Kurai Hikari was just an ordinary girl.

She was content to paint in her studio where she was famous as the Artist of Life.

But everything changed when a six tailed fox spilled ruined her latest piece: Abduction.

Now she has a new alien pet called Ahiru and has ventured into the Otherworld!

But before all that she was just a girl with a conflicting heart born from an ancient priestess.

It all started fifty years ago.

Midoriko and Inuyasha...a ballad of their tragic destiny.

Midoriko was a priestess who survived through a violent age where wars never ceased.

She survived by becoming a master of the skill of Lotis; which allowed her to achieve Naohi in her Inner Heart; thus giving birth to the power she was famous for: Shikon.

But back then, she was just an innocent girl who knew nothing of fighting or war.

"Midoriko-nee!" Ahri chased after the young priestess.

Ahri was a six tailed fox demon who was the priestess' constant partner.

"Do not come Ahri!" Midoriko said, holding up a hand in warning.

"Huh?" Ahri stopped and stared.

There she was, the cause of all the trouble: Midoriko's Rival, Khione.

Khione was a demonic priestess. While Midoriko was a master of the Lotis, the good runes of the Inner Heart; Khione was a master of the Maram, the evil runes that taint the heart and make it wicked and cursed with malice.

"That woman is..." Ahri said. "The ice demon priestess with the frozen heart; Khione. The Maram master."

Khione turned and her smile could freeze the sun. "Is that girl your companion?"

Midoriko nodded. "She is my partner."

"Are you sure about this Midoriko?" Khione said. "I am perfectly capable of handling this alone. Take your partner and get back."

The two faced the huge demon as Ahri stood back.

"You need not worry." Midoriko said fearlessly.

"I'm impressed." Khione said. "Your dear partner may be in danger, yet you refuse to budge."

"DAA-RA!" Khione cried, and a rune lit up red on her wrist.

The wind ripped the breath from their lungs, but the demon stood firm.

"RAN-GU!" Midoriko cried, and a rune lit up in blue on her forearm.

A fierce lion spirit leapt from her hands and devoured the demon.

"You are such a cold woman." Khione said. "How alike we are, Midoriko. We who are not women. We, who are miko."

"Yes. I am miko." Midoriko said. "That is my destiny."

Ahri followed after the young priestess. Despite her strong words, Ahri knew her mistress to be lonely.


Midoriko sat beside Ahri and gave her some onigiri.

"Ahri. Do you know what the greatest of all powers is?" Midoriko asked.

"Is it one of the Lotis?" Ahri said eagerly.

"Of course not." Midoriko smiled. "This is much more powerful."

"Tell me more!" Ahri said.

"It makes the ugly beautiful. It makes a coward brave. It makes the weak strong. It is the Greatest of all Powers." Midoriko said.

"What is it?" Ahri said.

"Love." Midoriko said. "But a Priestess must never succumb to it. She must choose duty over her heart."


"Dammit!" Inuyasha growled. "This isn't over! Not by a long shot!"

He took off into the forest.

"Where are you?" Midoriko said. "Where did you go, half demon?"

"Right here!" Inuyasha pounced on her. "Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer!"

"RII-YA!" Midoriko said. A blue rune on her arm glowed and Inuyasha's claws hit a barrier.

"No one calls me a half demon and lives." Inuyasha lunged again.

"Wait!" Midoriko said. "Forgive me. It was thoughtless. I don't know your name, after all."

Inuyasha growled a little to himself. "Inuyasha."


"What is this corpse?" Midoriko asked Shako, head of the taijiya.

"That's the demon we exterminated the day before." Shako said. "It called itself Mistress Centipede. It said it wanted something from you. Your Shikon."

"It gave us a lot of trouble," Ahri, still in training, said.

"But we smashed its head, so it should be dead." Shako said.

"Chief!" Ahri said, pointing at the moving Centipede.

"Huh?" Shako said. "What is it?"

"This is it." Midoriko said, touching her necklace. "The Centipede is reacting to this. The Shikon holds my purified soul."

"Chief, could that be..." Ahri said.

Yes, I'm seeing it for the first time, too." Shako said. "The Sacred Jewel. Such a beautiful blue color."

"What's the matter, Ahri?" Midoriko asked her partner.

