE, Rome would wage the first Punic Wars (ending in 241 BCE), the Second Punic War in 218 BCE (ending in 201 BCE), and the Third Punic War in 149 BCE (eventually destroying its rival and its capital city, Carthage).

(~58 BCE) Julius Caesar - one of the three generals apart of the first triumvirates (the others being Pompey and Crassus) - launches his military campaign into Gallia, forming an army to capture the region and integrate it with Rome.

(~44 BCE) The Senate launches an assassination attempt on Caesar, having learned that he had declared himself dictator; however, the assassination ended in failure, with Caesar surviving and escaping the ordeal. Among the subsequent conspirators arrested and executed, Brutus is slain for his involvement.

(~27 BCE) Caesar is eventually granted the title of Augustus. But shortly after, he secretly disposes Mark Antony and Lepidus, having long been suspicious of their secret intentions for years. Unfortunately, neither of the two men would go away quietly, thus dragging Rome into another civil war in that same year. Eventually, Antony and Lepidus are quickly defeated and killed in the Battle of Actium; however, Queen Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt, was killed in that very same battle. Luckily, Rome and Egypt are united together, thanks to Caesar's status as honorary King of Egypt.

(~4 BCE) Julius Caesar passes away to natural causes at the age of 96 years old. His youngest heir, whom was also his great nephew, Octavius, ascends to the throne and becomes the next Augustus.

Curiously, a Jewish man by the name of Jesus Christ is born somewhere in the Roman province of Judea.

(~1 CE) Start of the Julian Calendar, with Octavius creating and establishing the calendar a year earlier.

Meanwhile out in the galaxy, the rachni, a species of highly intelligent hive-minded insects, are discovered when a Citadel expedition opens a dormant mass relay leading to their star systems. The rachni prove to be hostile and begin a war with the rest of the galaxy. Negotiation with the rachni queens is impossible because they cannot be contacted in their underground nests on the toxic rachni worlds.

(~29 CE) Jesus Christ is sentenced to death by crucifixion, with his prosecution supported by claims that his followers wanted him to be king. Shortly after his death, a rebellion spreads into Judea, triggered possibly from the outrage of Christ's execution. But days after Christ's crucifixion, a Neuroi scouting party is accidentally discovered near his burial site. Startled, the Neuroi swiftly ravage and destroy the region, leaving almost no survivors behind. What would've been the ideas and beliefs that would've created Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, die with Judea's destruction; however, despite the technological superiority, plus the element of surprise and speed, the Neuroi leave planet Earth for the time being...

(~80 CE) The Rachni Wars continue. The salarians engineer and unleash a bio-weapon known as the genophage upon the Rachni. Much to the council's dismay, the Rachni largely shrug off the genophage; however, the genophage brutally mutates when Salarian scientist 'accidentally' let a virus escape from an unknown laboratory. In the decades to come, the K-14 Outbreak occurs, rendering billions of people ill and some dozen million others dead; however, the Rachni population slowly declines not long afterwards, gradually turning the tide against the Rachni in the centuries to come.

(79-97 CE) Somewhere in 79 CE, a new Neuroi scouting party stealthily lands and hides in Mount Vesuvius. For years, the Neuroi observe and study humanity in the city of Pompeii. Hoping to infiltrate and make themselves home beneath the Earth, the Neuroi scouts attempted to spread their base of operations underground. Unfortunately, the Neuroi scouts cause numerous minor earthquakes while digging, eventually culminating in the accidental eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Subsequently, both Pompeii and the Neuroi scouts are destroyed.

(~226 CE) The Sasanid Empire is established in Persia.

(300-700 CE) With the Rachni unable to muster the numerical advantage thanks to the K-14 Outbreak and genophage all together, the Rachni Wars eventually comes to an end around this time when the Rachni go into hiding. Growing concerns about their disappearance lead to the founding of the Special Tactics and Reconnaissance branch of the Citadel (SPECTRE), concurrent with the foundation of another Citadel branch called, the Center for Health Alleviation and Neutralization (CHAN).

Meanwhile on Earth, somewhere in the 370s CE, the German people seek protection within the Roman Empire in response to pressures from the east. Later in 395 CE, the Roman splits into East and West, thus creating the anti-Eastern defense network. Concurrently, the Germanic people are Romanticized, thus subjecting them to Roman cultural influences.

In 486 CE, Clovis I accedes the Western Roman throne (Franco-Roman Empire).

In 527 CE, Justinius accedes the Eastern Roman throne.

