A/N: Hey Guys, here's one of those short-fics I'll be dropping as I work on my sequel to Lapen: A Lapis and Steven Adventure. Thought of this story idea while out on a walk. The following starts off innocent but will get more dark later on. M to be safe. Despite the humor of this story, Do NOT try this at home. Also I don't own Last Airbender. Anyway, enjoy the show!
When Life Hands You Leaves
Chapter 1: A Simple Mistake
*Somewhere in the Woods*
Having finished breakfast, Team Aang set off on their journey. With birds singing, rabbits hopping all over the place and the sun shining without any clouds, it was a text book day for a walk.
After traveling for a couple hours, Aang and his friends needed to make a pit stop. Fortunately, they stumbled upon some restrooms near a path for travelers and hikers. While they had chipped paint, a few cobwebs and some faded Men's/Women's signs, the restrooms appeared to be in stable condition and the aged wood indicated that the structures have helped travelers answer the call of nature for decades if not a century. Despite this, the unkempt appearance was still creepy.
*Restrooms for Hikers*
"Hey guys we should use this time to make a pit stop." Said Aang.
"Okay." Said Sokka.
"I agree." Added Katara.
"You guys go ahead; I already went earlier." Said Toph.
"Okay Toph, you stand guard." Said Aang.
"Will do!" Said Toph as she does a little salute.
The entrance split into two bathrooms; male and female since gender neutral bathrooms hadn't been invented yet. Aang and Sokka used the stalls in the left room while Katara used the stalls in the right room. As our heroes answer the call they make a startling discovery: none of the stalls they occupied had any toilet paper.
"Uh oh, hey guys, do you have any toilet paper?" Asked Katara from her side of the pit stop.
"Unfortunately I don't." Said Aang.
"Neither do I." Said Sokka.
Remaining calm, Aang called out to Toph and asked her if there was any toilet paper in the other stalls, to which there weren't.
"Dammit what are we going to do?!" Said Katara.
"Well why don't we just use our undershirts?" Sokka suggested.
(Brief silence)
"Sokka…. we don't wear undershirts….. remember?!" Said Katara.
"Oh shit you're right!" Said Sokka.
What started out as a pit stop turned into a grave situation for Team Avatar, but Toph had an idea.
"Hey guys what if I just gather some leaves for you guys to use as toilet paper?" Toph suggested.
"Come to think of it, that should actually work, THANKS TOPH!" Said Aang.
And just like that, Toph ran outside, gathered 3 huge fresh leaf piles and placed a pile under each bathroom stall door her friends were using. Due to the lighting, Aang and his friends couldn't really make out what kind of leaves Toph had gathered but considering the situation they were in, Team Aang needed all the help they could get. It felt a little weird to be using leaves at first, but it worked. Now the gang had to really "get in there" to fully wipe themselves but in the end, everything worked out. After wiping for what seemed like a solid 5 minutes, our heroes were finally done. Having finished their individual businesses (while using the last of the leaves), Aang, Katara and Sokka flushed, pulled their pants back up and concluded by washing their hands with soap.
*Outside Restrooms*
"Toph you saved the day!" Said Aang, Katara and Sokka as they congratulated Toph.
"Aw shucks it was nothing!" Said a blushing Toph.
With Toph's help, Team Aang averted what could have been an embarrassing situation. Now there was only one question left: The Leaves.
"Say Toph, due to the poor lighting in the bathroom, Sokka, Katara and I never really got a good look at the leaves you gave us so we were wondering: what leaves did you use?" Aang asked with a smile.
"Why these of course!" Toph answered, also with a smile, as she showed Aang an extra cluster she got.
Upon seeing the leaves, The Avatar's once smiling face turned into a pale, white, terrified expression, filled to the brim with shock, terror and regret. Beads of sweat started to cascade down his skull in numerous directions as his eyes bulged at the leaves in front of him. Every swear, curse word and insult raced through the Air Nomad's mind at lightning speeds, in multiple tongues no less. But at the center of his thoughts, was this one:
"Out of all the different types of leaves in this big, big, big forest, and Toph had to get that one leaf, that one, damn, FUCKING, leaf….." Aang swore in his mind.
Noticing Aang's changed demeanor after looking at the leaves Toph gave them, a concerned Katara then asked:
"Aang…. what leaves are those?"
To which a sad, horrified Aang turned around, and answered:
"Poison Ivy."
A/N: Uh oh…. what wll Aang and his firends do? Find out next time!
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Also, here's a link on how to avoid poison ivy and what to do if you come across it: