Fairy Tail's Six Paths Sage Jinchuuriki

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Fairy Tail. Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto and Fairy Tail is owned by Hiro Mashima respectively. Certain elements of this story were inspired by other Naruto/Fairy Tail crossovers.

Posted July 28, 2020(Tuesday)

Word count (I am counting the AN as I put effort into writing them)-6062 words

AN1: Guys the PM email notifications are NOT working right now. I heard FF took that function down. So, I am replying to everyone ok! You have to check your PM inbox like I do to see response any PMs! (go to your name in top right corner, left bar- Private Messaging-inbox and tada all the messages go through but you won't get emails saying it did! This goes for all my stories! Check your box for PMs and actually read them!

I KNOW I am rusty but I am really trying. You basically get chapters as soon I write anything. I don't hold unto chapters like other writers. Sorry July I could not write a lot if any the entire month… I will post late my time and try to answer the reviews some time later the next day… CHECK your PMS please!

As I said OVER and OVER again: Naruto learned magic to fit in. He doesn't use chakra BECAUSE he does not need to and because frankly his power with chakra is pretty destructive.

The last chapter for this arc! More or less! Next one is wrap up and Naruto probably telling them about some of his secrets!

Over 6000 words everything included making the LONGEST chapter in the story so far!

Chapter 37 Dragon vs Dragon! The Pride of Mavis shines brightly!

Naruto stood up patting off the tiny amount of dust that appeared on his clothes the only sign that he was fighting. He glanced at the figure that blindsided him from behind with a glare.

"So that is the full extend of your battle magic Freed? Gotta say its not bad but you really should have stayed down when I knocked you out." Naruto said with a sigh.

Instead of the stoic green haired Freed from a few minutes ago this new Freed looked like a demonic creature. He was covered in what appeared to dark armour along with hovering using 8 wings-4 on each side of his back- created from dark purple Dark Echiture magic.

"This is my Dark Echiture: Darkness magic. A forbidden spell I created and swore I would not use. However for Laxus-sama sake I cannot afford to let you go after him." Freed said stoically as Naruto cracked his shoulder to release the tension he was holding back.

Naruto refused to answer but he leapt up and quickly engaged in a hand to hand battle with the enhanced Freed. Naruto quickly learned that the armour also gave Freed considerably higher durability as the glancing blows he used to take him down before were brushed off as they exchanged punches and kicks in mid air.

'Freed magic and skill in this mode actually would make him a competent S-class. He might actually be able to compete with Erza or Mira-chan if they were not taking this fight seriously.' Naruto thought as he dodged a punch to the face before he leapt back to avoid several beams of Dark magic.

Freed glanced down and saw below him where Wakaba and Macao lying defeated on the ground unable to move. He knew in his heart that he this move was cowardly but also knew in a straight up fight he could not hope to defeat Naruto. AN2:

'Forgive me but for Laxus-sama Freed the Darkness shall do anything to win.' Freed thought sorrowful before he eyes narrowed with resolve. He gathered a massive amount of Darkness magic into his hands and raised it above his hands.

"Try and take this Naruto Uzumaki! Darkness Flare Bomb!" Freed shouted as he thrust the bomb like attack at Naruto who slid around him as the bomb rushed towards the ground.

"Are you sure you want to dodge? You may be able to avoid my attacks but can they?" Freed asked coldly as Naruto eyes widened when he saw who was in the path of fire.

'Old guys!' Naruto thought urgently.

In the guildhall

"Wakaba-san!" Lisanna screamed watching from the screen.

"Macao!" Natsu shouted for his friend.

"That coward!" Gajeel growled.

'Naruto you gotta beat them.' Erza thought in worry.

'Laxus how far are you and the Thunder Legion willing to go to prove your point. Using our friends as hostages, forcing them to fight each other and even use their down selves as shields.' Makarov thought in sadness at how low his grandson and his friends had sunk.

Back on the battlefield

As the attack drew closer Naruto appeared with his back to it facing the downed old men with a reassuring smile. The attack collided with Naruto and a giant explosion of dust appeared as Wakaba and Macao could only weakly open their eyes.

"Naruto!" Everyone in the guildhall screamed seeing Naruto take the attack head on to save their friends.

