Eyes the color of the sea blink open against the dark of night. It takes a minute for her eyes to adjust. Slowly she stands. Her body feels unsteady in its fresh awakening. It often does. She slips out of her robe. The air feels cold against her naked body.

She opens the closet again. She finds a few undergarments which she's glad to slip into. With a bit of hesitance she stands before the closet. She has two choices now. She could either slip into her clothes or she could put on the clothes the capitol has provided for her. Naturally she prefers her own clothes but she can see the benefits of using the clothes of the capitol. Wearing those would make her seem more receptive towards the Capitol. Her own however have without a doubt a greater comfort level. They are hers after all.

With a sigh she pulls out a white dress with a subtle floral print on it. It isn't much different from her own style of dresses. That proves that the clothes had been provided with District 4 in mind. This style of dress is typical to wear to the beach. It hangs loosely around her frame just like she liked it. She heads into the small bathroom. She still looks quite fresh. No need to shower then.

She quickly put a brush through her hair, not wincing when she encountered a few nasty tangles. Her hair structure truly isn't ideal for a life without tangles. Neither is the length. Her hair just reaches to her hips. Considering that she's 1m75 that means pretty long hair. She observes her mirror image. She owns a square shaped face with a steady jawline as well as high cheekbones made prominent by her malnutrition. Her eyes are wide-set and almond shaped with heavy lids. The color of them reminds her of the sea. A strange mix between green and blue that left one guessing into which colourfield it belonged. Above them sit straight eyebrows that expressed little most of the time. Her nose is straight with the tip being slightly upturned. She has full lips, the lower one slightly thicker one than the upper which followed a nice cupid bow. The corners of her mouth are slightly upturned which caused together with the straight eyebrows and droopy eyes for an aloof and passive yet pleasant looking face. The long ginger hair that tumbles to her hips in waves finished the look. Most would consider her attractive. All that Aquila sees is another asset to use in her strive for survival. She smiles at her reflection. The smile just looks empty to her. She tries to put a bit more fervor in it. It still fails miserably.

What would make her smile genuinely? The memory of her punching Odair in the face as an eight years old quickly surfaced in her mind. The smile that appears on her face is completely genuine. That would have to do for now. Silently she leaves her room. Swiftly she moves to the room next to hers. No point in lingering where everyone could see her. The door opens quietly. It's a relief that it didn't creak. She isn't sure how she would take that. Probably with a wince.

She enters the room. It looks a lot like her own if not an exact copy. At least there's gender equality. There's a blob laying on the bed. She's quite certain that blob is Nathanael but one never knows in the dark. She moves forward. That's Nathanael, alright. How is she supposed to do this. Maybe she should have thought up a plan. But why would she have? It isn't like she could really screw up here.


She mutters softly. No reaction. That's to be expected. If he slept light enough to be woken up by a mutter he would have been woken up by her creeping into his room. She strengthens her voice.

"Nathanael." She says.

Still no reaction. She frowns. She would have been long awake by now. She puts her hand on his arm. Only to almost fall off the bed when the boy shoots up. Nathanael looks around him wildly. Aquila resists the urge to bare her teeth at him. She's better than that.

"Nathanael. We have to talk."

Her voice is soft, almost overtaken by the sound the train makes as it moves fast as lightning through the landscape. The boy seems to calm down at the sound of her voice.



"What in Poseidon's name are you doing here?"

He sounds agitated yet quiet. Distantly Aquile thinks it interesting how people took cues from other people's voice regarding to appropriate volume.

"As I said, we need to talk." The boy sighs audibly.

"Then talk." She hums.

"Your current behavior is inappropriate if you wish to survive. Your hostility towards both Odair and Gloze will cost you."

Nathanael snorts. She resists the urge to hit him up the head. Rude boy.

"Why should I be polite to them? Gloze is a capitol dog and Finnick doesn't seem to be able to get enough of the Capitol either. Or at least not their woman." Aquila frowns in the dark. Maybe the boy is stupid after all.

