Hey everyone! As always I don't own Rising of the Shield Hero but I do own my OCs and plot twists. Soooooo, I tallied the votes and you'll find out which one won out in the chapter~! There was even suggestions for a two on two battle scenario (which was a brilliant idea by the way). But never fear; I will eventually write in the alternative voting options as omakes on a later date.
As for those of you with concerns about Naofumi not receiving his rage shield… well, I hope this chapter answers your concerns (I do agree it is an important milestone for Naofumi). Please review and comment!
Warnings! Violence, swearing, bitchiness, emotional manipulation (everyone clap for Bitch -_-), wtf moments and hard core tear jerker sadness (hint, Naofumi).
The king waves away his advisors and looks down his nose at Hazel and Naofumi with ill-concealed disgust.
"Naofumi Iwatani. As the challenged, you have the right to ask another to battle in your stead. The results will be the same regardless. If you, or your champion, wins the duel your slave will be returned to you. If Sir Motoyasu wins, the slave is freed. You have a moment to decide if you, or the False Hero, will do battle against Sir Motoyasu." Aultcray stiffly informs him.
"Choose wisely."
Naofumi and Hazel glance at each other.
"Do you want to fight Spear-san? The insult is against you," Hazel asks him quietly.
Naofumi frowns, glaring at Motoyasu and Myne as the redhead whispers in the Spear Hero's ear.
"… Hazel."
She cocks her head at him.
"Can you win against Motoyasu?" Naofumi asks her.
Hazel deadpans through her skull mask.
"Against him? Yes. He's not even holding his spear correctly. Honestly, it makes me want to cry with pity before beating the living shit out of him."
Naofumi frowns before deciding.
"Hazel, would you fight Motoyasu?" He inquires, nausea building in his gut.
Please let her say yes, please, if there's a god in this hell-! He prays.
Hazel nods without hesitation.
"Sure. I'll get you Raphtalia-san back, Naofumi. Stay on the sidelines and keep an eye on the guards- if there's gonna be cheating it will be personal inside the arena. Also, what are the conditions to win?"
"He has to admit defeat or be pinned down." Naofumi tells her.
"Shield Hero, what is your decision?" Aultcray barks impatiently.
Naofumi glares at Aultcray while Hazel steps forward.
"Tate-san has asked I fight in his stead; I accepted his offer." She replies clearly, her voice ringing throughout the arena.
Motoyasu blanches in surprise while Myne bites her lip in frustration. Aultcray clenches his jaw, hate flaring in his eyes as the Gauntlet Hero walks to the middle of the arena. The Pope watches avidly as the she-devil waits patiently for the Spear Hero to man up. Naofumi walks to the side of the arena, mirroring Myne's former position as he scowls.
Motoyasu approaches hesitantly, Myne trailing him.
"Ah, miss-?"
"Are you ready to fight?" Hazel asks coolly, cutting him off.
Motoyasu jerks back, uncertainty clearly visible as he tries to come to terms with this abrupt change.
This isn't how it's supposed to happen! I was going to fight that bastard rapist Naofumi, fair and square for Raphtalia-chan, not this scary girl! He thinks frantically.
"Won't you reconsider? You're fighting for a renowned rapist." Myne inserts smoothly, giving Motoyasu a confidence boost.
Hazel stares silently at Myne for a long moment.
"… And you are?" Hazel questions her.
Myne's face twitches as she tries to repress her overwhelming dislike enough to fool the False Hero. She pastes a false smile on and starts to introduce herself.
"My name is-"
"Ah, you must not be important. Please vacate the arena before the duel." Hazel dismisses her.
Myne's jaw drops at Hazel's audacity.
"Excuse me-?!" She starts to squawk.
"I said move along- unless, of course, you are here to inform me that Spear-san has abdicated the duel, in which case continue please." Hazel continues blandly.
Myne's face turns the color of her hair. Hazel cocks her head at her.
"No? Then move. I would hate to see you get injured because of your lack of common sense. Not to mention… since you are neither the challenger nor the challenged or a champion you should be in the stands to begin with." Hazel casually remarks.
Myne pulls herself up and points at Naofumi.
"Then why is he still in the arena?!" She exclaims.
Hazel deadpans.
"Are you hard of hearing? Naofumi is the challenged- he is allowed to remain since the outcome of the duel directly affects him. Secondly, I am aware of his combat skills, which are good enough to avoid accidental injury or death in case one of our attacks goes awry. You, on the other hand, have no stake in the duel beyond that of a spectator and I have no assurance that you have the necessary skill to avoid deadly combat spells or maneuvers. So please vacate the arena, otherwise we will not responsible for your safety."
