Does anyone else hear Boss Music, or is it just me?

Here we are. Fair warning, a LOT is happening here. Thanks for the reviews. They helped me know what to keep track of here. I appreciated some people guessing parts of the plot. The cake goes to shados960. Great job in regards to Altara.

Also, thank you Rage for helping me with the details of this skill. It turned out a lot better than how I'd originally planned it. I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

Since Last Time: 60 more Favorites, 60 more Followers (Total: 1824 Favorites, 2015 Followers) Passed the 2k mark! WOOHOO!

Updated: August 10th, 2020 6:00 P.M.

Chapter Fifty-Three: Liberation of Melromarc, Part Three: Pandora's Box

Ten Years Ago

People bustled down a busy street. The sound of a blacksmith's hammer hitting against metal rung like clockwork. The clatter of wagons and the heavy footfalls of Filolials, dragon riders, and other animals intermingled with the pounding hammer. With the talk and gossip of those going about their day...

A lone, frail, Raccoon demi-human sat on the side of the road. Away from any market stand or front door. She looked forlornly down at the ground. She had on nothing but old torn stinky rags. Her hair and tail were a mess. Her eyes were gaunt. Above all, she stank. Everyone avoided her. No one spoke with her.

How long had it been since she last bathed? Months. When was the last time she had a decent meal? Longer. When was the last time she had a nice interaction with another person? Longer yet. When was the last time she'd felt worthy of worshipping her great God, the Shield Hero...

She couldn't remember. It'd been so long...

"Oof!" Someone didn't see her, and she fell over. "Hey, get out of the way, demi!" The knight that had accidentally stumbled into her yelled at her angrily.

She didn't respond. She responded to no one anymore. She laid on the ground, waiting for her end to happen.

"Eh, just leave her be. She looks like she'll keel over any day now." The other knight with him said with disgust.

"... You're right. It wouldn't be worth the effort of drawing my sword." The knight said with a sneer, covering his nose to protect it from the odor. Not to mention, if they killed a demi in the streets, they'd get in severe trouble with the Queen.

The two knights continued on, leaving her be. Besides a few glances from nearby people who had heard the commotion, nothing happened.

She sat back up. She wished they had tried to move her. That they, in anger, had cut her down so that she would finally be laid to rest from this miserable world. But that wasn't her luck. It was never her luck. Why was it never her luck?

A single tear formed in her eye. She missed her husband. Her sweet, loving husband. She missed their children. Their beautiful, small innocent children. They had been too young. Far too young to be taken so quickly. How old would they have been now if they were alive? The second, probably around eight. The first, maybe twelve. But they and her husband had been ripped away before her very eyes...

Had it really been that long since she'd lost everything? Why was she still alive? How was she still alive? How had she managed to wander here? Why did no one help her? Why couldn't she remember her journey to this city? What had brought her here? Why wasn't she dead? Why couldn't she be allowed to die? Why had the Siltvelt Council not killed her alongside her family? Why had their great Shield God not appeared to fix the great wrongs in her country? Why had she been abandoned in her time of need?

Why did she have so many questions that couldn't be answered without someone's help...

A lone figure stopped in front of her. She paid him no mind. She didn't care for her questions anymore. She only wished to die...

"Balamus. What are you doing staring at that demi? We need to return to the Church."

After a moment, she felt a hand lift her chin. She looked up for what felt like the first time into someone's eyes. They were as if the eyes of a guardian angel.

"My dear." He was dressed in black priest robes. A rosary of the Three Heroes Church hung around his neck. "You look like you could use some help." Balamus said. A small smile on his face.

She stared at him. Her first instinct was to distrust the man. She had grown up being taught never to trust a Three Heroes Priest. But was it a trick? Was it a trap? Was this how it would all end?

Regardless, she didn't have the will or the strength to resist as he helped her up. As he led her alongside an astonished priest down the road. Past people and knights and adventurers alike until she stepped into a large building. The building that would become her new home.

Her new life.

Before her eyes, her rags were taken. Fresh clothes were given to her. Wounds were treated. She was given food to eat. A warm bed to sleep. For the first time in years, she was helped.

Was this a dream? No. It was real. Too real to be such a thing.

The nuns didn't talk to her. The priests didn't say a word. Yet, silently, they helped her. Under the watchful eyes and guidance of the priest who had taken her off the street. They helped her.

That first night, she cried herself to sleep. Astonished at the first act of genuine kindness that had been shown to her ever since her exile from Siltvelt.

After a long while of recovery. After what felt like months or a few weeks, that kind priest came to her room to check on her again.

"Have my people taken good care of you, dear child?"

She didn't speak. She only stared at him. Unsure of what to do. Unsure of what to say.

"Oh, where are my manners." He was still smiling. "My name is Balamus. I am a humble priest here. Can you tell me your name?"

She… Should she use her name?... should she tell him what her previous life was?… …

No. Her old life was dead. She had died on that street. No, she had died in that Council room. The moment they killed her husband and children in front of her, she had died.

"Al… Altara." She said hoarsely. It was the first time she'd talked since being helped. Altara, that would be her new name from now on.


She looked up at him. At one of the people she'd been taught for years was her enemy. A burning fire lit her eyes. "Tell me… priest… can I… will I ever... be worthy of seeing my family again?"

Balamus looked caught off guard. "Worthy?"

At last, she explained some of her story to him. She included some of her questions and left out key details she'd rather forget about. But it had been the first time since her exile that she'd told anyone her story. About what had happened to her. About what had happened to her family. She coughed, throat hoarse from misuse. Yet Balamus gave her water and sat patiently as she explained.

After she was done, Balamus nodded in understanding. "I have always thought of the Siltvelt Council as a bunch of brutes, but to hear them sink so low…"

"Please, priest, tell me there's a way for me to be with my family again," Altara begged.

"I have empathy for you, my child. But I am unsure if the Gods would stoop so low as to allow a demi-human into their Great Halls alongside humans…"

Altara gulped. "I will do... anything they ask... Anything." Her once-proud voice could do nothing but plead. Plead for once last chance at redeeming herself. To take back what had been ripped away from her at the end of the war.

Balamus thought about it more…


"Devote yourself to the true Gods. Reject the Shield Hero. Use your power in the service of the Spear, Bow, and Sword. And should you purify yourself as best as you're able… you'll find the answers to your questions. And I promise that I'll do what it takes to help you meet your family again." That was all he could offer her.


Altara stared for a moment and then nodded.

She had nothing left to lose. And so, she did what Balamus said. Not only had her life changed. But now, her fate had changed too.

