
Date: July 13, 2028

"Since I have been transported to this New world I have found myself with my sword and wife: Raphtalia have had both a hard live style. Even sense the founding of my Kingdom I have found both myself and my love in the constant arena of Politics in our Kingdom. Outside the arena of Politics I have come to enjoy my time with my love. I'm grateful that Raphtalia had been able to changed my path of live from a very cynical and dark view of the world I was trying to save into a path that is both optimistic and realistic. I have come to enjoy children I have with Raphtalia; We have come to share when both myself and my love aren't busy with Politics our time with our children. I have found that more then a few times have had my children and the children of my co-wives got on my nerves to the point where I snap at them.

After the creation stone granted my wish and I told me of what happened I found that my love want to see for herself. We both and told with the rest of our family by rail to the area where I my threw the creation stone into the sea to full grant his wish. As we arrived at the area I saw her go to the coastal beach area where I threw the creation stone and saw that it had arisen massively creating a land-bridge and small hilly valley where the tall hills are very large.(roughly 66 meters in height in most places.) she told me that she was nervous with me because now things have gotten more complex Politically and that we will have very long and heated Political and Economical debates within our Kingdom's Politics and well beyond; As well cause us to have massive headaches to deal with all the coming Political and Economical bullshit we will have to deal with. I looked at her for a second and I than draw her close me and I give her a deeply passionate kiss and told her that it was going to be alright. She told me that she hoped I was right."-King Noafumi Iwatani

"As the years past by I found myself looking back to my memories that both myself and my husband have made together. I still remember quiet clearly when Noafumi rescued me from a betrayal and harsh live as a slave to 1 who well always be there for me and take care of me. I have found look back to points where Noafumi had changed from a very cynical and dark view of the world he was trying to save into a path that is both optimistic and realistic. I have come to enjoy my marriage with my love Noafumi as time goes even though there has been so low points in our marriage where neither of us won't talk to each other for a few days but would later make up. I have come to enjoy the kids that both myself and my love have. We have come to share when both he and I aren't busy with Politics our time with our children. I have found that more then a few times have had my children and the children of my fellow co-wives got on my nerves to the point where I snap at them.

When my love told me that he found a creation stone and used it to grant a wish he made I was extremely worried for our family. After the creation stone granted his wish and he told me of what happened I had to see for myself. I traveled with our family by rail to the area where my love threw the creation stone into the sea to full grant his wish. As we arrived at the area I saw the coastal beach area had arisen massively creating a land-bridge and small hilly valley where the tall hills are very large. I have as well told my love that I was nervous with him because now things have gotten more complex Politically and that we will have very long and heated Political and Economical debates within our Kingdom's Politics and well beyond; As well cause us to have massive headaches to deal with all the coming Political and Economical Bullshit we will have to deal with. I found that after I told him that he just looked at me and give me a deeply passionate kiss and said it was going to be alright to which I told him I hope he is right."-Queen Raphtalia Iwatani

Ever sense Noafumi's wish granted by the creation stone he has been for the last month extremely busy in dealing with the Political fallout from his wish. He and his Political and Economical allies and opponents been ever sense his wish have been at each others throws more than usual causing a Political Civil war inside the Rock Valley Kingdom. Some of the Province governing high council members in their coastal provinces wanted to massive expand their Province territories to gain access to natural resources; As well to give their Province and Privately own businesses to have access to the new natural resources to mine and process into amenities for their Kingdom's civilians and citizens to use; As well turn into trade goods to trade with other Kingdom's/Nations; Others in their government and Provinces had a lot similar things to the 1st group and agreed to a point but they wanted as well to give their agriculture section of their Kingdom's economy to give their farmers, ranchers and other agriculture section workers more opportunities to their new massive amount of agriculture lands in their Kingdom's new land; Others in their government and Provinces where completely different than the 1st 2 groups as for they just wanted to massive expand their Province territories to gain more power and influence in their government; As well to possible expel their Demi-Human and Beastman Populations out of their Provinces to as well possible further give their own province's central government a further grip on their populous to extend their power and authority.