"She's awakening." Ahri warned.

The Centipede revived and reared up, attacking.

"Give it to me!" Mistress Centipede cried.

"Everyone, get away!" Midoriko said.

"That belongs to me!" Mistress Centipede lunged for the village.

"Chief!" Ahri said. "Get everyone to safety!"

"Give me the Sacred Jewel!" Mistress Centipede screamed.

"RAN-GU!" Midoriko shouted.

A spiritual lion rushed from her and killed the Centipede.

"It's the power of the Sacred Jewel." Midoriko said. "As long as this jewel is nearby, it will... keep on reviving. Cut the demon into pieces and put it in the Bone-Eater's Well. This will stop it from regenerating."

"Come Ahri." Midoriko left with her partner.

And so, the priestess and her partner left with the pure Shikon that granted power to demons. Demons came in search of it, and the two were constantly attacked, but the fox demon and the Lotis Master easily subdued all foes.

After a particularly terrible battle with a demon in which she worked alongside Khione, the demon priestess came to her and asked her a question.

"Are you sure you don't want your reward?" Khione said, holding out a bag of money.

"Yes. You may have it, Khione." Midoriko said.

"I see. Well then, thanks." Khione smiled. "Midoriko, here is a bit of advice from one priestess to another."

Khione came closer and the temperature dropped. It began to snow as she gave a chilling smile.

"When a priestess abandons all human feelings," Khione said. "Her true power comes alive. But if one is a woman, it's only natural to fall in love."

"Love?" Midoriko scoffed. "Me, fall in love?"

"Do not forget this." Khione warned. "You must not fall in love. Do not let a man desire you. If such a man ever appears before you, you will die a violent death."

Khione pulled Midoriko close to her face.

"And I will be the one to snuff out your light at last."

Midoriko jerked back. "Hmph. I shall remember those words."

Midoriko scowled at Ahri afterwards. "That Khione is unscrupulous."

"Huh?" Ahri questioned.

"She just placed a curse on me." Midoriko stated.

"A curse?" Ahri asked.

Midoriko smiled, calmingly. "There's nothing to worry about. For there is no way that I would fall in love."


"You won't get away this time Inuyasha!" Midoriko shouted.

"Like you can catch me, Midoriko!" Inuyasha scowled.

He lunged out of a tree.

"So there you are!" Midoriko said. "You won't get away!"

She lifted her hand to use Lotis on him, but he was too quick.

"Well then, take this!" Inuyasha said. "Blades of Blood!"

Midoriko faltered. "Why you...!"

"You got a problem with that?!" Inuyasha growled.

"Wha...?!" Midoriko lifted her hand to preform the Lotis again.

"Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer!" Inuyasha broke her bow.

"Hmph." Midoriko left.

Inuyasha watched after her. She didn't even try to hurt me. She doesn't view me as a threat at all, just like everyone else. I must become stronger. Much Stronger. That priestess will acknowledge my strength!


"Welcome home, Midoriko-nee." Ahri said, as Midoriko entered an put her broken bow down.

The village leader entered. "Midoriko-sama, A demon slayer came looking for you this morning. When I explained that you were away, he said he'd return tonight."

"A demon slayer?" Midoriko said.

"I wonder what he wants?" Ahri said.

Midoriko headed out and spent some time speaking to Shako.

"Midoriko-nee! Hurry and come inside!" Ahri said as the sun set. "Midoriko-nee. What's the matter? What is that?"

"The demon slayers came to warn me of the powers of my Sacred Jewel." Midoriko said. "This jewel came from my body when I mastered the Lotis, and it is a collection of all my power. In the wrong hands it would be corrupted and give great power to any demon."

After the world became aware of the Sacred Jewel, even as it was then, in its purified state, Midoriko's destiny changed drastically.

Other girls her age were burning perfume incense, coloring their lips and cheeks, and enjoying their youthfulness.


Midoriko had just finished with a long day slaughtering demons. She stank of blood and death.

Inuyasha appeared before her yet again. This was the third time. He kept coming because she refused to use Lotis on him and purify him, and he could not bring himself to slaughter her.

"I must hurry tonight!" Inuyasha said to himself.

The New Moon rose, and he became human. But he could still smell Midoriko's stench of demon blood.