Concurrently, especially in the 660s CE, numerous Neuroi scouting parties land throughout the Middle East, although they largely go unnoticed.

(693-698 CE) Beelo Gurji, a salarian operative, is appointed the first Spectre by the Citadel Council in 693 CE. Five years later, CHAN is officially assigned to investigate the origin of the K-14 Outbreaks, suspecting foul play behind the entire ordeal.

(~700 CE) CHAN swiftly discovers that the K-14 Outbreaks was no accident. In actuality, according to the testimonies from multiple arrests and voluntary surrenders, the virus was coordinated by a Salarian-Asari terrorist organization called, the Black Batons. Somewhere around this time, the War on Terror is officially declared by the council, announcing the damning evidence regarding K-14. Unsurprisingly, the Black Batons respond by devastating quarian colonies and disrupting volus financial activities.

Elsewhere, the Citadel Council makes first contact with the turians around this time and persuades them to aid in the war on terror. Upon learning the wake of destruction left behind from the Black Batons, the turians vow to stop the terrorist from ever becoming a threat again.

Sometime after the turians join the galactic community, the volus are accepted as a client race of the Turian Hierarchy.

(~768 CE) Charles I accedes the Western Roman throne (Roman-Carolignian Empire).

(~810 CE) The Black Batons would be defeated and thoroughly dismantled around this time, effectively ending the war on terror. Nevertheless, scattered Salarian and Asari insurgent actions would continue for centuries. The turians are assigned the role as the military and peacekeeping arm of the Citadel Council.

The Citadel Conventions are drawn up in the wake of the conflict.

(~843 CE) The Western Roman empire fractures after Romulus Augustulus was force to abdicate for incompetence.

(~862 CE) Rurik founds the Novogorod Empire in what is now western Orussia.

(~900 CE) The turians are granted a seat on the Citadel Council in recognition for their service and achievements in the war on terror.

(~962 CE) Otto founds the Holy Empire of Karlsland.

(~987 CE) Hugues Capet becomes King of Gallia.

(~1038 CE) Establishment of the Seljuk Empire.

(~1096 CE) Gallia proposes the first pilgrimages between Europe and the Middle East.

(~1180 CE) A primitive, feral subspecies of Neuroi called, the Ratsel, suddenly appears somewhere between Mongolia and North Central Asia on Earth, initiating the start of the Mongol Hordes. It's somewhere around this time that the witch - young women with extremely high magical/biotic potential - began to appear. In the centuries to come, their numbers would multiply, eventually totaling in the millions.

(~1190 CE) Establishment of the Knights of Germania.

(~1240 CE) The Mongol Hordes stagnates into a standstill when the powers and influence of the witch causes the Neuroi fragment into four separate hordes:

- The Western Horde (stretched as far west as southern Suomus)

- The Northern Horde (stretched as far north as the Urals)

- The Southern Horde (stretched as far south as Persia, the Himalayan, Afghanistan, Burma)

- The Eastern Horde (stretched as far east as China and Korea).

(~1242 CE) Formation of the Hanseatic League in Karlsland.

(~1270 CE) Around this time, China and Korea cease to exist as sovereign territories due to the animalistic Neuroi invasion. Exiling to southeast Asia or northeast Siberia, the Chinese and Korean civilizations proceed to wage irregular warfare against the Eastern Neuroi Horde.

(1274-1281 CE) The Neuroi unsuccessfully invade and conquer Fuso in two invasions (the first in 1274 and the second/last in 1281). Thanks to the timely occurrence of typhoons and tidal waves, the Neuroi are left with no choice in both invasions but to withdraw and never again attempt to invade Fuso, mistakenly convinced that Fuso is a sentient entity.

(1283-1380 CE) The principality of Moscow rises to power, unifying the tribes, clans, and faiths of western Orussia. In 1380 CE, Grand Prince Dimity Donskoy and his army - along with the assistance of the witches - defeats the Neuroi Western Horde at Kulikovo on the Don River. Known as the Battle of Kulikovo, this battle is a major turning point in the Neuroi's control in the west, thus spelling the rise of Muscovite power; however, the victory didn't spell the end of Neuroi domination in Orussia for now.

Meanwhile in China, throughout most of the 14th century, the Western Horde suffers from a string of viral mutations, gradually weakening their strength and control over the Chinese and Korean lands. These mutations, however, are not limited to Western Horde, since the viral outbreaks would soon make their way west to Persia by the 1330s. By the 1350s, the Southern Horde loses control of Persia, Afghanistan, and the Asia Minor, paving the way for the Timurid Empire in the 1370s.

