Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY.

Ruby Begins

Chapter 5: Attempted Reconciliation

"Can we talk?" asked Yang meekly.

Blake and Weiss were sitting on Weiss' bed, their faces sad and filled with remorse. Ruby was already tired from her sparring session with Pyrrha and, thankfully, already let off a lot off steam though she was still a little angry at the WBY. Well, at least not as angry as before. She looked at the guilt ridden faces of her teammates. Ruby slowly closed the door behind her and was silent for a while, making the WBY more nervous. She schooled her face into a neutral expression.

"Alright, then," said Ruby in an even tone. "What is it do you want to talk about?"

Yang stepped forward until she was right in front of Ruby. "Ruby," said Yang sadly, her sombre and her voice quivering. "We… want to apologize… for our actions towards you." Ruby said nothing and Yang continued. "We've been ignoring you, neglecting you, ditching you…" Yang couldn't continue as she quickly realized all the things they have done knowingly and unknowingly to Ruby as well as hurting her feelings unintentionally.

"What Yang is trying to say is that we should not have done what we did," said Blake remorsefully as she got up from Weiss' bed. "We should have communicated with you; at least let you know where we were. We should have been honest and upfront with you when we needed time for ourselves."

"There is no excuse for our actions," said Weiss as she also got up from her bed. Weiss and Blake now stood in front of Ruby alongside Yang. "We should not have brushed you off. We should have answered your calls and texts. And I should not have brushed you off every time as you have so finely put." Weiss bowed her head in apology; her tone of voice was sincere. "I… no. We humbly apologize to you, Ruby, for our actions were unbecoming as members of Team RWBY." Blake and Yang also bowed their heads in apology.

"Ruby, we never meant to hurt you," said Yang, tears threatening to fall. "I… I haven't been acting like a big sister should. I… I 'm sorry I left you behind again and again. I'm sorry that I've been neglecting you. Hell, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. Can you forgive us? Can you forgive me?"

Ruby remained silent. She stared at her teammates who were looking at her expectantly. They sounded sincere and the remorseful looks on their faces seemed to be genuine. But did they truly deserve forgiveness? Will they return to their old ways if Ruby forgave them? Ruby wanted to lash out. She wanted to berate them. She wanted to reveal to them exactly why she had changed and behaved as she was now and then revel in their shock. But then, her conversation with Pyrrha came into her mind. Pyrrha the mighty. Pyrrha the champion. Pyrrha, her friend. Her confidante. The one who had been by her side in Ruby's darkest time. The one person who had absolute faith in her. The one who had been training her to be the best. Ruby had promised her now close friend that she would try to forgive her teammates along with the JNR. However, that doesn't mean she would forgive them so easily. They would have to earn her forgiveness.

Ruby sighed and slowly walked past the WBY and towards the window overlooking the school's sport's track. She gazed outside the window while her team stood behind her, waiting for her response. Ruby was pondering on whether or not to reveal to them that she heard their conversation during "The Revelations Incident". The WBY, meanwhile, looked on nervously. The Ruby of old would easily forgive them. The current Ruby was different. Finally, in a soft voice, Ruby spoke, "Forgive you? After all the things you three did?"

The WBY blanched at Ruby's statement. The young redhead's back was towards them so she didn't see their expressions. Ruby continued, "Do you have any idea how much it hurt? To hear scathing remarks from other students that I don't belong here almost every day? That I got lucky, bribed Professor Ozpin and many other things? To be looked down upon and doubted at almost every turn regarding my age and leadership?"

Ruby now turned towards her teammates, her eyes brimming with tears. "Not only that! My own team doubted me as well!"

Yang took a step forward towards Ruby to try and placate her. "Ruby," said Yang. "That's not true! We -!"


The WBY were taken aback. Ruby actually swore!

"You think I didn't know what you said about me?" continued Ruby, her voice rising as she glared at her teammates with tears trickling down her face. "Let me refresh year memories. It was when you three were having a party with Team JNPR and I wasn't invited!"

The WBY were shocked. How did Ruby found out about the party? Blake was about to speak up but Ruby continued with her tirade. "I only found out by accident. You three have been ditching me, neglecting me and ignoring me! Heck! I was about to knock on Team JNPR's door to ask if they have seen you all when I heard you three badmouthing me!"