Finally on July 13, 2028 after a month constant heated debates have come to a compromise with each other. King Noafumi was able to his abilities in charming, persuading and Political maneuvering with both his Political and Economical allies and opponents to come to a compromise agreement with other to end their Political Civil war in their Kingdom. King Noafumi was able to persuade and Maneuvering his allies and opponents to agree that all their current Provinces won't expand their Province's territories into their new lands at least politically. King Noafumi said that it would be their kingdom's civilians and citizens that they would entice them into heading into their new territorial lands to colonize and create new Provinces to join their Kingdom central government. Noafumi was able to convince both parties that in turn for them agreeing to them in not expand their Province's territories into their new lands at least politically they could have all their Federal, Province and Privately own companies go with their Kingdom's civilians and citizens to establish deep economic ties with their Kingdom's civilians and citizens; As well to setup strong Economic ties with their eventually new territories and Provinces. After he was able to do that both he and his Kingdom's central government officials began to setup the necessary financial infrastructure that would try to entice their civilians and citizens to head into their new territorial lands to colonize and to start new lives.

Recently now with their Internal Politics relatively stable Noafumi and his central government officials to see what Geo-Political damage from the creation stone did to their existing trading routes; As well the results of other continental nations sea trade routes that passed through. Noafumi hearing from his economical advisers that they here from their surveyors that thanks to the small narrow land-bridge connecting their new lands to the main continent as cut off all southern trade routes to the F.R.L.A.K.* and other nations/Kingdom's that used them to trade with. This forced Noafumi and his central government to send little over 1/3(37.5%) of their Military forces to their border region with the F.R.L.A.K. in-case the F.R.L.A.K. decisions to attack them for cutting off their trade routes. They have as well ordered another little 1/3(37.5%) of their Military forces to their border region with the Melromarc Kingdom in-case the Melromarc Kingdom decisions to attack them for cutting off their trade routes. Noafumi and his central Government has just come to the realization that they just might have reawakened their 2 Major neighboring Geo-Political Rivals: The F.R.L.A.K. and Melromarc Kingdom that could cause a massive headache Geo-Politically with them and other Nations. Noafumi and his Central government officials now know that the only way they could possible repair the damage was to very quickly convert existing Rail lines in their current core territory and setup a few new Rail lines to connect their now 2 coastal shores on their small Land-bridge to give their Geo-Political rivals a way to continue their southern sea trade routes; As well to easy the Geo-Political tension they knew was going to build up.

As well seeing the Geo-Political damage and problems arising do to King Noafumi's wish made both King Noafumi and his central government officials heard from their economists that all of their coastal Province Ports and harbors weren't landlocked and where still connected to sea; However they said that do to their new land-bridge that their continuous coastline is now split in 2 with 11 Ports, shipyards and Harbors on their now western coastline and their remaining 3 Ports, shipyards and Harbors on their now eastern coastline; They have as well heard from their Military High command Naval officer: Leo Horace that 2/3's of their Naval fleet assets are their Land-bridges Melromarc Kingdom size and that remaining being on their Land-bridges F.R.L.A.K. side; With this news King Noafumi and his central government officials ordered their Military High command Naval officer: Leo Horace to have 2/3 their warships that are on both sides of their land-bridge to Patrol their new territorial waters of their new land's. They ordered the rest of their warships that are on both sides of their land-bridge they have to Patrols along their trade routes with both The F.R.L.A.K. and Melromarc Kingdom to protect their trade routes; As well their national and international interests. King Noafumi and his central government officials have as well ordered their shipyards to produce 16 more corvettes over course of the following years to support their current amount of frigates and corvettes; As well to patrol their Territorial waters, their sea trade routes and their Kingdom's international interests.

Since the signing of the R.V.M.K.A. treaty; The Melromarc Kingdom National and state economies continue to grow at a very fast economic growth* rate with help from their massive industrialization bill to provide both their Civilian and Federal Government industrial businesses and companies with moderate amounts of economical resources; They offered their industrial businesses and companies a moderate amount of economical resources to help them either jump start or expand their current industrial businesses and companies to provide economical prosperity for their populous to able received the basic needed amenities to support their lives; With their further economic growth the Political and Economical elites of the Melromarc Kingdom are seeing that more and more of their Major cities and small cities are becoming industrial centers for their Kingdom's civilian and citizens to get jobs to support their families. They are continuing to see more small businesses popping up and starting up or continuing to grow into moderate sized national and Provincial companies to compete with their major National businesses. They as seeing that both these new moderate sized national and Provincial companies and small businesses merging have dramatically increased the Kingdom's GDP; They are as well seeing with all this Economical and social grow they are seeing that their with sized Political and Economical power bases to where Melromarc Kingdom Political and Economical power bases have changes from only the very Rich and Elite controlling of the Political and Economical Power; To Now where a sizable of Melromarc Kingdom Populous in both the Urban and rural communities have gain Political and Economical power to where the Political and Economical Power base in them have become more decentralized and distributed to Populous control a sizable amount of the Political and Economical power in the Melromarc Kingdom.