After that day, she shed her former identity as a demi. She used a file to wear down her fangs. She cut off her own tail and kept it from healing back. She could do nothing for her ears since she had no human ears on the sides of her head to listen with, so she always wore a hood to hide them. Her greatest shame. It hurt. Having to hide her identity from everyone, grinding away at her fangs, cutting off her tail; such a vital part of her, but none of it hurt as much as the memory of her family's death.

She bore her trials and learned to live without her tail and fangs. To live with her head always covered. To live as a human among humans. So she did it. And eventually, she was able to live with it.

She spent long months following that day poring over the sacred texts of the Three Heroes Church. Years and years of former worship and knowledge were gradually replaced with the 'true' knowledge of the world. Of the true Gods that deserved all her worship. As well as all the sins and abominations that had been committed by the demis. She saw the human's side of the story at last. And it was a marvel to behold.

She ate it up like a child thirsty for milk. Filling that void in her heart with that and whatever Balamus handed to her. After years of agony, after years of questions, she was finally finding answers. She knew why the great Shield God hadn't appeared to correct Siltvelt. She knew why they had been capable of committing such an evil act. It was because there was no great Shield God. He was but a lowly devil, who'd trained his people to be devils. Why would he make an appearance to correct what he'd taught his people to do?

After learning the truth and recovering, she trained anew to recover her former strength. To use her fighting prowess in service of the True Gods instead of the late Claw King and the blasphemous lying Devil of the Shield.

Within two years of her rescue and recovery, Balamus started secretly ordering her to hunt and kill certain individuals in secret. Many of which were influential demi-humans. At first, despite everything she'd learned, it was hard. Going against her own people and former beliefs. But, gradually, it became easier to do. She only had to remember how they'd thrown her out and abandoned her. How she had been left all alone after they'd taken everything from her. Her home. Her family. Her right to go to heaven with them.

And then, the killing became easy. In fact, it became thrilling. It was like she was avenging herself. Avenging the lives of her family with their deaths. She began to see it more like a correction that was needed, instead of murder and slaughter.

Did she regret what had happened before? Yes. Did she regret that it'd be a while yet before she died and met her husband again face to face? Absolutely. But did she ever doubt Balamus and his words? Never. Not even once. Not when he became the High Priest. Not when she became one of his head nuns. No, she never doubted him.

His words and kind actions that day had saved her. Had redeemed her and made her worthy to see her husband and their children once more. She knew why she'd been spared now. She knew why she hadn't died that day on that street. And she knew why she had to live now.

She promised she'd serve him and the Great Gods until the end of her days. She would shed her abominable identity. She would never lose the place she'd worked so hard to grab for herself in the heavens. With her husband, and their son and daughter.

No one would ever take that from her again.

No one. Ever. Again.


"You…" Altara seethed in rage. Without her hood, there was no way to cover the objects of her shame. Dou-Lon and Raphtalia both saw what she really was clear as day.


"But… but why would a demi be a nun for the Three Heroes Church?" Dou-Lon said in shock. He hadn't imagined his instincts would not only carry him to the Shield Hero's companion, but to the nun that killed his friends. But to learn the nun was a demi like them...

Raphtalia also looked stunned. But it was because it made a lot more sense now why Altara was so advanced at illusion magic.

"I'm no demi! I refuse to be an abomination like you!" Altara's blades flashed, but then they disappeared. She growled in frustration and pulled out several Mana Recovery Potions. Hastily beginning to drink them down.

"You, you killed my friends." Dou-Lon's fists clenched. "You killed them right in front of me for being demis. And you're a demi yourself?! How could you?!" Raphtalia was taking the moment to drink a couple of Mana Recovery Potions herself. "How could you work for an institution as diabolical as the Three Heroes Church?! How could you betray your own kind like this!? How could you betray the great Shield Hero?!"


Dou-Lon paused in surprise. He knew the Raccoons had been the scapegoats of the war. That the nobles had been exiled. The commoners enslaved. But he hadn't heard of any that had their families killed. Her Majesty would have never allowed such an act to happen with the peace treaty that took in the refugees and allowed Siltvelt to keep the slaves.

"THEY TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME! NOW IT'S MY TURN TO TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU! NOW DIEEEEEEEEE!" Altara finished with drinking her potions and then she sped forward, careening for the two of them.

'So quick!'


It was only because of their reflexes that the two jumped back in time to avoid the explosive crater Altara made when she slammed down into the ground in a burst of light and shadow magic. Had they not dodged it, they would have died from the powerful attack.

When she stood, light and shadow poured off her in waves. Her face was twisted. It wasn't just a scowl. She looked at them both with pure and utter hatred, breathing in and out heavily.

"What the hell." Dou-Lon looked genuinely shocked at the power level Altara was boasting. At the amount of rage, she was expressing.

She couldn't have just been a noble from Siltvelt. There were few who were strong enough to boast this kind of power level. And to harbor such hatred. Just what kind of betrayal had she suffered from?!

Altara sent a blast of light and shadow at both of them. They ducked the attack, and the wall behind then exploded outwards from the resulting explosion. She was no longer focusing any efforts into illusion magic. No, she was going to kill these two. No matter how much magic force it took.

"Damn it. I can't allow her to get in the way of Naofumi and the other Cardinal Heroes." Raphtalia took a defensive stance. "You better not think of double-crossing me, Hakuko." She didn't have much choice in the matter. If any of those attacks connected now, it'd be game over. She'd work with the Hakuko for now to stop the nun. But afterward, she'd have to wait and see.

Dou-Lon transformed into his therianthrope form. He donned a pair of magic Steel gauntlets. His normal weapon of choice was a long lance, but it had gone missing after his capture at Bellona Village. "Don't worry. I never shared my friend's views about Raccoons or their distant Tanuki cousins anyways."

His instincts had led him here to the Capital. Sneaking through sewer tunnels past Church Knights and Followers alike until he arrived at the Castle. And now, he was face to face with the woman that had killed his friends. He had a chance to finally help his Great God and his trusted companion. He couldn't fail now.

"I'LL KILL, EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!" Altara charged forward. A blade of light in one hand, and a blade of shadow in the other.

Her blade of light met Raphtalia's sword, and her blade of Shadow met Dou-Lon's gauntleted fists. And so, their fight began.


"Ahhh!" A ball of fire slipped through the shield wall and slammed into the forward vanguard. Several of the knights collapsed screaming in pain. They were quickly dragged to safety as other knights surged forward in their place. Shields raised, and pikes peaking out as they marched for the Church's position on the South Street of the city.

"Archers, fire!" A Captain gave a hand signal, and the Church archers released a wave of arrows onto Mirellia's vanguard. The Queen herself sat on a large warhorse. Near the center of her forces.