Ruby looked at the faces of the WBY who looked down guiltily. "I not only found out that I wasn't invited, it was also because I'm too young! You said that I'm a brat, too young and immature for Beacon, Yang. That I should've stayed for my remaining two years at Signal because I wasn't ready!"

"Ruby, wait!" cried Yang, desperately trying to explain but Ruby would not let up.

"I really thought you believed in me, Yang! Looks like your words were nothing but lies!" Yang visibly flinched at Ruby's words. The words of her younger sister cut Yang deeply and there was a hurt expression on Yang's face.

Ruby then rounded on Weiss. "And you! I'm always making a fool of myself? Trying to be mature? A child? I may be younger than you and do have childish tendencies but at least I tried to be friendly with everyone. As for trying to act mature, I'm the team leader, damn it! I have to be more mature! I have to step up!" Ruby paused and looked at Weiss in the eye. "I called you my BFF! I just want us to hang out together and do BFF stuffs. But apparently you prioritize studies over friendship much more! I know we didn't exactly get along at first but I thought we have gotten better. Looks like I'm wrong. You're still the same stuck up princess who looks down on everybody! Especially me!"

"That's not true, Ruby!" cried Weiss. "I've changed! I -!"

"Liar! You always look down on me! Insult me! No matter what I do, it's never good enough for you! You always have something to criticize about me! To you, I'm nothing more but a reckless, immature child who can't fight without a weapon! You're overbearing, judgemental, harsh and cruel! BFFs? Hah! I don't think we're even friends to begin with! We're barely even partners! Your promise to me to become the best partner ever? Nothing more than empty promises!"

Weiss could not find a response to Ruby's words. Tears were now streaming down her face, heartbroken at Ruby's harsh words. Ruby rounded on Blake who took an involuntary step back.

"Blake," said Ruby. "All I ever wanted was to make you feel part of the team. I know you're anti-social but that's why I kept insisting you join us in team activities. So that you don't feel left out! But even you think that's annoying! I just want to get to know you better! To know your interest in books and other hobbies! I have never cared that you are a faunus or used to be part of the White Fang! But as far you were concern, I'm just an annoying little girl who loves interrupting your reading time! Yeah? You're welcome for trying to include you in team activities!"

Blake looked down in shame. What Ruby said was true and Blake had no comeback. The WBY were silent. It looked like Ruby wasn't going to forgive them. Ruby turned her back towards them, wiping away her tears. "You three," said Ruby, her voice hoarse from all the yelling. "You want to know why I've been doing better in classes lately?" The WBY looked at Ruby. Despite the situation, they were genuinely curious. "It was Pyrrha," continued Ruby. "Pyrrha was the only one who defended me. Believed in me. When you three and Team JNPR turned on me, Pyrrha stood up for me. She was the one who trained me, encourages me to do better in my studies. My current successes were all thanks to her."

The WBY were dumbfounded. Pyrrha Nikos had been training Ruby all this time? Blake mentally groaned. She should've known there was something familiar about Ruby's new fighting style. The answer was right in their faces all along.

"But Ruby," Yang interjected. "Why Pyrrha? Why did you asked her to train you? I could've helped you if you asked! I'm your sister!" Yang felt deeply hurt that Ruby didn't even consider her help.

"I didn't ask her," replied Ruby. "She offered her help on the day you three turned against me. All I asked of her was to keep our training a secret." Ruby turned to Yang. "And besides, you yourself said that I have absolutely no grasp in unarmed combat. So really, why should I ask you to help me?"

"Ruby," sobbed Weiss. "Please… we… we never meant to hurt you. I'll admit we went too far when we spoke against you. I… I… deeply r-regret saying all those things about you… insulting you… not giving you any encouragement. Please, Ruby! Please! Please forgive us! Please forgive me! I don't want us to be on bad terms! I can't take back all I've said about you but I can change! We can change! Please give us another chance."

This time, even Yang and Blake were now crying. All three of them were begging for forgiveness. "Please, Ruby," sobbed Blake. "We… we… were wrong to treat you so badly. We never meant to treat you this way."