Back in China, the Western Horde suffer greatly not from Chinese and Korean militant actions, but rather from natural disasters. Specifically, floods and earthquakes left major gaps in the Neuroi's defenses and infrastructure, allowing Chinese-Korean forces to move in at full force via the rivers and coastline. But it is at the Battle of Lake Poyang (October 1368), followed with the crushing Neuroi defeat at the Battle of Beijing in 1368, that the Western Horde collapses and flee back to Mongolia and Manchuria.

With their homes largely liberated, the Chinese and Koreans move back in to their native lands, together founding the Ming Dynasty in 1368. In that same year, the Mongol Hordes come to a collective end, devolving into numerous skirmishes and raids across most of Eurasia. Around this time, the four great Neuroi Hordes have largely retreated back to Mongolia.

(~1400 CE) Extensive and unchecked industrial expansion on the drell homeworld, Rakhana, begins taking a significant toll on the planet's environment.

Meanwhile on Earth, the grand princes of Moscow continue to consolidate Orussian land to increase their population and wealth. The most successful practitioner of this process was Ivan III, who laid the foundations for a Orussian national state. Competing with her powerful northern rival, the Baltland-Suomus Empire, she would fight for control over some of the semi-independent kingdoms in eastern Europe; however, both states would eventually work together to expel the Northern Neuroi Horde in what is now Novgorod and the Ural regions of Orussia.

Through the defections of some princes, border skirmishes, and a long war with the Neuroi in northern Orussia, Ivan III was able to annex Novgorod and Tver. As a result, the Principality of Moscow tripled in size under his rule. Refusing further tribute to the Tatars, Ivan initiated a series of attacks that opened the way for the complete defeat of the Western Neuroi Horde remnants, now divided into dozens of smaller and weaker hordes. Ivan and his successors sought to protect the southern boundaries of their domain against attacks of the Crimean Tatars and other Neuroi hordes.

In 1455 CE, the War of the Roses - a series of civil wars - erupts in Britannia, eventually coming to an end in 1487 CE.

Somewhere in 1488 CE, Bartholomew Diaz discovers Cape of Good Hope.

Later in 1492 CE, Colombus discovers the New World.

Finally in 1498, Vasco de Gama discovers new sea routes to India.

(~1500 CE) Magellan's voyages in 1519 CE make him one of the first people to circumnavigate the world; however, Magellan would never return home, since he would eventually be killed in what is now, the Isabellina Islands.

Somewhere in the early 1500s, the Safavid Dynasty rises to power, thus reviving the Persian Empire.

(~1582 CE) In Fuso, after the Incident at Honnou-ji, Nobunaga escapes to the West and joins with the Hideyoshi army.

(~1588 CE) Fuso is eventually unified by Nobunaga. In that same year, the Hispanian Armada is defeated by the Britannian navy.

(~1600 CE) Establishment of Britannia's East India Trading Company, but with Hollandia competing for control and dominance there as well, battles with Dutch-employed Fusonese mercenaries ensue.

Back in the galaxy, the first sightings of the Collectors are reported in the Terminus Systems. In Citadel space, the claims are dismissed as unsubstantiated rumors and tall tales. Behind closed political and military doors, however, the council pursues to investigate and counter the Collectors.

(~1620 CE) Influential Fusonese samurai establish an outpost called, Mizuho, in the North Liberion continent.

(~1649 CE) Britannia briefly becomes a republic under the likes of Oliver Cromwell; however, the monarchy is eventually restored in 1660 CE.

(~1661 CE) Louis XIV reigns in Gallia.

(~1676 CE) First Britannia-Fuso War.

(~1683 CE) Second Britannia-Fuso War.

(~1699 CE) The Fusonese-Britannian alliance is established.

(~1707 CE) Establishment of the Greater Britannian Empire, uniting Britannia, Hibernia (Ireland), Cambria (Wales), and Caledonia (Scotland) as a single untied kingdom.

(~1756 CE) Seven Years' War erupts.

(~1763 CE) The Treaty of Paris is signed and ratified - peace is established between Britannia and Gallia.

(~1765 CE) Britannia ushers in the steam revolution thanks to James Watt.

(~1775 CE) Liberion Revolution (independence declared in 1776 CE).

(~1789 CE) Washington becomes first President of Liberion; however, around the same time of that same year, the Gallian Revolution erupts.