In the past month sense that Queen Melty Q Melromarc and her central government officials heard and saw the strange anomaly that create massive amount of new continental land their reacted mostly neutral to some negative. They reacted neutral and negative because they hard from their Civilian Merchant Navy captains that they couldn't find any other local southern trade routes for their ships to transport goods that they where trapped. Queen Melty and her central government officials ordered all their commoner shipping companies to temporarily close all of their southwestern sea trade routes that are now cut off. Their economic advisers told them that there could be a temporary economic recession in their National and Province economies. The position side is that with their southwestern sea trade routes close that their land transport network and businesses that connect their Kingdom to both the Rock Valley and F.R.L.A.K. markets would experience an economic boom. They ordered their Military Naval high command to have all their ships to be on high alert. Queen Melty and her central government officials theorized that all of the new continental land that was created would eventually belong to their Geo-Political Ally: Kingdom of Rock Valley because the new land is in their national territorial waters and they didn't won't to cause a Diplomatic incident with the Rock Valley Kingdom. Queen Melty and some of their Political and Economical allies send a message to the Rock Valley Kingdom's government saying that they are traveling by rail to their capital to discuss Important matter and would have arrive on July 14, 2028.

Before they left of their diplomatic trip to Rock Valley Kingdom they ordered 1/5 of their Military forces to their border region with the Rock Valley Kingdom to be prepared in-case their diplomatic trip fell apart; As well to counter the grow present of Rock Valley military forces near their border region with them. As they arrived at Rock Valley Kingdom's Government building they meet King Noafumi and Queen Raphtalia Iwatani and some of his Political and Economical allies. After they exchanged pleasantries and greetings with each other they began diplomatic meetings with each other. Queen Melty and her Political and economical allies asked why is there a massive amount of new continent land that his in has Kingdom's territorial waters and why it is blocking off their southern most sea trade routes to the F.R.L.A.K. King Noafumi told them that he found a Vivamus creaturae crystal stone and he found out that this was 1 very rare and powerful and possibly 1 of the last of the creation stones. Noafumi said that creation stone entice by saying that it could grant his deepest wish. He told them that the creation stone granted his wish to massively expand his Kingdom's land territory to give his Kingdom civilians and citizens more property to have prospers happy lives.

After hearing that Queen Melty and her Political and economical allies asked what Noafumi and his central government is going to do to undone the damage done to their Kingdom's southern most sea trade routes. Noafumi and his central government told them that they are going to very quickly convert their existing coastal Rail line in their current Kingdom's territory to transport Melromarc Kingdom's trading goods for an expensive national fee to travel their trading goods through their territory. Queen Melty and his Political and economical allies asked them how long it would take to do this. Noafumi and his central government said that it would take a few weeks to convert their existing coastal Rail line. Queen Melty and her Political and Economical allies where somewhat satisfied and what their Geo-Political respond was; However they now know that this arrangement with the Rock Valley Kingdom favored them. They both have come to the realization that this arrangement between the Rock Valley Kingdom and Melromarc Kingdom has reawakened the Geo-Political rivalry between the 2 of them to a degree.

The other continental nations/Kingdoms mostly reacted the same way as the Melromarc Kingdom since their massive industrialize program bills that all their Kingdoms/Nations passed their domestic gross produces and goods have increase massively to the point where the lost of southern(to some Kingdoms/nations south to northwestern sea trade routes.) sea trade routes hit their economies to a moderate degree that caused some economic problems but not major ones. They have as well seen since their King/Queen/Chancellor of their Kingdom/Republic/Nations and their Kingdom's/Republic's/Nation's central Government officials have seen since their pass their massive industrialize program bills to counter the growing economical influence from the Rock Valley and Melromarc Kingdom their National and State/Province economies are now growing at a fast rate of growth*. They are seeing from their massive industrialization bill to provide both their civilian and federal Government industrial businesses and companies with moderate amounts of economical resources; They offered their industrial businesses and companies a moderate amount of economical resources to help them either jump start or expand their current industrial businesses and companies to provide economical prosperity for their populous to able received the basic needed amenities to support their lives. They are seeing with their industrialization of their Kingdom that outside economical influence that was causing a moderate amount of Political and Economical tension within their kingdom's/nations has mostly is died down with their Populous having access to domestic made trading goods and amenities. As well with a large amount of the populous being able to get basic Job occupations for them to support themselves and families to have them prosper and enjoy their lives in their Kingdoms/Nations; They are as well seeing more small businesses popping up and starting up or continuing to grow into moderate sized national and Provincial companies to compete with their major National businesses; They as well seeing that both these new moderate sized national and Provincial companies and small businesses merging have dramatically increased their Kingdom's/Nation's GDP.

