Chapter 24:

A/N: Hello all, sorry for the long delay in chapters, I have been extremely busy with work and family. Thank you all once again for liking and following my story Nearly 1700 follows and over 1000 likes I am truly humbled. I will never abandon it and hopefully my updates will be once a week again.

Wanted to answer a few quick things since it has been so long. I received a few PM's and Rev's asking not to pair Ron with Astoria. Part of his redemption arc in this story is his relationship with her. It will not be a quick thing and it will take time like almost all the relationships in this story. I know a lot of people hate him, but this is not the same Ron from the original story. He is on a different path, and he will not be the same git he was in the later books of HP.

Also, I will not be adding any more to Harry's pairing. Some people have requested adding Luna, but I have other plans for her sorry.

I did consider making the Rooster's crow not kill the Basilisk and had started writing the fight scene that way. In the end I decided that Newt would not have gotten the information wrong with how much he loves 'creatures' so I went with the Rooster working. It was a near thing though, had I gone the other way Harry would have barely been able to hold the beast still with Telekinesis and Tonks was going to throw herself on its head from one of the half-broken pillars. Harry would have thrown her the Sword, which she nearly drops before using Accio to grab it and plunge it into the Basilisks eye from atop killing it.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who wrote suggestions to me in PM. I appreciate the fact that you take the time to write to me with your ideas. Some of them were already part of long-term plans, others gave me ideas on how to make the story better.


The Holidays were going well for the small alliance of families. Most of the time was spent at Greengrass Manor where the various families were in and out daily. Remus and Narcissa had officially announced their relationship which really didn't surprise anyone, but much celebration was had. The Grangers were fascinated by everything they were seeing – knowing their daughter had magic and seeing it used on a daily basis were two different things. The Longbottoms were enjoying being 'alive' again as they put it and the Weasleys were happy that this new group of friends had helped them turn their fortunes around after generations of struggling. It was two days before Christmas and the group had gathered for a large meal as was quickly becoming custom, only Sirius was missing.

Sitting alone in his study with a glass of fire whiskey, Lord Black was thinking over the last few months. "They will never forgive," he muttered taking another large swallow before filling his glass again. "Harry gives me a second chance and look what I did with it."

Sirius had not listened to Harry's warning about the locket. He felt he could handle any side effects and had worn it since the day Kreature brought it to him. He knew on some level that what he had done to Dolores Umbridge was going too far but it had not stopped him. After Cyrus had practically scolded him about the incident, he had promised to take the locket off but had not. He didn't feel guilty about killing the woman because she was evil to the core, so he had seen no need.

What no one knew was Sirius had continued his plans only more subtly. Crabbe and Goyle had testified against him twice. They had both been sycophants of Malfoy doing his bidding pretty much without question. Eliminating them was only natural to the locket addled mind of Lord Black. The plan had been a simple but calculated one. The men were drowning in debt thanks to the Greengrass' and Davis' buying up all their suppliers. They had received a small windfall at some point, and it looked like they may be able to turn things around. That was when Sirius struck.

Using his considerable fortune, he had secretly hired a rather dishonest wizard from the States named Dorian to contact the Crabbe and Goyle families. Dorian's letter explained to the two men that he had a supply/shipping company in the America's that was looking to expand to Europe. He had gathered a list of the families in Europe that may need the supplies he offered, and their names came up. Sirius and Dorian had been clever about the situation and had Dorian contacted several other families as well. To make it look even more legit, they had purchased a failing company with Sirius funneling money through various muggle banks and back channels so it would not lead back to him.

Crabbe and Goyle (and a few other families) had jumped at the opportunity and agreed to meet with Dorian to see his operations. The meetings were set, Dorian played his part perfectly. The warehouses full of exotic woods, herbs and supply's for other business. All of this was payed for by Lord Black, the profits and what was left of the stock would be Dorians pay when the job was over. The man would be free to sell this stock off as he liked. Dorian explained he was expanding to Europe in an effort to make the company profitable again. As the meeting went on the items were priced slightly higher than the other families were already paying, and they begged off thanking Dorian for the opportunity. Crabbe and Goyle however found the prices to be half what they were paying and close to the prices they used to pay before the sabotage caused by the Greengrass' and Davis. The trap was set.

Over the next couple weeks, Crabbe and Goyle chose and paid for a large shipment of supplies to keep their business running for a few months. They borrowed galleons from Lord Nott in exchange for five percent of each of their businesses. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but they felt regaining their status was worth it. Dorian in the meantime had bribed an official to deny Crabbe and Goyle international Port keys on the grounds that they were suspected of 'wrong doings' in the UK and their use of several such devises in the past few weeks was suspicious. They argued that it was for their business and even Dorian vouched for them, but it was still denied. This was an inconvenience until Dorian suggested to them, they could just use the large cabins available on their shipping boat and use the trip home as a time to relax. When the pair agreed thinking they could also keep an eye on their shipment the trap was sprung.

