Naruto: A light in the Dead of Space

Requested by Panther-Strife, this is my first Naruto-Dead Space crossover story.

After the Pein Invasion Arc, Naruto is confronted by Tobi and is sent to another world with no way of using his chakra or the Kyuubi's chakra. He is sent to the Ishimura just as things begin to take a dark turn for the crew. Now he has to find a way back home with some help and see if he can survive the Dead of Space.

Starts at Downfall.

M for intense violence, language, gore(of coarse), nudity, possible lemons, and character death. OOC, AU.

Chapter 1: From home to the Ishimura

Konoha, 1 week after Pein

Many things have changed in such a short time. For the people of the Leaf village, it was a time of celebrations. A time to rejoice at the victory achieved for them all in the most dire of strafes. All of the lives saved and the ones avenged and now a new life was breathed into the village for all to flourish. Everything was brought on by one person. One person that, despite the herculean odds, succeeded in defeating the Akatsuki leader Pein and saving Konoha from destruction. He was the one who stood tall where others fell, looked death in the face with steel eyes where others would falter, fought while others watched. After it was all said and done, only one person stood tall to defeat the mad man in everyones eyes and save the village.

That person was Naruto Uzumaki, the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. The once village pariah now seen as the village hero.

With his victory, the forth Hokage's wish, his father's wish, was finally seen to fruition after fifteen years. Naruto used to be seen as nothing more than the demon harbored inside of him. A monster that deserved no such love or adoration from the people. A curse that many thought had plagued their village for all this time. Most stayed away from him, urging their children to do the same, but in the end, it all only amounted to a child who was robbed of the love and kindness he deserved. Now though, after risking everything to save the people of the village, Naruto Uzumaki was seen as the hero and loved by all just like he wanted. Everyone who saw the blond after that day saw him smile and fill them with hope, knowing that their hero and most likely future Hokage would set them on the right path. His friends and comrades saw him with a strong and gentle look in his eyes and knew that despite the injuries he would always be truthful and just for what is right. He was happy and was proud of all he accomplished. He was happy to everyone.

But it was all lies.

The truth was that he was miserable. The truth was that he had worn a mask once again to ensure people he was okay now. The truth was that he was broken on the inside now. Why was that? Why was the most unpredictable ninja turned hero like this? What could cause him to keep masking his true emotions? That was simple.

Hinata Hyuuga.

During the battle that Naruto had with Pein, he was forced to watch Hinata fall to the mad man. Before she was struck down, she looked deep into his own blue eyes with her pearl orbs and said in a near whispered tone.

"I love you Naruto-kun. I always have."

And then Pein struck her down just like that. After that all happened, everything else to Naruto was a blur as he remembered the Kyuubi took over in his rage and destroyed the last of the Paths. He then retook control to destroy the last Path himself and then found the real mastermind behind everything.

Naruto confronted Nagato and spoke to him about what he had done. How he perverted the world by doing everything he was so hellbent to achieve. How because of him, Naruto had lost the one person who had loved him for who he was rather than feared him for what he contained. How whatever good he had in him was no more for the monster he had become. Nagato at first was angered by the blond Uzumaki's words, but when he saw the look horror and sadness in his friend Konan's eyes, something in him broke. He let the words Naruto spoke to him sink in. Why did everything turn out this way? Why had he gone from trying to save the world to trying to subjugate it?

Naruto, in his angered state, left Nagato with one last word to him that truly broke the leader of the terrorist organization. "Our clan and those we loved would be ashamed of you for what you've become."

Nagato couldn't help but sob at the blonds words as he left the final two Akatsuki members to their misery.

Naruto walked on after that, his anger fueled his adrenaline at the time, ignoring the tiredness of his body. It was only after realization set in on him did he finally succumb to exhaustion. Fortunately, his still living sensei was there to catch him and bring him back to the village where he was cheered on.

Naruto was blown away from this as it was always something he had wanted. The cheers from the people, the praise of being the hero that saved them all, the love and respect of his fellow ninja, it was all he had ever wanted. There was just one person missing from it all.