Ruby's eyes softened at their pleas. She could hear the sincerity in their voices. "Then why did you treat me as such?" asked Ruby softly. "Why do you treat me like you don't want me around? None of you wanted to have anything to do with me. Do you have any idea how much it hurt to be ignored? To be neglected? To be treated like a child? To not have the support of your own teammates? Do you three really hate me so much? All I did, I did it for the team! Even that is not good enough for you. Is that all I am to you? An unwanted child? My own team doesn't even want to do things with me!"

"No, Ruby!" cried Yang who rushed forward and hugged Ruby from behind fiercely, tears freely flowing down her face. "Don't say that! Don't you dare say that!"

Ruby struggled to break free and elbowed Yang in the face. "Let go of me, Yang!"

Yang ignored the hit to the face. "No! You are not an unwanted child, Ruby! It was us who went too far! We never took your feelings into consideration!" Yang was openly sobbing. "We're the ones at fault. I'm so, so sorry. I never meant to hurt you in any way. I never wanted you to feel unwanted."

Ruby continued to struggle but Yang held on tightly. "Then… why?"

"We just wanted some time to ourselves. But in the process, we failed to be honest about it. We failed to be upfront. Blake's right. We should've told you. I'm sorry that I keep leaving you behind. Please, Ruby! I'm sorry for everything!"

Ruby slowly slumped to the floor with Yang still hugging her. She was now physically and emotionally drained. Weiss and Blake then joined Yang in hugging the young redhead. Ruby was too exhausted to resist after the sparring session with Pyrrha earlier and now dealing with the hugs from the WBY. The trio were crying while hugging her. There was a long silence. Ruby was sniffling and contemplating what to do next. She thought of Pyrrha and the rest was easy.

"I… don't know if I can ever forgive you three," said Ruby in a small voice. The WBY stiffened. Ruby wasn't going to forgive them? Yang could feel her heart shatter. Weiss was already heartbroken while Blake lowered her head, guilt ridden and already accepting Ruby's decision. Ruby, however decided to surprise them. "That doesn't mean I won't give you a second chance."

The eyes of the WBY widened in surprise. Ruby continued, "I'll give you three a second chance. I may not forgive you now but I can at least give you three a chance to earn my forgiveness."

Yang felt her heart soar. It may not have been what the WBY wanted but it was certainly far better than Ruby not forgiving them at all. There was still a chance for them to be forgiven and not get what could possibly be an everlasting hatred and resentment from Ruby. Weiss felt that this was the best deal they were going to get and that Ruby was justified in not forgiving them straight away. She vowed silently not to squander this chance. Perhaps, Weiss felt, once they've earned Ruby's forgiveness, things will go back to what they once were. Blake felt bittersweet. On one hand, Ruby didn't forgive them… yet. On the other hand, Ruby had given them a chance to earn her forgiveness. Blake hugged tighter and buried her face in Ruby's hair. "We'll make it up to you, Ruby. We promise," said Blake.

The WBY slowly released Ruby from their hug and helped her up. Ruby, by then, had already dried her tears. The young redhead faced her team and said, "Don't think it's gonna be easy. You're going to have to work for it." The WBY nodded silently and Ruby continued, "It's been a long day. I'll let you three figure things out. Now, I'm just gonna take a shower and prepare for tomorrow."

The WBY made way for Ruby as she headed straight for the shower. Once their young team leader was in the shower, the trio nodded silently at each other. They knew they have their work cut out for them. They were determined to earn Ruby's forgiveness and nothing was going to stop them. Team RWBY later spent the rest of the evening in silence with Ruby going to bed early after she had prepared her school items for the following day's classes.

The following morning began quietly for Team RWBY. Ruby gave each of them a polite 'good morning' and they greeted back in return. The WBY gave her space while at the same time thought of ways to try reconnecting with Ruby. Classes went normally for them aside from the fact that things were still tense within Team RWBY but they put up a brave front. They had combat class that morning with Professor Goodwitch. She had pitted Team RWBY against Team CRDL in which Team RWBY crushed them within ten minutes. It was a new record for Team RWBY and Professor Goodwitch praised them for their exceptional teamwork. Ruby herself was praised for her outstanding leadership. Truth to be told, Team RWBY's team dynamics were strangely unaffected after "The Revelations Incident". This was because Ruby refused to let her personal feelings regarding her team to affect the team or her performances. Ruby wanted to prove herself and letting the team dynamics go down the drain was not an option.