Myne gapes at her while Motoyasu frowns thoughtfully.
"She's right, Myne-chan! I don't want you getting hurt, so could you go to the stands with the other girls?" He asks her.
"But, Motoyasu-sama-! What if that damn Shield tries to cheat?" Myne tries to protest.
"What exactly is the hold up?!" Aultcray bellows.
Hazel turns and faces him.
"This adventurer refuses to leave the arena despite not being involved. I fail to see how her presence is crucial to a duel as she has no part in it and I do not wish to see her come to unnecessary injury when it can be easily avoided." She announces.
Aultcray is stumped. He hadn't expected the False Hero to show concern for anyone aside from the Shield Hero and his filthy Demi-human party member. But Malty turns her pleading eyes on him and Aultcray clears his throat awkwardly.
"She remains. Now, get on with it!" He snaps.
Motoyasu stiffens and bows clumsily to Aultcray before facing Hazel.
"Please forfeit! I don't want to hurt you, miss!" He begs her.
"Don't worry. You won't." Hazel assures him calmly, shifting into a side-stance to minimize her profile.
Knokene changes into the Baltaboar version at Hazel's silent command while Rysty stays in the base gauntlet form. Motoyasu hesitates before pointing his spear at Hazel, still in the Chaos Spear form as they assume their positions for the duel.
"Begin!" Aultcray roars and Hazel vanishes.
Motoyasu blinks and suddenly Hazel is way too close! Grabbing his right arm with one hand, she stomps a stiffened foot into his knee and Motoyasu yelps as his leg collapses. Hazel smashes an open-palm upper cut to his jaw, knocking him up into the air and tightens her grip on his arm in preparation.
"Trampling Charge." Hazel says softly.
Everyone's jaws drop as her left arm connects with Motoyasu's torso and his armor explodes into pieces with a single hit. Motoyasu coughs up blood and tries to stagger away, but Hazel still has a grip on his spear arm and easily controls his movements to hammer another (non-skill enhanced) punch into his diaphragm. His face turns an interesting shade of white as his lungs attempt to refill his lungs with precious oxygen and fails spectacularly.
Motoyasu, not being the smartest person (and deprived of crucial oxygen), flails his spear around in a wild attempt to hit Hazel having finally realized that she is a genuine threat. Hazel contemptuously deflects the blows with one arm and switches to kicks, knocking him back into the sky. She expertly keeps him air-born, kicking from his blind spot and generally humiliating him. Motoyasu, swearing brokenly, knows he has to get on the ground or Hazel will beat him into unconsciousness.
Myne grits her teeth and uses an air magic spell, hoping to blast the wretched False Hero to her knees- or worse. Naofumi's eyes narrow then widen in outrage when he realizes what Myne is doing.
"Look out!" He yells a split second too late.
The spell collides into Hazel and she is thrown high into the air, but she manages to flip and turn it into a diving roll, springing back onto her feet. She casts a quick glare at Myne before Motoyasu has her attention again.
"Chaos Spear!" He yells, his spear's magical attack multiplying in a desperate bid to overwhelm her.
Naofumi clenches his jaw, resisting the urge to cast Air Strike Shield while Myne smirks at Motoyasu's anticipated victory. Hazel, on the other hand, doesn't panic.
"Hardened Shell!" She says calmly.
Knokene and Rysty transform into her Golden Spider Carapace series, her body glowing gold as she activates her skill and knocks the magic strikes away from her, much to everyone's surprise. She starts to stalk towards him and changes Rysty into her Chain gauntlet series.
"Your battle sense needs work, same for your stamina and reflexes. And you need to actually learn how to hold and use a spear or you might die." She tells him frankly.
Motoyasu blinks in confusion then panic as she wraps the chains around his arms and legs, immobilizing him. Hazel gives him a cheerful grin.
"Last chance to surrender."
"Or what?!" Motoyasu bluffs, sweating.
Hazel's grin turns sadistic.
"Before I pull a Hulk."
Motoyasu glares at her.
"This isn't over!" He yells, wiggling futilely in the chains.
Hazel simply shakes her head and changes Knokene into her Frost Troll Bone series- Knokene becomes a strange blue bone carapace with frost patterns decorating the finger segments.
"Don't say I didn't warn you," She tells him before re-enacting one of her favorite Avenger's stunts.
Although instead of a God of Mischief being slammed into concrete like a ragdoll, it is the womanizing Motoyasu bludgeoned into the dirt multiple times. Hazel is barely sweating thanks to the enhanced stamina of her Frost Troll Bone gauntlets as she swings Motoyasu in dizzying circles. Naofumi cannot help but feel gleeful over how thoroughly Hazel is making Motoyasu look the fool. After the fifth time ploughing the dirt with his face, Motoyasu moans loudly.