"Zweite Ice Wall!" She spread both her hands, forming a wall of ice in front of the center part of the street. Many of the arrows hit it, those that flew around it or over bounced off her knight's upraised shields.

"Return fire!" A line of archers behind Mirellia unleashed a volley of arrows over the ice wall on the Church position. Because of distance, fortifications, and the Church forces being positioned uphill, they didn't do much.

"Decipher the laws of nature! Cleanse our targets in a ball of fire! Zweite Fireball!" The church mages launched another volley on the advancing knights. Mirellia's ice wall melted under the barrage. But this time, their raised shields managed to block the remaining fire spells launched at them. They continued slowly marching forward.

"Don't fall to the blasphemous devils! We are more than a match for the entire world!" The Captain encouraged his men. None of which were armed with a single shield. "If you die here today! You shall die with the reward of sitting in the great halls of our Gods!"

They all gave a loud cheer, and more fireballs and arrows were launched at the advancing army. The knights in front, taking cover behind various wagons and such, readied their swords for a retaliatory charge while archers and mages provided cover fire.

Mirellia calmly observed from her steed. Around, as her army marched into various other streets, chaos ensued. The Church was scrambling with the major hole in their defenses thanks to Melty's efforts (she really wished she could have had time to hug her precious daughter because of how proud she was of her, but she couldn't afford to waste a second). This was the first real show of resistance the Church had managed against her army thus far. And it was annoying, to say the least.

However, the civilians had it the worst. With the sudden invasion, panic and anarchy were more of a threat than the defenders themselves. Mirellia's army was being forced to slow all around in an effort to direct civilians out of harm's way. But everywhere in the city could be in harm's way. As the chaos allowed for enemy soldiers to sneak up from behind and ambush her forces even at the southern entrance of the city.

Why was it whenever disaster struck, civilians ran into the line of fire and not away from it?

After a brutal onslaught of arrows and spells, some of the Church soldiers began charging from behind the wagons they'd taken cover behind to charge her army. Her archers fired arrows. She fired a few lower tier ice spells herself. Still, too many managed to reach the shield wall. Those that got past the pikes and shields inflicted heavy wounds on her own soldiers before finally being brought down. Mirellia summoned another thick ice wall, pouring more MP into it to buy her loyal soldiers a reprieve.

"Why have we not outflanked them yet?" She asked one of her knights.

"There are civilians being evacuated on the east and west of this street. We can't proceed forward without fear of ambush until they're out of the way, your Majesty." A knight informed her.

Mirellia frowned. Then another knight ran past archers and mages behind her up to her. These mages were busy treating the wounded. "Your Majesty, we finished discussions with the Second Princess in regards to the Church's defenses in the city."


"According to Princess Melty, this is their only major line of defense in the Southern section. The other areas have the Church forces set closer to the walls. They're scrambling to respond, but if we break them now, their reinforcements won't be prepared for our approach on the castle."

Mirellia looked at the Church's defensive position and the Cathedral surrounding her castle beyond them. So she could reach the glowing green cathedral surrounding her home if they broke this defensive line? Yet they were having a hard time doing it. Her forces also couldn't surround them from behind because of the panicking populace in the way. Which hid its own dangers as well as the possibility of alerting the enemy of her plan of attack. Had the positions been turned, she would make it a war of arbitration. Slowly retreating, pelting the advancing army from a safe distance. Buying time until reinforcements arrived to help batter down the enemy soldiers even more.

She frowned, expressing with the simple movement of her mouth how angry she felt. She was hoping to save more of her energy for the retaking of the Castle. She was hoping not to resort to such extremes. But this was taking too long. Her loyal army was suffering too many casualties. Too many civilians were in disarray over what was going on. About who to support or where to flee. Her husband, no matter idiotic he was, was in danger of execution. And the Pope was preparing a crusade that would put Siltvelt's former conquests to shame. And these idiots wanted to help him do it!

She had to end this madness in her country once and for all!

"Then I shall break them myself." Mirellia breathed calmly as she stood up in her mounts. Some of the knights looked at their Queen.

"As source of thy power and as the Queen of Melromarc, I order thee!" Her voice boomed. The next wave of Church Knights paused in their tracks. "Decipher the laws of nature." She continued. "Rain down a storm upon my enemies. Pierce them with my wrath! With the sharpest ice in creation; make this area be their graves forevermore!" Her voice rang out loud and clear. Blue energy surrounded her hands before she raised them to the sky.

The Captain's eyes widened. "Take cover! Knights, take-" The Church mages were stunned at what came next.

"Drifa Icicle Rain!"

A storm cloud rapidly formed overhead. The Church Knights stared up in surprise. And then from it, long sharp spikes of ice rained down upon them.


Without shields to protect them, many of the exposed Church Knights perished instantly. The ice spikes were also strong enough that they pierced the wood and stone of wagons, buildings, and other structures that the Church forces hid behind. The Church mages tried their best with more fire spells to defend themselves, but there were too many ice spikes. Some of the weaker ones perished.

Mirellia's army watched in silent awe and horror as their Queen personally unleashed her icy wrath upon the traitors before them.

After her spell had finished, the area of the street in front of them was covered in ice spikes. The Captain and those few with him that had survived fled in terror towards the castle. Screaming in fear at the ungodly scene they had just witnessed.

Mirellia grimaced, not only from the amount of drain she felt from the spell. But because of all the experience notifications that came in from all the people she'd just killed.

"Are you alright, your Majesty?"

"Yes, I'll be fine." Mirellia forced a recomposure of herself. "Soldiers, our enemy is broken! Advance on the castle!"

Her knights under her cheered, and without civilians in the way down the main street, the majority of her army continued energetically in their march on the castle. The few stragglers that had survived the ice barrage either fell to her soldiers' pikes or surrendered. Laying down their arms and begging for their lives.

Mirellia's eyes did their best to not stare at the ice all around. To tune out the moans of the dying. The screams of the wounded. To not stare at the bloodstained carcasses that littered the ground under them as they marched on.

There was a reason she tried so hard to avoid war. The scene of carnage it left behind. The bitter taste that filled her nose and mouth. It was far more gruesome than any Wave she'd seen yet.


"What?!" The royal mustached bastard commander yelled. "What bad news are you bringing me now?!"

"Um… Captain Donathan's forces in the south of the city just got annihilated."

"... WHAT?! BY WHO!?" The commander's shrill voice made the messenger cower in fear.

"By the Queen. She unleashed a rain of ice that killed everyone in its path. The southern section of the city is lost."

The commander flipped his command table over in his rage. "Get the rest of our forces positioned at the Southern portion of the Castle! We can't allow that royal Bitch to interrupt our Excellency's crusade against the False Heroes and the abominable demis!"

