Disclaimer - I do not own Naruto or Senran Kagura!

"Katsuragi, where is the scroll?"

Naruto repeated the question to the distraught Hazno Academy girls. Katsuragi's entire demeanor displayed anything but the confident shinobi she pretended to be.

Gleaming trench knives were poised and ready to strike. Her mind flashed back to the brutal fight between Naruto and the rogue shinobi who killed his mother. Would he do the same to her?

"You… you promised…" Katsuragi whispered pathetically. He told them that he'd make sure nothing would hurt them.

"What do you need with the scroll?" Ikaruga appeared just as distressed as her teammates while she kept a hand on the sheathe of her ornate blade. Homura chuckled and crossed her arms, staring at the third year arrogantly.

"It just so happens that our school holds the other scroll. When both come together, it's said to give absolute power to the shinobi who wields the pair." Homura held a dangerous gleam in her eyes while she explained her reasoning.

"Why would you need the scroll for power?! That's what training is for!" Asuka shouted at the tanned girl. Naruto truly agreed with her. He didn't see any point in these "Super-Secret" scrolls. The name itself seemed childish to him.

"Hebijo believes in strength at any cost. Any method to gain power is allowed. Killing, fighting, who cares?" Homura's explanation did not satisfy Asuka in the slightest.

"That's not the path a shinobi should take…" Asuka sought out Naruto while speaking, wanting to gauge his reaction. Unfortunately, he remained quiet.

"It's our mission, don't think too hard on it." Haruka chimed in with a malicious smirk. She may have changed for the better, but she'd never be as pure and innocent as these Hanzo girls.

"A-And what if we don't have the scroll here?" Hibari squeaked when all the Hebijo girls snapped their eyes onto her.

"That would be a real shame." Homura's body language indicated that she was itching for a fight.

"You promised…" Katsuragi's tone became harsher while staring dead ahead at the boy she connected to.

"Oi, Naruto. I think we can handle these girls on our own." Homura stepped up to him happily. Fighting always made her excited. "Since you know the layout of the school, you should go look for the scroll first. We'll join you when we are done here." Hitting him harshly on the back, he bit the inside of his cheek and lowered his weapons.

"I hate when you act like a leader, ya know…" The familiar way he spoke to Homura continued to drive the proverbial knife deeper into Katsuragi.

"Suck it up!" Grinning, she faced the Hanzo girls once more. "I call dibs on Jugs over there." Asuka backed up slightly at the predatory look sent her way.

Naruto walked past Homura to his teammates. Standing directly in front of Hikage and Haruka, he whispered something that was inaudible to the Hanzo team. Whatever he said caused Haruka to laugh and shake her head, while Hikage merely sighed.

"You owe us for making this a bigger pain in the butt, darling." Haruka licked her lips sensually.

"For once… I agree with her." Hikage wasn't thrilled with his request.

"Deal. Also, make sure Mirai-chan is alright. Support her if you have to." Supporting each other in battle was frowned upon by evil shinobi, but Naruto cared little for evil shinobi etiquette.

"Mhm, as if I'd let our precious Mirai-chan get hurt." Haruka reassured him and while it was said teasingly, Naruto knew she meant it.

Nodding gratefully, Naruto shot off towards the center of the academy. The fact that he didn't even glance back at the Hanzo girls left them feeling sour.

"Well… now that he's gone… let's have some fun." Homura pointed at Asuka. "Me and you, let's see if your so called 'path of the shinobi' is the right one."

"Excuse me." Yomi stepped closer to Ikaruga, staring at the girl with hatred. "Princess, if you would be so kind to fight me, that'd be great. Unless... you wouldn't want to dirty your noble hands by fighting a commoner like me?"

Ikaruga fumbled with her sword for a second when hearing the pure disgust in Yomi's voice. It was almost like she did something to personally offend her, and she's never even met the girl before.

"It looks like we still have to pick." Haruka heard Yomi's words and would rather not dwell on that situation. Yomi always held a big grudge against those who came from the top percentage of society and Ikaruga certainly fit the bill. Haruka herself came from a financially wealthy family, although Yomi was well aware that her upbringing was anything but pleasant.

"I want her." Hikage gestured to Katsuragi, making the blonde blink away the tears that were forming at her eyes. She had to fight… that's right. No matter how badly she wanted to chase after Naruto, considering he ran away again, she had to fight.

"Oh, the wife versus the new mistress. What a battle that will be." Haruka giggled to herself.

"Whenever I start to like you… you say stuff like that." Hikage cracked her neck and walked closer to Katsuragi, causing the girl to tense.

"And then there were two." Haruka was having too much fun with this. "I guess I'll take the pink haired one. You can have the eye patch girl, you certainly have the same taste, Mirai-chan." Patting the younger shinobi gently on the head, Haruka's long lab coat swayed as she approached Hibari. Yagyū stood defensively in front of her friend.

"I won't let you harm her." The glare directed at Haruka made her smile, oh they were just adorable.

"Mirai-chan~" Haruka paused and turned back to Mirai. "Please separate them."

Yagyū furrowed her brow, confused at the request. Her lone eye soon widened when a massive barrage of pink colored bullets fired out of the black umbrella in Mirai's hands.

Her own umbrella rose in time to deflect the shots, but Hibari was pulled away in a flash by a strange robot. Yagyū had little time to process what was happening before Mirai shouted.

"Don't ignore me, you big chested cow!"

Yagyū never expected the youngest looking shinobi to have a mouth on her.

Determination filled her suddenly. She had to take Mirai down and assist Hibari. Who knew what tricks Haruka had up her sleeves.

"You better stop ignoring me!" Mirai's next shout was accompanied by her lifting up the long dress of her transformation outfit.

Yagyū also didn't expect a large gun to be pointed at her from under the girls dress.

'This is all that traitors fault… damn it.'

With a scowl, Yagyū focused all of her attention on defeating the little brat in front of her.

"Come on! Try harder, Asuka!"

Asuka hurriedly deflected multiple blades that Homura aimed to pierce her body. She's never seen any shinobi hold that many swords at once, and Homura made it look easy.

"W-Why are you doing this?!" She questioned her opponent while backing away from the ferocious slashes. She thought she managed to land a few attacks of her own on Homura, but her outfit was still perfect.