*The F.R.L.A.K. stands for The Faubley Republic Loyalty Alliance Kingdom.

*R.V.M.K.A. treaty stands for Rock Valley and Melromarc Kingdom Alliance Treaty.

*With Melromarc Kingdom's economy growing at a steady rate the Kingdom has roughly a total of 189 lumberyards and 116 stone quarries as of Mid-2028 to try to meet the large demand of supply of construction materials for their construction workers and engineers to barely keep up with their Kingdom's demand of construction material; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the Melromarc Kingdom has a total of 196 Metal work Production Factories to supply them with valuable refined minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) to support their Kingdom's growing economy; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the Melromarc Kingdom has a total of 228 mines to mine valuable and Precious minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) provide they Kingdom with Valuable mined minerals to keep pace with their fast growing economy.

*The following is a list of the how many Lumberyards, Stone quarries, Metal work Production Factories and mines the other Kingdom/Republic/Nations on the Continental have sense they passed their own version of a massive industrialize program bill:

*With R.M.K.'s economy growing at a stable rate the Kingdom has roughly a total of 102 lumberyards and 102 stone quarries as of Mid-2028 to try to meet the huge demand of supply of construction materials for their construction workers and engineers to barely keep up with their Kingdom's demand of construction material; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the R.M.K. has a total of 102 Metal work Production Factories to supply them with valuable refined minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) to support their Kingdom's growing economy; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the R.M.K. has a total of 189 mines to mine valuable and Precious minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) provide they Kingdom with Valuable mined minerals to keep pace with their fast growing economy.

The Coalition Republic of Zeltoble's economy growing at a fast rate of growth the Republic has roughly a total of 22 lumberyards and 22 stone quarries as of Mid-2028 to try to meet the huge demand of supply of construction materials for their construction workers and engineers to barely keep up with their Republic's demand of construction materials; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the Coalition Republic of Zeltoble has a total of 22 Metal work Production Factories to supply them with valuable refined minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) to support their Republic's growing economy; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the Coalition Republic of Zeltoble has a total of 22 mines to mine valuable and Precious minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) provide their Republic with Valuable mined minerals to keep pace with their fast growing economy.

The IKI Kingdom's economy growing at a fast rate of growth their Kingdom has roughly a total of 16 lumberyards and 16 stone quarries as of Mid-2028 to try to meet the huge demand of supply of construction materials for their construction workers and engineers to barely keep up with their Kingdom's demand of construction materials; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 Kingdom of IKI has a total of 16 Metal work Production Factories to supply them with valuable refined minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) to support their kingdom's growing economy; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the Kingdom of IKI has a total of 22 mines to mine valuable and Precious minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) provide their kingdom with Valuable mined minerals to keep pace with their fast growing economy.

The Q'ten Lo Kingdom's economy growing at a fast rate of growth their Kingdom has roughly a total of 17 lumberyards and 17 stone quarries as of Mid-2028 to try to meet the huge demand of supply of construction materials for their construction workers and engineers to barely keep up with their Kingdom's demand of construction materials; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 Kingdom of Q'ten Lo has a total of 17 Metal work Production Factories to supply them with valuable refined minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) to support their kingdom's growing economy; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the Q'ten Lo Kingdom has a total of 22 mines to mine valuable and Precious minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) provide their kingdom with Valuable mined minerals to keep pace with their fast growing economy.

The Silivelt Kingdom's economy growing at a fast rate of growth their Kingdom has roughly a total of 28 lumberyards and 28 stone quarries as of Mid-2028 to try to meet the huge demand of supply of construction materials for their construction workers and engineers to barely keep up with their Kingdom's demand of construction materials; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 Kingdom of Silivelt has a total of 28 Metal work Production Factories to supply them with valuable refined minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) to support their kingdom's growing economy; As well at the same time in Mid-2028 the Silivelt Kingdom has a total of 22 mines to mine valuable and Precious minerals(Like Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Gemstones and Diamonds Etc..) provide their kingdom with Valuable mined minerals to keep pace with their fast growing economy.