(~1804 CE) Napoleon becomes Emperor of Gallia.

(~1812 CE) Napoleon's launches his Black Sea campaign, enticed by confirmed reports of the once-extinct Ratsel reemerging in the far east, whom were commencing incursions into western Orussia. Hoping to take advantage of the Orussians' preoccupation with the Neuroi attacks, Napoleon assemble the largest army at the time, and through a series of long marches, rapidly marched across Western Orussia, winning a number of minor engagements and a major battle, the Battle of Smolensk in August. Napoleon hoped this battle would win the war for him, but the Orussian army slipped away and continued to retreat, leaving Smolensk to burn.

In early September, the Gallains caught up with the Orussian army, which had dug itself in on hillsides before the small town of Borodino, seventy miles west of Moscow. The following Battle of Borodino, the bloodiest single-day action of the Napoleonic Wars, with 72,000 casualties, resulted in a narrow Gallian victory. The Orussian army withdrew the following day, leaving the French again without the decisive victory Napoleon sought. A week later, Napoleon entered Moscow, only to find it abandoned and burned by the Orussians.

Unable to obtain a decisive victory, Napoleon decides to send his army back home; however, unbeknownst to him, the Orussian army in the east had manged to repel the Ratsel/Neuroi threat. Thus, with winter settling in, the Orussians struck back in full force, conducting fierce harassment and guerrilla warfare tactics against the retreating Grande Armee.

(~1814 CE) Napoleon is defeated and killed at the Battle of Waterloo. Some time after the battle in that same year, the Congress of Vienna is held, restoring peace and order to Europe. With Napoleon gone, the Gallian monarch is restored.

(~1830 CE) Seven Months' Revolution in Gallia.

(1850-1851 CE) A Liberion sailor by the name of Captain Ahab is maimed by a whale-shaped Neuroi, whom he later calls, Moby Dick. Although Moby Dick is a Neuroi, the writer, Herman Melville, classified the story as fiction to prevent worldwide panic. Despite the deliberate changes in details, the story becomes a timeless classic novel nonetheless.

(~1853 CE) A mass wave of amphibious Neuroi emerge from the Black Sea, subsequently ravaging and occupying Crimea. Subsequently, the Crimean War erupts, with Britannian, Gallian, Orussian, and Romagnan troops immediately participating in the war. Eventually, the Neuroi are pushed back to the Black Sea, slowly but surely hunted down to the last creature by early 1856 CE.

(~1861 CE) The Liberion Civil War erupts and lasts until 1865 CE.

(~1866 CE) War of succession erupts in Karlsland.

(~1867 CE) Fuso adopts a parliamentary system, along with the ascension of a new emperor, thus starting the Meiji rule. In that same year, Ostmark forms a personal union with Magyary and Bohemia. In addition, the Dominion of Farawayland is established, with the Britannian Queen becoming the Farawayland Queen as well.

(1870-1871 CE) War between Karlsland and Gallia erupts, lasting until 1871 with a Gallian defeat. Humiliated, the Gallian monarch - Napoleon III - is forced to abdicate, with a republic form in his place. In 1871 CE, the Karlsland Empire is established.

(~1880 CE) Out in the galaxy, Aria T'Loak arrives on Omega, a space station in the Terminus Systems regarded as the region's nominal capital. Aria is hired by the station's warlord as an enforcer and quickly becomes one of his most trusted lieutenants.

(~1895 CE) The geth, machines created by the quarians as a source of cheap labor, become self-aware. Fearing a geth uprising, the quarians begin dismantling them; however, the effort is quickly reverted when the Salarians intervene and help reprogram the geth. Unfortunately, not all geth are successfully reprogrammed, thus splitting the geth into two factions: Loyalist (pro-Quarian) and Renegades (anti-Quarian). In the resulting conflict - simply known as the Morning War - the loyalist and renegade geth fight amongst each other, with their Quarian creators and the Salarians caught in the crossfire. The surviving geth renegades retreat in the Perseus Veil, thus concluding the war.

Shortly after, the Rannoch Accords are drafted and ratified by the Citadel Council.

(~1903 CE) First flight by the Wright sisters in Liberion.

(~1904 CE) Neuroi outbreaks occur in Fusonese coastal areas.

(~1905 CE) The Orussian-Fusonese War ends with Vladivostok conquered by Fuso. During that year, Jutland and Suomus split from Baltland.