"Are you deaf?! I already told you! Did all of your brain power go to those stupidly huge tits of yours?" Homura flipped over Asuka quickly, going for a stab directly at her back. Asuka continued to dodge by the skin of her teeth, she barely had time to strike with her own blades!

"You're the granddaughter of one of the most legendary shinobi around." Homura sent three of her swords towards Asuka's neck, smirking when panic filled the innocent eyes before her. "Start acting like it!"

Her twin swords successfully blocked Homura again. Concern bloomed on Asuka's face when Homura laughed.

"I have three more, you know."

The midsection of her transformed outfit was shredded, leaving Asuka's toned stomach exposed to the world.

"Either you start landing some hits of your own, or I'll have you dead in five minutes."

The threat made Asuka snap back to reality. Homura aimed to kill her. This was a real fight between shinobi. The little battle she fought against the two grunts following the rogue Naruto killed was nothing compared to this.

'Naruto… you really were with them from the beginning?' The same boy who would ruffle her hair and flick her on the forehead. The one who complained that she kept beating him in phone games or that the cafeteria served awful ramen. The one who wasn't exactly the brightest when it came to schoolwork. He was evil? She couldn't…

"This is a fight, there's no time for you to think about pointless crap." Homura bent her body low and prepared to run towards the stationary girl.

"Is Naruto-kun… evil?"

The question spilled out and Homura narrowed her eyes.

"What? That's what you're thinking about while fighting me?" Homura supposed it made sense, he did just betray them.

"Please answer!" Asuka held her blades in a white knuckled grip.

Homura didn't have to respond. She owed Asuka nothing… but… if there was any chance to insult Naruto, she'd take it.

"That idiot wishes he could be evil. He's such a dumbass that I'm surprised he could tie his own shoes." When those insulting words reached Asuka, she was only left with more questions.

How could Naruto end up with them? How could a boy like that work for evil shinobi?

'I… I don't think he was faking his personality…'

"Eyes ahead!"

Homura came to a halt in front of Asuka and dropped her blades over her head in a snap. The six swords she wielded were blocked again, grinding loudly against the weapons Asuka was gifted by her grandfather.

"Ha!" Asuka pushed against Homura with everything she had, making the tanned girl grin wildly. Now this is what she wanted to see. It would be no fun if the good shinobi just gave up.

Sparks flew off the clashing weapons and Homura soon broke contact with Asuka to step back. Flames gathered at the edge of her weapons, her next technique would show Asuka the difference between them.

Closing her eyes, she focused on producing the brightest flames possible. There was no way Asuka could beat her currently, and that wasn't even her arrogance speaking.

"Asuka! It's time… huh?" Homura blinked when she caught sight of Asuka raising her blades high above her own head. "What the hell are you doing?"

She continued to be shocked when Asuka literally burrowed into the ground with her weapons, completely disappearing from her view.

"What kind of-"


Homura heard the ground crack underneath her and the busty shinobi she was taunting burst out with a yell. Green tinted blades greeted Homura and swiped at her chest. Seeing no easy way out of this, Homura took the blow head on, interested to see how badly it would hurt her.

Her Hebijo uniform ripped open, and Homura was glad Naruto wasn't around.

Asuka didn't hesitate to set her blades on Homura again.

"There you go! Now that's how a shinobi should act!"

The bloodlust from Homura concerned Asuka, but she wouldn't dwell on it. She had to finish this fight and protect her friends.

Her heart ached when she briefly pictured Naruto among their small group of shinobi.

"Keep it up, Asuka!"

Homura gave her no chance to reminisce.

Ikaruga was not having a good time. Not in the slightest.

"Keep dodging like your life depends on it, Princess!"

Everything Yomi yelled at her seemed personal. It was like her existence in general upset the evil shinobi. The insults consisted of topics relating to social status or financial wealth. She didn't understand!

Holding a sword that was way too big for her stature, Yomi swung it around like it was a mere twig. Her eyes, which were normally kind and warm for her teammates, were icy when focusing on Ikaruga.

"I do not understand your grudge against me! If there is anyone who should have a grudge here, it's me! My teammate was working with you the entire time. He's a traitor." Those words stung badly, but they were true. Ikaruga was on a path to be an elite shinobi, she couldn't give up here because of his betrayal. She truly hoped Katsuragi would recover from this.

"Do not speak like that about Naruto-san. You know nothing about him." Yomi slammed her large sword into the ground where Ikaruga previously stood. The Hanzo shinobi managed to put some distance between them.

"I know enough! He deceived us!" She yelled back, not wanting to be lectured by an evil shinobi.

"No! You know nothing about us!" A wicked smile formed on Yomi's face, and the gleam in her eyes worried Ikaruga. "I know all about you though. How is dear old daddy doing, Princess?"

The mocking question earned a look of shock from Ikaruga. She knew of her father? How?

Bolts from the small crossbow attachment on Yomi's arm shot towards Ikaruga at such speeds that if she wasn't on top of her training, she'd be helpless.

Her family heirloom deflected the projectiles with finesse, which only served to make Yomi's anger spike.

"That's a nice expensive weapon… how would you like it to be shattered into little pieces?" Yomi's sword grew extremely large, yet she didn't struggle, showing her more than impressive strength. Ikaruga planted her feet into the ground and sheathed her blade, taking a stance that she's been honing for years.

"Don't die too soon, Princess!"

The gigantic blade descended with no hesitation. Yomi truly meant to kill her.

Ikaruga's focused visage mentally counted the amount of seconds she had to react to Yomi's attack. From the height of the sword being dropped onto her, to the positioning of Yomi and how long it would take to reach the evil shinobi. Her analytical mind was put to work.

The nearby trees shook when Yomi's weapon impacted with the dirt. The sound of the slam probably interrupted some of the battles going on between her teammates, but that mattered little. She needed to crush Ikaruga. Naruto made a promise to protect these girls… Yomi did no such thing.

'I'm sorry, Naruto-san.'

Yomi's ears picked up the sound of something clicking into place. Turning her head slowly, she came to the realization that Ikaruga was in fact not flattened by her oversized sword.

Then she felt it. Pain.

Slash after slash of Ikaruga's blade somehow reached Yomi's body. The third year shinobi was kneeling behind her, holding her sword in her sheathe calmly.