Hazel pauses her brutal assault, cocking her head.
"Hmm~? I can't hear you…" She tells him.
"I surrender!" He gasps.
Hazel turns her gaze expectantly at Aultcray, her eyes glowing eerily behind her mask of bone.
"… Well, your majesty?" She challenges.
Aultcray sneers at her.
"I have no need to acknowledge a victory won by a criminal of the state! Guards! Seize her!"
The crowd gasps in shock as a platoon of guardsmen quick march into the arena and level their spears and swords at her.
"Come quietly now!" A familiar pompous knight captain commands, twirling his mustache.
Hazel stays still, silent as she observes the guardsmen before she looks at Aultcray.
"So you have decided to become lawless after all. And here I was hoping you had some honor and sensibility left."
"Silence! I will not tolerate another word out of your mouth!" Aultcray bellows.
"No." Hazel says calmly.
"I said no. You demand respect and yet have done nothing to earn that respect. So no, I will not comply with your commands unless you uphold the terms of this duel, here and now in front of witnesses. Spear-san has surrendered and is unable to continue to fight. Thus, Tate-san's party member is to be returned to him in the condition she was prior to this entire mess."
Veins in Aultcray's forehead swell at her audacious words.
"Arrest her! Priest, free the slave!" He roars.
The soldiers do as commanded and charge her- but they forgot a very important fact. Motoyasu is still bound at her feet and Hazel finally has had enough of being polite. She whips her make-shift flail; Motoyasu version, in a massive circle and knocks most of the soldiers off their feet. The crowd starts to scream and Hazel releases Motoyasu, who was knocked out finally, before wrapping her chains around the standing soldiers' legs to pull them off balance.
Naofumi, on the other hand, when he heard the king's order to free Raphtalia goes berserk trying to reach her. Raphtalia's screams are muffled through her gag as they pour holy water on her slave crest.
"Raphtalia!" Naofumi yells as he sees her forcibly removed from his party.
Hazel's head snaps up and she realizes what happened. She bares her teeth and gives a chilling warning.
"All of you, back off." She orders as more soldiers form a shield wall before her.
The soldiers shiver at the demonic visage before them but hold their ground. Hazel's mouth twists in grim acceptance.
"So be it." She murmurs- and attacks.
Naofumi collapses, unseeing, unhearing of everything around him as darkness starts to swallow his mind.
The outcome of the duel was decided before it even started… they needed a scape goat to assure the Spear's spot in history… 'He saved a girl from being that wretched Shield's slave'… that's the story that Bitch wants to tell… 'The Spear fought a great evil'…
I'm that evil…
[Curse Series: Conditions Met]
Hazel swears when she sees one of the soldiers aiming an arrow at Naofumi, sending her chain to the far side of the arena and having Knokene quickly recoil the chain. The result? She flies over the shield wall and barely gets there in time to stop the archer, laying him out with a flying ax kick.
Not bad for a crappy Batman impression, Hazel has time to think as she regains her footing. Grimly, she changes Rysty to the Baltaboar series while keeping Knokene in the chain version as she stands guard over Naofumi.
"Naofumi, snap out of it!" She barks, deflecting a clumsy spear thrust.
Up in the stands, Ren and Itsuki glance at each other, unsure of what to do. On one hand, Naofumi owning a slave is not something either of them agree with- but neither is the complete disregard for the law Aultcray had just demonstrated. But the ease with which Aultcray had set the soldiers on the Gauntlet Hero is ringing alarm bells in Ren's mind.
What is stopping the king from turning on the rest of us the way he did on the Gauntlet Hero? She's displayed fair judgement and battle prowess, but somehow she's still a criminal? What's her crime then? Why haven't we heard anything about her crimes?! This makes no sense! He thinks desperately.
"Ren… What do we do?" Itsuki wonders, staring down at the chaos below them.
Ren doesn't have an answer as they watch the fast paced dance between the Gauntlet Hero and the palace guards. Nearby, the guards had finally untied Raphtalia and the Demi-human immediately steals a sword and races to assist Hazel. Shouts follow her but for the most part no one stops her until she actually reaches the battleground.
"Master Naofumi! Hazel-san!" She yells, blocking a soldier from hitting Hazel from behind.
Hazel glances at her and nods in appreciation.
"Raphtalia-san, see if you can snap him out of whatever the fuck happened to him- keep alert, okay?!" She orders, breaking a spear in two and kicking the soldier back.
Raphtalia nods in understanding.
"Master Naofumi-"
"Stay back!" Naofumi yells, clutching his head.
Raphtalia jerks in surprise but does not retreat, staying close to Naofumi.
