A sequel to the previous drabble, per request on Tumblr.

The next day Sam was in a much better mood, in part because he'd caught up on his paperwork but mostly because Callen was rushing around trying to finish his own reports before they were assigned a case. In a surprising turn of events, Sam had blatantly refused to offer any assistance to his partner.

Sam had been heckling Callen all morning, much to Kensi and Deeks' amusement.

"Hey, since you brought up the topic yesterday, what are the kids going to call you?" he asked, grinning broadly as he leaned back in his chair. Callen answered without looking up, typing frantically.

"For one thing, I don't have any kids and for another, any kids I do run into can call me G or Callen."

"You want Kensi and Deeks' kids to call you Uncle G or Uncle Callen?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Sam chuckled smugly at Callen's question.

"It's going to be weird for them. They're going to have an Uncle Sam and an Uncle Eric and then there will be you, Uncle G," Sam said.

"It's not weird," Callen muttered as he peered at a form that was crumpled and stained with something green.

"I think you should start using your first name too so it doesn't get awkward later on when you try to explain why you only go by an initial."

"That's a good idea, Sam," Kensi said, nodding in agreement. "Kids ask a lot of questions."

"I am not having any kids call me 'Grisha'.

"Then maybe you can use a different name."

"That's a good idea, Deeks. I vote for George."

"I hate that name," Callen interrupted before they could get too attached to the idea.

"Rude," Deeks said, pretending to be deeply offended. "There's lots of awesome people named 'George'." He looked ready to rattle off a list of said people but Kensi beat him to it and offered,

"One of the twins from Harry Potter is named George."

"Actually, and you should know this, Grisha can be used as a Russian variation of George." Callen sighed and finally looked up, his eyes narrowed at his partner.

"Yeah, don't listen to everything you read online. And for the last time, I'm not changing my name to George." There was a beat and then Deeks shared a smirk with Sam as he leaned towards Callen.

"Ok, then what about Georg?"

"Deeks, that's just the Germanic version of George!"

"I know, but it sounds a lot cooler and it's the name of a character from a timeless musical."

"You make that sound like that's a good thing," Callen said. He looked thoroughly put off by the latest suggestion. Raising his hands in calming gesture, Sam said,

"Ok, ok." Callen appeared relieved, apparently believing that he was about to be left to his work in peace. Then Sam added, "Any form of George is out of the question. But what about Gary?" This suggestion earned an immediate head shake from Kensi.

"Mm, I don't know. He doesn't really look like a Gary to me."

"What about Garrett?," Deeks said, raising his finger as both Kensi and Sam began to object. "No, hear me out. It's got a strong sound to it, like somebody who could beat you up in a dark alley, but also has a certain soap opera-y feel to it that adds romance."

As they continued to debate among themselves, Callen started working through the files on his desk at record speed. His coworkers didn't notice his lack of input to the conversation, too busy suggesting increasingly ridiculous names.


"Yeah, Deeks, cause G really seems like the biblical type." Despite his words Sam was still grinning and seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly.

"I know, Garth." Kensi said, earning herself twin frowns of distaste and confusion from Sam and Deeks.

"Garth," Deeks mouthed at the same time as Hetty quietly cleared her throat. It wasn't clear how long she'd been standing there listening, but she observed them for a moment longer before she offered with a thoughtful expression,

"You know, I've always been partial to the name Geoffrey, spelled with a 'G' instead of a 'J'. Callen looked aghast but didn't have time to object as Eric and Nell wandered in.

"Ooh, do we get to make suggestions?" Eric asked excitedly.

Callen answered "No." at the same time as Kensi said "Sure, why not?"

"Awesome! I'll go with Gabriel."

"And my choice would have to be Geovanni," Nell said winking at Eric. "I've always wanted to name one of my children that."

"Wait what-?" Hetty clapped her hands together, interrupting them again before Eric could finish his question.

"My apologies. As enjoyable as this little discussion has been, I'm afraid we do have a case," she said, actually looking slightly dismayed. Everyone upstairs. Oh and I do hope you've caught up on your paperwork, because this case is shaping up to be a difficult one." With that she left the bullpen.

"I'm not even halfway done," Callen said, looking between the pile of papers and then accusingly at Sam.

"Hey, don't blame me, Georg. You had all of yesterday to get it done."

"Do not call me that." Sam's cheeks dimpled as he smiled even more broadly and started following his partner up the stairs, the rest of the team not far behind.

A/N: According to my very brief google search, Grisha could potentially be used as a nickname for the Russian version of George. I don't know how accurate this information is but it worked for the story.

After posting this, I realized I should note that the musical referenced is the Sound of Music.