Chapter 10
Be there in 10
Keith sent the text about ten minutes ago — not that Lance was counting or anything — and the doorbell rang right on time.
Damn, Keith was punctual.
Lance took a deep breath. Checked his hair one more time in the mirror and then yanked the door open.
His hero stood on the front step with a barely there smile. His phone slid back into his pocket, his other hand held a white bag of take out.
"Hey, Kogane." Lance forced out as he eyed the man up and down.
Keith smiled fully when their eyes met, "McClain."
And because Lance had no self control and absolutely zero chill — he wrapped an arm around his Keith's hips and pulled the other man against him. His mouth devoured his hero's with no other prompting.
Keith sank against him, his free hand grasping at the grey shirt covering Lance's back.
Their lips danced together with a practiced ease. One that shouldn't have existed from only one romp in the sheets but Lance wasn't about to complain.
He groaned as Keith's hand trailed down his spine. That hand grasped a handful of his ass and Lance gasped in surprise. He blinked down at Keith.
His hero wore a devilish smile.
"Hi." Lance squeaked out, unsure what else to do.
"Hi." Keith answered. The way his eyes danced clearly displayed how amused he was.
Which, okay, Lance would probably be mad if Keith didn't look so damn good when he smiled like that. It just wasn't playing fair.
Fuck Keith.
His eyes dropped to the food in his hero's hand.
Okay. Fuck Keith later. Warm food first.
"Let's eat, quick." He grabbed Keith's wrist and led him towards the living room.
"Quick?" Keith mused aloud.
Lance didn't bother responding to that verbally. Instead he just squeezed his hero's wrist, unable to muster up the courage to speak or look at him. Because gosh darn he was smitten.
And he wasn't exactly sure what to do with himself.
Or about this whole situation really.
They settled down on the same couch Lance had brought Keith to that fateful night and helped Keith unpack the food.
Gosh that night felt like forever ago. Not just a week. When Keith had been trying to mark Lance's upholstery with his blood. When they had bantered so easily back and forth, toeing the line of something more but stuck firmly on their sides.
Man. How did things change so fast?
"So…" Keith trailed off.
"So?" Lance blinked, food half way to his mouth. He shoved it in - waiting for Keith to continue.
"The video."
Lance hummed. He assumed Keith wanted something other than his company coming back so soon after being gone for just over a day. He should have guessed it was about that.
"It was…" Keith trailed off once more, fidgeting with his chopsticks.
Lance sighed and put his chopsticks down. Better just get this over with. "Just come out with it already."
"I wanted to make sure you were okay with it." He rushed out.
"I am." Lance answered without an ounce of hesitation.
And he really was. Sure he'd faked being worried about his reputation with Hunk and Pidge but, well, it wasn't like his reputation was the one on the line here. People's feelings about villains came and went.
But a hero's? That was much more susceptible to bad publicity.
And in the next breath Keith said, "and I, uh, I wanted to say that… I liked it." His hero twisted his fingers. "I… I liked it a lot."
"Oh?" Lance quirked a brow. Cause, he hadn't expected that. He half figured Keith was going to yell at him for — well he didn't know what exactly. Not like the video was his fault. Pidge would be to blame if anything.
"Yeah. I-I liked people saying those things… about us." He brought his shy gaze to meet Lance's and —
Okay food was not going to get finished.
Lance pushed Keith down onto the couch. His hero blinked up at him far too innocently. Was this really the same man that had just grabbed his ass five minutes ago?
"Me too." Lance confessed before placing himself in between Keith's easily parted legs. "I really like it when people talk about us together."
"Yeah?" Keith asked timidly even as he wrapped his arms around Lance's shoulders.
He hummed and wiggled his hand between the couch and Keith so he could grab Keith's ass. His hero gasped, arching his back forcing his chest up against Lance's. Lance openly groaned. "Fuck yeah, Kitten. Gotten off to just the thought of it more than once." He began massaging the cheek under his hand.
Keith swallowed harshly.
Lance shifted his weight completely to his knees. His free hand undid Keith's pants expertly and then dipped down the front of his hero's boxers. He took his hero in his hand and thumbed the slit, precome coating it. "Already so eager for me, aren't you, honey."
He nodded desperately.
"This is what you really came for, isn't it? Not some video." Lance leaned down to whisper in his ear. "You want me to fuck you."
"God yes." Keith sighed. "But I don't have a lot of time."