"What?" Inuyasha said. "Damn, it stinks of blood! And yet, you are a mortal woman. Are you truly a woman?"

A thousand demons rained down from the sky.

"Huh?" Inuyasha said.

"It's starting!" Midoriko said.

"KA-RA!" Midoriko fired a sacred purifying arrow into the sky and slaughtered them all.

Inuyasha leapt in front of her, the demon blood and guts covering him as he protected her from the miasma, even in his mortal state.

She slumped. "How long do you intend to hide?"

Inuyasha came out, looked at her.

"Are you after the Sacred Jewel, too?" Midoriko asked him.

"Sacred Jewel? What's that?" Inuyasha said.

Midoriko gave him a sad smile. "If you don't know it, that's fine. However, if you do not want to be killed, never appear before me again...Inuyasha."

What kind of priestess is she? Inuyasha wondered, in shock that she, knowing his secret, seeing him human, still did not slaughter him.


A demon attacked the village.

"Priestess! Give me the Shikon!" The demon cried. "I will become the greatest of all demons!"

"Ahri! Get him!" Midoriko cried.

"Blossom Storm!" Ahri shouted, and flower petals carved into the demon, finishing him off.

Inuyasha, watching, covered his nose against the overwhelming sweet scent.

So that's what the Sacred Jewel is all about. Sounds interesting. And her name is Midoriko.

A dark voice sounded from the deep forest. I will gain this Shikon and taint it with the death of the priestess.

"That voice." Midoriko turned into the forest.

"Hey Midoriko!" Inuyasha shouted. "I hear the Sacred Jewel is a sphere of good fortune that increases the power of a demon."

"I see, you're the one who was hiding in the shadows." Midoriko said and looked deeper into the forest, knowing someone else was there.

"Shaddup!" Inuyasha said. "Give me that Sacred Jewel!"

Midoriko glared at him, and her power easily drove him back.

"Whaa...!" Inuyasha said.

"I understand now. I thought I sensed a different aura." Midoriko said. "You want to use my power to become a complete demon."

Midoriko smiled, that same sad expression.

"Would that really make you complete, Inuyasha? You would do well to trust in the Greatest of All Powers."

"Shaddup!" Inuyasha said. "I'll become the strongest demon around! That's what I've decided!"

"As long as I am the one protecting the jewel, that will not happen." Midoriko said.

"Don't make me laugh! You reek with the smell of demon blood!" Inuyasha snarled.

Midoriko flinched.

"What? Did I touch a nerve with that, Midoriko?" Inuyasha smirked.

"If you don't want to be killed, stay away." Midoriko snapped.

"Hah! I'm not giving up!" Inuyasha growled. "Even if you run away, I'll find you without fail! With that smell, I'll find you quickly!"



Midoriko bathed in the cold waterfall.

She began bathing much more often to wash off the bloody stench of demon gore.

Sensitive to the words of the half demon Inuyasha, she did not know why she wanted to have a pleasant scent, but she knew his words irked her.

Midoriko put her kimono back on and exited the pool.

"Hah! Midoriko! Give me the Sacred Jewel!" Inuyasha said.

"So you've appeared again." Midoriko said.

"I won't give up!" Inuyasha said. "We're going to settle this today!"

Ahri stood firm beside her. "Midoriko-nee?"

"Tell the fox to leave." Inuyasha said. "This is between us."

"Ahri. Get back." Midoriko said.

"Midoriko-nee." Ahri said.

A priestess that walks a bloody path.

An existence that is neither human nor demon.

A pitiful half-demon looking for his place in this world.

"There is something I wish to ask you." Midoriko said. "Why didn't you kill me that night? It would have been an easy task in my condition."

Inuyasha looked at her. "What do you take me for? I don't pull dirty tricks like that. You...saw me like that. Couldn't you have killed me?"

"I suppose...I'm honorable as well." Midoriko said.

Inuyasha looked at Midoriko. That same sad smile.

"Why do you never use the Lotis on me?" Inuyasha asked. "You could easily purify me."

"My Lotis is for those that are full of Maram." Midoriko said. "Your heart is not evil, Inuyasha."

It was a mystery to all.

Why didn't the Lotis Master finish off the Half Demon?