After a few seconds a burst of wind appeared blowing away the smoke and cloud cover revealing Naruto in front of an alive Wakaba and Macao. Naruto eyes were stretched out as he used his own body to absorb the blast but his jacket was now torn in the back revealing his back with a nasty red scar and blood slightly leaking out. AN3:

"Hey you old guys doing okay?" Naruto said with a grin ignoring the pain on his back.

Wakaba and Macao could only widen their eyes in disbelief that the new guy who they openly showed some annoyance at used his own body to take an attack meant for them.

"Why?" Wakaba asked confused as he usually made snide comments towards or at the newest S-class wizard of Fairy Tail.

Naruto chuckled before standing up to turn to Freed. "You might not like me but I still consider everyone in Fairy Tail my comrades so I am willing to put my life on the line for them. It that simple." Naruto said sincerely as the two older men were shocked to their core.

Everyone in the guildhall gasped in relief to see Naruto in relatively okay shape. The girls gasped when they saw Naruto back and the blood leaking from his back.

"That is a true Fairy Tail member!" Natsu cheered at Naruto's actions and words while Gajeel grunted but nodded slightly.

"Aye Sir!" Happy cheered in agreement.

"Naruto-Nii!" Lisanna said with her hands gasped in worry for her older brother figure.

'Naruto you really are very kind. A true S-class wizard in every way and a true Fairy Tail member. But can you keep going and win if you try to protect everyone?' Erza thought in worry as a pragmatic part of her realized Naruto would need to conserve his strength if he was to defeat a fresh Laxus in a fight within the time limit.

Makarov thought back to a conversation he had with Naruto when they first met. AN4:

"Naruto." Makarov asked seriously.

"Yeah Makarov-sama?" Naruto asked politely.

"How strong are you compared to people here?" Makarov asked looking at Naruto directly in the eyes.

Naruto looked away for a moment before humming in thought.

"Hmmm… I dunno actually." Naruto shrugged but he held his hands up when he saw Makarov frown at his answer. "I am serious! I haven't fought many people since I came to Earthland so I don't have an accurate gauge on the power people here have." Naruto admitted as Makarov nodded.

"But I did ask Mavis-chan once before." Naruto acknowledged as Makarov blinked still trying to gasp how someone from Fairy Tail could call the First Master so informally and affectionately as 'chan'.

"She told me: You honestly scare me with your powers Naruto. I pray you never get pushed to a point where you need to use your full powers." Naruto said with a modest shrug.

Back to current times

Freed was in the air before he scoffed as Naruto glared up at him.

"What the hell is your problem?! Are you so spineless you would attack the bystanders just so I would take the attacks instead?" Naruto shouted angrily as Freed stared emotionlessly at him.

"For the sake of Laxus-sama nothing I do is uncosndierable off the table." Freed said coolly showing his devotion to his leader. "The way I see is Macao and Wakaba are already out of the game and little more trash at this point." Freed explained as Naruto eyes narrowed.

"What did you call them?" Naruto hissed as he gripped his fist in anger.

"Trash. Anyone not strong enough to serve Laxus-sama's new Fairy Tail is trash. Your compassion for trash is rather strange Naruto Uzumaki. To think you have all this power ans waste it on defending the weak." Freed taunted as Naruto but his lip and growled.

"My philosophy is different to Laxus's. Those who break the rules are trash but those who abandon their comrades are worst than trash." Naruto explained calmly as Sky Devil magic circled around him in waves.

Macao and Wakaba shuddered as their felt a sense of doom coming from Naruto despite his calm voice.

'What is this feeling? I better retreat!' Freed thought as he started to fly into the air again.

"And you know what is worst than those people?" Naruto asked rhetorically before he stared straight into the air.

"PEOPLE WHO HURT MY FRIENDS!" Naruto screamed manically as he had an insane smile on his face. Laxus and people watching through the Lacrimas gasped when they saw Naruto face. Instead of the calm face of Naruto instead the left half of his face was covered in tomoe like symbols and his left eye turned yellow. AN5:

Yellow Sky Devil magic surrounded Naruto like a second skin where it arched around him like little spikes as Naruto grinned devil like at Freed even as he tried to escape.

"This is a game right? Lets play how many times can Freed get hit before he dies?" Naruto shouted before he leapt off the ground with a burst of speed as Macao and Wakaba covered their faces from the dust cloud. AN6:

'This guy is completely different from the guy who risked his life for us a minute ago!' Macao thought as he could do nothing but try to stare into the air.