Lance quirked a brow. "Don't you have — I don't know, your own hours?" He mumbled against Keith's skin as he trailed kisses down his neck.
"We have set hours and then are — fuck!—" he cut off as Lance sucked at the junction of his neck and shoulder, "— on call."
"Those sounds like horrible hours." Lance mumbled against his skin. "How am I supposed to fuck you on the daily if your always so busy?"
"Guess you'll have to get creative."
Lance pulled back and the sultry smile on Keith's lips almost caused him to come right there like — "Holy fuck." He shifted his weight to one elbow and fanned himself. "You can not talk to me with that tone of voice and that look and those lips and eyes and nose and-"
"Lance." Keith struggled to keep from smiling. "That's my face."
"Yes. You can't talk to me with your face."
Keith giggled and Lance was falling - falling -falling —
He was actually falling.
"Fuck!" he yelled as he hit the floor.
Keith landed on his hips a second later. A wide grin on his lips. "A little flirting and look at you," he teased as he ran a finger down Lance's chest, slowly trailing down, "a stumbling mess who can't even keep on the couch."
"You cheated!" Lance immediately fired. Because, ya know, the no chill thing.
"Don't be a sore loser." Keith's eyes lit up excitedly.
"I didn't lose anything!"
"No?" His hero continued to push his buttons. He rolled his hips. "How about you lose the shirt?"
Lance stared up at him completely dumbfounded. For a few seconds. And then he sure as fuck hauled his tshirt off and over his head. Let the record show that he could be good when opportunity presented itself.
And he sure as fuck would present himself too.
Keith shot him a sexy smirk and Lance couldn't even be mad at how quickly he obeyed the hero's command. Keith hummed as he ran a hand along Lance's neck, down his chest, his stomach and stopped right at his jeans. He leaned over him and pressed his lips to his ear.
"Now who's eager?" He teased in Lance's ear.
He then bit the lobe and Lance groaned.
"Me." He admitted without shame.
"Where'd you're fighting spirit go, Lance?"
"Lost it right along with my shirt, Keithy."
Keith laughed. "What happened to fucking me?"
Lance paused as he gaged the situation. "Oh." He settled with as he saw the look on his hero's face. Excited but also… disappointed maybe? "Okay. I can do that."
And then he sat up and lifted Keith up onto the couch.
Keith inhaled sharply and Lance smirked from his spot on the floor. Once more between Keith's parted knees.
"What?" He taunted his hero, falling into the easy back and forth. "Are you surprised that I'm so versatile."
"Not at all." Keith breathed as Lance pushed his shirt up to look at those glorious abs. "That's the least surprising thing about this."
He'd ask more about what that meant later. He pressed a kiss to his hero's hip bone and relished in the gasp from those lips. "Then what is it?" Lance pressed.
"I'm just…"
He slowly pulled down Keith's zipper, staring up at him. The hero's cheeks were flushed. Eyes hooded. Black hair a mess like always.
"You're just?" Lance paused with his fingers dipped underneath Keith's boxers.
Keith licked his lips, weighing his answer. "It's… a lot of things."
And if Lance wasn't so anxious to get an answer so he could continue teasing his hero, he may have let him drag this out more. But as it was, he wasn't feeling like playing this game. Especially when his hero already said he was on call. That hadn't worked out in Lance's favor last time and he wasn't taking any chances.
"Look it's just." Keith flushed deeper. "This," he gestured between them. "I can't believe this."
Lance quirked a brow. "That's it."
"And that you can lift me so easily." He admitted quietly.
"Oh. So that's a turn on for you?" Lance smirked as he leaned up. "You like being manhandled a little?"
He chuckled lightly at his hero's rosy cheeks. God he was cute. He pressed a swift kiss to his lips and mumbled, "no shame in that, Kitten. I like it too on occasion."
Keith's gaze darkened and Lance had to remind himself not to just lay down and let Keith do whatever he may want with him.
His hero wanted to be fucked. And goddammit — Lance was going to fulfill that fantasy. Whatever this man wanted, Lance was willing to give.
Which was… slightly terrifying.
But his willingness to jump into this wholeheartedly was a later problem.
Right now he had a hero to take apart.
Lance pressed his lips against Keith's again. Hoping to make up for his slight daydreaming. Keith sighed into the kiss, so apparently he wasn't too bothered. Or Lance was just that good at distracting. He'd be okay with either reason.
He kept Keith distracted with his tongue as he eased the hero out of his jeans.
Keith's smile ruined it. "What are you doing?"