Why didn't she at least use one of her stronger Lotis to turn him irreversibly human?

But the priestess never attempted such a thing.

And the half demon lingered at her side, under the pretense of desiring the Sacred Jewel.


"Saruhozuki..." Ahri said. "I remember Midoriko-nee telling me this helps to reduce swelling."

"I shall take you hostage..." A demon grabbed her and pulled her away.

"Help!" Ahri struggled.

"I will use you to get the Sacred Jewel from Midoriko!" The demon cried.

"Get back, kit!" Inuyasha shouted, and grabbed Ahri from the demon. "Hah! No way would I let a weakling demon like you have the Sacred Jewel!"

He finished off the demon and put Ahri down.

"Uh...thank you..." Ahri said.

"D-Don't get me wrong!" Inuyasha said. "I just don't want anyone else to have the Sacred Jewel!"

"You could just take me hostage the same way." Ahri pointed out.

"W-Who do you take me for?!" Inuyasha snapped. "If I did that, how could I look her in the face..."


"Inuyasha, you're there, aren't you?" Midoriko called him down from the Goshinboku. "Come down."

"This is the first time we've spoken up close." Midoriko said softly.

"So what of it?" Inuyasha snarled.

"I understand you saved Ahri." Midoriko said.

"Oh that..." Inuyasha said softly.

"I want to thank you, too." Midoriko said.

"Don't do something that's unlike you." Inuyasha said, sounding annoyed.

"Inuyasha..." Midoriko said. "I want to show you something."

She shrugged off part of her kimono and showed him a glowing rune.

"What...what's that?" Inuyasha said.

"MA-NOU." Midoriko said.

The blue light engulfed Inuyasha, and he felt a feeling he had never felt before. Love, towards him; a half demon.

Inuyasha felt a tear fall.

He embraced Midoriko like he would never let her go.

Inuyasha understood now. Midoriko looked at him and saw the Lotis and Maram in his heart and loved him for all of it.

From the start, from that day when they had seen each other at their darkest, weakest point; the two had acknowledged each other.

Love had been born.

Inuyasha looked down at his arm, and there was a rune there, the mark for Manou. For Love.

"Midoriko!" Inuyasha said. "Come back here tomorrow."

"Huh?" Midoriko said.

"I want to give you something." Inuyasha said.

"You want to give me something?" Midoriko repeated. "Good, because I have something I've been thinking about giving you."

"Huh?" Inuyasha said. "The Sacred Jewel?"

Midoriko laughed. "No such thing."

"Figures." Inuyasha chuckled.


"Aren't those Kotodama sutra beads?" Ahri asked. "Are you giving them to Inuyasha?"

"Yes." Midoriko said. "It might be a bit underhanded of me, but these will prevent him from doing any more wrong. Now then...what trigger word can I use to make the beads take effect?

At that time, the priestess even seemed to look happy. Her sad smile now had a spark of joy to it.

A look of realization crossed her face. "The demon priestess Khione...she put a strange curse on me. Oh well...I walk the path of carnage. So why should I fear an unnatural death?"

"Midoriko-nee..." Ahri sighed.

Midoriko giggled. "The trigger word will be Koibito."


Midoriko entered the clearing to see Inuyasha.

Inuyasha placed a star shaped necklace in her hands.

"What is this?" Midoriko said.

"Open it." Inuyasha said.

A lilting song began to play in what seemed to be Inuyasha's voice.

As the lullaby finished Midoriko looked up at Inuyasha.

"It was my mother's." Inuyasha said. "My father put a song in it for her. When I was small, she placed one in there for me. And now I've placed one inside for you."

Midoriko brought it to her chest and put it on. "It's a treasure.

"You are a..." Inuyasha coughed uncertainly. "The only things my mother left me were that necklace and my robe; the Robe of the Fire Rat."

"Your mother was human?" Midoriko said.

"Yeah well..." Inuyasha said.

"This pendant must mean so much to you." Midoriko said. "What about her song? And your father's?"

Inuyasha tapped the top of the pendant, and a woman's voice sounded. He tapped once more and a deeper, elder demon voice sounded.

"It can never forget a melody." Inuyasha said. "It's called an Orgel."

"This must mean so much to you." Midoriko said.

