Telling Big Brother

Emmie settled into the compartment, watching as the train pulled out of Hogsmeade while noise reigned all around her. Oliver was next to her, talking to Walter and Ian, while Kara, Melanie and Toni were squeezed in across from them. Fincher was standing in the door with Parks and Whitshire, the three of them chatting about the upcoming summer quidditch matches that Oliver and Emmie were planning to catch with the Gryffindors. Both Oliver and Emmie had just received a list of the games they were going to from their brothers the day before and all of the quidditch-obsessed friends in their circle were incredibly jealous.

For a moment, Emmie looked around the group, a small smile coming across her face. It seemed a lifetime had passed since she sat on the train coming in for her sixth year. She had wanted to show herself - and, well, others - that she was no longer the shy, timid girl that she was before. That outside of her outward changes, she had also grown internally as well.

She had accomplished that, she thought to herself. She had stood up for herself and become more assertive. She faced down Flint. She had asked out Cedric. Then broken up with him. She had improved her spell work and grades. She had finally confessed her feelings to Oliver after years of watching him from afar. Not only that, she learned more about herself and what she wanted in life. Happily enough, it seemed Oliver was eager to comply with any of her requests.

And now here she was, heading home for a summer of training and focusing on her next goal - getting scouted during seventh year and joining a team in the Quidditch League. Honestly, after everything else, this felt like it would be infinitely easier. After all, if she knew anything, it was how to play quidditch.

"What's this about?" Oliver asked, pulling her from her thoughts. Emmie looked over at him and smiled, noticing that the others were still wrapped up in their various conversations and not paying them any mind.

"Just… thinking about the last school year," she said. "Seems I've accomplished what I wanted."

"And what's that?" Oliver asked, a twinkle in his eyes. Emmie blushed slightly.

"Just… become more confident," she said. "I mean, I suppose I knew all along that I was stronger than everyone gave me credit for, but… this year I finally realized it."

"Think the others did as well," Oliver replied. "I know the Hufflepuff team and myself certainly learned that you don't need bodyguards." Emmie chuckled as she straightened up slightly.

"Doubt anyone will mess with me next year. Flint included," she said, sticking her nose up slightly.

"I don't doubt that at all," Oliver said. "Though, still going to need that new confidence of yours. We have to tell your brother about us." Emmie waved her hand in the air, no longer worried about it. If Alex didn't like it, he could sod off for all she cared.

"Details," she said. "Besides, it's not like he'll be there breathing down our necks all the time. He's fairly busy with the League."

"Though we both very well will be playing in the League after next year," Oliver said. "Then he'll be around a lot more." Emmie's eyes widened slightly at that - she hadn't really thought about them as a couple beyond seventh year. Though nice warm feeling settled in her stomach at the thought of it.

She wasn't sure where they would be after seventh year, but it was nice to think that they would still be together. Perhaps they would.

"If you're going to snog, at least give us a warning so we can clear out," Melanie said loudly, causing both of them to whip their heads around to look at her. The compartment broke out into loud laughter as both began to blush slightly.

"Shut it," Emmie said, frowning slightly at her best friends.

"Oh, we all know it's just because she's jealous that she's still single," Kara said lazily as she studied her nails. Melanie frowned at her.

"You don't know that. I could have a secret boyfriend that I've not mentioned," she replied, sticking her nose up slightly.

"You don't and we all know it," Toni said with a laugh.

"Perhaps I'm waiting for some handsome quidditch bloke that I'm going to meet this summer when we go visit Emmie's brother," Melanie said haughtily. Emmie just rolled her eyes. She hadn't promised that all her friends would go with her, but it seemed Melanie was set on it.

That was going to be a fun conversation with Alex.

Eventually the teasing subsided and they all settled into their summer plans. Fincher, Parks and Whitshire were set for try-outs in the next few weeks for the League. The rest were discussing summer holidays and homework, while Emmie and Oliver listened in.

A smile came over her face as she glanced at him and excitement began to fill her. She couldn't help but think this was going to be a rather brilliant summer.

"Stop being so nervous," Emmie said as she and Oliver walked across his backyard towards the pitch his father had made for him to practice on, brooms in hand. They had been back a couple days and finally their brothers had gotten a day off and were planning to spend it working with the two.