On the surface it would look like nothing was wrong with Team RWBY. However, if Ruby thought she had everyone fooled that everything was fine, Pyrrha being an exception, Professor Goodwitch was another matter altogether. She had noticed that there was a problem with Team RWBY or more specifically with Ruby. While she was impressed and delighted with her youngest student's and Team RWBY's performances, she noticed that Ruby seemed to be distant with her team for the last few weeks. Furthermore, she had been distant with Team JNPR as well with the exception of one Pyrrha Nikos. If anything, the friendship between the Mistralian Champion and the oung redhead seemed to have grown very strong. The relationship between Ruby and her teammates, however, were another story. The only reason she hadn't called out on Ruby was because the young team leader and her team's class performances were not affected and were actually improving. However, Glynda Goodwitch decided to have a talk with Ruby after a terrific team performance in her class. She had noticed that the tension surrounding Team RWBY in her class that morning despite the team's performance. The WBY seemed to be more compliant when Ruby barked out orders but at the same time, they seemed a bit tensed towards the young team leader, as if they didn't know how to approach her.

After her class ended, Glynda called out to Ruby to stay behind for a bit. The WBY looked at each other and then at Ruby with worry. Was she in trouble? Ruby hadn't done anything to rile up Professor Goodwitch, had she? Ruby gave her team a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry. I'll catch up to you later." The WBY collectively nodded and proceeded to head out of class. At least Ruby wasn't mad at them. Ruby had actually been thinking a lot of what Pyrrha had asked of her although it had only been a day that the Mistralian Champion asked Ruby to forgive her friends. She had promised Pyrrha that she would try. That meant she herself had to do her part to give her friends a chance and also to try and reconcile with them. She had decided that morning to try to be civil and interact more with her team.

In the meantime, Ruby approached Professor Goodwitch's desk. She was a little nervous. She didn't recall doing anything wrong Glynda noticed the worried look on Ruby's face and said, "You're not in trouble, Miss Rose. I just want to talk to you."

"Oh," said Ruby. "Is there anything I can help you with, Professor Goodwitch?"

Glynda stared at Ruby for a moment. "First off, Miss Rose, I am happy that you have taken your studies quite seriously. Your grades are improving greatly. Your performances in all classes have been impressive and your leadership skills have tremendously improved. Excellent work, Miss Rose. While there is still room for improvement, you are well on our way to topping your year in all subjects."

"Thank you, Professor. I try to do my best."

"Having said that, I noticed that there seems to be some tension between you and your team." Ruby tensed. How had Professor Goodwitch known? Glynda saw the shock look on Ruby's face and continued, "I have been a huntress and teacher for many years, Miss Rose. Though you try to hide it, I can still pick things up. Is there anything wrong, Miss Rose?"

Ruby fell silent. Should she tell Professor Goodwitch? She thought she had been keeping up the façade quite well but apparently Glynda Goodwitch was still able to notice. Ruby looked down, unsure if she should lie or tell the truth. Glynda grew concerned when Ruby didn't answer. She walked around her desk and stopped next to the young redhead. Glynda placed her hand on Ruby's shoulder and gave a gentle reassuring squeeze. "Miss Rose, I can assure you that I take teacher-student confidentiality very seriously. Whatever you say will not be revealed to others. Allow me to assist and alleviate whatever concerns you may have."

Ruby hesitated. "It's… nothing, professor."

Glynda raised an eyebrow. She wasn't convinced in the slightest. "Really?"

"Really!" Ruby had replied quickly. Too quickly in Glynda's opinion.

Glynda sighed. "Miss Rose, for the last few weeks I've seen you grow distant not only with your team but with Team JNPR as well. However, you seemed to develop a close relationship with Miss Nikos. A far closer relationship than with your teammates and friends. I believe your relationship with Miss Nikos is far closer and stronger than with your partner, Miss Schnee. Am I wrong?"

Ruby was dumbfounded. 'Wow. Goodwitch is really observant,' thought Ruby. "Um… Professor Goodwitch, Pyrrha offered to train me in unarmed combat and improve my fighting skills a few weeks ago. She's been training me really hard and… gives me a lot of encouragement. We bonded over training."

Glynda smiled. "It's heartening to see that you are developing strong bonds with Miss Nikos. Looks like you found a fine trainer in her." Then she frowned. "This does not, however, explain why you have been distant with your other friends."