"But they won't be able to move fast enough-"

"DO IT!"

The messenger eeped and ran off to fulfill the Commander's impossible orders.

"Hmmph. Looks like you chose the wrong side, old friend."

The mustached Commander glared behind him. The knights, the traitor Captain, and the Foolish King were on their knees. The area they were in was the arena in the Castle Gardens. A platform with several nooses had been set up in the center of the area. Their wrists were bound behind them with rope. Only a couple of guards stood watch at the entrances. The rest were either at the castle walls or protecting the Followers sacrificing their mana for the Replica.

"What did you say to me?!"

"You chose the wrong side. Don't you see it? You've already lost." The Captain, despite what he'd gone through, looked up at his former superior with a smirk. "You're going to be in so much trouble when her Majesty gets here."

The Commander drew out his sword. "Be careful with what you say. It's only because of this attack that you and the other traitors haven't been executed on schedule." He growled out. Everything had all been prepared. But then the fight in the Castle, as well as the sudden appearance of Mirellia and her army had sent everyone scrambling on what to do. Thus, the execution had been delayed.

"... To think there was a time I followed your orders and protected you from danger." The Captain let out a weary sigh. "I knew I shouldn't have stopped the Shield Hero's party member in Lute Village." He said. Remembering how he had protected the bastard from Raphtalia in the Lute Wave. "It would have saved us all a lot of trouble had I let her sword cut off your head."

"Why you!" The Royal Commander backhanded the Captain, knocking him onto his back. "I don't care anymore! You are vile, blasphemous scum! If we can't do it properly in front of a crowd, I'll just execute you myself right now!"

The Captain coughed up blood. And then spat it into the Commander's face. "You... can go to hell." He spat. "For your actions against all four Holy Heroes, you deserve nothing less." If he died now, at least he'd die knowing he would walk the halls of the Great Gods. And not this filthy cowardly man before him.

The Commander fumed. And raised his sword to strike down the Captain. The Captain huddled in, preparing for death.


The icy voice made the Commander pause. "What is it now-" He turned, and stopped in surprise.

Eclair approached. There was no sign of the guards who had been standing watch at that entrance. However, trails of blood led away from their posts. Her sword glistened white.

"Who are you?! What are you doing here-"

"You led the squad that killed my Father," Eclair said slowly. She stopped just a few feet in front of the Commander, leveling her sword at his chest. She had a nasty gash on one of her arms from her fight with the knight Sebastian, but she didn't look any less frightening.

Oh, don't worry. She hadn't killed the knight since, while he'd been part of the squad that ambushed him, he hadn't raised his sword against him. He only raised it against the monsters that came into the manor after them. However, after beating the information of who had led that squad out of him, he wouldn't be awake for quite a while.

The Commander's eyes widened in recognition and fear, but then he smirked. Hiding the fear he very much felt inside himself. "Ah, yes. I remember you now. The sniveling girl that came in wanting to see her precious daddy."

Eclair growled. Behind his back, the Commander's hand signaled to the guards at the other entrance. They snuck off to the sides, moving into the shadows of the walls to avoid detection while the Commander took up Eclair's full attention.

"So you admit it!" Eclair readied her sword. Sebastian had told her the truth!

"Ah ah ah. I did lead the squad that assaulted Lord Seaetto's home. But I wasn't the one lucky enough to slay him." The Commander said with a smirk. "After all, there were about ten of us vying for his life. It's hard to keep track of who did what in a fight."

Eclair growled. Ten on one in a surprise ambush. That was dishonorable in terms of any fight! But she didn't move to slay the Commander yet. "Why? Why did you kill him?" Eclair said. Her cold voice laced with sorrow. "He was a kind man! He did nothing wrong to anyone! Why did he have to die?!"

"Ah, yes, he was kind. Too kind, to those nasty vile abominations." The Commander spat. Eclair snarled. "He was in the way. He said we couldn't summon the Heroes. They had to be summoned properly by the various countries, and that Melromarc had to wait their turn. He and the Queen would have allowed our great Gods to help our enemies. To allow the abominations in Siltvelt to have their precious devil with them!"

"Who was it?! Who was the vile man that killed my Father!?"

"I wouldn't call the man that killed him vile. I'd say he did a great service for our country. For our world." The Commander smirked confidently. He could see the two knights sneaking quietly behind Eclair now. They were closing in for the kill. "With that vile blasphemer the Queen put in charge gone, his Excellency convinced the former King to allow the summoning of the Cardinal Heroes to protect our great nation. Then again, it didn't avail too much, as they turned out to be traitors too."

"Who, killed, my Father!" Eclair snapped. Pressing her sword up against his throat.

The Commander had to hold back a gulp. "Why do you want to know so badly?" The Commander asked curiously with his hands raised in surrender. The two knights prepared to ambush Eclair. Her wounded arm lightly dribbled blood onto the ground.

"It's not like you'll live to learn the truth."

The two knights jumped and swung at the wounded rose haired knight.


With one slash of her blade, Eclair turned and gutted both knights. Blood sprayed as they fell back. Dropping their swords and yelling in pain.

"No- gah!" The Commander drew his sword to attack, but Eclair sharply faced him again. Slashing his hand. He recoiled, shocked at the red liquid leaking from his hand. She kicked him back onto the ground. Even with her limp arm, she was still as scary as hell.

"I have no time for these games!" Eclair said, furious at the dishonor these men had fallen to. "Tell me! Who was the bastard in the squad you led that murdered my Father?!"

"I, I swear! It wasn't me!" The Commander yelled. He sounded afraid. Very afraid.

"Tell me who did it!" Eclair yelled. She pressed the tip of her sword down against his armored chest. Right over his heart. "TELL ME!"

"It wasn't me, it was-"

"He's lying. It was him."

Eclair looked at the Captain. The Commander also looked at him in shock. "I remember now. The day after the Wave, during a meeting, he boasted to all of us Captains. How he had personally used his sword to slay the monster in the way of our country's greatness. I thought he was lying about killing the Wave Boss. But that wasn't it, was it?" The Captain glared coldly at the mustached commander.

"You killed Lord Seaetto. You son of a bitch."

The Commander paled. And Eclair somehow became ten times more frightening. She had been seeing red since her first fight with the Church that day. And now, she saw black. Nothing but the black piece of scum before her.

"Knights! Help! HELP!" The Commander screeched. Not even hiding his fear anymore. Yet they were too far away. Preparing for the inevitable threat of the Queen. And his cries for help only cemented the Captain's words.