'This is dangerous. Has he lost control of his magic and personality to hate? I got to retreat and fall back for now.' Freed thought as he zoomed across the sky towards the edge of town at top speed.

"Peek a boo! I found you!" Naruto voice taunted as he appeared in front of Freed in mid air with an insanely happy smile as if he caught his prey.

Before Freed could even attempt a defence, Naruto sent a gut punch directly into Freed's stomach making him cough up spit from the impact. He then sent a kick making Freed soar into the direction he came from unable to recover in mid air.

'Impossible! He out sped me in mid air while I was in this form? Plus, this hits are different level from the attacks he used before!' Freed thought as he tried to flip in mid air. He managed to partially regain his footing slowing down his forced flight only to see Naruto flying at the same speed slightly above his head.

"How do you like this?" Naruto asked before his drop kicked him in the head forcing him into the ground instantly as Freed coughed up blood.

"Aw you are not done playing are you? Remember people who lose the game are trash right?" Naruto asked as Freed tried to move before Naruto lifted him off the ground.

Naruto then sent a punch to his face and then a series of punches and elbows thrusts into his body. Each blow which did not even give a second break for Freed to even attempt to recover from cracked Freed's armour before a particularly strong punch to the face destroyed the armour completely.

This revealed Freed completely unconscious with several bruises on his body with dried up spit and blood leaking from his mouth.

"Aw! Less then 20 punches before he clocked out. How sad. To think this is one of Laxus lackeys. Pathetic." Naruto said with an insane smile as he picked up Freed body by one arm and starting leaping roof to roof to where a petrified Evergreen was pinned down whimpering in fear.

In the Guild hall

Everyone was horrified at the display of brutality Naruto showed Freed.

"This is a joke right? Naruto-Nii is kind to everyone nothing like this!" Lisanna whimpered as she dropped to her knees seeing the person she admired most besides her own sister turn into a mindless beast like her brother did those years ago.

"Naruto snap out of it! No matter what Freed did gives nobody the right to treat him like this!" Erza shouted smashing her fists against the barrier useless.

For once Natsu was speechless as even he had limits. True he loved to fight and he usually had little regard for property damage but even he thought Naruto was going to far.

"What the hell? Blondie went insane after those marking appeared!" Gajeel exclaimed in disbelief.

'He didn't even go this apeshit when Phantom Lord attacked the guild.' Gajeel thought with some fear.

'Could this be what Shodai-sama tried to warn me about?' Makarov thought with narrowed eyes.

Back to the letter AN7:

Makarov claimed that Mavis only briefly told him about Naruto in the letter but in reality it came with a warning.

'Makarov if you are reading this letter this must mean Naruto gave it you successfully. Naruto has the strongest and purest heart of anyone in the world. However even the strongest light can turn into darkness if provoked. Devil Slayer magic comes with a cost: It usually consumes the heart of the Slayers who use it. Naruto strong will and power prevented any of this from happening but I fear he has a weakness that the magic could exploit.

To Naruto friends are everything to him: political power, physical strength, wealth and fame mean nothing to Naruto compared to his friends. If he is there he will always to do everything he can to protect them.

However, if his friends are lost or hurt that love can easily turn into hatred. When that hatred manifests I fear his pure heart and soul will be consumed by the Devil Slayer magic and he will fight to hurt not protect.

I write this not to turn you against Naruto. I trust him with all my heart and even our guild but merely as a warning as my duty as First Master of Fairy Tail.

Back in the guild hall present day

'Naruto you must resist the temptation for revenge! It will never end if you take a life! Please my boy remember what is important is not revenge but keeping our family safe!' Makarov pleaded watching on the screen.

Back on the battleground

After jumping on several roofs he arrived back in front of Evergreen bound form and tossed Freed's body in front of her without even blinking an eye as Freed body hit the roof with a thunk.

"Now its your turn." Naruto said happily slowly walking over to Evergreen who tried to move despite being pinned by his knives.

"Stop it! Stay away!" Evergreen screamed almost hysterically in fear seeing her friend brutally beaten down.

"It's not so fun being on the side of watching your friends been beaten down is it?" Naruto asked with a giggle strumming his finger dramatically.

"Stop! This isn't supposed to be the Fairy Tail way!" Evergreen screamed desperately as Naruto was only a few feet away from her now.