Emmie and Oliver's parents were, of course, thrilled by the news they were now dating, though Emmie's mother had come into her room her first night back and given her "the talk" which was a wholly embarrassing and uncomfortable experience. Though afterwards, Emmie was grateful for it.

"We still don't know how he's going to react," Oliver said. "You forget… I know all too well just want he's capable of when it comes to looking out for you."

"He's not going to beat you up," Emmie scoffed as they neared their brothers, who were standing in the middle of the pitch with various bags of equipment around them.

"There's my little sister!" Alex boomed. Emmie grinned as she ran over to him and he picked her up in a hug, swinging her around.

"Have a good year and all?" Ryan asked, looking over at Oliver, though he continued to glance at Emmie here and there, a knowing grin on his face.

"Yea. Even with everything," Oliver replied. Alex then walked over and shook his hand.

"Heard about that. A basilisk?" he asked.

"Thank Merlin for Harry Potter," Emmie said, leaning on her broom. "Though how a second year managed to kill one of those things, I'll never know. Not sure if I could have done it."

"Good thing you didn't have to find out," Alex said, a brief look of concern coming over his face.

"Mac more than proved that she can stand on her own," Oliver said. Alex looked over at him.

"Oh?" he asked. Emmie frowned slightly. She knew she'd have to tell Alex about Flint eventually but wasn't eager to jump into it just now.

"Yea… Marcus Flint was bothering her all year and she hexed the bejesus out of him just before exams," Oliver said, looking over at her in pride. "I was there to see it."

Alex looked over at Emmie, his mouth dropping open as several emotions flew over his face.

"All year?" he asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd do something stupid," Emmie retorted.

"I would have beaten the ever-loving life out of him," Alex stated.

"Exactly," Emmie said. "Which is why I didn't say anything. Besides, you heard Oliver. I put him in the hospital wing for a couple days." Ryan laughed loudly as Alex continued to stare at her in shock.

"Now that is something, little Emmie. Er, well, suppose you're no longer little Emmie," he said. "I'll have to start callin' you Mac now."

"Everyone else does," Emmie said nonchalantly.

"Anything else you two want to share?" Ryan asked, grinning. Emmie glanced over at Oliver, who suddenly appeared rather nervous.

"Ehm, well… Oliver and I are dating," she said, looking over at her brother defiantly.

Alex's eyebrows flew up as he looked over at Oliver and then back at Emmie. He then looked over a Ryan.

"We knew this day was coming, mate," Ryan said, still grinning. "I mean… that is why we asked him to look out for her and all." Emmie and Oliver's eyes widened at that statement.

"What?" she asked as Oliver's mouth dropped open. He thought it was solely because they were leaving Hogwarts and thought she'd need the protection. Alex chuckled.

"Don't seem so shocked. You thought we didn't notice?" he asked. "You've fancied Oliver since you were kids, following him around and such."

"And I knew Oliver fancied you after he couldn't stop saying that he wished you'd had been in Gryffindor," Ryan added. "Said it like… every other day while we were in school." Oliver gaped as his brother. He hadn't even realized he fancied her until earlier in the school year. Well, now that he really thought about it, Ryan did have a point. He had likely fancied her since first year as well.

"Took you two bloody long enough," Alex then said. "Thought for sure something was going on during Christmas, but then you wouldn't shut up about this Cedric bloke."

"Minor distraction. Wait… that's why you asked him to look out for me?" she asked. Alex shrugged.

"Main reason, yea. Though at the time we both thought you'd need it," he said. "Guess that's not true anymore."

"So, you're okay with this?" Oliver asked, his relief apparent on his face. Alex snorted.

"Course I am," he said. His face then suddenly turned stern as he stepped towards the keeper. "But remember this. She's still my little sister. I so much as hear that you've hurt her in any way… there will be consequences."

"Of course," Oliver gulped.

"Would you stop, Alex!" Emmie shouted, planting one hand on her hip. "I don't need you fighting for me anymore!" Ryan just continued to chuckle.

"I'll always fight for you, Em," Alex said, looking over at her. Emmie just rolled her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing to launch into a long tirade, no doubt.

"Why don't we get up in the air and see just what you two have learned this year," Ryan interjected. If he let things continued, the two siblings would surely spend the next hour shouting at each other.