Yomi's maid-like dress ripped and tore due to the onslaught. Her curvy body was put on display for Ikaruga.

"There… that should be-"

"I really, really, really, dislike you."

Ikaruga whipped her body around when she heard Yomi speak. The large sword was planted into the earth, using it as a makeshift sheath of her own. Yomi raised her arms, each featuring some kind of weapon. Her crossbow and something that resembled a large canon to Ikaruga.

"Niflheim!" Ikaruga had little time to ponder the strangely named attack before a salvo of crossbow bolts and actual explosives were fired at her with no prejudice.

Her sword could certainly deflect crossbow bolts, but explosives?

Ikaruga's usual pristine outfit was cut up and down, blood was even drawn when one of the bolts grazed her thigh. It wasn't anything that would slow her down, though it certainly showed how serious Yomi was about defeating her.

"Sometimes I forget how durable shinobi can be. Oh well, I'll just need a little more time to remove that silver spoon from your mouth." Picking her large blade up, Yomi held it in front of her threateningly.

Neither shinobi paid much attention to the explosion coming from the center of the academy, near the gymnasium.

Instead, they were almost lost in their own world as their blades clashed and their clothes were torn.

"Now that… was definitely my darling's fault." Haruka glanced in the direction of the sound.

Was she worried for his safety? Always. Considering he liked to charge head on into things and think about it later, she had no choice but to worry. Homura tended to follow his example too. She wouldn't be surprised if that brash girl was purposely taking some hits from her opponent.

"Speaking of opponents..."

Haruka watched with bewilderment as Hibari fought off her robotic servant.

The pink haired shinobi fought so strangely that it made her stop and stare. Sure, it could be considered cute. Although, being cute didn't mean it was effective.

Hibari practically punched and kicked at the robot like a child would when not understanding how to properly fight. She knew she was a first year student, but seriously?

'I was enjoying this at first.' Haruka crossed her arms under her chest, staring at the girl with disappointment. 'Now I feel nothing. This is how Hikage-chan must feel normally... unless Naruto-kun is around.' Ah. Naruto. How she loved him.

"Take this!"

Hibari's shout stopped her from daydreaming about Naruto and all of the dominating positions he'd take during their time in the bedroom. She dryly observed the girl literally slam her butt into the robot to knock it over, successfully defeating her little servant.

"That's one way to do it." Haruka remarked as Hibari bent over to breathe heavily.

"You... you're all evil shinobi and we will stop you!" Hibari's fear of fighting Naruto lessened when he ran off towards the academy. She didn't want him to get the super important scroll that Ikaruga was worried about, but she'd rather not experience that dark power again.

"Sweetie, you look like you're about to pass out from just knocking my little partner out." Haruka palmed her face tiredly.

"You're next!" Striking a pose, Hibari readied her fists in a classic boxing stance.

"Hmm? Did you actually take the robot out though? Why don't you check on it? I think I saw it move..." Haruka's words sounded genuine, which completely manipulated the naive Hibari.

"Huh... oh..." Hibari bent over once more to peak at the round shaped robot. The robots eyes were shut, but it's mouth was open, confusing the Hanzo student.

"And... game over." Haruka sighed dramatically.

Green colored gas spewed out from the mouth of her robot, causing Hibari to sputter and cough. It was too late though, she already inhaled the fumes.

Haruka counted down the seconds until Hibari passed out. Shinobi were durable, there was no doubt about it. However, Haruka specialized in all kinds of scientific creations that worked around that durability. Admittedly she wasn't much in a straight up fist fight, she preferred her puppets or robot to do the work for her.

With a soft thud, Hibari fell to the grass covered ground. She could have certainly used something lethal, but that would go against her love's wishes.

"At least my outfit wasn't ruined." There was always a positive to not being such an upfront fighter. Haruka had a very lewd body, and she'd rather not reveal it to the world after every altercation.

Shrugging at the sight of Hibari laid on the ground with her ass up in the air, Haruka figured she should make good on her other promise to Naruto. Helping Mirai was certainly necessary.

There were unspoken "rules" that some shinobi followed, even the evil ones. For whatever reason, they truly believed that fights should be one on one in most cases. Haruka found that to be completely foolish.

Why would she let Mirai lose a fight, just to follow a worthless rule? Perhaps in another lifetime she would leave Mirai to defend for herself and focus on teasing Hibari relentlessly. That wasn't how she planned to do things now. She didn't need a new doll like Hibari.

'I'm getting a reward for this too.' Oh, she couldn't wait. Naruto owed her big time.

Rushing over to Mirai's position, she was glad she arrived when she did.

The youngest girl from Hebijo was genuinely struggling against Yagyū. The Hanzo shinobi was definitely a prodigy of some sort to push Mirai like this.

Both girls outfits were torn, something Haruka expected. Not a single day went by in the shinobi world where fabric held up.

Mirai wasn't a close ranger fighter either, she preferred to fire her unique armament of weapons from a distance. Her struggle against Yagyū was understandable. The silver haired girl was able to defend herself at long ranges and get up close with her deadly umbrella.

Mirai quickly noticed Haruka who stood a fair distance away from Yagyū. Luckily, her bullets were distracting the Hanzo shinobi for the time being. Haruka rose a finger to her lips to hush her.

Reaching into her lab coat, Haruka withdrew a long needle that contained some clear liquid. This was something she rarely got to use, considering she tried to avoid close confrontations.

Stealthily approaching Yagyū, who continued to block all of the large bullets from Mirai's guns, Haruka lashed out and grabbed the girl.

Yagyū froze when a body pushed into her own from behind. A huge set of breasts was the first thing she felt, then a tiny prick in her thigh soon followed.

Her head spun, and she could barely make out the smirking Haruka that entered her vision.

"All of my nonlethal drugs are fast acting, so count yourself lucky. If Naruto-kun didn't care, you'd be dead alongside Hibari-chan over there."

Yagyū's lips moved but no words came out. Her fight was interrupted unjustly. She had Mirai on the ropes and Haruka interfered. Evil shinobi truly had no morals.

"If you were wondering, I don't care about fighting fairly. I care about my little family here." Haruka whispered to her, almost reading her mind.

Yagyū couldn't believe what she heard come from an evil shinobi. Family? What did they know about that... they were... traitors... and...