The news came that in the casualties were a few dozen people with wounds to severe to heal by either the Slugs or even by Nagato's means. Naruto prayed to any god above that Hinata would not be among the dead. That she would be brought back and into his arms as he had now envisioned with her confession to him. He wanted so badly to have her, but it was all for not as she was indeed gone. The tears shed by the heroic blond could fill rivers at that point. After finally moving on from his godfathers death and finally being able to honor his name by becoming the new Toad Sage, he had lost someone he cared for deeply now. Someone who loved him from the very beginning.

It has now been a week after the Pein invasion, and even though the village was still being rebuilt, the graves for the fallen were made quickly to give them a proper burial. Naruto, for when he wasn't smiling and pantomiming in front of the people of the village, visited the grave of Hinata Hyuuga often. His sensei and Yamato could tell that he was taking her death the hardest and decided now was the time to really address their pupil.

Naruto was once again standing in front of her grave, fresh tears already shed down his whiskered face as he looked to the name etched into the tombstone. All he could do was stand there, watching the grave as if Hinata would simply rise up and hug him to ensure that everything would be okay. That of coarse would only be in his fantasies. Naruto was so focused on the grave that he didn't even notice the two men approaching him until they right next to him.

"Naruto." Kakashi started as he placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, getting the blond's attention but not enough for him to turn around. "I know that it's hard, that you feel responsible for what happened to her, but that is not your fault."

Yamato spoke up next. "What Hinata did was of her choice, not for the village, but for the one that she loved. She wouldn't want you to suffer like this, Naruto." Yamato spoke with a somber tone, same as Kakashi.

Those two knew how losing someone precious to them could be more devastating than simply being defeated. They knew what it could do to someone and they both didn't want that for Naruto.

Naruto didn't respond as he just continued to stare at the grave, his thought replaying her final moments over and over again.

He smile as blood seeped from the top of her head. Pein's hand raised high with his pole aimed for her. Naruto's own pleading eyes as he watched everything unfold. Hinata still watching him with that haunting smile. And finally, Pein impaling her through the heart with all of his force. The blood that came from the wound soaking the very ground they were standing on as Hinata kept her smile as the light in her eyes died slowly.

Naruto couldn't get that image out of his head as he stood side by side with his sensei and the Anbu captain turned team captain for Team seven. Everything was a thin haze of dread and despair in his eyes as he couldn't think of anything else, that was when it happened.

"So." A new voice came from the shadows, bringing the two men on high alert. "It seems my proxy couldn't get the job done it seems."

Naruto also turned as he saw the image of a man wearing those infernal Akatsuki robes and an orange mask with only one eye visible to them. Naruto went from grief stricken to angered as he remembered when he met his parents inside his seal they mentioned a man like this at the day of his birth. Naruto was ready to attack and mangle this man for the pain he not only caused his parents and the village, but if he heard right, for allowing Nagato down a dark path that killed Hinata.

"It seems the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki has more tricks up his sleeve than I had previously anticipated." He paced around a bit, noticing Naruto's hard glare towards him. This caused him to chuckle lightly. "What's the matter Uzumaki? You look like you're seeing someone who killed your best friend."

That did it for Naruto. Much to the protest of his sensei and team captain, Naruto rushed forward to this man. He ignored all forms of pain he still had, though minor, as he wanted to rip this man apart slowly and have him experience the suffering he had gone through for a solid week.

Unbeknownst to Naruto, the masked man smirked underneath his mask. Before Naruto could throw a punch towards the man, something happened that stopped him in his tracks. Naruto was frozen in place as he stood in front of the man, alarmed that he couldn't even access his chakra to break out of this. He tried Sage mode only for that to fail then even the Kyuubi's chakra with the same results. The masked man chuckled further as he now stood in front of Naruto, ensuring that Naruto saw the Sharingan in his single eye.

"You have become an even bigger nuisance than I anticipated." Kakashi and Yamato were about to intervene and save the blond, but a kunai to Naruto's neck stopped them in their tracks. "Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't if I were you." He then turned his attention back to Naruto. "Wouldn't want our little reunion to be ruined now would we?"

Naruto gritted his teeth as he mustered all of his rage towards this man. "I'm going to kill you." He whispered through gritted teeth.

The man laughed as he stood there. "I doubt that Naruto. Really, I do." He began to go through one handed hand seals so fast that Naruto barely could see them at all. "Because I have other plans for you."