The Royal Knight Commander, whose duty was to protect royalty and those put in charge by royalty, had been the one to slay Lord Seaetto in a cold-blooded ambush during a Wave of Catastrophe.

"You shouldn't have thought only a few knights would be needed to keep you safe," Eclair said, making sure her sword's blade was sharp with the tip of her finger. The small cut it left dribbled blood onto the dirt below.

"SOMEONE! ANYONE! HELP MEEEEEE!" The former Royal Knight mustached Commander bastard, unnamed, not worthy of being named, yelled in fear. Eclair glared down. Raised her sword.

And then, he was silenced.


One slash.

One last disbursement of justice.

That was all it took to send the Commander's head, mouth agape, face frozen in fear, rolling bloodily across the ground, and for his headless carcass to fall still.

That was all it took for Eclair to avenge her Father.


The Pope released a massive skill.

"Air Strike Shield!"

Positioning the shield just right, Naofumi managed to deflect the majority of the attack away from Motoyasu. Who jumped out of the way before the Shield broke and the rest of the attack hit the area he'd been standing in.

"Thanks, Naofumi!"

"No problem!"

Pope Balamus frowned. But Ren was already upon him again. "Crimson Sword!" The Legendary sword, covered in flames, slammed down onto his auto barrier, cracking it in the process.

Again, sharing the power-up methods really showed the difference in strength between Motoyasu and the other heroes.

"You fools-"

"Lightning Arrow!" The Pope turned around at being interrupted but was too late to dodge Itsuki's attack. The arrow destroyed the barrier around him and struck his arm.

"Urgh!" The Pope fell to one knee. Gripping the bleeding wound as electricity coursed through his body.

"You will be purified!" He sent a blast of light back at Itsuki.

"Shield Prison!" A ball of chains and plates appeared in front of Itsuki. The Pope's attack slammed into it, but it gave Itsuki enough time to get clear before the attack destroyed the skill.

"Air Strike Javelin!" Motoyasu chucked the translucent green javelin skill before the Pope's barrier reformed. It slammed into his gut, doubling him over in pain. Even if Motoyasu had none of the other strengthening methods, his attacks hurt when a barrier wasn't protecting his Excellency.

"This cannot be! I am an Apostle of God! I hold the power of the Almighty in my grasp!" The Pope yelled, struggling to stand up on the Spear.

Outside, the Bishop led some of the Followers to chant healing magic. Healing over his wounds. Yet hundreds had already fainted. And nervous whispering was starting to spread among others. The sounds of battle were coming closer.

Was God truly on their side?

Ren charged forward again. Sparks came off his sword as he chose his next skill. For once, he didn't look weighed down. He knew he had to give his all. None of his doubts or guilt could be allowed to get in the way when it mattered most! "Dragon Buster!"

The red, fiery dragon sprang forth from his blade. Slamming into the Pope's barrier once more.

"Wind Arrow!" Itsuki's next skill followed right as Ren cleared out of the way. The blonde boy had been through much since being summoned to this world. Twisted party members. Witness to the cruelty of the highest regard. And he held personal responsibility for not realizing his mistakes. For not realizing how his actions had consequences that affected himself and everyone else around him.

However, he wanted to change that. He wanted to fix what he had caused. Or what others had broken. And his skill helped that along. As the Pope's barrier cracked under the strength of his resolve.

The Pope retaliated with another shockwave of power. Motoyasu jumped over it, giving his spear a twirl over his head. He had a long way to go to becoming a hero. Everything he thought he'd known had all been a lie. And because he'd blindly trusted, he'd ended up hurting a lot of innocent people. He'd hurt many fair maidens without even realizing it.

But while he had a long journey ahead of him after today. His next skill was but one of many that marked his first steps towards the path of redemption. "Chaos Spear!"

After the force of the other attacks, the auto barrier around Balamus shattered. His Replica Spear locked with Motoyasu's skill. With the latter struggling to break through the former's guard.

"I am God! I will not fall to False Heroes like you!" The Pope yelled in Motoyasu's face.

"Some idiot God you are. You think I'm dumb enough to realize I can't overpower you by myself?!" Motoyasu yelled.

The Pope realized what he meant too late.

"Shield Bash!" Motoyasu jumped away right as Naofumi charged in from the side. Going behind the Pope's guard, he slammed the Iron Shield he had equipped right into the Pope's face. While the dismal attack stat did no damage, the skill's effect kicked in. The Pope wobbled where he stood, stunned as Naofumi jumped back out of the way.

"Your reign of tyranny ends here!" Itsuki charged up his most powerful skill.

"You won't harm my friends anymore." Ren prepared his strongest skill.

"You're going to pay for all the fair maidens you made me hurt!" Motoyasu yelled as he charged up his most powerful skill.

"As much as it annoys me how this whole fight followed the lines of trope logic," Naofumi muttered with a sigh. Oh, how he found the references occuring in a real-life situation annoying. Was that why the fight had dragged on so long? Geez. "You're going down. And you're going to pay for everything you've done." He said seriously. He wore the Chimera Viper Shield on his arm again.

The Three Heroes skills finished charging up.

"Meteor Arrow!"

"Meteor Thrust!"

"Meteor Slash!"

The three, bright glowing blue skills launched from their respective heroes. All converging on the Pope in the center of the throne room.

At last, it was ending. At last, it was over. At last, it was-

The stun effect wore off. The Pope's expression became calm as he spun his spear in front of him.

State of Selflessness.

The Pope's spear glowed after choosing the skill. When the combined might of the Three Heroes slammed into the glowing, twirling Replica Spear, a strange thing happened.

He wasn't blown to kingdom come.

Instead, the skills all converged into a large ball of energy in front of the Pope. Surprising the four Heroes. His spear glowed brighter. "Crap, I forgot that's another skill I can learn too!" Motoyasu said. Recognizing what the Pope was doing.

"What is it, and what does it do?" Naofumi asked.

"You all. Shall be. Purified!" The Pope answered his question. The spear was filled with light, and then he sent it and the combined attack back on the four of them.

'****!' Naofumi quickly rushed forward in front of everyone. Whatever it was, it acted just like Ren's Reflect Sword skill, but worse! "Royal Shield!" With his other skills still on cooldown, Naofumi summoned the skill in the hope that it'd somehow soften the impact.

It didn't. In fact, it was like it passed right through the barrier before slamming into his Shield.


The force of the following explosion shook the whole castle. And the throne room, weakened by the long drawn out battle, finally gave way to the explosion.

Pillars in the throne room blew out.

Walls collapsed.

Parts of the ceiling above rained down debris.

Over in the nearby hallway where they had been fighting, the explosion separated Raphtalia and Dou-Lon from Altara. The ceiling collapsed all around as well as the walls on both sides.