"That's two down! Good job, Mirai-chan! Teamwork makes the dream work." Haruka shouted at the pouting Mirai. Yagyū's body dropped carelessly to the hard ground. Haruka was sure she'd be alright.

"I had that handled!" The tiny girl complained.

"Your precious 'Naru-nii' made me promise that you wouldn't get hurt. Accept my help this one time. It doesn't mean you're weak." Haruka reassured the girl who she knew had a problem with feeling inferior.

"S-So! You didn't have to interfere!" Mirai blushed when hearing that Naruto worried about her. Having people genuinely care about her for no ulterior motive or as a way to bully her, it made her heart flutter.

"I'm sure you'll get another chance at taking her down. Stop pouting, we need to go check on our team."

Right as she said that another explosion sounded from Naruto's direction.

Haruka truly pitied whoever he was fighting.

"Is this all that you can do? Dodge... poorly?" Hikage flat voice ridiculed her opponent

Among her teammates, Katsuragi probably looked the worst. Her outfit was torn up from Hikage's many knives. Her white shirt was barely hanging on and her skirt was left in tatters, revealing her panties to Hikage. Of course, Hikage paid little attention to her state of undress. Why should she care about her clothes when the look on Katsuragi's face was far more distracting.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hikage stance was loose, almost lazy. Training with Naruto from when they were children, and her years at Hebijo ensured that she was prepared in a fight.

"Who are you to Naruto?" Katsuragi held her hand to her bleeding forearm. Hikage's wicked knife managed to cut her.

"Who am I? Why?" Genuinely curious, Hikage wondered why that was so important to know during a fight.

"Just... answer. Who are you?!" Katsuragi grit her teeth angrily. She couldn't figure Hikage out! Throughout their entire fight, the girl seemed bored. The emotion that was present in her voice when addressing Naruto was gone. She sounded more like a robot now.

"I'm Hikage."

Katsuragi wanted to rip her hair out.

"Who are you to Naruto?" Katsuragi stressed the question, earning a head tilt from Hikage.

"Naru is mine." Hikage shrugged, that was the easy way to explain it.

Katsuragi felt a myriad of emotions after Naruto revealed that he was working with Hebijo. The sting of betrayal and the ache in her heart was enough to make her want to cry. Hearing Hikage refer to Naruto in such a possessive way only enraged her further. Naruto was her teammate.

He shared his dream with her. She saw him at his lowest against Hotaru. Hikage did not own him, she was-!

"Listen. I've been with Naruto since I was young. I don't care what you think about him. He's not with your team, and he never will be." Hikage delivered those words dryly.

Hearing that only pulled at Katsuragi's heart more. Hikage may have known him for years, but Katsuragi didn't need all of that time to connect with him. The silly ramen dream he spoke about and her excitement over teaming up with him, it all seemed impossible now.

The entire weekend, she spent hours thinking over names of their fantasy restaurant. She realized that it was far off in the future, but she truly felt giddy when thinking about it. Her other dream to help her parents only left her feeling bitter and sick. Thinking of Naruto was a good escape for her. An escape to feel normal and happy.

She held her phone close to her the entire time, waiting for him to text to call her. She could picture herself rambling off the names and he'd make fun of them. She even planned on buying ramen ingredients during the week and surprising him by cooking a homemade meal.

Hikage frowned as she watched Katsuragi. Tears streamed down the girls face while she glared at her.

"Why are you crying?"

The question only made Katsuragi's fists shake.

"If you have to ask me why I'm crying, then you don't understand anything!" Showing her emotions to an evil shinobi, Kiriya-sensei would be disappointed.

"If this is about Naruto, then stop. You were only a part of the mission. Get over it."

Katsuragi rocketed towards Hikage in an instant. Her metal greaves aiming to kick the girls head off.

Hikage watched her, unimpressed as usual. Katsurgai's speed was good for wearing such heavy boots, but Naruto was way faster.

Crouching down, Hikage dodged the wild kick and jabbed her mother's knife towards Katsuragi's midsection.

Her weapon missed its target as Katsuragi kicked towards the sharp tip. Hikage could safely say that her knife has never been blocked by a boot before.

'I can't cut through it.' Yellow eyes narrowed when Katsuragi lifted her other leg and brought it down roughly.

"Tch." Hikage rolled away, feeling the sharp pain in her shoulder where Katsurgai's leg made contact.

Katsuragi fought through her nausea and sadness. She couldn't give up. She needed to talk to Naruto, one more time.

"I don't understand you." Hikage stood up straighter. "You were just crying, and now you are trying so hard to look strong." The glint in Katsuragi's eyes reminded Hikage of Naruto. 'He would get close to the girl that's similar to him. Damn it... Naruto.'

"I need to talk to him. I'll knock you on your ass and go find him." Raising her leg, Katsuragi prepared herself for another attack.

"Don't make me repeat myself. You were just a mission to him. Nothing more, nothing less." Hikage knew how desperately Naruto wanted friends, so that wasn't all true. If it came down to it, she knew who Naruto would choose first.

He didn't call them his Hebijo girls for nothing.


A loud screech came from the center of the academy, which made both girls cringe. Katsuragi thought it sounded familiar, but Hikage gave her no chance to think on it.

Dashing around Katsuragi and throwing knives from all angles, Hikage refused to give the girl an opening to attack again. She was sure her shoulder would be sore from the kick.

'I have to be sure not to kill her. Naru wouldn't be too happy.'

Hikage did wonder what Naruto was doing on his own. It sounded a whole lot more interesting than fighting these girls.

While each girl was fighting against the Hanzo team, Naruto was off on his own. He rushed around the academy that was surrounded by one of those annoying barriers. He'd never care for those things.

'Check the shinobi room first. There has to be something there.' Kurama gave some input so Naruto wouldn't wander cluelessly. He's never actually seen the supposed scroll he was supposed to steal.

'Kurama. Do you think they'll kill them?' That thought worried him. He promised Hanzo and himself that he'd never hurt them… physically. It was too late on the emotional aspect.

'I don't know. That's why you should focus on finding the stupid scroll and getting out of here.' Kurama easily felt the regret coming off its Jinchūriki. Dōgen picked the worst possible shinobi to send on a mission like this.

'Katsuragi...' Her empty eyes and wavering voice was all he could think about. He told Hikage and Haruka to spare them. He loved and trusted those two more than anybody, they wouldn't let him down.

