Hello everyone, I have some news...

As much as I would really love to finish this story for everyone enjoying and for myself, I cannot at this time.

These past chapters have not been living up to my expectations. While the chapters are following the ideas I have, I would like to live up to better writing and more detail for the story.

At the moment, I feel like I am just throwing my work out there just to complete the story. I don't think it is fair to all of you who have been enjoying my story to be throwing out mediocre work just to finish.

I plan to finish this story one day, but as for now I haven't been able to work on it with a clear mind.

The main point of this update it that I do plan to end this story, but with some major changes. I don't want to leave the story unfinished for people who continue to read this work and I don't want to take it down. I am planning to go back to previous chapters and end it with being a fluff story as for now, taking out a major chunk of chapters to also shorten the story.

I will continue to work on the story line I currently have running on my own time, and once the story is completely finished I will repost it as a whole.

I am truly sorry. I am overly grateful for the amount of support I have gained through this writing. It has honestly been overwhelming in a good way and surprising. I never imagined for one of my stories to gain popularity, but I am thankful. I hope to make up for it when I upload the finished product... Whenever that will be.

I am not sure when I will update the story either, but I figured I should let everyone know my plan.

Thank you for all your support.