Reviews for Partners
Guest chapter 42 . 12/18/2019
Pleaseeeeeee add lots more chapters to this fantastic story pleaseeeeeee
Bluenet13 chapter 42 . 11/30/2019
Just finished binging all these drabbles and loved them so much. You write all the characters so well and I appreciated that you included the rest of the team and Bertie in some of them. Also the brief views we got to some possibilities of how their future could turn out. The only downside is that I really wish you'd written continuations to a few of these, they're just that good. Awesome job and thank you for writing these!
anonkp chapter 41 . 11/12/2019
Cute! Filled with lots of small character touches that made it feel very real.
anonkp chapter 40 . 11/12/2019
Excellent. You really captured the intensity of the moment. And Sabatino’s response was perfect.
typroctor-ewaguy chapter 41 . 11/10/2019
So anytime Kensi calls him Marty he thinks of sex. That's interesting. Sam should just give up. A nice drabble from ejzah.
Guest chapter 41 . 11/7/2019
french fan
so funny
Children will call them "papa et maman" and will not think how they call each other !
xtinochka chapter 42 . 11/5/2019
I loved this chapter. It reminded me of good old times when almost all episodes started from the partners' banter in the bullpen.
By the way, the full name for Grisha is Grigoriy or Gregory in the English version. I like George though. I think it fits Callen quite well.
Max and Fern 4ever chapter 42 . 11/5/2019
I knew that! Keep it going and maybe a tiny update for “Charade” please and thank you
Max and Fern 4ever chapter 41 . 11/5/2019
Brilliant! ROFL serves Callen right
typroctor-ewaguy chapter 40 . 11/5/2019
Yeah, screw Sabatino. I haven't liked him since "Wanted". He always wanted Kensi and he never liked Deeks. This was a wonderful fanfiction that showed the love between these two people. Very nice ejzah.
Max and Fern 4ever chapter 40 . 11/5/2019
Serves Sabatino right! Lol. Really cute. Thanks for writing.
gremlin2318 chapter 39 . 9/21/2019
Haha, I enjoyed this! Great banter!
Max and Fern 4ever chapter 38 . 8/25/2019
gremlin2318 chapter 32 . 8/19/2019
I love protective Kensi! Great job!
anonkp chapter 36 . 8/19/2019
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