Naruto stopped and glared at her before saying "Maybe its not but you know what is more important to me then honour?". After watching her whimper he smiled with a dark look.

"Revenge dearie." Naruto answered with glee as his hand started to creep towards her exposed throat.

"All lost magic comes with a price!" Naruto added as he let off a giggle. AN8:

Back at the guildhall

"Stop! Don't Naruto!" Everyone screamed as they saw Naruto progressively get closer to becoming a villain in their eyes.

Back on the battle field

"Stop! I will undo my magic!" Evergreen shouted in defeat as Naruto retracted his hand which was mere inches from her throat and looked at her expectantly.

"Well Dearie, I am waiting." Naruto said with a hint of impatience.

Evergreen cried as she dropped her head in defeat with her will broken before looking up with glassy eyes.

'Forgive me Laxus-sama, I don't want to die.' Evergreen thought as her eyes turned green with her magic activating.

"Release." Evergreen declared as her eyes flashed for several seconds.

Back in the Guildhall

The people snapped out of their daze after seeing Evergreen release her magic and watched eagerly at the stone statues.

"All right Laxus your little game will be up without your hostages!" Makarov said smugly as everyone waited and watched the statues.

Back on the battlefield

"What's happening? This isn't right!" Evergreen said in fear as her eyes returned to normal as Naruto growled at her.

"Laxus what have you done?" Naruto hissed in anger as he realized what was happening.

Back in the guildhall

"Wait something is wrong." Erza gasped as the stone statues were still stone.

"Oh, come on Erza. Maybe it's a delayed effect?" Natsu suggested easily waiting for his friends to become human again.

"It can't be. As soon as my eye deactivated the magic, I instantly started turning from a rock to myself crack by crack. If they are still stone statues…" Erza remarked as everyone eyes widened.

"We've been duped?!" Makarov shouted as he glared back to the screen.

Back to Naruto

"I swear! I turned off my magic but I can't feel my connection to it anymore!" Evergreen pleaded hysterically as Naruto eyes bore into hers as if trying to read her soul.

"….." Naruto didn't speak as he carefully walked right in front of Evergreen as she closed her eyes fearing for the worst.

After a moment she opened her eyes to her confusion seeing both of Naruto eyes blue full of sadness despite the markings still on his face.

"Sorry. I really did not want it to go this far." Naruto admitted sorrowfully.

Before she could react, he tapped her forward softly making her instantly fall asleep as he head dropped. Naruto sighed before he snapped his fingers this made all his kunai vanish as Evergreen slumped onto the floor softly.

Then then wiggled his index finger as small bursts of Sky Devil magic appeared around Bickslow and Freed's bodies and carried them softly to where Evergreen was.

The markings on Naruto's face vanished as he glared in the direction of the church.

"I swear Laxus. I will make you pay for using everyone like pawns in your little game. Even your own followers." Naruto declared as he started to leap and run towards where Laxus was.

With Laxus

"Huh so they failed to keep Naruto contained. Should have known it would come to this." Laxus sighed as he got up from his sitting position.

"That just means I get to settle this the way I wanted it! Hahaha!" Laxus said with a huge grin crossing his arms in anticipation.

Back with Naruto

Naruto stopped in front of the church before he punched the door causing it slam open as he walked in.

'10 minutes left to settle things with that brat.' Naruto remarked while he walked in.

He saw Laxus there with a massive grin unfolding his arms.

"Naruto Uzumaki! Welcome! Did you enjoy beating my little minions? Sorry they could not be more fun but at your level it's to be expected." Laxus mocked welcoming Naruto with a smile.

"I will do to you what I did to Freed if you don't free everyone right away." Naruto warned with a dark look only for Laxus to smirk before laughing clenching his stomach at the presumed joke.

"Haha! That's funny. You might have fooled the others with that impressive display but I could tell." Laxus taunted as Naruto eyes narrowed.

"It was an act wasn't it? Pretending to kill Freed due to his runes, threatening to kill Evergreen?" Laxus asked as Naruto stared at him with an emotionless mask.

"All to break Evergreen will and make her undo her magic?" Laxus guessed but judging by Naruto clenched fists he was right.