"Fuck evil shinobi..." Naruto muttered and Kurama snorted in response.

'If anyone from your past could see you now, they'd be in for a shock.' Kurama knew the word 'evil' was never used to describe Naruto by any of his old friends.

Naruto pushed the thoughts about his past life to the back of his mind. There was no point in thinking about that now.

Kicking open the doors to the academy's gym, Naruto ran into the lit up room. If he went through this part of the school, he could reach the shinobi room faster.

'Above you!'

Kurama's warning caused him to stop in his tracks. Blue eyes grew extremely wide when a large shadow dropped onto the clean wooden floors.

Wood shattered in every direction when the figure landed before him. Naruto quickly raised his trench knives, this wasn't Kiriya.

Reddish-brown eyes regarded him with annoyance. Naruto drank in her appearance and swallowed some of his saliva. The woman who dropped down before him was certainly special.

She was tall for a woman, with her long black hair flowing freely down her back. Her muscle definition was on another level from any of the Hanzo or Hebijo shinobi. She looked like she could cut steel with her abdominal muscles alone.

Her outfit was surprisingly similar to his own. Her tattered cloak and loosely tied pants fit the stereotype of a delinquent or gangster. It was definitely nothing like the other Hanzo girls. Her bandage wrapped breasts were gigantic, and he was forced to notice them with how they jiggled upon her standing.

Reaching her full height, she adjusted the black cap on her head and slammed her feet roughly on the ground.

"Not only are you a traitor, but you're an evil shinobi from Hebijo." The woman's voice was deep as she accused him.

"Who the hell are you?" Naruto already hated the way she looked at him. He knew when he was being underestimated, and from her stare, she thought he was worth less than dirt.

"You're here for the scroll aren't you?" She asked him plainly. "Don't tell me you thought it would be easy to walk in here and grab it."

"You know where it is then." He clenched his hands, feeling his mother's gift in his grip.

"No." Her quick answer threw him off. "The scroll may not even be here."

"I doubt that. Where's Kiriya?" Naruto had his own grudge against the man.

"That's none of your concern. All that you should be worried about is being captured and interrogated. You made a big mistake in attacking Hanzo Academy." The woman raised her fists calmly.

'From her appearance, she's more intimidating than any of those girls on your team.' Kurama wasn't wrong. This lady looked like a monster.

'I'll never take anybody lightly again, not after Hotaru. That bastard got too many hits in. I won't allow her to get to the others.'

'Good. See, I like it when you use your head. If you need my chakra, you know what to do.' Naruto also had that summoning scroll, but there was no way that they wouldn't destroy the entire academy if the Kyuubi came out to fight.

"While I never cared to remember your name, I did notice how you toyed with the emotions of those girls. You're truly despicable, just like all evil shinobi."

Naruto leveled a glare on her, she spoke like he was actual trash. Maybe he was for betraying the Hanzo girls, but he had no choice.

"Big talk from an old lady. You're definitely not a teacher. What'd you get held back for twenty years?" His insult made her eyes narrow.

"I am known as the Legendary Senior of this academy. You are nothing, boy." She took offense to being called old.

"You couldn't graduate? How sad. Katsuragi and Ikaruga are going to get out of here before you." Naruto attempted to rile her up.

"Hmph. Enough. It is pointless to talk further." Her presence alone would have suffocated weaker shinobi.

"Can I at least get the name of the woman who never graduated?" His smirk irritated her.

"Daidōji. You won't be able to insult me when you're being interrogated for days on end." She finally revealed her name.

"Daidōji, huh?" Naruto tensed his body considerably. "Since you never bothered to remember my name, I'll drill it into your head!"

Daidōji was surprised when Naruto reached her in less than a second. The boy was fast, extremely so. His blades sought her body out with precision.

'He's definitely been training for years...' So he was a cut above the rest. That still wouldn't help him against her.

Slipping right between the swipes, she jabbed her fist towards his chest. Naruto, expecting the counter, slid to the left of her stationary position and extended his own fist.

"Fool!" A sandal covered foot kicked him in the chin, making him blink from the brain rattling attack. An open palm met with his upper body and sent him flying back towards the entrance of the gym.

Skidding to a halt, he recovered quickly. Spitting out a little bit of blood, he was surprised by the strength behind her attack. He's been hit by Homura and Yomi at the same time, and their strength paled in comparison to Daidōji.

"Come." She told him simply, raising her hand to him.

"Hehe..." He chuckled and placed his trench knives back on his loose belt. Considering she only used her fists from what he could tell, Daidōji knew how to get around bladed weapons. She definitely had experience in combat. That was fine. He had way more to work with than some trench knives, even if he cherished them.

"Giving up already?" Daidōji taunted him, wanting to crush the traitor before her.

"You wish..." His hands formed a strange shape, and Daidōji's vision was assaulted with clouds of smoke. It dissipated after a couple of seconds, leaving her to stare at a massive crowd.

'Clones...? Kiriya mentioned this...' Daidōji didn't have a lot of intel to go off of. Apparently the boy refused to reveal his true power to Kiriya. Now she understood why.

"Hey, Daidōji. I don't know if you're one of those shinobi who follow the whole one on one fight rule." Naruto's whisker marked cheeks pulled up with his smile. "But I don't give a shit."

The amount of clones he summoned was ridiculous to her, she's never seen a technique like this. Some shinobi utilized illusions that created duplicates, but never to this extent. These were real.

Her muscled body went to work as clone after clone rushed her down. They were relentless, kicking off each other, using some as springboards, and even spitting out pressurized wind.

'He's not an ordinary shinobi...' Her eyes hardened with each attack she dodged. The pure amount of clones ensured that some would reach her, though luckily her muscled body ate the hits.

Daidōji grew tired quickly of the clones. No matter how many she smacked and caused to pop, the infuriating boy sat in the back to create more. Feeling energy course through her body, she leaped high into the air. Right as she was about to fall back down into the pile of clones, she kicked her legs out. Orange energy poured off her legs in the shape of the claws of a tiger, surprising Naruto and his clones.

Whatever clone was in her way when she landed was destroyed. She pummeled everything in her path, yet the clones kept coming! Growling slightly, she knew she had to stop this annoying technique from the source.