Suddenly, a red circle appeared below the blond and glowed violently. Naruto looked around with his eyes since he couldn't move his body at all, and was horrified by whatever this was. He had never seen anything like this before and could only wonder what this bastard in front of him was planning. Naruto looked back towards the man as he saw his Sharingan eye spin with the Mangekyo Sharingan symbol.

"Enjoy hell, Naruto Uzumaki." The man finished his seals and slammed his hand down to the ground.

"NARUTO!" Both Kakashi and Yamato screamed out as the circle around Naruto spun around his body and the blond screamed in agony.

For a brief moment, Naruto felt like he was being pulled apart. He floated within the circle as the glow intensified to blinding levels before feeling a strong pull downward, then, nothing. He felt nothing.

The glow died down and the three men saw that Naruto Uzumaki was no longer there. Just burnt ground where he stood once before. Kakashi and Yamato were in shock at what they had seen while the masked man had a look of surprise behind his mask.

This was it. This was the day that Naruto Uzumaki was no more.

USG Ishimura Infirmary

Many things could be said about the Planet Cracker class vessel the USG Ishimura. It was the largest planet cracker in her class, it is responsible for over one hundred successful planet cracks, it has brought in resources aplenty back to Earth and its other colonies, but now, things were looking bleak for the ship. First was the people who found something on the planet Aegis VII called a Marker, an apparent holy figure to the Church of Unitology, and then things took a dark turn. Several of the people started apparently seeing things, screaming about monsters and shooting at anything that moves. It was a massacre down there, especially with the Union Square Mass Suicide of fifty Unitologist weeks before the Ishimura even arrived. That wasn't even the most disturbing part as people started showing cases of dementia, insomnia related suicide, hallucinations, and homicides of various degrees. The colony to Aegis VII was now a deserted bloodbath after the Shuttleport Disaster destroying five of the six emergency shuttles on the ground as almost all of the CEC, Concordance Extraction Corporation, personnel on Aegis VII were killed. One ship was able to make it back aboard the Ishimura, but there were no survivors inside as there was only body parts and blood strewn throughout the ship.

Now, why has there been an interest in the infirmary? Because multiple people were caught in the crash that ship caused within the docking bay. One of those people, was none other than a mysterious blond that appeared out of nowhere to begin with.

I'm gonna end this one right here and say that this story will cover most of the Dead Space lore(Games, DLC, comics, movies). Not much will be said about Konoha other than a few fleeting moments here and there, but the main bulk of this story is set within the Dead Space universe. Characters like Isaac Clarke, Gabe Weller, Alissa Vincent, Ellie Langford, John Carver, Nicole Brennan, Nolan Stross, Isabella Cho will all play roles within this story as things change but not stray too far from one another.

I want to thank Panther-Strife for requesting this story as I've never done a Dead Space story before let alone a crossover one like this. Sorry it took me so long to get it out there, but now I'm gonna try and focus on this and some other of my low-key projects not concerning Bleach. This doesn't mean I'm abandoning those stories, I just really need a break from trying to come up with things on those fronts and getting headaches when attempting to write them.

I hope you guys will enjoy this fic as I will be using a lot of the lore to Dead Space to try and be as consistent as possible. Like I said before, this story starts at Downfall and will most likely end at Dead Space 3 or maybe a little beyond that past Awakened and I have free reign to do whatever I want with that. We'll see.

Anyway, hope ya'll enjoyed this first chapter and continue to enjoy reading this as I update it as frequently as I can. I'll also be posting a sequel to my Ninja Gaiden X Bleach crossover a little later this week, so watch out for that later on. If you haven't read my first Ninja Gaiden X Bleach crossover, then it's alright as it's just the first game with my own OC in it and hollows and the like. The sequel will just be the actual sequel with more of the same thing.

I'm also gonna post another Naruto story later this week as well that's basically my take on Naruto being the only male ninja in an all Kunoichi world. There will be lemons in that one and will also be taking a few liberties with the established story in the manga/anime. Hope ya'll enjoy that story as well as this one and my Ninja Gaiden X Bleach one.

I'm gonna stop rambling now and say, stay awesome.