Inuyasha waved it off. "Don't worry about it. The Robe of the Fire Rat is useful enough."

"I'm sorry Inuyasha." Midoriko said. "That robe is so precious to you and I allowed it to get sullied with demon blood that night."

"I was proud of that!" Inuyasha shouted.

Midoriko stared.

"I was...proud." Inuyasha said. "I protected you. Even washing it clean...I was proud."

They were inches from each other, but broke apart.

"By the way, what were you gonna give me?" Inuyasha asked.

Midoriko reached in her kimono, touched the beads, and pulled back. She couldn't do it. Not now.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have forgotten..." Midoriko said.

"Geez! I was looking forward to it!" Inuyasha said.

"Are you sure I can have this?" Midoriko touched the Orgel.

"Yeah." Inuyasha said, admiring her.

Inuyasha and Midoriko.

That night, Midoriko fell asleep listening to Inuyasha's voice coming from the Orgel.

Ahri watched the dreamy look light her eyes, and yet, she still had such a sad smile.


At this point one would be remiss not to mention the truth behind Khione.

Born to the clan of ice demons known for their heartless nature, she was abandoned by her tribe because her mother had mated with a fire demon.

Known to them as an imiko, or cursed child, Khione was cast out.

It was in the desolation of demon world that she found the Maram Masters that taught her to be a Demonic Priestess.

She then return and etched her way into legend by slaughtering all of her species and absorbing their power.

Khione was known for her unique power of Curse, which is why Midoriko should have heeded her when she Cursed her long ago.

Khione's people had been known as heartless, emotionless demons incapable of love, which might explain why she scoffed at it.

But Khione had emotions, and an inner fire and passion inherited from her demon father.

It was this that drew her to the human bandit Onigumo.

He attempted to steal from her shrine, and she cursed him to work there as a shrine attendant.

Onigumo began to cast lustful gazes at the Maram Priestess, and she reciprocated his feeling so much that she broke her curse and he pledged himself to Khione.

And this may have been the end of the Maram in Khione's heart, if not for the events that followed.

A collection of demons attacked Khione's shrine and set fire to it in the night.

Onigumo escaped alive and whole, but then discovered that Khione remained inside, and returned to save her. He had no way of knowing that as a fire demon, she would not be harmed.

His body was irreparably burned.

Despairing that Khione would never love a broken cripple, Onigumo found his way to Midoriko's village and broke down in a cave, where the Lotis Priestess took pity on him.


"Now what would you like to play?" Midoriko leaned down to the young girl's level.

She heard a sound from the tree.

"Inuyasha come down from there and join us." Midoriko smiled up at him.

Inuyasha leapt down. "You've gotta be kidding."

The kids leapt on him.

"Let's play hand ball!"

"Let's pick flowers!"

Ahri wanted to see Midoriko look beautiful.

She remembered Midoriko had said love made any woman beautiful, and hoped that her love for Inuyasha would make her lovely.

Ahri wanted to help her, to make her sadness disappear.

But she did not know that she was not the only one who wanted to see Midoriko at her most beautiful.


"Midoriko..." Onigumo groaned from his place in the cave.

"Yes." Midoriko said. "I brought some gruel."

"Don't bother... with me anymore..." Onigumo groaned. "Go away!"

He threw the gruel against the wall.

Midoriko was harboring a bandit named Onigumo.

"Why can't I tell Inuyasha?" Ahri asked Midoriko.

"Knowing him," Midoriko said. "He will probably become jealous."

"Jealous?" Ahri was confused.

She would never understand relationships.


"Inuyasha, lend me your power." Midoriko said.

"What's this, all of a sudden?" Inuyasha wondered.

"I've been asked to exterminate a demon from another country." Midoriko said. "But even I will have my hands full."

"Hah! This is gonna cost ya!" Inuyasha smirked.

And so, Inuyasha and Midoriko teamed up for the first time to slay a demon.

"Inuyasha, it's coming your way!" Midoriko called.

"Leave 'im to me!" Inuyasha cried. "Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer! Midoriko, that's its true form."

"Right!" Midoriko said. "BUI-MU-KU!"

"Hah! You got 'im!" Inuyasha cheered.


"Yo...kit." Onigumo said.

"It's Ahri." Ahri snapped.