"They're both essential for your survival. Gloze will be our guide into a world that is completely new to us. We're completely reliant on him for this. Things that could bring us into the capitol citizen's grace such as knowing capitol's customs. We are completely dependent on him for that. Odair could be even more crucial than Gloze is. Odair and Mags are our mentors. We are highly reliant on their advice. They've seen countless games and know all the tricks that come with those games. They will be the one to mentor us. If that isn't enough then you always have the fact that they are the ones to collect sponsors for us. Without sponsors we're as good as dead."

She pauses to take a breath.

"What does it matter that Gloze is from the Capitol? He gets paid to help us so we damn better accept any help he's willing to give us. What does it matter that Odair sleeps around? If anything him sleeping around will improve our chances at sponsors. His prowess on the mattress won't in any way change his talents as a mentor. Don't be stupid and let your crush on Annie misguide you. She'll be happy to see you return alive. Even if that return requires the help of Finnick Odair. Yes?" For a few moment Nathanael remains silent. Then he replies with a quiet "yes.". She nods satisfied with her endeavors.

"Good." She rises and makes to leave the room.

"Aquila." Nathanael calls out. She stiffens. Is he going to ask why she was helping him after all?

"Thank you for helping me." Aquila blinks, a foreign warmth shooting along her heart towards her throat where it chokes any words she might have chosen to utter in response. Tightly she presses her lips together. With a nod she leaves the room, closing the door without a sound behind her. Bemused she stares at the wall as she leans against the door she had just shut. That's the first time someone thanked her so earnestly. People never take her advice in gratitude. They always tell her to move forward and shut up. Even Annie does so. It left her feeling quite strange. She glares at her feet. Silly emotions.

"My, Aquila, I didn't think you were that type." Aquila startles. Just a bit farther stands Odair leaning against the wall. How long has he been standing there? Why is he up anyway?

"What type?" She instead asks.

"The type to sneak into a boy's room in the middle of the night." Aquila looks dryly at him.

"I'm a virgin if that's what you're insinuating. In all possible ways. Even the mind."

Odair looks skeptical at her admission. She shrugs. It isn't her duty to assure Odair that she's a virgin pure. If he has listened for even five second to the rumor mills in District 4 he'd have noticed the distinctive lack of her in it. Aquila has in no way ever been attracted to another person. Be it romantically or sexually. She's fine with that too. She plans on living her days out alone as one could be with the occasional visits from Annie. Now she expects on dying alone. She isn't going to say planning on dying alone because if she planned on it that was just sad. While her mother might have taught her how idiotic false hope was - her father denying the existence of false hope-, both her parent had drummed into her that giving up without trying was even more idiotic.

"Hmm, maybe not in the mind after all since I do know the process of reproduction and I've helped giving birth a few times. Sometimes the child will kick against the bladder causing it to empty. Then you have all the blood and slime and sometimes the patient will defecate. It's a rather messy affair."

Odair's face was scrunched up his face at the mention of it. She smirks at him.

"If it wasn't for a midnight escapade for what other reason would you visit your partner in the middle in the night?"

"To explain the reproduction process to him," she blinks. He blinks. Had she just joked with him? She rasps her throat.

"To give him some essential advice. He has terrible manners, no?"

Odair gives an understanding nod, stifling his grin.

"I'm just glad you brought it up with him. He seems rather receptive of what you say. If his attitude had continued it could have ended up costing him." She smiled.

"You agree then." He nods again. For a moment silence reigns between the two of them.

"I'll be returning to my room then." She turned around.

"Aquila." Odair calls out to her. Why did people always stop her when she wanted to leave? If they had wanted to say something they should have said it before when she was still willing to hold a conversation. She turns her head to show she was listening.

"You're always free to come to my room to explain the reproduction process." She halts. Did Odair just...? For a moment she hesitates. She turns back fully and cocks her head in question. Could it be that Odair suffers from the typical PTSD after the games? Surely not.