"Master Naofumi. I knew the rumors… that you were a criminal, that you were a rapist…" She murmurs as she kneels next to his collapsed form.
"Don't touch me, woman! Stop!" Naofumi snarls, batting away her hands as Raphtalia tries to hug him.
Tears fall onto the ground.
"I… I didn't do it…" He whispers brokenly, crying.
This place is hell. Everyone lies. Everyone blames me… Naofumi thinks angrily.
"… Can you believe in a slave that has no choice but to follow you?" Raphtalia asks him, head bowed.
"Please, calm your anger. Listen to me. I want you to believe me-"
"Shut up!" Naofumi hisses frantically.
Raphtalia pulls him into a hug.
"Even if the whole world wrongs you, blames you… I won't. I'll say it as many times as you need to hear it. You didn't do it!"
"What?" Naofumi whispers.
"I believe in you, Master Naofumi. If you don't believe me, the please put the slave curse back on me. I want you to believe me. I will be your sword, I promise." Raphtalia states firmly.
Silently Hazel notes the conversation and feels a spark of respect for Raphtalia.
You really are loyal, Raphtalia-san. She thinks.
Rattling of armor draws her attention as more palace guards appear. Hazel glares at them and then an idea based on yet another Marvel hero pops into her head. She grins as Rysty and Knokene shift into their Golden Spider Web Spinner forms. The guards have a moment of premonition: something bad and embarrassing is about to happen… Hazel flexes her fingers and blurs, using her absurd agility to avoid attacks while laying the groundwork for her own. She reappears next to Raphtalia and clenches her hands into fists.
Instantly thousands of sheer, nearly transparent spider silk threads wrap around the soldiers, immobilizing them. The ones who annoyed her the most are in cocoons wiggling helplessly upside down. Hazel nods in satisfaction at her bloodless method of ending the fight, giving her a much needed breather as she guards Naofumi and Raphtalia.
Around them the nobles whisper in fear and horror while Aultcray looks fit to burst with fury. Ren stands up and starts to walk for one of the stairs leading down into the arena. Itsuki hurriedly tries to follow, confused by his fellow hero's actions. Hazel looks at where Naofumi and Raphtalia are embracing and smiles.
"Tate-san, you really are lucky with Raphtalia-san. She truly is a most loyal swordmaiden." She compliments him.
Naofumi nods silently as he cries, holding tightly to Raphtalia. Rysty and Knokene's jewel flash and a new message appears.
[Conditions met! Raphtalia gains the Title: Loyal Swordmaiden! +30 Attack and +15 Agility when acting on her liege lord's orders! Bonus Skill: Unwavering Fealty- Title bearer is immune to Conditions that would turn her against her liege lord!] They announce.
Hazel, Naofumi and Raphtalia are stunned while the rest of the audience erupts with shouts and questions as Raphtalia glows purple. The Gauntlet Hero glances down at her Legendary Weapons and mourns the days when shit still made sense. Naofumi and Raphtalia stare at her for answers and Hazel grimaces.
"… Yeah, I have no idea what the fuck just happened." She admits to them.
Naofumi opens his mouth to berate her and is interrupted by an all too familiar yell.
"NAOFUMI!" Motoyasu bellows, charging at them.
Hazel cocks her fist back but doesn't get the chance to punch him when Ren steps in and blocks Motoyasu.
"Eh?! Ren?!" He sputters in surprise.
"That's enough, Motoyasu! You lost the duel! It's over!" Ren snaps, forcing him back.
"But-! Raphtalia-chan is still-!" Motoyasu complains.
"That's no longer your concern." Hazel cuts him off, voice hard as she steps up next to Ren.
"Your concern should be mastering your weapon- and I don't mean upgrading it or unlocking new forms. Find someone to actually show you how to hold a spear and fight with one without skills- it may save your life one day. The same goes for you, Sword-san, Bow-san." She addresses Itsuki and Ren, to their surprise.
"Learn how to use your weapons properly. That's what you need to do before the next Wave. Oh, and figure out how to work together." She adds thoughtfully.
Ren grimaces but nods sharply before glancing at Naofumi and Raphtalia. He hesitates, then bows in apology to them.
"… I should have spoken up earlier when the duel ended. I'm sorry, Naofumi." He mumbles.
Itsuki and Motoyasu gape at the typically stoic Sword Hero while Naofumi hesitates over accepting his apology. It's Raphtalia who nods to Ren.
"Thank you for saying so, Sword Hero." She answers calmly.
Ren flushes with embarrassment and looks away, folding his arms. Hazel smiles at Ren, resting a hand on her hip.