"A nice plan I must admit but luckily I thought ahead for this." Laxus admitted with a clap of respect. AN9:

Back with the Guildhall

The people there gasped in relief as Laxus confirmed Naruto insane bout was just an act. Lisanna was openly crying tears of joy.

"Haha I wasn't fooled for a minute!" Natsu claimed as Happy gave him a dry look showing he did not believe his best friend.

"I knew in my heart Naruto was not a monster. He just willing to do whatever it takes to save our comrades." Erza said warmly.

Makarov smiled but secretly thought 'I was afraid Naruto really lost his heart for a minute. I hope for everyone the day will never come when Naruto chooses the path of revenge and darkness.'

Back with Naruto

"You used Body link magic to highjack control over Freed's and Evergreen's magic the moment they lost consciousness or tried to undo their magics right?" Naruto guessed as Laxus gave him several claps of respect. AN10:

"Well done! I must say I did not expect you to guess correctly so quickly! Yes, Freed taught me the basics of the magic I used it on them without their knowledge ahead of my little plans." Laxus freely admitted as Naruto glared at him.

"Don't give such a cold look! I only took the route best for my plans to succeed! I knew there was always a slim chance somebody could beat Freed and force Evergreen to submit so I took that chance away!" Laxus justified smugly.

'That little! Using his own friends as pawns and tossing them aside when they fail him!' Naruto thought angrily.

"Now then. You tried to break the rules and free the captives before defeating me. Naughty!" Laxus said mockingly before his face grew a shit spitting grin.

"Rulebreakers need to be punish! New rule! If you do not beat me in the 10 minutes left not only will your little girly friends be turned into dust all of Magnolia Town shall vanish too!" Laxus shouted as he raised his arms up.

Naruto looked up and sensed magic all over the town. Looking deeper he widened his eyes when he felt Thunder magic stored in hundreds of places all around Magnolia town.

"This magic…. Its!" Naruto said in realization.

"That's right Naruto Uzumaki! My little present for the Harvest Festival! The almighty Thunder Palace!" Laxus declared as Naruto glared heatedly at the blonde.

Back in the guildhall

"Thunder Palace? What's that?" Gajeel asked as Lisanna and Natsu looked confused as well.

Erza and Makarov however gasped as Makarov fell to his knees in shame and denial.

"It's a spell that places orbs of magic all over a target in this case the town. Once a specified amount of time is set they will release vast amount of Thunder magic and destroy the town and everyone in it." Makarov explained as everyone gasped and glared at the screen with Laxus smug face.

"Gramps! We have to destroy them before they go off!" Natsu argued before Erza shook her head sadly.

"We can't. All of us are stuck inside the runes with only Lisanna and Happy being exempt. However the two of them do not possess the power to destroy hundreds of the orbs in less then 10 minutes." Erza explained with clenched firsts.

"Then Naruto-Nii has to do it!" Lisanna realized.

"Except Laxus won't just let him stop their fights to go after the Lacrima." Erza said as they looked at the screen helplessly.

Back with Naruto

Naruto quickly turned around and was about to rush outside to destroy the Lacrima before Laxus's voice stopped him.

"Just a friendly piece of advice from comrades. I added Body Link magic to the Lacrima to them as well. If you try to destroy them they simply will release their magic on the person who destroyed them instead. There are hundreds of my little babies around time so even if you somehow destroyed them all you would die from the result." Laxus mocked as Naruto growled but turned back to Laxus.

'I can tell he's not bluffing. It seems I really will need to kick his ass first to solve anything.' Naruto realized as he glanced at Laxus with steel eyes.

"Scary! Plus I have been waiting this moment since Gramps stopped us in the guildhall! The chance to realize who really is the strongest in the guild! You may have beaten Erza but you are nothing compared to me!" Laxus declared as he leapt at Naruto with a right hook which Naruto ducked.

'Laxus is fast and strong. He deserves being the strongest member of Fairy Taili have met besides Makarov at the very least.' Naruto analyzed.

After several barrages of dodges and attacks Naruto saw an opening in Laxus's attack pattern.

Naruto ducked past Laxus's wide swing and prepared a right haymaker right for his fist. To his shock yellow Lightning appeared to take the hit inches from Laxus's face.

Laxus smirked before his entire body was covered in the same yellow Lightning and he dashed back in high speed.

Laxus laughed raising his arms in triumph. "Haha! I must admit you are not bad Naruto Uzumaki but how do you like my Lightning magic? Not the run of mill ones most wizards have!" Laxus announced as Naruto eyes narrowed.