She barreled towards the original, knocking clones out of the way. Her body was far from normal to shrug off attacks from him. Smoke suddenly clouded her eyes right as she was about to reach him, but that didn't deter Daidōji. Naruto dropped his favorite hand sign right as she got into his personal space.

"Boy!" She yelled while reaching for his face with an open palm. Naruto slapped the hand away and brought his knee up to catch her in the stomach. Daidōji reacted the same way, causing their knees to crack against each other.

A trench knife fell to the ground with a clang. Daidōji paid it little attention, she went to elbow the traitor in the face. His expression was way too composed for her taste.

Naruto whipped his head backwards to dodge, and he hurriedly put distance between them when she tried the same trick as before with her leg.

Standing across from her, Naruto felt a tiny amount of pain shoot through his kneecap. Even her knees were deadly, what a crazy lady.

'Your knife... wait...' Kurama paused and chuckled when realizing Naruto had a plan. This was the Naruto that Kurama liked to see. The one who created strategies on the fly. He felt awful over betraying the Hanzo girls, but he didn't go off the deep end like in his fight with Hotaru.

"Are you finished? Just clones and some hand to hand combat. Disappointing." Daidōji wiped the sweat from her forehead. This boy was making her put in effort.

"Hey... would you mind giving me my weapon back?" Naruto pointed at the discarded trench knife. Daidōji glanced at it before glaring deeply into his eyes.

"You don't give an opponent their weapons back in a fight. Surely you know this, evil shinobi."

Naruto laughed.

"That's not my name, ya know."

The trench knife at her feet exploded in a cloud of smoke. Daidōji tried to step back before a foot met with her jaw.


Her bleary eyes snapped open as more popping sounds filled the gymnasium.


Two separate pairs of feet kicked her into the air even further, making her wince at the sensation. This boy...!


Daidōji's abdominal muscles couldn't save her from the chakra enhanced kicks. She felt her breath get taken away from her for a second.


The last blow left her staring at the bright overhead lights of the gym. A lone figure appeared above her, his heel angling down and his eyes glowing red.


The blow connected with her temple and Daidōji was sent directly towards the unforgiving floor. The cap she wore on her head was lost with the brutal attack.

"I'm not finished yet!"

The dust that kicked up from her crash into the ruined gym floor began to rise. Something was pulling it towards the ceiling.


In a nose dive towards her prone body, Naruto attempted to grind a red tinted sphere into the downed woman. At the very last possible second, Daidōji rolled out of the way, causing a loud explosion to ring out throughout the building.

Huffing with blood dripping down her forehead, Daidōji felt to her knees and glared at the boy. His technique drilled a massive hole into the floor, and while a Shinobi Kekkai was supposed to limit the amount of damage to an area, his attacks seemingly negated that.

'Kiriya's team doesn't stand a chance against him.' For a moment, the appearance of Naruto shifted before her. Instead of the blond evil shinobi, a purple haired woman took his place. She was the only other person to push Daidōji this far.

'If I can't defeat this boy, how could I ever defeat her… Rin…' Daidōji dug her fingers into her knees, feeling disappointed with herself.

Naruto stared down at the woman, and he half expected her to give up.

"No! This isn't over." Standing with newfound strength, Daidōji folded her arms in front of her massive chest.

"You can still move?" He asked her, unperturbed by her stance.

"Hah!" Throwing her arms out, Daidōji screamed and her clothes burst off her form. Naruto and Kurama were stunned at the bold move. She was stripping?

'I don't understand this world anymore.'

'She's definitely bigger than Hikage…'

'Really…? That's the first thing that stood out to you?'

Naruto's formerly glazed eyes focused when he heard a noise that was akin to cracking a whip.


"Boy!" Daidōji was in front of him faster than he could react. A fist that could have shattered the ground slammed into him and sent him spiraling to the opposite side of the gym. His shirt practically exploded off his body, and his body broke through the walls like they were made of paper. He never noticed his locket break off his neck.

Landing in the boys locker room, Naruto stared up at the pipe that his head just happened to crash into. Water spilled out and drenched him, effectively snapping him out of his daze. Blood trickled down from his own forehead, causing him to blink as it got into his eyes.

'What the fuck?'

'It's been a long time since I've seen you get sent flying like that…'

Daidōji was by far the strongest person he's fought in his new life. She was able to take on hordes of clones, survive chakra enhanced kicks, and she still had more in her?! Hotaru and his illusions couldn't hold a candle to her.


'I'm on it.'

He needed some of that good stuff, and by good stuff, he meant Kurama's chakra.

Meanwhile, Daidōji sucked her teeth as she stared at her shaking fist. That wasn't enough, she knew it. What she did was a technique that shinobi utilized as a last resort of sorts. By essentially bursting all of the energy out that she used for her transformation, she gained an incredible increase to her offensive capabilities. Shinobi in training didn't favor this different "transformation", and some avoided it all together. Now that her fists could hit a lot harder, her body would also receive more damage.

Straightening her body, she was only clad in the bandages around her chest and her white thong. Less than ideal sure, but modesty meant nothing to a true shinobi.

"Well, that hurt."

Daidōji groaned when Naruto's voice came from the human sized hole in the wall. What was this boy made of?

It was her turn to look over his form, and his new appearance set her on edge.

His shirt was gone, and his own cloak was reduced to tatters. The headband that covered his forehead was torn and bloody. Red energy of some kind enveloped his body, and two tails twitched behind him.

'Is that a different transformation? The energy itself is like a yōma…' Was this boy a demon in human skin?

"At the cost of that strength, you have to basically strip. I'm not interested in ever doing that." Naruto commented while the soothing chakra healed him. Kurama's chakra was dangerous, but to someone who's had the Kyuubi sealed in him since birth, it was like a drug.

"I'll give you some credit, boy. You can certainly take a punch." Daidōji knew that if any of his teammates took that same attack, they'd be down for the count.

"Same to you." Naruto smiled at her, his teeth sharper than normal. "It sucks that you're going to lose this fight though."

"Arrogant punk…" She snarled and sparks of yellow electricity coated her body.

"Last chance. Where is the scroll?" Seeing the energy bubble around him, and the demonic eyes shining, she felt uneasy.

"I already told you." Holding a hand out, golden colored energy filled her palm. It formed a deadly shaped ball, similar to his own Rasengan. "Even if it was here, you'd never get your filthy hands on it, evil shinobi."

