Training Fields, Byzantine Empire
A scarecrow stood as the silence of the air was cut by the sound of gunfire. Alicia held a 10mm pistol, firing off a few rounds then reloading and firing again.
Her shots hit the scarecrow with precise accuracy, her hands gripped the pistol was good but not great. Alicia noted it was different wielding a powerful weapon, more powerful then a sword and more accuracy then a bow.
"Well done" Legate Lupus says with a smile, Alicia sighed then put the gun in a holster which was strapped to her thigh. "Thank you Sir Lupus" She says bowing her head.
"No need for that Princess, your royalty and I'm simply a Legate tsk tsk no" He says, Legate Málleus and Ignis were tasked to assist the Mojave Warriors and prevent a Skaven advancement.
Six was in a stables with Cass, the pair checked out the horses. In the Wastelands you hardly saw horses either mutated, remains or normal.
But horses did exist in the Mojave, they just weren't domesticated as much. Six reached out allowing a horse to sniff his hand, Cass drank her whiskey as her cheeks turned reddish.
"Strange looking creatures but oddly gentle" Cass said, Six then petted the horse's mane; "My dad told me about horses, and if you show them respect then they'll respect you" He says. Suddenly Rex whined in jealous, Six petted the Cyber Dog "Easy buddy, I still acknowledge you"
Six never turned away from the horse, it was a beautiful creature indeed. Eostia still feels like a dream but it's all real, maybe...maybe Six doesn't want to leave.
"Six! Cass!" West called out straightening his armor, "We're ready"
Six nodded at West, then petted the Horse one last time.
The Alliance began their march, the main was task was stopping Queek Headtaker but they needed to secure an alliance with a nearby tribe of Lizardmen. Since they had aggression towards the Skaven, they could stop Queek.
Ken, Sex Empire
Vulpes walked around as a Roman was strapped down to a chair, "Now would you like to cooperate?" He says.
The badly hurt Roman glared at Vulpes then spat blood onto his vest, "Fuck you traitor!"
Vulpes smiled then laughed, his laugh was cold and deep. Vulpes removed his goggles "Very well then" He says with a smirk, Vulpes grabbed some tools and with a sicking grin; He approached the Roman.
The screams echoed through the dungeon, Volt walked past a few cells. He had his nation but that Courier was still alive...He wanted Courier dead, his Empire doesn't woman or alcohol could satisfy he wanted Courier dead.
"Lord Volt! General Stormwall has arrived" One of the Orcs said, Volt nodded then stepped outside into the courtyard as a Vertibird landing.
Stormwall stepped out and approached Volt, "My scouts found out there is an Empire called the Byzantine Empire, I send Admiral Gon however my President is paranoid so he send some X-01 Power Armored Soldiers"
Volt scratched his chin, "Hmph hope that Queek Headtaker doesn't kill them" He says, "Who?" Stormwall asked.
Nocturne tossed one of his Fiends out of a door as the others ran out, Nocturne clenched some jet as his fury brew inside of him.
"These...make us weak!" He says dropping the chems then stomping on it. "I showed you how to live and fight like warriors, yet some of you cling to these disgusting habits" Nocturne scolded his Fiends then kicked one of them in the stomach.
"Now get up! it seems you need to go cold turkey" Nocturne snapped his fingers. Some of his Fiends grabbed the Addicts and place them in a cold room, where they had to beat their addiction or freeze to death.
Nocturne order his Fiends to follow him while two stay behind and guard the freezing room.
Badlands, Byzantine Empire
"Badlands...once home to swarms of bandits and monsters; Still is actually but ever since the Byzantine was created we brought order and no bandits are dumb enough to attack caravans protected by Byzantine" David Lascaris was the youngest yet most tactical Legate in the Byzantine Army. "Killing Queek or putting Clan Mors in difficult position will stop their advance and we can focus on the Four Horsemen" The young Legate said.
Entering the tent, Ulysses tapped on the map as he was lost in thought; Former Frumentarii now simply a Drifter, adding the Empire - Shield Alliance.
"From what I'm told, the Skaven can pop from the ground as their main forces advance towards us" Ulysses spoke, to which David nodded.
"Yes, we surpassed some Skaven skirmishes, our technology is more advance then our Roman brothers yet the Skaven are not tribal, they can make power things and beasts with it, Warpstones are used in these lands by Alchemists and Mages since it contains extreme power, some of our machines use Warpstones"
Suddenly a Runner ran into the tent, "Sir! Legate Artucus and Legate Ignis have engaged the Skaven army sir!" "How many?"
"Roughly a legion worth sir! and two Rat Ogres" The Runner spoke then begin to catch their breath.
David sighed then placed his helmet on looking at Ulysses, "Let's kill some Rats"
Alicia slashed her blade in one hand and fired the pistol in the other, she'll admit duel wielding was never her style but it is effective. Skavens dropped dead at her feet with slash/stab wounds or gunshots. Ignis swung their fire blade into a Ratling Gunner, destroying the weapon and splitting the Rat in half. Alicia and Ignis forces gotten ambushed by the Skaven yet they were able to hold them off but they need back up before they become overrun.