And the four Heroes themselves: Motoyasu was the luckiest. Being blown backward into the large throne room doors before falling to the ground. Ren and Itsuki, however, weren't so lucky. Both slammed headfirst into walls, knocking the two unconscious.

And Naofumi, he had it the worst. When the skill hit him, it was like the light was ripping him open from the inside out. Part of the collapsing ceiling then fell over him, covering most of his aching body in large debris. He was mostly covered in large stones that made even his defense stat groan.

The Pope breathed heavily from the exertion. But the mana of his followers, the faith which they put in him, reinvigorated him. He calmly smiled once more. In fact, he started to chuckle amusedly.

"As I said, your struggles are meaningless."

He had defeated the other Heroes.

"Urgh…" Motoyasu struggled to move, but he was hurting something bad. Naofumi also struggled, but under the weight of so much stone and with such soreness and fatigue from fighting the Pope for what felt like forever, it was hard to free himself.

Nearby, Raphtalia's leg was stuck under a large piece of ceiling. The Tanuki girl cried out in pain when it shifted.

"Urghhhhhhh!" Dou-Lon struggled with lifting the large piece of debris so Raphtalia could free herself. But the weight of the collapsed stone was far greater than the statue he had thrown, and the Hakuko's exertions weren't enough. Raphtalia tried to help lift it. But one of the falling stones had hit her on the head. She likely had a concussion. She couldn't focus on lifting the stone. Or on even distrusting the Hakuko trying desperately to help her.

Altara was similarly stuck under another piece of debris, but she was making progress in freeing herself using her magic swords to slice the collapsed ceiling around her into smaller and smaller pieces. Dou-Lon glanced over at the nun in worry. And began working harder to try and find something that'd help extract Raphtalia.

The Pope laughed. "All your struggling up to this point has been meaningless! It was preordained by the Gods that this would happen! For this to be where you all met your fates!"

"Screw you!" Motoyasu yelled angrily. "You're no God!"

"You, you haven't won yet." Naofumi groaned. He managed to free his non-shield arm from the rubble. He started pushing the stone away from his other arm.

"Oh, but I have won, Devil." The Pope pointed at the green layer of magic outside. "Now that you all are incapacitated. I don't have to direct mana away from God's house. Meaning the attack I've been preparing to use to purify all in his domain can come to fruition."

At his words, a lot of the mana streams that had been feeding into the Replica Spear began feeding into the Ritual Spell. Layers of light started to gradually appear on it. Glowing bright with power.


The Pope laughed once more. "You may no doubt free yourself, devil! But do you really think you can defend yourself and your friends against a blast as wide as a castle!?"

"No, no way! You'll kill everyone in here!" Motoyasu yelled.

The Pope continued to smile. As if murdering all his knights and followers helping from inside the castle didn't bother him in the slightest. "As long as it's to purify you and the abominable demis that infiltrated this place." He said. He'd noticed his faithful nun, working on freeing herself. As well as the Hakuko and the Shield's demi-human party member. "That is a price I am willing to pay."

Naofumi began struggling anew. His Shield arm was freed. And he started working on pushing the large stones off from his chest and gut. He couldn't let this bastard win! However, a thought was creeping into his mind. What could he possibly do? The Pope had all but exhausted him. Even if he freed himself, what good could he possibly do to stop him?

"What about your knights!? What about your followers?! What about the castle servants trapped in here?! The maids! The civilians!" Motoyasu yelled. He followed the Pope's look to the side at the revealed hallway. "What about Altara?! Are you going to kill her too?!"

The Pope laughed again. Altara had finally freed herself and stood on two shaky legs. Yet she looked with absolute hatred at the Hakuko and the Raccoon/Tanuki in front of her.

Motoyasu's care for Altara surprised Naofumi. But then Balamus confessed something.

"Who am I to care for that abomination?"


Altara began taking steps towards the two. Her face twisted in fury. She drank down another Magic Healing potion. Her last one.

Dou-Lon growled in frustration. Nothing he was doing was working to free Raphtalia. But instead of running off, he stood back up and faced the nun. Lifting his gauntlets to face level. Even if it killed him, he wouldn't die a coward. He'd either protect the Shield Hero's companion or die trying.

"What do you mean? Don't you care about her?" Motoyasu asked. Looking genuinely surprised.

"Does a master care for the tool he hones to his use?" Balamus asked, entertaining the Spear Hero's question. The ritual spell continued to charge.

"But I thought-"

"You thought wrong, false Spear Hero," Balamus answered. "When I found her long ago, I almost didn't recognize her. But it's hard to forget a face from a battlefield. Especially when that face belongs to none other than the lost exiled representative of the Raccoon demi-humans."

Altara had been preparing to charge Dou-Lon, who took up a pose to defend Raphtalia by himself.

But at Balamus's words, she stopped. Stunned at what he'd said.

He'd known. But… she'd never told him. How had he known who she was?

Motoyasu and Naofumi both stared at Balamus in confusion. The Pope continued. "When I recognized her, I almost wanted to leave her to die. But then, I thought, wouldn't it be such a waste? Didn't she have some use left in her? So I took her in. I merely experimented to see if such a powerful asset of the demis could be used against them. And it worked. All it took was a bit of false kindness, and it worked!"

Altara stared at Pope Balamus. What was he doing? What was he saying?!

"She's the worst of them all! Not only did she turn against her own kind, she actually believed that her actions could redeem her tainted soul!" Balamus shook his head in amusement. "She is merely a tool. One that has outlived its use. Her time to be purified alongside her Devil Shield and the False tainted Heroes has come."

Naofumi and Motoyasu stared. Naofumi was beyond confused at the new information. But there was enough to piece together just how much of a monster the Pope actually was.

"Demi-humans could never think to dwell with the Gods. Especially those that defiled themselves with a human. She'd be lucky if her defiled kids reached the afterlife. And if they did, it'll be hell where they are waiting for her."

Dou-Lon growled. Ready for Altara's attack. But she stood there. Looking stunned beyond belief as her ears caught every word Balamus said.

It couldn't be. Everything she'd done. She'd done for the Church, for the Gods, for Balamus, but above all, for her murdered family. Everything had been for them. So that she could be with them.

Had that, all been… been… …

"If I had my way. I would never allow such a pathetic creature to dwell in heaven."

It had. It had all been a lie.

One big, perfect little lie she had allowed herself to believe for all these years.

"And now! The time of your cleansing has arrived!" The Pope raised his hands high. The Cathedral around glowed with energy.

"Urgh, no." Motoyasu struggled to limp forward but fell to one knee. His injuries were too severe to allow him to continue fighting.