Dorian's company went under as did the ship. "I wonder what they went through as the ship sank?" Sirius thought taking another swig of whiskey. The crew had escaped on the lifeboats, but Crabbe and Goyle's meal was laced with a sleeping drought by the hit wizard who was on board posing as a crew member. All according to plan – Crabbe and Goyle would never be seen again. Dorian was taken out as well by the same Hit wizard who had no clue who paid him, all loose ends tied up. It wasn't until after the plan succeeded that Sirius used the Sword of Gryffindor to destroy the locket. Sirius closed his eyes tight as the memory flooded back.


Sirius and Cyrus were in the new training area in Grimmauld Place, Kreacher's watching eyes already swelling with tears knowing his masters final wish was about to be fulfilled. The two Lords laughing as they tried to mimic the word ~open~ in parseltongue and failing. They had been in good spirits knowing this was the end of two Horcruxes. After seven attempts Sirius finally said the word correctly and a black smoky cloud rushed out of the locket. An evil voice had rung out.

"Ssiriuss Black! Soo like your family," it laughed, "A murderer just like them!" Sirius' skin crawled and he nearly dropped the Sword. "Sssuch a Killer!" the voice said almost gleefully. He didn't know what Cyrus saw in the smoke, but Sirius had seen a ship sinking and 'I must not tell lies' floating in the air. The voice laughed and laughed as Sirius managed to stab the locket with a shaking hand. He was covered in sweat and barely able to stand.

"Are you ok Sirius?" Cyrus had asked steadying him on his feet.

"I'm fine," he had lied, "I just didn't expect that".

"Harry's memory showed us the locket lying to Ron and playing off his worse fears," Cyrus had reminded him. "Yours apparently is being like most of your family." He had placed a reassuring hand on Sirius' shoulder, "Don't worry you're not." Sirius had nodded at the time but could not shake the feelings. Cyrus had then touched the tip of the sword to the Gaunt ring and destroyed the Horcrux leaving the stone relatively intact. In the weeks that followed the feelings only got stronger. Sirius found himself waking up screaming from nightmares of being trapped inside a box and tossed into the sea.

-End Flashback-

Now two days before Christmas Sirius found himself unable to face his friends and Godson anymore. He sat drinking himself into oblivion to prevent the nightmares from happening again. He had killed before in the first war, but never like he had with Crabbe and Goyle, never as he had with Umbridge. Even his duel with Malfoy didn't bother him – at least the man had a ghost of a chance. This however, he could not shake the feeling that the locket was right, that he was evil just like his family. He took another large swallow as Harry walked in.

"Uncle Sirius are you ok?"

"Harry," Sirius responded with a fake smile, "What brings you here? Shouldn't you be trying to get into Tonk's nickers?" his response almost sounded like rouge marauder. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Everyone was wondering why you were not at dinner again," Harry explained. "Uncle Cyrus is getting worried about you and so am I."

"I've just needed some alone time is all."

"It's more than that," Harry pressed. "Andromeda tells me you are almost always drunk, and you have not gone out in weeks."

"It's nothing for you to worry about Harry. Just something I need to work out."

"Secrets are deadly Uncle; we have had too many for too long. What's going on?" Something about the look in his Godson's eyes combined with the Whiskey he had drank broke something in Sirius. He started weeping, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"You will never forgive me," Sirius choked out. Harry walked to his Uncle, sending a silent message Lord Greengrass that he was needed. Kneeling before Sirius he took his hand.

"I've sent for Cyrus; whatever it is we can work it out," Harry soothed. His Godfather just continued to weep whispering 'I'm sorry' under his breath. That was how Cyrus found the pair.

"What's going on Harry?" he asked gently.

"I'm not sure Uncle, but whatever it is clearly is effecting Sirius."

Looking at his friend, Cyrus asked. "What's troubling you, my friend?"

"The locket was correct Cyrus; I am just like the Blacks of old," Sirius managed to say. Harry was taken aback by the statement. He had heard nothing about the locket speaking when they destroyed it.

"Sirius, they were just false words of a twisted soul fragment," Cyrus soothed.

"No, no they weren't." Sirius said in a whisper. "I killed them you see, it was me."

"Who did you kill?" Harry asked a little alarmed remembering Umbridge and sharing a look with Lord Greengrass.

"Crabbe and Goyle," Sirius confessed, "That was no shipping accident that took their lives, that was me. I planned it all down to the sleeping drought in their food."

"Sirius, what are you talking about?" Cyrus asked taking a seat at the desk and pouring himself a drink into a summoned glass.

"After Umbridge, I didn't stop," Sirius said. He told the pair everything he had done and how he had covered it all up. Halfway though the story Harry had summoned a glass and began drinking as well. When the tale was told, the three men sat in silence for a long time.

"You never took the locket off, did you?" Harry said breaking the silence in the room, "even after I warned you about what it could do."

"No, I thought It was safer with me."

"Merlin's beard, Sirius, you did all this behind out backs?" Cyrus exclaimed.

"Yes, and now I am damned, I know you will never be able to forgive me." Sirius sobbed, "You gave me a great gift Harry, you freed me, and this is how I repay you…" he broke down again into silent tears. Harry closed his eyes tight and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.