"Sounds grand," Oliver said quickly. Emmie huffed and then nodded, shooting a glare at her brother before taking off at a jog and then flying up into the air on her broomstick.

"I'm serious, though. Don't hurt her, Oliver," Alex said, looking over at him.

"Don't intend to," Oliver replied before hopping on his own broom and flying up. He joined Emmie in doing a few laps around the pitch, a smile now on her face as he shouted something at her and she laughed.

"Now… just need to get them married," Ryan said, watching them.

"Hold on. They're only 17," Alex shot back at his best friend. Ryan just laughed.

"Right, well… suppose all things in due time," he said before hopping up on his own broom and taking off.

"Bloody hell," Alex muttered before doing the same.

Later on, after they had finished with their training session, Emmie collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily, her face flushed. Alex and Ryan were already carrying the equipment to the Woods' broom shed and had just walked out of sight over a hill.

Oliver plopped down on the ground next to her, out of breath as well. It had been a rather rigorous practice with both Alex and Ryan not taking it easy on the two. Granted, they were both invested in getting them ready for the League scouts next school term.

"That went well," he said, looking over at her. "At least he didn't punch me."

"To think that this was their objective all along," Emmie said as she sat up. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing that the two were now alone. At least for the time being, though she felt as though Ryan would likely keep Alex from storming out to get them should they dally too long. Oliver's parents were still at work and she knew their brothers needed to get home - they both had practice the next day early with their respective teams.

"That I was not expecting," Oliver admitted as he looked over at her.

"You've really fancied me that long?" Emmie asked, raising an eyebrow at him as a smirk came across her face.

"Suppose, yea," he said, ruffling his hair slightly and looking away from her. "When I think about it… I have liked you since we were kids." Emmie chuckled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"And I thought there was no way you could ever fancy me," she replied.

"Why's that?" Oliver asked, genuinely confused.

"Well… you were always so much more popular than me. Always dating popular witches as well," Emmie said with a sigh. Oliver reached over and gently guided her to look up at him.

"Yea, but none of them were you," he said, smiling softly. Emmie returned the smile, the butterflies starting up again. Merlin, she loved the way he made her feel. As though she were the only person in the world who mattered. And she knew it was the same for her. "Like it or not, I'm falling for you, Emmie MacKenzie."

"Seems I'm falling for you too, Oliver Wood," Emmie replied.

He then leaned over and kissed her softly, his lips gently moving against hers. Even though she knew one of their brothers could come out and catch them at any moment, Emmie found she didn't care as she reached up and placed her hand on his cheek, pulling him closer to her.

It didn't take much to encourage Oliver, as he deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding through her lips as he moved his hands to her waist. They then fell back to the ground, with Emmie breaking the kiss as she laughed up at him, Oliver half on top of her.

"Sorry about that," Oliver said. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"I'm fine," Emmie replied as she pulled him back down to her, kissing him again.

"You know we could get caught," he said against her lips, though his hand still moved down to her waist and then slid under her t-shirt.

"Just shut it and keep kissing me," Emmie said, running her fingers through his hair.

"We're heading out!" they heard Alex shout, the two of them freezing.

"Alright! See you next week!" Emmie shouted in return. They both stayed still, waiting until they heard the back door to the house shut loudly. Oliver then looked down at Emmie, grinning.

"You know what this means," he said. Emmie couldn't help but grin in response.

"Finally… no one to interrupt…"

Oliver chuckled before leaning down and picking up the kiss where he left off. It was as though fire was running through her veins and Emmie couldn't help but sigh in happiness as he left a trail of hot kisses down her neck that sent pleasant shivers up and down her spine.

She wasn't exactly sure where this was going - even though she had a decent idea of where things were heading in the immediate future - but she found that she didn't care. All worries flew out of her mind.

For now, she was happy and content. And she knew that she was safe with him.

And that was enough.

And now that is the real end of this story… but hopefully sometime in the near future there will be a sequel. I have started jotting down some of the ideas I have for it, but have yet to start writing or outlining.

Again. No promises on when. 😉

Aphrodite-Venus-u.k - Thanks! I was really worried about that, but I'm happy to hear it reads well.

Pamela Hutchins - Haha, I'm going to try.

Thanks for reading and following!