'No this is not regular Lightning magic. This magic is!' Naruto thought.

Laxus then rushed forward with his hand covered in yellow Lightning magic while Naruto rushed forward to meet his charge.

Naruto tried to activate Sky Devil magic to cancel out the magic but to his shock nothing came out! Laxus used this moment to smash Naruto in the face. He did not let up and sent a barrage of Lightning magic enhanced blows before he sent a kick which sent Naruto flying into the wall of the church.

To add insult to injury he slammed Lightning magic at the wall above Naruto causing to collapse on top of Naruto as he cracked his knuckles.

"You shocked? I forgot to mention this." Laxus said with fake apologetic tone of voice. "I had Freed set up runes in this place too."

Laxus pointed at the air in front of him as letter appeared in front of him.

"Only Dragon Slayers can enter. Only Dragon Slayer magic may be used inside these runes." Laxus read out loud.

Back in the guildhall

"Naruto-Nii!" Lisanna shouted in worry.

"Naruto! you have to get up! The fate of the guild rests on your shoulders!" Erza said in desperation.

Natsu realized something and starred at Makarov with serious eyes.

"Gramps if the runes say only Dragon Slayer magic can be used does that mean?" Natsu asked as Makarov sighed.

"Yes. Laxus is yet another Dragon Slayer although his magic was implanted inside of him unlike you, Gajeel or Naruto's." Makarov admitted as Gajeel and Natsu growled at the new knowledge. AN11:

Back with Naruto

Laxus sneered at the rocks covering Naruto before saying "Yes I am the Lightning Dragon Slayer! I don't like to use it out in public but today is special."

"Come on Naruto! Let's have some fun here! Hell, even Natsu called you out for hiding out your actual Dragon Slayer magic for yourself! Now with my runes out you will have no choice!" Laxus declared before he stopped hearing laughing coming Naruto.

"Hehe. I was hiding my own Dragon Slayer magic due to a promise I made which is no longer valid. But from here on out I might as well use it openly like you said. You will wish I didn't though." Naruto declared as he lifted the rocks off him with little effort using his left hand above his head.

"That's the spirit! Take this you loser! You have no right in my Fairy Tail with all that compassion!" Laxus shouted as he gathered Lightning Dragon magic into his mouth.

"Lighting Dragon Roar!" Laxus screamed as the yellow roar shot at Naruto at high speed.

Naruto smirked as the attack drew closer before his right hand shot out and actually stopped the entire blast in its track!

"That's impossible! Nobody can stop my Lightning Dragon Roar!" Laxus screamed in denial as his attack refused to push past Naruto's hand.

Naruto smirked at him before clenching his hand causing the attack to shatter and dispel on itself.

"You ever wonder what my element was? You might be abit shocked." Naruto remarked as he stood up before BLUE Lightning Dragon Slayer magic shot from his back lifting up and pulverising the stone after a few moments.

"That's impossible! I am the ONLY Lightning Dragon Slayer in existence! There is no way a clown like you is one too!" Laxus screamed in denial hating the smirk on Naruto face as he walked calmly towards him.

He started shooting multiple barrages of Lightning Dragon magic at Naruto from both his hands and even several roars trying to destroy Naruto.

Naruto calmly walked through the attacks not even phrased as the attacks hit him before dispelling when he sent his own Lightning Dragon magic to cancel them out after he walked through them.

"That does it! I do not care if I destroy you and the church along with you! This ends now! Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd!" Laxus declared making the weapon in his hand tossing at Naruto with all his might.

"Childish." Naruto said simply as he formed a familiar shape in his hand.

"Lightning Dragon: Chidori!" Naruto said quietly having modelled this magic off his best friends own jutsu. He plunged his blue hand into the incoming yellow attack and pierced it instantly.

The proud Lightning Dragon Slayer could only gasp in horror as his most powerful attack was countered by a much smaller attack by Naruto.

Naruto appeared a foot away from Laxus who tried to capitalized on the opening by smashing Naruto face in with Lightning Dragon magic coating his right hand but Naruto effortlessly caught it with his unarmed left hand.

"Lightning Dragon fists of fury!" Naruto said before he smashed his right hand into Laxus stomach making him cough out blood.