Ruby sighed. She really wanted to keep her problems private. "I don't really want to talk about it."

At this, Glynda became even more concerned. "Miss Rose, is everything alright? Have they done something to you? Are you being bullied by your own teammates? By Team JNPR?"

"What?! No!" Ruby shook her head vigorously.

"Miss Rose, I can see that you don't seem to be getting along with your teammates and Team JNPR, with Miss Nikos being the exception."

Ruby looked at Glynda with sad eyes. "It's… nothing, Professor. Just a… small falling out." It wasn't a necessary a lie but not the full truth either.

"A small falling out? Care to elaborate?"

Ruby shook her head. "I'm sorry, professor, but… it's kind of personal as well." Ruby was trying not to escalate matters to the higher authorities. In this case, the teachers and the headmaster. Despite the problem being a personal matter, it was also a team problem and Ruby was determined to not let it escalate further if she could help it. To Ruby, what happens within the team stays within the team. At least, as much as possible. "Pleas, professor. I'm the team leader. Let me handle my team. Let me settle whatever internal problems we have."

"There is nothing wrong in asking for help, you know."

"I understand, professor. But please, let me handle it. What kind of leader would I be if I can't solve my team's internal problems?"

"What of Team JNPR then? How will you solve whatever tensions you have with them?"

"I'll cross that bridge when the time comes, professor."

Glynda sighed. Her youngest student can be so stubborn. At least Ruby was determined enough to solve whatever squabbles she has with her friends. "Very well, Miss Rose. See that you settle your matters in the best possible way. Now, run along. You have Doctor Oobleck's class shortly."

"Thank you, professor."

Ruby turned to leave when Glynda called out to her. "Miss Rose?"

"Yes, Professor?"

Glynda gave Ruby a rare warm smile. "Do realize that while I may be strict, I do care for my students' wellbeing. If you ever feel the need to talk to someone, you can let me know. Though I am an instructor, I am also here to help my students whenever they are dealing with psychological issues. Let your teachers know if you are dealing with anything upsetting. My door is always open to my students."

"Ruby gave her a big smile. "I'll be sure to look you up, professor."

As Ruby exited the classroom, she found her own team waiting for her outside.

"So what did Goodwitch want?" asked Yang.

"Nothing much. Just something about my grades improving," replied Ruby. "Now, come on. Oobleck's class is next and I don't want us to be late."

The hours passed by quickly. It was lunch time and Team RWBY were the first to arrive in the school's cafeteria. They were seated at their usual table with their food, waiting for Team JNPR to arrive. Ruby had been discreetly notified by Pyrrha after Doctor Oobleck's class that the JNR wanted to apologize to her. Pyrrha told Ruby what had transpired the day before, from the JNR noticing Ruby had been distant from them to Pyrrha revealing exactly why Ruby had behaved as such. The young redhead didn't blame Pyrrha for revealing to them. They were bound to find out anyway. Ruby then told the Mistralian Champion that she would hear them out.

In the meantime, Team RWBY were having their lunch. The WBY were also trying to reconnect with their leader, making small talks. Ruby herself politely responded to their questions and, on her end, was also being civil in her conversations. Things will still a bit tense with Team RWBY but the level of hostility from Ruby towards her teammates had lessened a bit. Yang was making bad puns, making the rest of Team RWBY to groan collectively. Blake was asking Ruby about her training schedules while Weiss, impressively enough, reigned in her imperious and haughty attitude and was actually being nice to Ruby. The WBY realized that it would take some time to get Ruby to forgive them and were mindful enough not to overdo their efforts. They simply hoped that Ruby would eventually forgive them so that things would be back to status quo, with the only difference that they vowed to treat their young leader better. Ruby privately thought that even if she forgave them eventually, things will no longer be the same. But it does not mean she wouldn't try to get along with her team. The WBY and Ruby were now making a conscious effort to reconcile.

Moments later, Team JNPR came into the cafeteria. They joined Team RWBY at their table with Pyrrha sitting next to Ruby. Jaune sat across Pyrrha with Ren next to him. Nora sat across Ren as she babbled on about pancakes. Ruby was munching on her sandwich when Jaune turned to the young redhead. It was time for the JNR to apologize to Ruby.

"Hey, Ruby," said Jaune. "What's for lunch?"