"And I already told you what my name is." Naruto stood directly across from her, letting chakra spin around his palm. A bright sphere of chakra took shape, but he wasn't done yet.

Daidōji held back the urge to recoil when a deadly screech filled the room. It emanated from his technique, and she felt her body lock up. The glass windows of the room cracked and the wind howled.

Red, blue, and white chakra swirled around the Rasengan. Kurama claimed it wasn't quite complete yet, and he refused to harm himself for attempting the complete version. He didn't want to kill Daidōji either.

'She wouldn't show you the same mercy if your roles were reversed.' Kurama truly saw no difference between the good and evil shinobi when they battled. They all went for the kill.

'I already hurt Katsuragi and the others… there's no need to kill this woman.' Their mission only pertained to the scroll. Suzune said to eliminate witnesses, but Naruto would have to go against that order. Unless Daidōji suddenly left to attack his Hebijo team, he had no reason to put her down.

Even if her punches hurt like hell.

Naruto pushed his body forward, and aided by Kurama, he already knew the outcome.

Daidōji brought her hand in front of her for protection. She wasn't sure what would happen, though she was confident in her own abilities. The second he reached her and thrust his hand forward, she felt her own technique fizzle out.

Confidence soon left her when the wind coated sphere tore through her final attack with ease.

'He really is a demon…'

Power like this was being welded by an evil shinobi.

Daidōji's last thoughts before she lost consciousness were related to how good shinobi would be able to survive against this boy.

Ikaruga panted and fell to a knee before her opponent. Her outfit consisted of almost nothing at this point.

Fortunately, Yomi wasn't fairing much better.

"That's… a good look for you… Princess." Yomi told her while breathing heavily, exhaustion was hitting her hard.

"Stop… calling me that…" Leaning on her sword like a crutch, Ikaruga tried to summon whatever energy she had left. She needed to finish Yomi off and assist her teammates. Things have gotten too quiet, and she was concerned.

"What's the matter? You can't handle the lower class calling you out?" Yomi's body may be battered, but her mouth was not.

"I don't have time to listen to you. I have to get to my teammates." Ikaruga and Yomi glared at each other before a giggle reached their ears.

"Your teammates have already been taken care of, Ikaruga-chan." Haruka walked up to the tired pair of shinobi. The Hebijo girls followed behind her. Ikaruga felt fear grip her heart. If they were all here…

"That look on your face tells me that you're worried about your little friends. Don't worry, they've been taken care of." Haruka's outfit was in great condition as she let Mirai lean against her.

"I'm really disappointed!" Homura, who wore little more than fabric and her underwear, glared at Ikaruga. "That's the elite team this academy has to offer?! Hanzo's granddaughter… tch."

"You're saying that, but you look like a mess." Hikage accused her. The snake eyed girl's outfit was not any more torn up than usual.

"I-I just let her get some hits in! I wanted to test her path of the shinobi! Her attacks felt like nothing but a feather on my cheek." Homura defended herself with a blush.

"So that's why I can see your-"

"Hikage!" Homura covered her teammates mouth with her hand.

"Where's Naru-nii?" Mirai wondered aloud. She thought he'd be the first to be back.

Ikaruga felt sick to her stomach as the Hebijo group conversed casually. They were joking together while her own team could be bleeding out. Evil shinobi were truly terrible.

"Darling was definitely responsible for those explosions earlier." Haruka could safely bet her life on that.

"That dumbass should have been finding the scroll instead of destroying the academy." Homura closed her eyes and shook her head, preparing herself to scold him. She was team leader after all.

"Hi, Naru." Hikage called out and Homura froze. No way… he wasn't behind her.

"Hebi-chan." Naruto greeted his love. "Oh, Homura-chan, you talk a lot of crap for someone with their nipples out."

Homura wanted to die.

"Where's your shirt and cloak?" Hikage slid up to him with a smile, feeling his warm presence made her relax.

"Completely destroyed, and somebody is borrowing whatever is left of my cloak for now." Naruto told his team, keeping his eyes on the defeated Ikaruga.

"None of them are dead." Hikage eased whatever worries he had.


Ikaruga wanted to cry in relief. Her team was alive. That was the best news she received all day.

"What are we doing with her, Naruto-san?" Yomi asked him with an unreadable expression. Ikaruga stared defiantly at the group. If she was to be captured, she wouldn't go down without a fight. Even if it killed her.

"Ikaruga, the scroll isn't here, correct?" He crouched in front of her beaten form. Her fight seemed to end in a draw.

"Naruto-san… you… you betrayed us." She whispered with her eyes fluttering. She was very tired. Naruto frowned, and she could have sworn he looked regretful.

"Yeah... she doesn't know. I searched the shinobi room and the interior of the school. I'm assuming their teacher, Kiriya, hid the scroll with him. He doesn't seem to be around." Naruto reported to Homura, who quickly covered her breasts when he faced her.

"Well this mission was a failure." Homura wasn't looking forward to seeing their so called 'benefactor' again.

"Normally I'd say we bring her along for interrogation." Haruka gestured to Ikaruga. "But these girls really don't know much."

Ikaruga possessed no energy to appear offended at that statement.

"If the scroll is not here, then we have to wait… will he be alright with that?" Hikage was quite obviously referring to Dōgen.

"If he has a problem, I'll deal with him." There was no way Naruto would allow anyone to punish the girls for something out of their control. Dōgen gave them a time to attack, it wasn't their fault that the scroll moved positions randomly.

"Naruto-san…" Ikaruga brought his attention back to her. "Katsuragi… she hides everything from others… but you were the only one she… and you…" She fumbled over her words.

"That's enough, Ikaruga." Naruto grouped up with his team, gently pulling Yomi with him. The bean sprout loving girl was glaring daggers at Ikaruga. "It's over." He definitely needed to speak with Yomi when they returned to Hebijo, he's never seen the girl this angry.

Hikage remained silent, but she sort of understood what Ikaruga was talking about. That annoyingly persistent blonde girl was very emotional over Naruto.

"Go check on your team and then head to the gym. There's one more." Naruto informed her and nodded to Homura. Rolling her eyes, she figured it was time to head back to Hebijo. She didn't particularly like the fact that Naruto was helping these good shinobi.