Ren and Itsuki were still laying on the ground. The former groaned as he came to, but the other was still unconscious.

Naofumi managed to free one of his legs. But it was no use. He'd never make it. And even if he did, what good could he do with a shield against a castle wide attack?... He hung his head. Without help, he could do nothing but protect. And that would do no good in their situation now.

The Pope smiled happily. "And now, the Devil of the Shield and his friends shall be-"


The cry of anguish, heartbreak, loss, but above all, rage, came from none other than Altara. He turned, but her blades of magic slammed into his barrier.

"WHYYYYYYYY?!" Whether because of her emotions, raw wounds, or something else entirely, Altara continued uselessly slamming her blades into the barrier. It took one Cardinal Hero sharing power-up methods and using powerful skills to shatter the barrier. One normal person never stood a chance.

The Pope's smile turned into a scowl, his spear glowed brightly as it turned into a sword. And then he dropped the barrier, using the Replica sword to lock Altara's next attack. "I guess I'll humor you with one last personal lesson."

Stunned, Naofumi and Motoyasu watched what happened next.

Altara fought. Pope Balamus.

Her movements were quick. Her light sword blazing like a star alongside her shadow sword as dark as the night. But while Balamus didn't use any shockwaves of power or any of his cheap tricks, he was dominating the nun.

'It was a lie.'

Balamus slashed, and she blocked. That day passed through her mind again. She saw Balamus smiling at her, offering her his hand. She'd seen it as an act of kindness. She'd seen it as an act of mercy. But she'd failed to notice the calculating look in his eyes. The way he'd forced his jaw to smile to keep from sneering in contempt at her.

'It was all a lie!'

She knocked his blade back and slashed at him. Their swords traded blows. There had been a reason why she was hardly talked to at first. Why the priests and nuns caring for her had only provided the basic necessities.

Altara blinked tears out of her eyes. As she was fighting, she was crying. She'd been a fool. An old, damn fool to believe Balamus had wanted to help her. To believe that anyone had wanted to help her.

Balamus knocked her shadow blade out of her hands. It disappeared in a burst of darkness, and she backed up, forced to defend against Balamus with only her light sword, and with her MP reserves falling dangerously low again.

She defended herself. She should have realized it. Why, even as a Head Nun, she was kept out of the loop on things. Why Balamus had sent her to meet with the First Princess on her so-called 'doubts' among other things. Why he'd sent her out to find the Devil of the Shield with only incompetent people to help her.

It was because she was only a tool. One he would wield until she had outlived her use.

Altara defended herself. Yet Balamus showed no mercy. He struck at her. Again, and again, and again. She cried, but he didn't relent.

Her blade began to flicker as her MP fell low. Until-


Altara gasped and stilled. The Replica Sword poked out of her back, around her gut area. Her light sword had failed her as she tried to knock the Pope's last thrust away.

Altara had been stabbed clean through.

Her head drooped in failure. The Pope leaned his head close to one of her ears. "I'm truly sorry that it came to this. Victoria, but you must have known the truth all along." Balamus whispered to her gently. As if comforting an innocent child.

Altara's face broke. More tears poured freely from her eyes. All this time, she'd thought she had been saved for some greater purpose. She thought there had been a reason why she'd been spared by death that day. That she had been given a chance to have her place in heaven restored. But she had been used.

Balamus had even known her real name.

"I will not give you false hope. But perhaps, you will be lucky enough to rejoin your family in hell." Balamus said, smiling softly. "Your husband might be there too. After all, there aren't many crimes worse in the eyes of the Gods than that of their creations procreating with an abomination."


Altara's tears stopped. Despite what she'd felt. Despite learning how the past years had been a lie. She'd felt guilt for attacking Balamus. For attacking someone she had considered a dear friend who had helped her through a terrible, terrible time in her life.

She looked up into his smiling face. She no longer saw that kind man. She saw the man she'd been taught to hate. A representation of the Three Heroes Church at its finest. A liar, a deceiver, a devil whose measured, honeyed words gradually led his listeners down to hell.

Maybe Siltvelt hadn't been right about everything. Maybe Siltvelt had wronged her in too many ways for her to forgive them.

"You should have…" Altara coughed up blood.

"Hmmm?" Balamus hummed curiously.

But they had been right about one thing.

You should never trust a priest of the Three Heroes Church.

"You should have stayed hidden behind your barrier." Her light sword reappeared in her hands, and with the last of her magic reserves sharpening the blade, Altara sliced off the hand holding the Replica Sword.

"AHHHHHHH!" Balamus screamed in surprise pain as he fell backward. Blood sprayed from the stump of his right wrist onto the floor. Altara stumbled back, Balamus's hand falling in front of her. She put distance between herself, the Replica impaling her, and Balamus.

"Stop him! Stop him, Holy Heroes!" Altara yelled in pain. Without the Replica's protection, the Pope wouldn't be able to activate the ritual spell's massive attack without killing himself. There was still a chance.

Naofumi heaved with all his might, and the rest of the ceiling debris on him fell to the side. He quickly stood up despite the pain.

"Bishop! Bishop! Heal me!" Balamus yelled down below in agony. He had picked up his severed hand, and pressed it to the bleeding stump, waiting for the healing magic to reattach it.

However, it was a different story going on down below now.

Mirellia's army had breached the walls. The Church knights were fighting desperately, but the followers on this side of the castle were being attacked. They used mana to put up a barrier between them, but Mirellia's army was fanning out, beginning to surround more of the castle grounds.

Things had only been made worse by the appearance of the Heroes' parties. With the help of the Queen and some recording crystals, they were broadcasting the information they'd found to the Followers and various parts of the Capital where resistance was still going on. The information, without going into many details, showed the hand the Church had played in Melromarc's history. Not only current but past. In regards to nobles who'd mysteriously died. Peace treaties with demi-human nations souring. And other various details that showed how the Church had played a dark hand influencing the people.

Still, at his plea, the Bishop directed the closest most loyal followers to heal the Pope's grave wound.

Naofumi grimaced. The other three Heroes still weren't ready to take down Balamus. Motoyasu tried to limp towards him but collapsed. He might have had a couple of broken bones, but it was hard to tell. Itsuki was starting to come too, but the kid was nowhere close to being ready to help. And while Ren was awake, he looked highly disconcerted. He still needed a few minutes at best to recover from the possible concussion he had received.

The flow of mana was definitely weakening. But the Cathedral was still in effect, and Balamus would soon be healthy enough to rip the sword out of the weak Altara and finish them off with the AoE attack.

The thing with Altara being a demi had his mind nagging him with other questions altogether, but those could wait.