"Odair, could it be you have trouble sleeping?" The man looks surprised by her question. He looks about ready to deny it but Aquila has already taken in the state of his body. His eyes are bloodshot and the skin beneath them dark. His pallor in general is paler than normal for someone with sun kissed skin. Her eyes soften and she sends him a gentle smile. She knows all about the troubles of being unable to sleep.

"Would you like to play a game of cards?" For a moment Odair seems thrown. Then he smiles back.

"Sure, Why not?"

By the time morning came and Vasil stumbles in on the sight of the playing, Aquila had won thirteen games,lost twenty one,been caught cheating seven times and had caught Odair cheating twelve. Vasil seems to have been rather disturbed at sight of them throwing down the cards in a fast flurry. When Mags hobbles in a bit later she smiles at the sight of Finnick staring intensely at the cards in his hands while Aquila's chewing her lips. They ignore the two moving around them concentrating fully on their game.

When coffees are put down in front of them they drink but that's about the full range of their reactions. It's probably the reason why the others all startled so badly when they hear Finnick muffle a curse and throw his cards down. Aquila sits before him smiling with delight like the Cheshire cat.

"You cheated." Finnick accuses looking completely convinced of it. Aquila smirks..

"I might have. But can you prove it?"

"Show me your cards."

Finnick demands. Aquila answers gleefully.

"No can do."

Finnick narrows his eyes at her. She simply smiles.

"Fine. You win." He says with a sigh. He reaches towards a sandwich that laid conveniently prepared next to him. He offers her half but she refuses with a snide comment.

"I still have the most wins though. So what did I win?" He asks with a smirk. She answers his smirk with her own.

"You already had your reward."

Finnick eyebrows rise. "Oh? What would that have been?"

Her answer is merciless. "A night without fretting."

He stiffens for a moment. Like a person being poked in a sore spot. Interesting. Then he smiles at her. It's a bright smile. It takes her a moment to process it.

"I suppose you're right." Aquila snorts. The sound is out of her before she knows it. She shakes her head. Manners. She reaches for the cup of coffee that's been placed before her. She actually doesn't like coffee all that much. Its taste is too bitter. She likes sweet things.

Still coffee does the job when it's needed. She drinks from the cup. It's still steaming hot. Almost painful really. She ignores it. She enjoys the sensation on her skin but at the bitter taste. It truly isn't her thing. She puts the coffee aside. Maybe there is be some quality tea as well. That has the same positive effects as caffeine without any of the negatives. Not to mention it would be a lot better in taste.

She dutifully ignores the hot chocolate. If she really wants to she can still drink some later. There's no reason to drink and the hot chocolate and the tea. Besides there's a really nice selection of teas. Even if she doesn't recognize some of them. She pours a cup before seating herself back at the table. She wonders if Nathanael is always such a late waker. Probably not. It wouldn't fit with his role in the family. He's probably late because she disturbed his sleeping patterns.

She sips at her tea. The steam wafts into her face as she swallows. The tea's nice. A strong taste. Nathanael appears in the doorway. He looks a bit rumpled, chocolate brown hair sticking up at odd angles. That's to be expected if he has only just awakened. He smiles when he sees her. Aquila blinks. There's so many people smiling at her lately.

It could be that they are trying to latch onto any form of comfort now that they are moving into distressing territories. Yes, that would make sense. She nods at him. A piece of toast lays before her looking strangely appetizing. She smears some jam onto it. It's while taking her first bite that Nathanael seats himself beside her.

"Good morning." He says sounding cheerful. What an attitude change. She returns his greeting but then without the overly sounding emotions.

"Did you sleep well?" He seems insistent on making conversation.

"No better than otherwise." She answers curtly. It seems to have done the job. He quiets down after that. She wonders what that strange uncomfortable feeling down her throat is. Is she getting sick? She's rarely sick though. She reaches for an apple. It's big and juicy. She bites into it harshly. Vasil chooses that moment to speak up.