"Shhhh." Lance hushed him. "I'm working magic. We don't have a lot of time."
"It's not like it's a for sure that I'll get a call."
"Shh!" Lance shushed more urgently, yanking Keith's pants off so quickly the hero hissed. "Saying that all but guarantees that you will get called!"
He rolled his eyes. "Lance that's just-"
He smashed his lips back over Keith's. His hand trailing down his hero's stomach. He hadn't really looked persay to see what state his hero was in, but he was glad to find him half massed already.
"Fuck, Kitten." He groaned against Keith's lips. "Already getting hard for me? You're in just as much of a hurry as I am, aren't you?"
"Lance." Keith gasped his name as he wrapped a hand around him and stroked. His hero gripped his shoulders tightly.
"Saying my name like that?" Lance swallowed thickly. "How's a guy supposed to keep it together?"
"You're not." His hero quipped. He threw Lance a dangerous smirk that had his blood boiling.
"Oh." He blinked. And then he narrowed his eyes. "Oh. You're playing me?"
"What?" Keith sat up instantly. "NO!"
"Good." Lance smirked up at him.
And then he took Keith in his mouth.
"Fuck!" His hero cursed loudly as his back hit the couch. His hands threaded in Lance's hair.
He hummed. Glad that his hero was quickly growing longer and harder as he worked him over. Going down on someone was something Lance enjoyed in general. But there was just something… more to giving Keith head. Something extra that his other altercations lacked.
He couldn't put a finger on why.
Didn't want to at this time.
So he sucked harder — distracting his hero and himself from their thoughts.
Lance blindly felt for a bottle of lube he knew was around here somewhere.
What? So he may have jerked off on this couch a few times after Keith's first visit. Sue him. He wasn't embarrassed about it. Hell, he was glad for those moments because it meant he was prepared for this.
He found the bottle and smiled. Lance hummed and his hero groaned at the feeling. He threw Keith's legs over his shoulders.
He gasped at the change.
Lance smoothly applied lube to his fingers. With practiced ease he inserted one finger into Keith. He honestly wasn't even sure if Keith noticed, his hero so desperate not to rock his hips into Lance's mouth.
It was so fucking hot.
But it'd be even hotter if Keith would let loose.
He pulled off, keeping a finger pumping in and out. His cheek rested against Keith's thigh. He admired Keith's flushed cheeks. The way his hero bit his lip in an attempt to control himself. The way his hands remained in Lance's hair but had loosened as soon as he'd removed himself. How their touch was far gentler than it should be given the interaction.
He slid in another finger. His hero hardly seemed to notice as Lance lazily licked long strokes against his dick.
Keith remained such a conundrum.
Maybe that should be expected given this was really only their third encounter out of uniform. But Lance couldn't help but feel like he should know more. That he wanted to know more.
A sharp tug on his hair pulled him out of his thoughts. His hero frowned at him.
"You're thinking too much." Keith told him.
He smiled guiltily. "Sorry."
His hero chewed on his lips before saying, "we don't have to do this, Lance. I wasn't trying to pressure you or anything."
"That's not it!" He insisted swiftly. "Yeah, no, that isn't it at all."
"Then what's wrong?"
Keith frowned deeper.
"I was just thinking of how I wanted to know you better." He stupidly spilled.
To his surprise, Keith chuckled. "That's what's got you spacing out?"
"Hey!" He pouted. "That's a very solid concern! I just—" He bit his tongue.
"Lance." Keith pulled his hair again. "Tell me."
And Lance couldn't very well deny his hero when he'd insisted not so long ago that Keith divulge his inner mind workings as well.
"I don't know what this is." He confessed quietly. "And it's… bothering me."
Keith's eyes searched his.
"I want to know more about you, Keith." He ignored the twitch of Keith's still hard cock at his statement.
The thing was like three inches from his face. It was hard not to notice the movement.
Ha. hard.
"I wanna know more about you too, Lance." Keith licked his lips. "However you wanna do this I… I want it too…"
Lance hesitated before asking, "not just the sex?"
"Not just the sex." His hero confirmed quietly with a soft smile.
"But we can still do the sex too, right?" He had to ask.
Cause he wasn't sure he could stop from touching Keith now that he had him.
He wiggled the fingers still inside of Keith to solidify his point.
His hero inhaled sharply. "Sex as much as you want," he breathly replied.