"Your partner has something called the Sacred Jewel, doesn't she?" Onigumo said.

"How do you know about it?" Ahri said warily.

"All bad guys are after it." Onigumo said.

"You too?" Ahri said.

"And from what I hear..." Onigumo went on, leering at her. "the Jewel becomes more evil when it absorbs blood filled with hatred. I like that..."

"That is called Maram." Ahri said. "My partner is filled with Lotis. The Sacred Jewel will not be touched by Maram when in her possession."

"Midoriko always seems so serene." Onigumo said, smirking. "How I'd love to see her get in agony. I get excited just thinking about it."

Ahri growled and left the cave.

"I see." Midoriko said, looking to the Maram swirling like miasma in Onigumo's cave. "So that's what Onigumo said."

Ahri could swear she saw something in Midoriko's eyes.

"You see something of his future." Ahri said. "His fate."

Midoriko shook her head.

"Forgive him." Midoriko said. That man will probably never move from that spot for the rest of his life."

That is what the priestess said aloud.

But the truth was, the priestess had seen the fate of the bandit Onigumo.

Did she believe she could stop him?

Or was the tragic priestess resigned to her fate?


Midoriko stood under the cherry blossoms next to Khione, who had finished off yet another demon.

"How admirable." Khione said. "But I understand if you stand beneath the cherry trees for too long, you will go insane."

Khione smiled coldly and the temperature dropped. The Maram Priestess seemed, if possible, markedly more evil.

"I wonder if it's because of these cherry trees...you seem like a completely different person from last I saw you." Khione said. "And your pitifully weak powers...Specters and demons are breaking through your barrier."

"I see..." Midoriko said. "So you were unleashing the specters."

"Letting your heart go to a man..." Khione scoffed. "And he is that worthless half-demon, is he not? Give me the Sacred Jewel. I shall purify it in your stead."

"Humph! You are not able to." Midoriko said.


She rose up in the air and sent her Shikigami after Midoriko.

Midoriko struck the snake-like creature with her bow and it flew back into Khione's right eye.

"Damn you, Midoriko!" Khione gasped.

"Get back! I shall spare your life." Midoriko snapped.


A demon horde materialized in Onigumo's cave.



"Your evil thoughts have brought us here."

"A demon?" Onigumo groaned. "I will listen...

"What is it you want?"

"I want a body that will enable me to move freely, so that I can make the Sacred Jewel and Khione mine!" Onigumo cried.

"Done. But in return, we will take your soul."

"My rotten soul is worth something, huh?" Onigumo said. "Doesn't it look tasty? You want to eat me, right? Go ahead...eat! And give me a body...and power!"

The demons and Onigumo combined and created Naraku.


"RU-TA!" Ahri cried and her rose petals sharpened and shredded the tree branch.

"You've improved greatly." Midoriko said.

"Thank you." Ahri said.

"Next is the Sealing Lotis." Midoriko said.

"Sealing?" Ahri said. "I know all sorts of Seals and Wards."

Midoriko extended her arm. "This is the Sealing Lotis. Areto. We use it for demons who are invincible."

"And then what happens to the demon?" Ahri said.

"They fall into an eternal sleep." Midoriko said. "They will only Awaken if the Awakening Lotis, Utei, is cast."

"But in my studies Areto is used to awaken victims of catatonia or deep sleep." Ahri said.

"Yes I have never been able to seal a demon with it. It requires...Maram. That Maram: Rajika. Death. But you must never use it. It will darken your heart." Midoriko said. "And beware of this tree. If you use any form of seal on the Goshinboku...the tree known to transcend time...the body will remain intact..."


But as her love for Inuyasha grew stronger, Midoriko's powers waned. It was the curse Khione had cast on her.

Midoriko looked into the sky. "Huh?"

"W-What is that?!" Ahri asked.

"So many of them..." Midoriko gasped. "How could I not notice an aura this strong?!"

"Go, specters!" The hidden Naraku and Khione called. "Go and take the Sacred Jewel! The Sacred Jewel will give you immense demon power! Become the greatest demons of them all and destroy the priestess, Midoriko!"

"Specters!" Inuyasha leapt down. "Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer!"

"Inuyasha!" Midoriko rushed in.