"We'll be arriving in the Capitol in an hour or two. Once there you'll see a lot of journalists. Smile and wave but don't answer any questions. We'll be immediately escorting you towards your care-team. They will clean the both of you right up. After that you'll meet your designers."

Aquila hums to show her acknowledgement. Nathanael nods. "Okay, thank you."

It seems he had taken her words to heart. Somehow that relieves her. At least the boy wouldn't be failing in that area. The next two hours are both tense and calm. It's likely because they are all anticipating the moment they arrived. Vasil in a good way, the rest not so much. Still, no one could begrudge Vasil that he's excited to be almost home. It just isn't all that great for the rest of them. It would be useless to try and explain that to him though.

Vasil loves the Capitol. It's easy to see. His eyes shine when he talks about it the same way those of District 4 shine when they talk about the sea. Like they are speaking about a loved one. Even Aquila is guilty of such love. Then again, could one truly be angry with a man for loving his home? Even if said home does terribly cruel things?

Aquila doesn't really think so. Vasil has been raised with the Hunger Games. So had the districts been but as opposed to them Vasil has always been on the safe side. He wouldn't see the harm in it. Generally any contact between the Districts and Capitol is forbidden. It assures that the Capitol's citizen don't see them as humans. Only as a vague idea of a human. The cultural differences would only strengthen such an effect. It can't be helped. Humanity would never act to prevent something that was an abstract idea to them at best. This is why the rich seldom help the poor. This is why those with enough food never give food away. It is sad, she supposes but it is the way humans are. There's no changing that.

When they arrive in the Capitol they're told to wait a few minutes before being allowed to leave.

Those minutes seem even longer than the two hours had seemed.

Vasil waves them along when they are finally allowed to leave the train. Just like he had warned them before there are a lot of journalists and cameras. Aquila forces a cool smile on her face but doesn't bother waving. She's only prepared to go so far after all. Nathanael's taking the attention in with relish. There's a big smile on his face and he's waving. If his other hand wasn't balled next to his side she might even have believed he meant it. They are hastily led along to a limousine. The pair is then quickly pushed in by their mentors who slide into the car as well. The interior's dark.

Aquila hums. "So this is a car."

Nathanael offers a "huh" sound. Finnick grins at them.

"While not your typical car this is in fact a car." Mags nods to his words with a smile

Aquila shakes her head. She didn't need the confirmation.

"Are you excited for meeting your stylists and prep team?" Vasil aks. Aquila shoots him a dry look. Did they look excited? She certainly doesn't think so.

The rest of the drive is silent. When they finally reach their location they are immediately pushed into the hands of some utterly strange looking people. The group scatters. Nathanael is dragged one direction and Aquila the other. While Mags and Finnick disappear along the way, the ginger resists the urge to lash out. She isn't a doll to be pulled around however the owner wishes. Soon she's pushed into a chair. Two men and a small girl stand over her. Another woman sits in the corner watching the proceedings.

"What do you think, Magnolia? Do we need to do anything special in preparation. I think green skin would clash lovely with that hair of hers." Says the guy with the blue spiked hair. Aquila's pretty sure you aren't allowed to do that sort of changes before one's eighteen years of age. Before she can point it out the small girl speaks up loudly.

"Don't be an idiot, She's got a lovely skin texture. We'd ruin it if we changed the color."

Aquila is pretty sure the girl knows exactly what she's talking about for her own skin is a soft lilac color.

"Maybe we should just leave her body and face alone. She's got a pretty nice face and body. There's enough muscle to give a lean slender build. Her complexion is a bit pale so we should probably use some blush and also some foundation to hide those dark circles. " The last guy speaks up. He looks relatively normal compared to the others. He only has some golden eyeliner beneath his eyes. His skin color is darker then Aquila is used to but it hasn't been modified.

"So what shall it be, Magnolia?" Spoke the first guy again.

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