"How much do you want?" Lance pressed as he resumed stroking Keith's cock with one hand and pumping the fingers of his other in and out. "I don't want this to be all about me."
"All of it." Keith's hands gripped the couch as he arched his back off it. "I want as much as you can give."
"Fuck." Lance cursed. "We may kill each other then, Kitten."
Keith groaned. He set himself back on the couch as much as he could with his legs still over Lance's shoulders. His hero looked him dead in the eye as he said, "fine by me."
Lance surged forward, bending his hero in half as he smashed their lips together. Keith grasped desperately at his back.
Any issues Lance had with the muddled gray area of them having… whatever this was, fell away as Keith devoured his mouth.
He inserted another finger and Keith pulled away from his mouth to hiss.
Lance left marks all over his hero's neck, chest, and stomach as he made his way back down. He sucked Keith down once more. His free hand pulling his pants down. He pumped in and out, making sure Keith would be ready for him.
"Lance," he cried desperately. "Please!"
He was powerless to resist that call.
He ripped his pants off and then lubed and lined himself up with him as fast as he could. Keith's legs wrapped around his waist, urging him in. He obliged his hero and pressed slowly into his tight heat.
Both groaned lewdly at being connected once more.
Lance wasn't sure that anything would ever feel as good as being in Keith.
They rocked together, building up a rhythm that had Lance embarrassed to admit had his release approaching fast.
"S-slow down, Kitten," he groaned as Keith met his thrusts enthusiastically. "Fuck. I'm not going to last long at this rate."
"Then I guess we'll just have to go again." Keith's reply was broken, his breathing shallow.
At least Lance wasn't the only one that seemed to be close to the end.
"Damn." He groaned and pulled back and slammed his hips forward.
"Fuck!" Keith cursed.
"I think you may be just as insatiable as me." Lance half joked as he wrapped a hand around him.
Keith smirked. "Guess we'll find out, huh?"
"Fuck yeah we will." He agreed completely as he began stroking his hero hurriedly.
Because Lance wasn't going to last long. And he refused to be the first to finish.
He angled his hips, grinning widely as Keith's cursed cry filled the room.
"Fuck, Lance!" He groaned as he released all over his stomach and Lance's hand.
The image of his hero so wrecked had Lance coming just as quickly after.
"Holy shit." He gripped Keith's hips tightly as he sporadically emptied into him. He rested his head on the other man's shoulder and whispered, "holy fuck."
Keith's breathless chuckle was music to his ears. "Agreed."
"Well," Lance laughed as he pulled back. He cringed as he said, "That ended a lot sooner than I wanted it too."
Keith smiled lightly as he shook his head. "I'm right there with you."
"At least we both got off, right?" He opened a drawer in the coffee table and pulled out wipes to clean them both.
His hero's brow lifted in amusement. "I mean, that is kind of the point of it, isn't it?"
And that just wasn't fucking fair.
Where did Keith get off being so fucking sassy and adorable and — ugh.
"Fair point, Kitten." He said before pressing his lips to his.
Because he could do that now.
And he was going to take full advantage of kissing this man whenever he could. Within reason of course. He wouldn't be kissing his hero on the job.
Though… kissing those forbidden lips while they were on duty was pretty tempting.
Keith's wrist buzzed.
"Told you!" Lance smirked as Keith frowned down at the gadget on his wrist.
"This is bullshit." His hero grumbled as he forced himself off the couch.
"I mean, how pressing is it, really?" Lance stood up, throwing on boxers for modesty sake. "You could probably do with a shower before your shift."
"It's fine." Keith said as he got dressed. "My suit wicks away all body odor."
"Huh." Lance sat on the couch and enjoyed the sight of his hero. "That's pretty nifty. Who thought that one up?"
"Pidge." He smiled. "She managed to repurpose some Galra tech. It's got to be one of the best things she's come up with."
He rolled his eyes. "Should have known."
Keith's eyes roamed over him. "... Are you going to get dressed?"
"Why?" He quirked a brow. "It's my house." He stood up and wrapped his arms around Keith's shoulders, fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck. "And the only company that I'm maybe expecting later would be you, hot shot."
Keith flushed. "But it's distracting" He mumbled as he closed the distance between them.
Lance hummed into the kiss. He could kiss his hero forever. But, sadly, he had some shit he needed to get done today too. So he'd take Keith's call as a blessing in disguise.
"You better get a move on," he spoke far softer than he meant to. God. What was Keith doing to him? Where was his suave self?