"You're late, Midoriko!" Inuyasha complained.

"Forgive me!" Midoriko cried. "My spiritual powers have weakened."

"Blades of Blood!" Inuyasha cried.

"KA-RA!" Midoriko attacked the specters.

"Watch out! Midoriko!" Inuyasha lunged.

Ahri leapt out and blocked Midoriko from being hurt. Her tails were terribly damaged.

"AHRI!" Midoriko screamed. "NOOO!"

Midoriko ran to her.

"Forgive me Ahri..." Midoriko held her in her arms as the kitsune transformed into her weaker fox form.

"It's all my fault..." Midoriko cried in sorrow.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Inuyasha said. "She'll be alright."

"There is only one way she will be alright." Midoriko said softly. "Send her down the Bone-Eater's well, to the Other World."

On this side day, Midoriko lost her partner Ahri.

Ahri entered the mortal world ahead of her partner.


"Inuyasha, I cannot do this anymore." Midoriko said.

She was full of sorrow, sitting under the sacred tree crying. Inuyasha hated to see her this way.

"Don't you want to stop all the fighting? Be at peace?" Midoriko said. "If you were not a demon, and I was not a priestess, all would be ideal."

"Become...human?" Inuyasha repeated. "You could have purified me; done this to me at anytime."

"I would cause you pain using the Lotis." Midoriko said. "If you used the Shikon...you, the jewel, and I would be freed. Think about it."

Inuyasha clutched her hands. "There's nothing to think about. I'd rather live a human life with you then hundreds of years as a despised half demon."

"Meet me tomorrow afternoon." Midoriko said. "Right here under the Goshinboku."

"I promise."

The two kissed under the Goshinboku.


Midoriko was asleep.

"Midoriko it's me." Inuyasha leaned over her.

"What's the matter?" Midoriko said, getting up. "Has something happened?"

"I can't wait any longer!" Inuyasha said. "Midoriko, can you make me human right now?"

Midoriko shook her head. "That's impossible. The night is filled with evil. If we are to use the Sacred Jewel, it must be after the sun rises."

"Alright." Inuyasha said. "Then do it right after the day breaks, all right?"

Midoriko laughed. "You are hopeless!"

Inuyasha left her hut.

The night fell upon the land and Midoriko headed out to meet Inuyasha.

It would have been better if their fated meeting had never happened.

"I'm late!" Midoriko said. "Inuyasha...He's not here yet. That Inuyasha...maybe he overslept."

Inuyasha leapt down from the tree and broke the pendant off of her.

"Even if you try to pretty yourself up with trinkets, you can't hide your true nature!" Inuyasha snarled.

"W-What?!" Midoriko said in hurt and confusion.

"Shiny treasures don't become you at all!" Inuyasha barked at her. "Demon blood is good enough for you!"

He lunged at her and clawed her from her shoulder to her chest, deeply wounding her.

"Inuyasha..." Midoriko said weakly.

"Fool!" Inuyasha growled. "I never wanted to become a human!"

He snatched the Shikon no Tama.

"Thanks for the Sacred Jewel." Inuyasha snarled. "It's mine now. I'll have to make it suck more blood filled with hate. I'll slaughter your beloved villagers."

"CURSE YOU INUYASHA!" Midoriko cried in agony. "So you intended to trick me from the very start! Were your words all lies?!"

Inuyasha turned, got real close to her face. "Sure makes you wish you knew the Maram, huh. Maybe then you could finish me off properly you foolish wench!"

He kicked her, then made his way to the village.

Midoriko clutched her wound. "Damn! Damn you!"


Naraku entered the clearing in his own form.

"Have you got it, Koibito?" Khione said.

"I have the Shikon, and the priestess is in despair." Naraku smiled evilly. "It is now your turn to poison the half demon, Koishii."

Khione smiled coldly, and her form shifted to that of her rival priestess, Midoriko.


"Midoriko?" Inuyasha ran smiling into the clearing. "I've come Midoriko!"

"So you've come, half demon." Midoriko said.

"M-Midoriko?" Inuyasha stopped. Why had she said that word? "What did you just say?"

"I said, 'half demon,'" Midoriko repeated. "Can't those ugly dog ears hear what I say?"

"Why you!" Inuyasha snarled at her.