What a cute knucklehead. He's a bit apathetic, but at least he's trying. She thinks ruefully. Knokene and Rysty's jewels flash again.
[Conflict resolved. Relocation effective immediately!] They announce.
Hazel represses a groan and looks at Naofumi and the other Heroes as a familiar violet magic circle appears under her feet.
"Behave and use your brains, or you idiots will be seeing me outside the Waves. Seriously, get your acts together and learn to read!" She lectures them before vanishing.
The four Cardinal Heroes and Raphtalia stare at where the Gauntlet Hero had stood and reflect that she sounds like a scolding older sister. Aultcray growls with frustration when the False Hero vanishes once more while the Pope considers the delightful puzzle the False Hero presents.
"Augh! Why did you drop me on the godforsaken fire pit?!" Hazel screams as she rolls to put out the flames.
[It was not our intention!]
"Well, you obviously need to aim, dammit!"
"Hazel..? What happened?" Sher yawns groggily.
"Rysty and Knokene teleported me because the other heroes decided to act like fucking five year olds and someone had to be the responsible adult! Then when they teleported me back they landed me in the fire pit!" Hazel snaps, wincing at the burns on her lower legs.
Rong, who had been conferring with Mirellia, pokes her head outside the wagon and sighs with relief.
"She has returned, your majesty." Rong explains.
"I was wondering who would be swearing so loudly…" Mirellia murmurs.
Kai and Meili rush over to Hazel and bury her under their combined weight. Sher and Rong sweat drop while Hazel's swearing increases in creativity.
"… Hazel, this really isn't your day, is it?" Sher whispers in pity as Hazel flails wildly.
The next day…
"Right, so we need to get more potions and visit Beloukas again." Hazel states, pointedly ignoring Kai and Meili as they try to catch her attention.
Rong nods while Sher tilts her head.
"Why do you need to see him..?" Sher asks slowly.
Hazel sighs, setting aside her empty bowl.
"We need a few more members for our party. Heck, maybe another monster too. But first priority is getting a mage or a healer, preferably both. Second, we need more balance to our party in terms of range of attack and defense." Hazel explains.
"Range of attack?" Sher wonders, cocking her head and ears twitching.
Hazel (barely) resists the temptation of touching her ears (they are so soft looking~!) and scrambles to answer Sher's question.
"Mhm. So I'm what you would call a close to mid-range combat fighter. I need to be near my enemies to do anything to them or lure them to me. You're solidly a close combat fighter like me, although teaching you a ranged weapon might be a good idea… Anyways! Rong is close to far with magic and close to mid-range with her knives. Kai and Meili it's hard to tell- at bare minimum they would be close range with potential for more when they're done growing. So when you look at our party, we tend to specialize in getting close and hitting hard. What we suck at is defense, far range attacks, healing and magic." Hazel dissembles their strengths and weaknesses for Sher.
Kai and Meili perk up at their names while Sher frowns as she processes what Hazel had explained.
"… so you're gonna buy more slaves and monsters?" Sher tries to ask neutrally, but Hazel clearly hears the censure in her voice.
Hazel nods shortly, locking eyes with the younger girl.
"It's the safest way. They will get the same deal as you did. Is that acceptable for you?" Hazel presses her.
Sher nods shyly, twiddling her thumbs in an effort to hide her unease. Hazel sighs and ruffles Sher's hair, making her squawk indignantly.
"Don't hide that you're uncomfortable, ne? It's better to say your concerns now and not later, because there might not be a later. You understand? And I promise to listen to what you say and try to keep your concerns in mind but I might not be able to do so all the time." Hazel reassures her.
Sher bites her lip and hesitantly nods.
"You… You promise to set them free if they earn it?" She demands.
Hazel nods.
"I do." She vows solemnly.
"… Okay." Sher whispers, tension seeping out of her shoulders.
"I suggest heading to the slaver's tent later this afternoon, Ilmatar-san." Rong adds, reading through several letters.
Hazel cocks her head questioningly.
"Why..?" She drags out the word.
Rong sighs.
"If what you heard was true, then Sir Naofumi will be at the slaver's tent reapplying the slave crest to Raphtalia-san. It would not do for you to be teleported simply because you met by chance." Rong reminds her.
Hazel blinks then sighs in defeat.
"Ugh, fine-! Stupid conditions… speaking of, what the hell was that about yesterday, Rysty, Knokene!" She growls.
[Hero must specify.]
"You know! The thing where you gave Raphtalia-san a title! What was that about!?"
[Raphtalia fulfilled conditions for earning her title.]
"Augh! I got that! I mean how did you give it to her, I thought that was something you only did to me!"
[Hero was always capable of bestowing titles or removing them.]
Hazel feels a headache coming on.