Keith sighed heavily. He pressed a quick kiss to Lance's lips and finished getting dressed.
He watched him with a weird feeling in his chest. One Lance knew by now to call affection. But he really didn't want to put those words out in the air. Didn't want to discuss whatever this was any further then they had.
Not yet.
Maybe not ever.
Because whatever this was, he wanted it. And though he wouldn't deny a small part of him wanted to put a label to it — he couldn't. He wanted more. Keith wanted more. And they were going to continue to go forward with this thing.
It was fine.
He's fine.
They walked to the door together. Keith paused as he shifted from foot to foot. Obviously he wanted to say something.
"What's up, Mullet?" Lance broke the silence. He was never very good at sitting in it anyways. He forced a smug smirk as he said, "going to miss me?"
He knew his own answer to that question.
And he kind of hated that it was an instant yes.
But to his surprise, Keith nodded. "I know it's stupid." His hero rushed out. "But I just…" he licked his lips and looked up at Lance. "I can't get enough. Not yet."
Lance stared at him with wide eyes.
Could it be that his hero was just as hopeless as he was in this situation?
He remembered what Keith had said earlier. His hero claimed to want this as badly as Lance did. All aspects of it. But Lance would be lying if he said he completely believed him.
Keith was a hero. Lance, a villain.
His eyes searched Keith's amethyst.
His hero meant those words, at least. His honest answer spurred Lance's own. "Me either. So, maybe come back later?" He requested quietly. "Or just, uh, sometime this week… maybe?"
Keith nodded quickly. A small smile tugged at his lips.
"I mean, obviously you have a job to do right now," Lance rubbed at the back of his neck. Why was he suddenly so anxious? They had literally just fucked on his couch! "But, uh—"
Lips pressed against his, silencing his rambling.
"I'll let you know." Keith told him as he pulled back.
Lance slowly opened his eyes. He blinked at the sight of Keith before him. All quiet happiness. An image he'd never seen before. One he wasn't quite sure he deserved.
"Yeah." He nodded. He had some things he needed to take care of too. "Text me. I got some errands to run."
Keith's smile dropped.
And Lance hated that.
Hated it so much more than how gone he was for this man despite all the reasons he shouldn't be. He hated it so much that he had the compulsion to lie.
And Lance hated that too.
"Got it." Keith spoke before he got the chance too. And he was at least thankful for that. He wasn't sure he had it in him to lie to the barely concealed disappointment on his hero's face. "I better go."
"Right." He tugged anxiously at the bottom of his boxers.
"Make sure to put some clothes on before you go out."
He snapped his eyes up to see a teasing smile back on his hero's face. Lance instantly relaxed. He shot finger guns at him as he said, "why, are you jealous of me showing off this hot bod to others?"
"Yes." Keith responded without an ounce of hesitation.
"O-oh?" Lance flattered, his face heating up at the seriousness of Keith's gaze.
Cause his hero meant that too.
And fuck the look he was giving him was hot as fuck. He'd jump his hero again if either of them had the time.
Lance swallowed thickly. "Okay. Yes to clothes." He nodded quickly. "I'm going to bundle up like it's fucking thirty below outside!"
Keith snorted. "Just a shirt and pants are fine, Lance."
God. He loved it when Keith said his name.
"But I mean, um," sheepishness took over his hero. "It's not like I get a say or—"
Lance silenced him with a kiss. And okay. This was a fantastic way to tell someone to shut up.
"No worries, Mullet." He grinned as he pulled back. "I won't be showing the goods to anyone but you."
Keith flushed a bright red.
And then… he flushed a bright red. Because uh… what?
Did he just somehow make it seem like they were in an exclusive relationship without meaning to? Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck!
"You better go!" Lance panicked and pushed his hero out the door. "I mean those people won't save themselves!"
"It's not that kind of job, Lance." Keith tried to argue.
"No no no, don't need to stick around on my account! Go help out the innocents and all that other kind of heroy shit you do."
Keith pursed his lips as he studied his face for a few moments. "Fine." He relented, thankfully. "I'll text you later?"
"Please." Lance smiled.
Their lips came together one last time.
Lance shut the door behind him and groaned loudly as he slid his back down it. He pulled his knees to his chest and ducked his head down.
What the fuck was wrong with him?
A/N: Hello luvly readers! Thanks for tuning into another chapter of Waiting on Superman! I, admittedly, did not edit this as much as I should have! XD Hopefully you were still able to enjoy it!
Thanks for reading!