This is a demo Chapter the full story will be released when Wolf of Garca is finished.
New Vegas, New California Republic
The Courier made sure his Desert Ranger uniform was clean and ready for the journey ahead, grabbing weapons that are need a survival knife, Trail Carbine and Ranger Sequoia Revolver .
Picking up the transponder device, it had a crack it in and so Courier took it to Arcade, "Hey Arcade can you check if there's something up with the transponder?" Courier says. Arcade held the device and examined it, "Well there's a crack on it but not to bad try it out" He says.
Courier hesitated a bit but grabbed the transponder and pulled the trigger. The crack spread then broke as a blue light flashed and coveres the room, "Nghh! Courier? Courier!" Arcade shouted as the Courier was no longer there.
Alternative World, Eostia
The City of Ken was the final fortress and defense against the Black Dogs, however they were on the verge of defeat.
Claudia slashed her blade into a Black Dog mercenary then stabbed a troll into the throat. "Keep them back!" Claudia shouted as the Knights of Ken rushed out and formed spear walls to hold off the enemy forces.
Suddenly a bright verge of light nearly blinded Claudia so she shielded her eyes, it came from the other side of the city, whatever it was it can wait, Claudia still has her duties.
Courier shook his head and pulled up the mask as he vomit a bit from the motion sickness, "What the fuck?, Arcade? Rex? Boon? He called out. Pushing up from the ground feeling a bit dizzy but regain motion and his hearing return and all he heard was screams.
Going to one of the screams, a woman is tackled down as her clothing becomes torn, "Noo! No!" She screamed and her attackers grinned widely, Courier's eyes widen then narrowed in anger behind his mask pulling out his Ranger Sequoia Revolver and open fired two rounds into the attackers, their heads nearly split open from the rounds.
"Oh my god!!" "Who the hell is he?!" "Is he a mage?!" They shout, Courier clenched his fist and fired again hitting one of the rapists in the chest and the other in the leg.
The rapist screamed in pain, Courier's boots clickes as he stepped towards him, grabbing a lock of his hair and pressing the barrel against his temple.
"Raping women huh? sick pieces of shit" He says before pulling the trigger killing the last rapist. Courier approached the woman and let out his hand, "You okay?" He asks.
The woman slowly nodded, "W-Who are you?" She asked, Courier looked at her up and down, she had pointed ears like an elf and her dress was kind of revealing, Courier took off his coat and placed it on her.
"Courier just Courier, I ain't to keen on revealing real names yet" He says, the woman slowly nods "I-I'm Gweyir Olamoira" She says, "P-Please you have to help us the Black Dogs lead by Volt are attacking our home and any who are female are-" She hesitate to continue but Courier stopped her.
"Just tell me what to do and I'll do it" He says, Gweyir slowly nodded and begin to tell him the entire story, Volt leader of the Black Dog Mercenary Band rebelled against Celestine Lucross the Goddess Reborn, and Volt is planning on making a new nation of his Sex Empire by using the women as nothing as breeding cattle.
"And that's it" She says.
Courier felt like uneased, the fact the Black Dogs remind him of the Caeser's Legion. "Where are the main defenders" He asks, Gweyir looked at him and said "Wounded, dead, scattered or defected.
Courier sighed hard and grabbed her hand and ran, "Come on!" He says, "Tell me where to go" Gweyir nodded.
"Please you need to stop those orcs!" She shouts, 'Orcs?' Courier thought as the moment he turns the corner he watches a couple of Greenskins having their way with a few of the women.
Courier felt sick to his stomach but his rage boiled over, firing his revolver into an Orc's head and a another one's throat. Once they looked at Courier and prepare to attack him, Courier quick fired the last rounds ending the Orcs.
Reloading his Revolver, The victims redressed themselved and thanked Courier.
"Come on Gweyir, let's go" He says.
Claudia slashed her blade into the next Black Dog and looked at her new opponet, Claudia held a look of disappointment.
"I never thought you would of betrayed us Father" She says, Grave Leviathan Claudia's Father in Law after she married Klaus Leviathan and her teacher of swordsmanship.
"Claudia your still as beautiful however I do not wish to fight you I only wish for you to bear me a child" He says, Claudia narrowed her eyes and dashed towards Grave as they clashed blades.
"Claudia I taught you everything you know" He says pushing Claudia back but Claudia held her own and shoved Grave back.
Just as their battle was going to continue, the door burst open as two Black Dogs fall one dead and the other injurged. Courier stepped out and aimmed his Trail Carbine and fired into the scared Black Dog's head.
Courier looked at Claudia and Grave as they stared back, Gweyir looked "Lady Claudia" She says.
"Gweyir" She says relieved, she looks at Courier "Who are you?" She asks.
"Courier" He replies, Gweyir stepped in "H-He's an ally he saved me Lady Claudia" She says.
Courier notices Grave was staring at him, "Buddy I know I'm good looking but no need to stare" He says shoulder his rifle.
"What knight are you?" Grave says, Courier tilted head "Me a knight? I'm a Courier a messager" He says.
"Hey Gweyir who are they" He asks, Gweyir looked at Courier "L-Lady Claudia she's the leader of the Dawn Templars and Lady Celestine's bodyguard and that's Grave Leviathan, Lady Claudia's father in law and from what it seems..he became a turncoat" She says.
Courier let out a hard sigh, "That's all I needed to hear" He says in a venomous tone, "Ms. Claudia could you excuse me I'll handle him" He says.
Claudia was confused, especially this strange Knight's armor. Grave stepped back from Claudia and held his sword ready and Courier dropped his rifle and pulled his survial knife out of it's sheath and ran towards Grave.
They clashed their blades as Grave swings for Courier's neck but Courier dodged and stabbed Grave into the thigh and dragged it upwards.
Grave gritted his teeth in pain and Courier grabbed the front part of Grave's clothing and slammed his helmet into his nose breaking it.
Backing up and holding his nose, Grave watched as Courier held his shoulder and stabbed him repeatly in the abdomen and twisted the blade.
Grave bleed out then begin to go limp, removing his blade, Courier held his blade and cleaned it with his glove then sheathed it.
"Ms. Claudia sorry but I-" He tries to but she stopped him, "It's fine he became a traitor now tell me why help us? you don't look like your from here" She says.
"Cause I ain't, also where I'm from there's a group called the Caeser's Legion that do similar things as this and let's just I ain't to keen on that" He says.
Gweyir looked at Claudia, "He can help us turn the tide of battle my Lady" Claudia looked at Gweyir then Courier.
"What's your real name?" She asks.
Like I said it's a demo chapter full story after Wolf of Garca is done also give Couier a name ok? Ciao