"I can't let a half demon like you have the Sacred Jewel." Midoriko said coldly. "I will send you to oblivion!"


Midoriko fired one of her arrows at him.

It didn't make sense. If Midoriko really wanted to kill him, she would use the Lotis to purify him. Or even the Shikon power.

She use her arrows rarely, only to wound enemies when she wasn't sure what Lotis to use.

That must be why. She was using the arrows because she wanted him to suffer. And because she still didn't view him as a threat.

He would show that damned wench of a priestess.

He had a been a fool to fall for that wicked woman!


Khione met Naraku in the clearing.

"Yes." Naraku said.

"Where is the Sacred Jewel?" Khione said in shock.

"It is in the temple, where Inuyasha will steal it, proving Midoriko's suspicions." Naraku said. "When they die together, the Sacred Jewel will be tainted with hatred and bitterness."

"And then we will take it for our own!" Khione smiled

"Who's there?" Midoriko stumbled past the clearing to confront Inuyasha.

Naraku faded into the shadows.

"Khione. You will not survive this time." Midoriko snapped.

"You are on your last breathe, Lotis Priestess." Khione said. "I warned you not to fall in love."

"We will settle this at sunset." Midoriko said. "Meet me at the Taijiya Cave. I will finish you, Khione. I know you had some part in this tragedy! I will finish you if it is the last thing I do in this life!"


The villagers ran, terrified. "It's Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha leapt into the sky while trapped in a net. He slashed at the net maliciously and freed himself. Grappling hooks were shot at him, but he dodged easily.

In a temple, Inuyasha grinned evilly and looked at a necklace with a blue orb that glowed. He grabbed it. Villagers barged in, throwing spears at him. One of the weapons knocked into a lantern and the temple caught fire. Inuyasha escaped through the roof. The temple roof exploded.

"That'll teach you! With this in my possession…I can become a real demon!" Inuyasha looked intently at the orb on the necklace, and landed.

Midoriko held out her hand in an attack position. "Inuyasha! RA-JI-KA!"

Inuyasha turned back while running, and the red rune laden arrow hit him in the chest, pinning him to a tree behind him. The necklace fell out of his hands. Midoriko looked at Inuyasha determinedly.

Inuyasha looked up weakly. "Mi-Midoriko...! Why, you…!"

Inuyasha raised his hand, struggled for awhile and became unconscious.

Midoriko fell to her knees weakly, showing a trail of blood behind her.

"Midoriko-sama!" The village leader ran to her side. "She's badly wounded. You must not go to battle!"

"My weakness...has resulted in this." Midoriko picked up the necklace; the stone was now pink with Maram. "And all for this...the Shikon no Tama."

"I beg of you." The leader said. "Do not go to battle with Khione. You will be killed!"

"I am beyond saving. So listen to me. Take this Sacred Jewel…when I return...and dispose of it in the Bone-Eater's Well. It must never get into the hands of evil-doers!"


And so, the Lotis Priestess ventured to the Taijiya Cave for the Final Battle.

"What was it you did to Inuyasha!" Midoriko demanded. "PAA-SA!"

"You want truth?" Khione said, lunging with knife like ice. "Why was your love so easily broken? Such a fragile, laughable trust you had in each other! He should have known it was not you the moment you called him half demon; yet he never doubted my disguise!"

"Despicable! ARE-GO!" Midoriko growled.

Spiritual chains bound the demonic priestess.

"KA-SHA!" Khione shattered the chains. "Your love was your undoing. Greatest Power? Don't make me laugh! SHA-NA!"

Midoriko collapsed.

"Do you have even strength to finish me like you promised?" Khione laughed coldly. "RA-JI-KA!"

No! She would not die to the word with which she destroyed her beloved. She didn't deserve it!

"UT-EI!" Midoriko screamed the counter-word.

Midoriko and Khione were both destroyed in the resulting explosion, bodies mummified in the cave.

Out of Midoriko's chest sprang the mummified fully formed Shikon-no-Tama.

Complete within were the souls of Midoriko and Khione.

The village leader obeyed Midoriko's order and disposed of the jewel in the Bone Eaters Well.

In the Human World, a baby girl was born with the jewel at her core. This girl was Kurai Hikari.