Courier manage to score a few headshots with his trusty medicine stick, ironic name for it. "You know boss, these Rats are more dangerous then I imagined" Raul says firing his Revolvers.
"Well it's better then damn Deathclaws or fucking Lakelurks...or Cazadors...I fucking hate Cazadors" Six shook his head and fired again. Veronica punched a Spearman Skaven with her Powerfist, the impact removed his torso from it's waist.
"Wow can't believe I've punched a rat!" "Yes Veronica we've never seen this before now please fight before we get eaten or worse" Arcade said firing his energy pistol.
West dashed through the crowds swinging a blade scoring many kills, he couldn't help but smirk when his blade plunged into a Skaven's throat. "Lily heads up!" Six shouted as the Nightkin Grandma locked up with a Rat Ogre.
It was like two beasts trying to prove one's dominance, Lily roared as the Rat Ogre roared back, Lily flipped it over then tore it's head off in a messing move. Six motion for Lizzie to mow down the Storm Vermin, Lizzie spun her minigun and sprayed bullets tearing into the Skavens flesh.
Cass fired her shotgun then slammed it into a Skaven's Jawline, "Damnit! there's to many of them!" She shouted, Boone breathed then fired his rifle taking out their commander.
"Got you flea ridden sonovabitch!" He says pulling the bolt back.
Just as the Skaven prepare to swarm them, reinforcements arrived, Byzantine and Roman calvary charged down sticking their lances into the Vermin. This gave them enough time breath then counter attack.
The battle has ended, the wounded was collected and the dead was buried, Alicia sighed heavily cleaning her blade.
"You did good Alicia" Six said removing his helmet, Alicia blushed a bit then looked away "Thank You Sir Six"
Six chuckled a bit, rubbing his eyes suddenly he felt a hug on him. He looked to see West hugging him, then Veronica joined the hug.
Before he knew it, Raul joined then Cass tilted her hat to cover her eyes as she joined the hug. Boone slowly hugged the group then Arcade joined, while ED-E hover above them beeping happily.
"Okay okay that's enough guys" He says smiling then Lily hugged them all almost crushing them.
"Ahhh!!!" "Ow ow ow!" "Lily your crushing us!!" "I think Arcade is dead"
As the Mojave Warriors embraced each other, Queek Headtaker watched them sniffing the air.
"Meh lucky they were! they'll be dead before they know it yes yes!" He says, "Quit your yapping" Queek snarled at the Black Dog Commander revealing Hicks.
Hicks held his smug look, "If Lord Volt and those Enclave fellows didn't attack Rome I be dead right now, heh! can't believe I survived" He watched over the horizon.
"That Courier and his Companions are still an issue but with our alliance we'll smash them into pieces" Hicks laughed a bit then walked off with Queek.
"Yes Yes!" The Skaven spoke quickly.
Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
Celestine sat down as she rubbed her midsection, she still remembers her time with the Courier. A faint blush grew on her, is it possible her the Goddess Reborn is with a human's child?
She didn't object, she smiled a bit if was possible then she'll love this child no matter what.
"Lady Celestine" A voice calls out to her causing her nearly jump out of her skin, Legate Memor bowed his head.
"Pardon me my Lady, I was tasked on checking up on you" He says, Celestine nodded "I am quite fine Sir Memor thank you" She says smiling.
Memor bowed his head stepping out, Celestine rubbed her belly soft then smiled warmly. Memor walked through the walls as his ears twitched from someone speaking, he eavesdrop on a conversation between two guards.
"Where you followed?" "No..Master Vulpes has tasked us simply to remove one of the Shields however those who fight are fighting the Skaven and Celestine is protected by Claudia and Olga is protected by Chloe"
Memor's eyes widen, Vulpes's Frumentarii here in Constantinople? He quietly dashed and went past a only to run into Grace Campbell.
"Ah!" "Ms. Campbell my apologizes, I have see my Caesar"
"Sir Memor what's wrong?" She asked, Memor begin to tell her about spies in the Byzantine Empire to which she was shocked to learn so the pair rush to meet the Augustus.
However in the shadows, Vulpes's Frumentarii watch them as one of them drew a dagger and quietly whisper "Ave true to Vulpes"
Sorry guys I've been having a stressful day but I'm okay now! so let's see hmmm Nocturne is punishing his Fiends for using chems, Hicks is alive? and Celestine is possibly pregnant?! and Vulpes's Frumentarii are in the Byzantine Empire?!
Yes Hicks is alive I need him alive for a bit since part 3 is the final part of Vermintide, and guess whose coming to Eostia to help guys? The NCR! or are they the NCR, just be patient and I'll shall you guys what I mean
Also yeah Celestine might be pregnant with Six's baby, it's still a harem guys, Six is a lucky guy getting girls and surviving a shot in the head...sheesh I need that type of luck.