(1914-1918 CE) The First Neuroi War erupts, declaring the formal arrival of the Neuroi from the cosmos. For four long brutal years, humanity struggled against the Neuroi, throwing everything they had against the alien threat. These Neuroi were nothing like the ones from the Crimean War, retaining advanced technology and anatomy when compared to its primitive and animalistic counterparts. Miraculously, humanity holds the line until 1918 CE, where the Neuroi mysteriously withdraws.

(~1920 CE) The League of Nations is established.

(~1921 CE) The renegade geths begin construction of a mega-structure designed to house and simultaneously run every geth program in existence. Completion of the mega-structure, which would allow the geth to maximize their collective processing capacity, is the long-term goal of geth civilization. But such a goal would be overshadowed by something even greater.

Somewhere in this year, a Neuroi hive emerges from the planet, Adas, in the Perseus Veil. The loyalist Geth, and their Quarian creators, are quickly overran. Within days, the news reaches the Quarian homeworld, Rannoch, alerting the entire Quarian species of the sudden new threat. The Quarians relay the information to the Salarians, whom also relay the information back to the Turians, hoping to keep this damning new information away from the public.

Initially, the Quarians were able to contain the Neuroi on Adas; however, after a few months, the containment effort collapses due to ground-to-space laser artillery employed by the Neuroi. Even with entire Turian fleets and armies, there is no effective containment, and thanks to Quarian and Turian shipwrecks, the Neuroi quickly obtain FTL technology and began their conquest. Within months, Rannoch is eventually occupied by the Neuroi, thus forcing the Quarians to abandon their homeworld and migrant with every ship they had left - the Quarian Migrant Fleet is created.

Before the end of the year, it becomes clear that the Neuroi is threat too great to ignore. Narrowly being accused of engineering a repeat as seen with the geth, the Quarians are deemed innocent; however, the news of the Neuroi threat spreads across the galaxy. Fear and panic swiftly gripped the galaxy, drawing everyone into a state of war not seen since the Rachni Wars.

Shortly after, the Perseus Veil falls to the Neuroi, and the council declares a galaxy-wide state of emergency.

Thus, the Galactic Neuroi War begins...

(~1929 CE) Half of the entire Terminus system is overrun by the Neuroi, along with the Attican traverse partially occupied by the Neuroi as well. For the past eight years, the galaxy struggles to combat this seemingly 'invincible' and 'alien' threat, with very few things in the council's arsenal to combat them. It's around this time that the Rachni reemerge from hiding; however, they join forces with the galaxy to combat the Neuroi.

Unfortunately, numbers and diversity are not enough to repel the Neuroi invasion. A majority of the technologies developed from mass effect and element zero are largely useless against the Neuroi, although the galaxy has hope in anything that did work. The closest thing that is considered effective against the Neuroi are biotic users; however, the asari can only provide so much, especially since the entire galaxy is spread thin.

(~1933 CE) Desperate for anything that could combat the Neuroi, the council initiates an emergency scientific and exploration act called, Star Trek Initiative (STI). Gathering together the brightest and experienced scientist across the galaxy, the STI is largely comprised of Salarians, whom are the leading species in this act of desperation. The ultimate goal for the STI is to find and uplift other species to help fight against the Neuroi.

(~1937-1945 CE) Meanwhile on Earth, the Second Neuroi War erupts as early as 1937 CE via the Fuso Sea Incident. But it wouldn't be until 1939 CE that the Second Neuroi War is formally declared, drawing humanity back for round two with the Neuroi. Luckily, since the First Neuroi War, humanity had upgraded itself and created special squadrons of witches from all over the planet, taking back the land the Neuroi took from humanity.

Thus, the events of Strike Witches and Brave Witches occurs around this time.

(~1947 CE) A Salarian science ship apart of the Star Trek Initiative is attacked by a Neuroi scout ship in an unknown star system. Not long after, the ship is forced to crash land on Earth, landing outside the Liberion town of Roswell, New Mexico. The events of the Roswell Incident begins...

Author Notes: This story was originally created by GOBIUS; however, due to some unfortunate circumstances in his/her life, the story has since been up for adoption. The idea of this story belonged to GOBIUS, so he/she gets the credit for this story's creation. Beyond the idea itself, the world and story that awaits beyond this timeline is in my hands.

I thought I would let all of you know of this information to clear up any confusion or dismay. I assure you, I obtained full consent and permission from GOBIUS to adopt and continue his/her story. If you wish to see the original timeline of this story, feel free to go to his/her account and check it out.