"… Okay, so how does bestowing or removing a title work?"
[Hero must assess an individual based on their deeds and personality. We will check available titles for suitability and if the individual fulfills the conditions for a title, Hero may bestow said title. If the candidate violates the title they are given, Hero may remove it. This ability does not apply to the Cardinal or Vassal Heroes.]
"… So I can't give Naofumi or the others titles?" Hazel clarifies.
"…. Fuck my life." Hazel moans, flopping backwards.
Sher pats her knee consolingly while Meili and Kai groom Hazel's hair. Rong shakes her head at Hazel's antics.
Later that afternoon…
"No! Meili, Kai, you're staying here!" Hazel barks, glaring at them.
The Dragon and Filolial pout at her, unhappy that she was telling them they couldn't come. Hazel is near her wits end with all the insanity of the last two days.
"Look! You two are too recognizable! Especially you, Meili! And Kai, you're a giant fluffball- no, you're still adorable Kai but now you don't look like a normal Filolial! I can't take you two into town, okay?! The king will try to arrest anyone with a Dragon and a Filolial! If you could transform to look different then sure, but you can't so you're staying here and listening to Sher, got it?" Hazel finally snaps.
Sher nods firmly to back up Hazel's point.
"Don't worry, you two, we'll work on your hunting skills, alright?" She reassures the depressed monsters.
Hazel huffs out a sigh of relief and quickly retreats (she's not fleeing, it's a strategic retreat!) Rong following her. They enter the capital easily (thank god for disguises) and swiftly make their way to Beloukas' tent. Hazel stays outside while Rong double-checks none of the Heroes are there and beckons Hazel inside. The portly slave trader rubs his hands together with glee at her appearance.
"Lady Hero! It has been quite some time! Come to do business, I hope?" He inquires.
Hazel nods shortly, folding her arms.
"Yes. I'll see what you have, but I'm thinking at least one new monster egg and perhaps two new slaves." She lays out her preferences.
Beloukas nods, grin widening at the prospect of a sale.
"This way, Lady Hero~!" He ushers her into the depths of his tent.
Hazel keeps her face impassive at the suffering of the slaves around her, the only sign of her increasing tension is her jaw clenching. Beloukas leads her to the back and Hazel surveys the available slaves. Most are Demi-humans along with beastfolk. Movement at the corner of her eye redirects her attention towards a larger cage. She pulls off the covering and has to work hard to hold onto her composure.
Three Demi-human children are huddled together, two girls and a boy. The youngest, a girl, has small deer antlers and twitching ears as she stares up in terror at Hazel. A low growl rumbles from the boy's throat as he moves protectively before the other two, his hair a mix of white and black with rounded white cat ears. A white and black tiger tail lashes behind him. The last girl glares at Hazel angrily, pointed fox ears twitching and her tail lashing.
Hazel cocks her head at them, intrigued. Rong has a bad feeling as she watches Hazel. Beloukas chortles when he sees what had arrested Hazel's attention.
"Sharp eyes as always Lady Hero! You really do have a talent for finding my more intriguing merchandise! As you can see, I have three of the rarer Demi-humans variants available for sale. The Kitsune girl is most likely to be sold as a pleasure slave while the Hakuko boy is drafted for a bodyguard. And the little Deer Demi-human is most likely on the same path as the Kitsune girl once she's a bit older." Beloukas explains.
Hazel resists the urge to deck him, breathing slowly and evenly to control her temper.
"I see. What are their levels?" Hazel asks when she is sure she won't snarl at the slave trader.
Beloukas points at each in turn.
"The Kitsune is at level 2, the Hakuko at level 4 because he killed one of the slavers trying to capture him and the Deer girl at level 1. My prices for them is 10 gold for the Kitsune, 10 gold for the Hakuko boy and 4 gold for the Deer girl."
"So 24 gold for the three of them plus a monster egg… 17 gold for them and the egg." Hazel haggles.
Beloukas staggers, a hand to his heart.
"17?! I couldn't! 22 gold, no less!"
"18. They're in shit condition which means it'll be longer to get them up to speed." Hazel retorts.
"Hmph! 20 gold!" Beloukas counter offers.
Hazel smiles slowly and dangerously at Beloukas.
"Beloukas, have you forgotten..? I have a 30% discount on all your goods." She reminds him.
Beloukas pauses and frowns.
"But you are forgetting the cost of the monster egg!" He challenges her triumphantly.
Hazel shakes her head, still smiling that dangerous smile.
"No the egg is for free since I will be buying basic gear from you and I am promoting your wares during the Waves. Not to mention it's a nice package deal…" She drawls.
Beloukas frowns thoughtfully then laughs.