'Why can he hit me but I can't hit him! Even if he actually uses the same magic as me I should have immunity to all Lightning attacks!' Laxus thought in pain. AN12:

Then came a series of blows that sent Laxus higher into the air with each blow. Laxus was not able to stop Naruto who refused to let up. When Laxus was halfway up to the roof of the church Naruto appeared above him.

"This ends it now Laxus!" Naruto shouted as he smashed a double handed blow right into Laxus face using his own momentum to push Laxus and himself into the floor.

The impact caused the floor to crack and spider web like cracks to appear from where Laxus was driven into the floor. Blue Lightning also appeared from the impact as the blow made Laxus weakly slump his head as he looked at Naruto one final time.

'I just wanted the guild to be strong but he still beat me. Maybe I was the weak one all along?' Laxus final thoughts before he finally lost consciousness.

Naruto quickly left Laxus in the crater and ran outside staring at the Lacrimas in the sky.

'I sense about 378 Lacrimas around time. Time to destroy them all." Naruto thought as he hovered into the sky using sky devil magic. AN13:

"This will finish it once and for all! Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Lighting Dragon Slifer's Rage!" Naruto shouted as a GIANT dragon created for magic Lightning appeared out his arms and flew above the Lacrima's. AN14:

The 'dragon' roared before countless rays of magic shot from its mouth and attacked each Lacrima at the same time. The Lacrimas shattered before they released all their Thunder Magic back to the source of the person who destroyed them.

Naruto just laughed as his own dragon vanished after the attack while he bathed in the magic from the broken Thunder Palace only feeling warmth instead of pain.

"Its finally over. I can sense the Runes being deactivated from Laxus defeat since he no longer has control over them anymore. I know the girls are safe so I would call it a good day." Naruto thought happily.

Inside Naruto's seal

"Hmph Naruto acts all happy because he does not realize he opened a can of worms when he used a real chakra Rasengan on that woman." Kurama grumbled.

"True that pink haired Dragon Slayer may have been able to sense something was off and call Naruto out on it when he returns to the guild." Gyuki remarked.

"Hey let Naruto-kun enjoy his win!" Matatabi said reproachfully as the other tailed beasts rolled their eyes. It was generally decided the Cat like Tailed Beast treated Naruto like a mother to her child.

"Naruto like always will deal with the consequences for his actions and not run away from them. He was going to tell them at some point just now he will do it sooner then later." Son said in a final like voice as everyone nodded.

AN2: He doesn't really like Wakaba or Macao especially since they are insanely jealous Mira only pays attention to Naruto but guildmates are guildmates.

AN3: Naruto in his base form can still take some damage (he still does dodge instead of walking through attacks after all) but it would be almost impossible to do any kind of lasting damage to him.

AN4: This was originally part of chapter 3 but I forgot to add it when I first posted (and like I KEEP saying I don't repost or redo chapters!)

AN5: Think of Sasuke level 1 curse mark marking but only on half of Naruto's face.

AN6: The bolded Naruto talk is when he is insane and crackling.

AN7: Remember Naruto did not read the letter he just gave it to Makarov. Naruto trusts Mavis implicitly.

AN8: I DOUBT any of my fans will get the reference but Naruto is acting liking Rumpelstiltskin from the TV show 'Once Upon A Time'. The quote is a version of Rumple's famous line.

AN9: Basically, Naruto does not have the Sharingan or Rinnegan to cast an illusion to break her will so he pretends he will kill her if she doesn't. Freed and Evergreen are fanatics who would never willingly betray Laxus but they don't want to die. Just to be clear it was an ACT!

AN10: I know a stretch with the magic rules but I changed it so Laxus could take control of magic of his friends so only beating him could undo it. It was basically like Yukio in Bleach being unable to undo his own Fullbring powers around Ginjo (the pocket dimension around him and Ichigo).

AN11: Since Natsu is not fighting unlike canon I had Makarov explain it Natsu here instead of after the battle.

AN12: Naruto will explain crudely what happened next chapter. If you want to know ahead of time feel free to PM me or review and I will happily tell ya!

AN13: never said exactly how many in canon but the way they stated it implied that the 200 Erza took was about half of it so I took a slightly less then double number for it in this story.

AN14: Okay yeah its basically Slifer the Sky Dragon from the Yugioh Anime. (it does use Lightning style attacks in the anime)