'But what can I do by myself!? I don't have any options left!' Naofumi thought.

Only, he realized, he did have one left. But if it didn't work- No, he couldn't give up! Even if he only had a shield! Even if he was alone! If he was still able to do something, then he should try it if it meant protecting Raphtalia and everyone else from this vile man in front of him!

Balamus, hand now reattached but still healing, stumbled for Altara. For the Replica still sheathed in her. But Naofumi ran into him, shoulder first. Whilst not damaging the old man, his STR stat sent the older man stumbling back. Naofumi almost stumbled himself. He felt so tired and sore from all the fighting.

"Who are you to stand in the way of God, Devil!" The Pope yelled. "Even without the Replica's protection, I am not afraid to purify us all!" Cathedral was charged. He had only to activate it!

"I'm no devil!" Naofumi yelled. He raised his shield in front of him. "I'm a ****ing Cardinal Hero! If there's any devil that needs purifying here, it's you!"

The Shield of Hope II reappeared.

The Shield glowed a bright blue. The gemstone in the center glowed brighter than it had before. The outline of a dove became clear as day. Oddly enough, the timer was gone. Naofumi's left side was first changed to white, and then, a long, flowing hooded robe appeared behind him. Completely covering his back and head. It wasn't just the Shield. He glowed with power. The new armor he wore, The Robe of Michael, enhanced his SP Regeneration. Helping to refill the bar faster than he'd ever seen before.

Despite the pain she felt, Altara covered her eyes to peer at the bright light. What she saw made her eyes widen in awe and wonder.

The Devil- no, her Shield Hero, looked like an angel.

"No!" Balamus yelled. "This can't be happening! I am God! I am the Almighty! You can't possibly have his holy power!" He yelled insanely.

Naofumi was getting sick of his whole "I am God" talk. It was time for his Excellency to shut the hell up.

"Shield Prison!"

"Ah!" The familiar green ball of chains and plates surrounded the Pope.

A chain skill appeared on Naofumi's HUD. The next skill appeared. "Change Shield (Expand)!"

Naofumi's Shield Prison had always appeared as a round ball before. Using various skills, he could make needles, spikes, and other things appear inside. However, he had never managed to change the shape of the prison before.

Under the combo skill meant specifically for this situation. The Shield Prison expanded out. Until it was in the shape of a five-by-five-by-five-meter cube. The holes that had come from the round shape were sealed by the cube shape.

"You can't do this to me!" The Pope slammed his freshly healed hand against the plate. But without the Replica. He only had the strength of a man, with only a few buffs being offered by his followers struggling for their lives outside. "I am a God! I refuse to-"

"Foolish Mortal!" And with those two words, the inside of the prison changed.

Suddenly, the dark space was filled with blue light. Balamus raised a hand to his eyes.

"Let that which is good to leave unharmed! While that which is evil is sealed till the time of reckoning! Oh Great Spirit, I ask of thee, cast thy judgment upon this soul! Judge for thyself this threat to our world!"

Balamus wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or not, but it was like something appeared in the light before him. A ball was in the center of that light. Or was it the source of the light?

He stared, not sure what it meant. When suddenly, the ball of light disappeared. As did all the light inside. "No! Don't go! Please, don't let the Devil of the Shield have me-!" He beat on the sides of the prison again.

"You evil soul! Thy judgment has been cast! The Spirit of the Shield has been thy judge! Be sealed, until the time of reckoning! When you are released to satisfy the demands of Justice!" A new, unfamiliar menu appeared on Naofumi's screen. It was like a timer. Without knowing what he was doing, he selected the number 1 on it. And the final words came.

"May your evil be sealed! May you find no rest inside Pandora's Box!"

The screaming inside intensified. The outer layer of the prison glowed a bright blue. Motoyasu covered his face. Ren looked away. Itsuki, who was just opening his eyes, looked away. Altara, Raphtalia, and Dou-Lon looked away. Even Naofumi, at the center of it all, looked away.

And then, the light disappeared all at once.

Naofumi collapsed to the ground. He felt weak. Very, incredibly weak. It wasn't just exhaustion. It was like Motoyasu's cursed energy decreasing all his stats, but on a much larger scale.

"Naofumi!" Raphtalia cried out in worry.

Motoyasu dragged himself across the floor. And finally, he was next to the Shield Hero. "Hey, man, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm… I'm fine." Besides the weakness. Besides the fact that his SP and MP bars were completely empty, he wasn't harmed in any significant way. His Shield had changed back to his Starter Shield. The Small Shield.

At hearing his voice, Raphtalia sighed in relief. Dou-Lon slowly peeked his head out to look as well.

Naofumi forced himself to look up at the Pope. To see what the skill had done to him.


He stared in shock. Motoyasu followed his gaze and also stared in shock. Ren, after he caught up to what had happened, stared in stunned disbelief. As well as Itsuki, and everyone else who eventually arrived.

Without any more mana being fed into it, the Cathedral around the castle disappeared. The ritual spell hadn't been high enough to cancel out the effect of the rank two Blessed Skill.

The Pope still stood in his spot. However, his hand was raised, still beating against a wall that was no longer there. His face, his whole body, frozen for a time in fear and disbelief.

In a cold, dark layer of stone.

Author's Notes:

And that wraps up the end of the fight in the Capital. Wow. That was a lot. I knew how I wanted the fight to start. I knew how I wanted it to end. But in between. There was so much that I wanted to capture. I hope I captured enough.

I wanted to confirm what someone had said before. Altara (or Victoria as I revealed) is the reverse foil to Naofumi and Raphtalia in canon. While Naofumi bought Raphtalia to treat her like a tool, she became his most trusted companion in the end. While Victoria thought Balamus had saved her out of the kindness of his heart, it had only been manipulation on his part to use her for his own goals. In the end, she was nothing more than a tool. One to be cast aside when she was no longer useful.

I know I stated in an earlier chapter that my original goal with her was to make Altara character as hatable as canon Bitch. And I feel I achieved that in most regards. However, my real goal was to show how she got there. How Victoria had been manipulated by someone she dearly trusted. Just like the King (in regards to daughter and others manipulating him). Just like Naofumi (in regards to Myne and the people manipulating him into losing all hope). Just like most of the other people in canon. And then reveal what would happen when she learned that she had been used the entire time. She did some terrible stuff. But it's he, Pope Balamus, in the end, that's the true scum in this story. I hope, when the time of his punishment arrives, you'll appreciate what's in store for him.

As for the skill, well, for those who look, pay attention to the TVTropes page for this fic. I'll make sure to add a clear description of Pandora's Box, what it does, it's drawbacks and other things there. No omake for today.

Till Next Time