"Food, apparently," replied Ruby.

Jaune was taken aback a bit. "Erm… okay. What I meant was what are you having?"

"An unwanted conversation." Ruby's reply was swift.

The JNR looked at each other, unsure how to respond. It looked like they caught Ruby at a bad time. Pyrrha knew better as she shook her head with mirth. Ruby was purposely being difficult. To Ruby, if the JNR was going to apologize, the young redhead was going to make them work for it. Pyrrha had correctly deduced that Ruby wanted the JNR to earn their forgiveness. The WBY, meanwhile, looked on in confusion. They quickly realized that Ruby was nursing some resentment against Team JNPR. They recalled that Ruby did mention it yesterday. Yet, Ruby got along with Pyrrha. So what was going on?"

Jaune took a deep breath and said, "Listen Ruby. Can my team and I have a word with you? Um… privately?"

Ruby glanced at Jaune. She had already finished her sandwich. "Fine," replied Ruby curtly. As she got up to exit the cafeteria, she noticed that her teammates were looking at her with worry. Yang looked like she was going into her 'mother bear mode' in case Team JNPR tried anything against her sister. Ruby gave her teammates a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. This will only take a moment."

Ruby then led the JNR out of the cafeteria minus Pyrrha. This surprised the WBY who stared collectively at the Mistralian Champion. "Um… Pyrrha? Aren't you going to follow your team?" asked Yang.

"No," replied Pyrrha.

"Why not?" asked Blake.

"Let's just say my teammates need to work something out with Ruby."

"Wait," said Weiss. "Ruby did mention yesterday that she has a problem with your team. Would this be in anyway related to the time we had a party with your team, Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha nodded. "That is correct. Am I correct to say that Ruby has finally confronted you three with the truth as to why she has been so distant with you three and my teammates?"

The WBY nodded. "You knew all along, didn't you Pyrrha?" asked Yang in an almost accusatory tone.

"Ruby has been confiding in me as of late." Pyrrha's eyes narrowed as she gazed at Yang. "And don't you take that tone with me, Yang. I wasn't the one who hurt Ruby's feelings."

Yang immediately raised her hands in a placating manner. "I'm sorry. You're right. We were the ones at fault." Yang sighed. "It's no wonder Ruby would rather confide in you."

Pyrrha sighed. "On that evening of the party, I found Ruby at the roof balcony. She was very upset, you know. She heard everything."

The WBY flinched visibly, memories of the previous day's conversation surfaced in their heads. They already knew how much they had hurt their leader. Blake spoke, "I wish we could take back all the things we said about her."

Pyrrha gazed at their faces. The WBY looked really remorseful. "Have you three tried apologizing to her?"

"We did," replied Weiss. "Yesterday."


"She didn't forgive us," replied Yang, who hung her head, her bangs covering her eyes. "Not yet, anyway."

"But she said she's giving us a second chance," said Blake. "Now we are wondering how to earn her forgiveness."

Pyrrha thoughtful look. "Give her some time. For now, my advice is to give her some space. Take things slowly. You've told her that you're sorry. Now you must show her that you mean it. Use this time to reconcile with her and take a good look at yourselves. How you go about doing it is up to you. Just don't force her into it."

The WBY nodded at Pyrrha's advice.

"On a lighter note, how are things with Ruby today?" asked Pyrrha innocently.

Ruby had led the JNR into a nearby empty classroom. Once all of them entered, Ruby closed the door behind them.

"Now then," said Ruby. "What is it that you want to talk about?

End of Chapter 5

A/N: Hey, everyone! I'm back!

Phew! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. Between reservist training and getting a new job, I barely have any time to write. Having a writer's block also doesn't help matters. So in this chapter, The WBY attempted to apologize. However, Ruby is not going to forgive them so easily. Oh no, no no! The Ruby of old might. Not the new Ruby. Still, she is not without mercy. How will the WBY earn her forgiveness? Who knows? As for the JNR? Please wait for the next chapter. Now some of you might think this story is coming to an end.

Nuh uh! Not by a long shot! There is still some ways to go. As for Milk and Cereal, will they or won't they, why not have a guess? I'm not telling just yet.

Anyway, please read and review. Constructive criticisms are welcome. I just hope this chapter is good enough.

Till next time, this is NeoiluzaF signing off!