Phoebe often envied the love that Helga had for Arnold.

True, at times it was weird (and borderline creepy) but Phoebe saw something different when she looked into Helga's eyes as they talked about "ice cream". The windswept look, the passion behind her eyes, and the little world that was created when she was thinking about him.

The amount of poetry Helga wrote about Arnold (ehem, excuse her "ice cream") was preposterous. Helga could definitely use the time and energy on something else. But when Phoebe read the little pink book, she almost fell in love herself. The words seemed to flow of the page like butterflies in the wind. It painted a story of love, devotion, and passion. Something all of Phoebe's books of scientific theories and biology couldn't explain.

Phoebe was a scientific scholar by heart. Unlike Helga who was humanistic, Phoebe relied on facts to guide her thinking. This could be a reason by their friendship worked so well. Phoebe was the brain and Helga was the heart. Where one lacked, the other gained. Their system balanced each other out and allowed the two to help other party make sound decisions.

But when it came to love and the topic of "ice cream", things didn't always work out.

At first, Phoebe had likened Helga's infatuation to a simple crush, deeming it a temporary issue to her blond friend. Helga was the boy's bully. The chances of the two being together were slim to none unless Helga changed herself or Arnold somehow became attracted to her. The variables didn't match up.

And the crazy thing was, Helga knew this. But her feelings still remained the same and even intensified as time went on.

And then after they saved Arnold's parents, the two got together. To say they surpassed the odds was an understatement. Although Phoebe was happy for her friend, she was surprised at the results. The odds were NOT in their favor. Soon, Arnold even started exuding the same "love-struck" characteristics that Helga did. The little imaginary world Helga started now had an occupancy of two, both with their heads in the clouds.

It fascinated Phoebe, who needed to research this phenomenon. She was a scientist by heart after all.

Phoebe combed through books, read articles online, and even spoke to relationship researchers with little to no success. She finally came to a conclusion.

Love was magical.

And Phoebe wasn't sure she would ever experience that.

Until a boy by the name of Gerald Johannsen asked her to the Cheese Festival.

Phoebe politely accepted. She had a crush on Gerald for awhile now. They were only what could be said as "talking" or as Rhonda explained "dating but not really dating/ unofficially dating". Phoebe took it as an opportunity to grow closer to him and figure out the direction of their friendship that was "turning into something else". Besides, it was nice to finally get to spend some alone time with him without Helga or Arnold with them.

And she had a nice time on the date. They laughed, ate food, and quietly stalked Arnold and Helga for a bit while giggling at the two awkward blondes.

Towards the end of the carnival, Gerald suggested that they go on the ferris wheel. Phoebe agreed and up they went. They reached the top, overlooking Hillwood with the city lights blinking back at them when Gerald grabbed her hand and held it when Phoebe felt it.

All of a sudden and all at once, Gerald's presence was HEAVY. Phoebe felt it in the atmosphere. She felt it in her arms, her legs, and all the way down her toes. Her heart thumped in her ears, her eyes became sharp, remembering every detail around her. Her throat closed up, a thickness coating it.

The only think she could feel was the feeling of his rough palm against her soft one. The curves of his hands, how big they were, the lines that etched his palms. She wanted to run away and stay put all at the same time.

She could hardly breathe.

After they got off the ferris wheel, it was silent. The silence followed them as they walked to Phoebe's place, hands still locked together. The weight didn't leave them.

Phoebe wondered if Gerald felt the weight too. If he had felt it when she did. Or if it was all in her mind.

When he dropped her off at home, he kissed her cheek, and wished her a goodnight the atmosphere only got heavier. It took all of her to squeak out a goodnight and close the door when he descended the stairs. She watched him walk away from a window and when he was out of sight, she immediately grabbed her phone, ran to her room and called Helga.

"Damn Pheebs, it's after 9:30. You almost never all at this time. What's going on?"

Phoebe gulped. "Helga, I think…. I'm having an emergency. A cake emergency."