"I can't let you all go… for justice's sake. I will…" Ikaruga felt the words die in her throat when Naruto simply left with his team following.

They were this weak? None of them were able to take down their opponents… and Naruto left with no hesitation.

She couldn't blame Katsuragi for having tears in her eyes.

Not when she shed them as well.

"… Daidōji."

"… Daidōji!"

Jumping up, Daidōji hissed when she felt her body ache painfully. Her head was pounding, her arms burned, and her chest was sore.

Opening her eyes, she realized she was laid on the small couch in Hanzo's shinobi room. Turning to the man who was addressing her, she frowned at Kiriya.


"I already know what happened, Ikaruga told me everything. The scroll is still in my possession." Kiriya felt like twenty years were added onto his age after hearing the report from the third year. He never trusted Naruto, not like his idol, but for the boy to leave Daidōji in such a state…

"Damn it… damn it!" Daidōji raged and clenched her quivering hands. Defeated by an evil shinobi and… wait…

"What am I wearing?" Looking down at her body, she realized she was naked under the long tattered cloak that was tied together hastily with a string.

"That's Naruto's…" A subdued voice spoke and Ikaruga entered the room with a limp.

"What?" Daidōji couldn't believe that the boy dressed her after defeating her. For an evil shinobi to leave their opponent alive, it was ludicrous.

"That's a part of his outfit." Ikaruga looked down at her hands, which held a small locket. Daidōji stood in stunned silence.

"Ikaruga. Your team performed admirably for combat against opponents who were far more prepared to face you. Do not beat yourselves up too hard for the loss." Kiriya was glad that his students survived. He wasn't sure if he could handle losing another one, not after Rin.

"Yes." Ikaruga bowed her head, the praise simply washed over her. She didn't want praise. Her team was betrayed, beaten, and spared in the same day. She's never felt weaker.

"Are the others alright?" Daidōji asked the younger girl.

"Y… No." She couldn't lie to her superiors. "While there are no life threatening injuries, Katsuragi has yet to wake up. The others are also very quiet." Ikaruga's own injuries at the hands of Yomi were going to take some time to heal.

"That's a shame." A new voice alerted the group, and Kiriya instantly bowed his head.


"Relax, there is no need for that." The old man waved off his granddaughters teacher. He merely sat on the couch after entering the room calmly.

"Ikaruga-chan? Be a dear and bring the girls to this room after they get some rest. I have to talk with you all."

"Y-Yes… Hanzo-sama."

Ikaruga scurried off, heading to the schools infirmary they used for their shinobi. She didn't want to show herself in front of a legendary shinobi like Hanzo. Surely even he was disappointed in them.

The room remained tense until Hanzo broke out into small chuckles, confusing the remaining shinobi.

"That kid really did a number on you, Daidōji-chan." The woman scowled at his mockery. Her arms felt like they were on fire, and her head was pounding. The brutal kick to her forehead was engraved in her brain. Naruto…

"He is nothing but trash. Evil shinobi trash." The fact that she still wore his clothing only made Hanzo laugh more.

"Hmm. I'm not so sure about all that." Hanzo leant his fist on his cheek and smirked at the duo.

"Hanzo-sama… are you withholding information from us?" Kiriya wouldn't be surprised, it wasn't the first time Hanzo left him out of the loop.


Hanzo was certainly a strange fellow.

A/N - Multiple uploads in quick succession, absolute bruh moment. Let me address some things featured in this chapter for those who don't know much about Senran Kagura. So read this if you want some explanations, I know damn well a lot of people skip author notes. I get it, they are annoying, but goddamn I need some way to speak with you all.

- When the Hebijo girls attacked Hanzo Academy, they toyed with them. Homura literally lets Asuka get hits on her just to see if she was worth a damn. At this point, the Hanzo girls are weaker than their counterparts, with the very slight exception of Mirai. Not saying that she's weak, but Yagyu is the worst possible opponent for her currently.

- Yomi truly hates Ikaruga for reasons that you'll find out later. This hatred continues on in canon for some time actually, depending on the timeline… yeah the split timeline thing is a pain in the ass lol.

- Daidōji is very, very strong in Senran Kagura, and her punches alone are able to do a lot of damage. When against Naruto, who she has very little intel on and he is actively working with Kurama, it's not going to go well for her. There is one character in the far future that will genuinely push Naruto in combat, just because she can do some crazy shit.

- The whole stripping to become stronger is a thing in the games. If you sacrifice your defense for more offense, you do a shit ton more damage against enemies. And their outfits disappear, because of course they do.

- I don't want to make Hibari seem like absolute fodder in the story because she has her moments in canon. However, against a lot of the cast and Naruto, she won't be able to keep up. She's young, being a first year, and she's really innocent. She doesn't have a calculating mind like Haruka or the bloodlust of Homura. Also, Haruka will not have her strange obsession with Hibari in this story, Naruto stole that place long ago.

- Ikaruga is literally Vergil from DMC with her abilities, which I love by the way, so that's how she's able to do all those sick moves with her sheathe. Man, I love Devil May Cry.

- Hikage has no reason to be friendly with Katsuragi for the time being. If her words sounded cold, then yeah… she's supposed to be. She understands that Naruto connected with the girl, but she can't bring herself to care for a random shinobi at all.

- Yes. The fighting one on one thing was something they followed in canon. I believe Katsuragi mentions it when Hebijo first attacks Hanzo Academy.

- Fuck Dōgen, all my homies hate Dōgen.

If you guys have any other questions, please let me know. Naruto will eventually use the full Rasenshuriken, but like I said before… my take on the Rasengan is different from what happened in canon where it was nerfed. Against Kabuto, it almost ripped him open. Against Kakuzu, it left him immobile for Kakashi to dab on. The Rasengan won't be a move Naruto uses here to just play around.

Yes, I'm using the red version of Kurama's chakra a lot. I have a strong bias towards it, and it fits here considering Naruto can't use KCM yet… yet. He didn't need it against Hotaru in the past, but he wasn't thinking clearly and he had a good reason for being angry.

No, Naruto will not get with Daidōji. If a girl likes Naruto's personality, skill, whatever, there's a good chance that she won't be paired with him simply because of that. Not to mention, Daidōji doesn't like him one bit currently.

Besides that, I hope you guys enjoyed this. See ya next time :)