This is my first crossover/story so it will probably contain a few mistakes. I will probably make the chapters longer later on.

Disclaimer: Naruto and KHR don't belong to me, they belong to Masashi Kishimoto and Akira Amano.

She hopes that Kakashi will forgive her one day even though she can't forgive herself to subjecting him to this fate.

But even in the end, she will die as a loyal shinobi to Konoha.

She feels Kakashi's hand piecing her heart and it hurtshurtsHURTs. Her eyes look up and see Kakashi's eyes wide with shock and pain. Her chest is heaving but still she wills herself to say that it wasn't his fault, she wanted to die so don't blame yourself. But so she can make out is a strangle, "K-Kakashi"

Rin wants to tell him so bad but it hurts. It hurts seeing the tears streaming down his face. It hurts seeing all those times Team Seven were together. It really hurts.

Her eyes are filled with black dots and she feels a sudden weight has left her body. She knows that it's Kakashi's hand.

Rin dies and suddenly the pain is gone and she sees her parents and she runs. Her tears are freely falling as her mother smiles at her. She knows that in another part of her mind, she should be sad, but that part is overwritten by the happiness she feels at the moment.

She is so happy right now. Everything is alright in this moment. She wishes they could stay like this forever. But a black hole appears beneath her and she is falling down down DOWN.

Rin is furious.

Her family has just been reunited and they were just torn apart again. She screams, hoping that someone might be able to fix this and reunite her with her family again.

Voices are speaking around her and she recognizes none of them. But she recognizes the white room of a hospital.

Has there been a mistake?

Didn't she die? Or did Kakashi keep her alive until they reached Konoha? No no NONO, she wasn't supposed to be alive. The seal will set the Three-tails loose on the village. (She doesn't want that to happen. She doesn't want to have the blood of innocents on her hands)

Her eyes open, but she can't see clearly. (Is this some sort of repercussion?)

There are blurry images around her. She can make out one excited voice shouting, "EXTREME!" But there's one word that stood out to her. Baby.

Apparently she was a newborn baby. She was happy with the fact and at the same time not so happy. Happy because no one got hurt by the Three-tails and not so happy about not seeing her family again.

Rin falls asleep due to all the craziness that happened in the set past hour or so.

She wakes up again to the face of her new brother? Kami, it sounds so weird saying it. Rin still can't see but she knows that it's her new brother. Her brother has a nice smile and he calls her Kyoko-chan.

Kyoko, huh. Mirror or respectful child. In her last life? Still can't get used to that. She was Rin, dignified. Yeah she can get used to Kyoko.

Her brother is still here shouting "EXTREME" everywhere and at everything and by everything she means her.

His enthusiasm reminds her of Gai, Kakashi's weird green wearing spandex friend who challenges him to fights sometimes. It kinda hurts to have a reminder to Konoha, but at the same time it's refreshing to know that she was once Rin and that she remembers all of the time she spent in Konoha.

Rin knows she isn't supposed to ignore her brother. But she can't help it, it hurts looking at him and seeing Gai in his place. She works on it though, she doesn't want their relationship to be strained because of the past.

In this life she doesn't have the purple markings on her cheeks. She cries because now she knew it wasn't just a dream, that this her reality now.

Her chakra is all wonky, she can't get it to control itself and it doesn't want to be controlled either. It's like it has a mind of its own and right now it's sleeping, lying dormant until it wakes up.

Rin doesn't know to make out of it, she used to be a very talented medic which requires fun chakra control. Her chakra didn't have a mind of its own and it didn't need a lot of concentration to be controlled. But Rin can deal with it, she dealt with a lot of things. (Obito's death, her parents death, and most of all her rebirth.)

Ryohei-nii, (its only fair she calls him that, he's her brother) is a boxer, he's very passionate about it and asks other people to join his club when they go walking.

Rin doesn't really like this new place but she can get used to it. She likes the people and the place they live in, it's peaceful unlike the Konoha during was time. Rin can get used to this life.