"What did Tall Hair Boy do now?! I swear you guys looked fine at the Cheese Festival. When I see him I'll…"

"No no no Helga!" Phoebe exclaimed. "He didn't do anything wrong. He was a perfect gentleman, I promise. It was just when we were on the ferris wheel, he grabbed my hand and…. I don't know how to explain it Helga. It just started to feel… THICK. Like a weight just landed on the ride and I started feeling weird and then we were silent after that." She rambled. "I just.. I don't know. My hands are sweaty, my heart is racing, and I can barely breathe and.."

"Phoebe." Helga said bluntly. "First, sit down." Phoebe stopped and sat on her bed. "Now, take a deep breath in and out."

The Asian girl followed her friend's instructions, inhaling and exhaling into the speaker.

Helga continued. "Now Pheebs, I want you to listen to me closely. I'm going to tell you three things I wish someone told me. It's not advice but more of sprinkles of knowledge from experience. Number 1, don't run from it. I know it's scary, new and intense. Your first response is going to be to flee. But that only causes problems between you two. Believe me, I know. So savor the feeling. Dive deep into it. Don't try to ignore of fight it. It is what it is. You got it?"

"Listening." Phoebe responded, nodding on the other end. "Don't run or ignore the feeling. What's the second one?"

"Follow your heart. Everyone is gonna give you different pieces of what you should and shouldn't do, but ultimately it's your choice. Do what you want to do and not what everyone expects and/or thinks you should do. But at the same time have good judgement. There should be a balance between your heart and your mind. Know your worth and what you can or cannot tolerate."

"Okay, follow your heart but don't ignore logic, right. The last one?"

Helga paused. "There is a time for everything. Timing is very important. Don't just do, say or act on something just because. Recognize if it's the right space or moment to voice things. Especially how you feel. For example, me confessing to Arnold on top of FTI? Not the right time. He wasn't ready to process it and I wasn't ready to own up to it. You should know Gerald well enough to know when the timing is right."

Phoebe sighed. "Know the right timing, I got it." She paused as the two sat in a moment of silence. "Any last words?"

Helga cleared her throat. "Yeah. What you're feeling is only the start Phoebe. I know you haven't felt this way before but, there is a difference between loving someone and being in love. Loving someone is uncontrollable. You can't help who you love, whether it be romantic or not. Being IN love or falling in love is a choice. A commitment. You choose to give this person love, to show them the fruits of love because you love them. You choose to keep doing this despite their flaws or wrongdoings. You can love someone but not be in love with them. But you can't be in love with someone but not love them. I don't know what you're feeling for Gerald right now but when you know, you'll know. It might take days, months or years but you'll know when you know."

Phoebe stayed silent, processing Helga's words. "So, you're in love with Arnold. Right?"

Helga paused again. "Yes, I am." She quietly stated. "But because I loved him for so long, I grew to be in love with him. He's only started to see his feelings for me. He loves me, but not love LOVE or in love. It might take him awhile, but I've got time."

Phoebe giggled. "Of course you do." She yawned and looked at the time. "I'm getting sleepy. You coming over tomorrow for dinner?"

"You bet I am! It's not like Miriam or Bob are going to cook anyways. I'm gonna turn in for the night too. I can't wait for Monday to tease you and Geraldo. I can finally have some comebacks from the comments you guys throw me."

Phoebe giggled again. "I don't know Helga. We stalked you guys around for a little around the Cheese Festival. And we definitely saw you guys go into the Tunnel of Love."

Phoebe could practically feel the blush on Helga through the phone. "Well criminy, can't a girl get some privacy? You guys are vultures, I tell ya!"

Phoebe laughed out loud. "You guys are our golden couple! We can't leave you alone! Anyways, goodnight Helga. I expect the juicy details on your night tomorrow after dinner."

"Alright Pheebs. Goodnight."

That night, she pulled herself to sleep with visions of bright lights and the feeling of hands against her own.

"Gerald? What time is it? Why are you calling so late?"

"Arnold, my man. You gotta help me figure this feeling out ..."

Y'all I'm SO excited for this story. Leave comments and reviews!

See you soon!