"I see! Very well, Lady Hero! I accept your bargain! Let's get these three settled and then you may pick another monster egg and their beginning gear!" Beloukas invites her.
Hazel glances at Rong, who nods and goes to inspect the available weapons and clothing. The three slaves are pulled out of the cage and their slave crests rebranded with Hazel's blood. Hazel winces at the agony the crests cause but gives her first order to the group.
"Stay put until we're ready to leave, understand?" Hazel commands with a raised eyebrow.
They nod with varying degrees of anger or fear. Hazel sighs at the amount of work she's going to be doing when they return to the Belladonnas. Beloukas shows her the eggs and Hazel closes her eyes, her hand drifting over the eggs until one in particular seems to call to her. She selects it and Beloukas notes in the ledger which one she selected before doing the sealing ceremony with the egg.
Rong walks back with her arms full of basic clothes, footwear and daggers. Hazel nods in satisfaction at Rong's choices and glances at her new slaves (ick that never gets easier).
"Alright, we're leaving. I have a fairly simple set of rules to follow. Don't attack me or my companions, stay with the group and don't lie to me. Ready? Put your cloaks on and we'll get you some long term weapons and basic armor. Hmm, Rong do you think we can pick up books that teach spell casting?" Hazel asks her companion.
Rong nods.
"Yes, and pick up more potions and herbs. Good thing we have a slight surplus of funds at the moment." She reflects.
Hazel laughs.
"Careful the gods might be listening," She teases her.
Rong rolls her eyes as they enter Erhard's shop. He looks up and his face cracks a fond grin as Rong casually locks the door.
"You're back! Nice to see you again, Lady Hero!" Erhard greets her before glancing at the unfamiliar trio trailing after her.
"Let me guess, you want them kitted out and find some weapons for them?" He asks dryly.
Hazel smirks, leaning on the counter.
"Aw, you know me so well~! Alright kids, look around and see if there's any weapons in particular that interest you. We'll discuss armor after I get an idea of what fighting style to expect." She explains to Erhard.
They hesitate before the Hakuko boy rushes over to inspect the wall with swords and shields, eyes sparkling. Kitsune girl slowly moves to look over the daggers while Deer girl stares up at the bows on the wall wistfully. Rong, Hazel and Erhard share looks of amusement.
"So, a basic sword and shield for the boy and a bow for the little miss? And perhaps a dagger set for the oldest girl?" Erhard asks.
Hazel hums and nods.
"I have no problem with it. What do you recommend armor-wise?"
"Light leather armor for the little miss, heavier leather over chainmail for the boy and leather for the older miss." He answers promptly.
Hazel considers it then adds a suggestion.
"Can you see if we can add some wiggle room for upcoming growth? Sher outgrew her armor in about a month and I would rather not have to replace it that quickly." Hazel explains.
Erhard laughs and nods.
"I'll see what I can do." He promises.
Hazel nods and calls over the kids, squatting to be at eyelevel.
"Right, I forgot to ask earlier, what are your names?" Hazel asks.
Kitsune girl answers first with a wary expression.
"Kassia, Master."
The Deer girl pokes her head out from behind Kassia.
"A-Abelia, Ma-Master…" She stammers.
The Hakuko huffs at her, folding his arms and scowling at her.
"I don't want to tell you!" He snaps at her.
Hazel quirks her eyebrow at him in amusement.
"Is that so~? Well then, I guess I could give you a name since I don't feel like calling you 'boy' or 'you' all the time." Hazel muses aloud.
Rong suppresses the urge to sigh as the Hakuko boy flushes red with anger.
"Oi! You can't-!" He snaps but Hazel interrupts him.
"Hmm, how about Finn?" She poses the question to Rong.
Rong considers it and shakes her head. Hazel mock pouts.
"Aw, really? Hmm, what about Fell? I like that one-"
"My name is Gale!" He snaps, tail bristling.
Hazel nods solemnly.
"Nice to meet you, Gale, Kassia and Abelia. My name is Hazel Ilmatar, Gauntlet Hero and leader of a mercenary troop that's focuses on fighting the Waves. That's my second in command, Rong. If you have questions, feel free to ask either of us." She orders, standing back up as Rong lays out the weapons on the counter.
Erhard comes around the counter and measures each of the Demi-human kids for size before disappearing into the back. He reappears with three sets of various armor and urges the kids to try them on. Kassia finishes putting on her gear first; a simply leather breast plate over her green tunic with a belt for her knives. Leather gloves protect her hands and knee-high boots her lower legs. Her fox tail lashes slowly back and forth as she awaits their approval.
Hazel grins at her then Erhard.
"Oh, you are good, Erhard-san!" She praises.
"Does it feel uncomfortable anywhere, Kassia?" Rong asks before Hazel is carried away.
Kassia shakes her head, her scarlet hair flapping. Gale comes out next, scowling. His gear is a chainmail shirt with a leather breastplate for his torso and leather arm guards. His pants are grey and tucked into boots as well. Erhard checks Gale for the fit, asking him to twist and raise his arms. Hazel is pleased when Erhard confirms the fit is comfortable for Gale.
Abelia is the last to exit the changing rooms, shivering under so many stares. Her outfit is a crimson tunic with a leather breastplate and arm braces paired with leather gloves for her hands. Black trousers go under the tunic to cover her legs along with her ankle boots. Hazel gives her a reassuring smile.
"Looks good! Does it pinch or feel too tight anywhere?" Hazel asks Abelia.
Abelia shakes her head wildly and hides behind Kassia again. Rong and Hazel quickly haggle with Erhard over the price before settling on a reasonable amount for both parties. Then they unlock the door and head to a magician's shop that Rong knows of. A grandmotherly old witch sits behind the counter and eyes them curiously.
"Welcome to my shop! How may I help you today?" She inquires warmly.
"We would like to determine magical attributes for these four." Rong answers, gesturing to Hazel, Gale, Abelia and Kassia.
"That'll be 50 silver per person." The witch informs them.
Hazel forks over the money with a soft sigh and places her hand on the crystal ball. It glows and the witch smiles in surprise.
"Ara? You are certainly unusual! You have dual affinities for Fire and Ice magic! And it looks like you could learn Shadow as well, given enough practice!" She informs Hazel.
Hazel nods, slightly surprised. She moves and let's Gale take her place, standing next to Rong. Gale slaps his hand down and waits for her pronouncement. The witch chuckles at his expression.
"Looks like boya has an affinity for Lightning magic, but he'll need to work hard at it!" She warns him.
Gale nods and shuffles back to let Abelia go next. Abelia cautiously places her hand on the crystal and waits anxiously for the witch's assessment. The witch quirks her eyebrow in surprise and chuckles.
"Well, I'll be-! Double affinity for Healing and Support magic! You're the second person I've seen today with that particular set of affinities!" She encourages the Deer Demi-human.
Abelia blushes under her praise and hides behind Gale and Rong. Kassia steps up and places her hand on the crystal ball with a determined expression. The witch's jaw drops in surprise.
"Ara?! Fire, Shadow and Light magic?! Missy, you'll be a fantastic magician!" The Witch exclaims.
Hazel laughs.
"Well then, we would appreciate some grimoires to learn from and perhaps a magician's wand or staff for Kassia and Abelia." She tells her frankly.
The witch nods and quickly recommends various grimoires and different types of wands for Kassia and Abelia with Rong helping them decide. They leave the shop with significantly less in their wallets but with the supplies needed to learn magic on their own. Hazel leads the way back to the Belladonna's campsite, only for Sher to race up and grab her, completely frantic.
"Hazel! You're back, thank god!" She wails, hugging her.
Hazel sweat drops.
"Sher, what happened? Are Kai and Meili alright-?"
Two very unfamiliar voices scream and Hazel looks up in time to see a naked blond boy with golden bird's wings and an equally naked dark-haired girl with horns and bat wings racing towards her. Hazel blinks, stupefied.
"What-" Hazel starts to say.
"You're back!" The two naked kids cheer and slam into her, hugging her legs.
Hazel flails and looks at Sher desperately.
"Sher, what the hell is going on?!" Hazel hisses, trying to ignore how tightly the two naked kids are hugging her.
Sher gulps.
"You said we couldn't come with unless we looked different!" The boy chirps happily.
"So we transformed ourselves!" The girl continues haughtily.
Hazel rubs her forehead as she tries to sort out what's going on.
"Wait, do I know you two?" Hazel demands, nonplussed.
The two kids pout and two explosions of smoke replace them. Hazel stumbles as claws replace small humanoid arms and freezes when Meili and Kai stare back at her expectantly. Rong face palms and Sher bows her head in apology. Kassia, Gale and Abelia stare in stunned awe at the Knight's Dragon and Filolial holding Hazel's legs hostage.
"It's us, Mom!" Kai whimpers, staring at her sadly.
"Yes, Mommy, you really should have realized it was us!" Meili scolds Hazel.
Hazel turns her face skywards and swears.
"Oh, fuck my life." She moans dejectedly.
And that is a wrap! Had fun? I did too, although dialogue in certain sections are more choppy than I would like _ but anyways! Yes, things are getting only more chaotic for the Belladonnas and the other Heroes (I feel no guilt :P) Please review and comment! Until next time!