"Are you sure none of this can lead back to you?"

"That's a good question," Cyrus added. Sirius looked up at both men.

"I was very thorough," Sirius responded.

Harry nodded, "So you are safe from being caught, that's about the only positive thing I can think of."

"Sirius, why didn't you come to me with this? Our plan was working, they were nearly at the breaking point."

"After Umbridge, I knew you would not approve. A small part of me kept saying I was going too far, but the rest of me wanted to eliminate our enemies who also tried to get me sent through the veil."

"Well at least we know why you targeted them, it was an unconscious desire for revenge, the locket played off that," Harry spat.

"The question is where do we go from here?" Cyrus asked.

"I know I can never be forgi-"

"Shut up, Sirius," Harry yelled. "Just shut up and let us think." Sirius was taken aback by the venom in Harry's voice. He had never heard it directed at him before.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" Cyrus asked.

"No, that's it."

"The locket is gone, but I think Sirius is in need of a mind healer," Harry said, "also he is not allowed near another Horcrux when we find them, it's obvious they affect him as bad as Ron."

"Harry!" Sirius interjected.

"Don't Harry me! I know we will need to kill our enemies and I am more than willing to do it, but what you did goes beyond the pale. We don't torture and we don't just kill! The way they died is torture and Dorian! He was just an inconvenient witness to your scheme. He may have been an unscrupulous bastard, but you killed him just to protect yourself!" Harry fumed. The air around Harry started sparking from pent up energy. His eyes took on that eerie green glow they had sometimes.

"Harry, why don't you head home. You need to calm down. I will deal with the rest of this. Thank you for calling me," Lord Greengrass said sternly. The tone in his voice cut through Harry's anger and he realized it was more of an order from his guardian than a request.

"Yes, my Lord." Harry answered. The door opened on its own and slammed behind him as he left. Sirius just continued to cry realizing he may have irreparably damaged his relationship with his Godson.

"Sirius," Cyrus sighed, "What are we going to do with you?"

"For starters I think Harry is correct, I need to see a mind healer. I think I'll go to the villa in France for a little while. I can't face everyone with what I have done."

"You know I need to share this information."

"Yes, I know you do, and you are right to do so. If our friends decide I need to turn myself in I will do so," Sirius said softly.

"I don't think it will come to that Lord Black, but you need help."

"I made Harry my Heir." Sirius said suddenly. "He doesn't know, I went to Gringotts yesterday."

"Another Lordship?" Cyrus whistled.

"I don't think I can father children anyway," Sirius half laughed. "If I do manage, they will be subject to the Blacks darkness. Harry will be a remarkable Lord Black someday."

"Do you want me to tell him?"

"No, if or when I am mentally healed, I'll tell him myself."

"Okay Sirius, when do you plan to leave?"

"As soon as I am sober enough to floo there. I promise to find a mind healer. I give my word as Lord Black." Cyrus just nodded. "Get back to the party and check on Harry for me please," Sirius begged.

"Good luck to you my friend. I will always be here for you," Cyrus said extending his hand.

"Thank you, Cyrus, I wish I had listened to you," Sirius said taking his hand. Cyrus nodded and walked out of the study to look for Harry.


Following the revelation Sirius had just given him, Harry found himself standing at the edge of the pool. He was looking into the dark water contemplating going for a swim. Everyone else was still celebrating and looking forward to Christmas. Harry's mind was now a mass of turmoil. Things kept turning out bad no matter how hard he tried. Sure, they were still ahead of the game so to speak, well trained, Horcruxes destroyed, enemy apparently on the run. And yet with all his knowledge things kept blindsiding him. It was like there was a darkness stalking him or inside him that kept blindsiding him with bad news. It was quite a surprise to him when the powerball hit him in the back knocking him into the pool.

"Harry!" Ginny screamed running to the edge of the dark water. In her wildest dreams she didn't expect her attack to connect. Harry burst from the water like a dragon in his fury. Eyes glowing green searching for the ground for whoever dared attack him. Ginny shank to her knees from the force of his fury.

"Ginny?" Harry exclaimed once his eyes fell on her. Immediately he calmed down and Ginny could feel the surprise in his gaze. Lowering himself to the ground, he walked to her and helped her up. "I'm sorry, I thought I was attacked it's been a rough night."

"It's okay Harry," she smiled feeling how calm he was currently. "Everyone told me you were the only one to never get hit by a powerball I didn't expect my attack to work."

Harry looked the young red headed witch over, there was a slight pang of heartache from his former life that he quickly suppressed, "You don't have a wand, how did you hit me with a powerball?"

"Oh," Ginny said blushing a little under his intense gaze. "That's because of Luna."

"Luna?" Harry asked. He had of course seen her since coming back to the Manor. Tori, Luna and Ginny were practically inseparable and from what he heard made mischief to rival the marauders.

"Yes, you see, Luna's dad travels all over the world looking for his odd creatures. While in Africa and some parts of Asia he discovered that most of the Magical's don't use wands at all."

"You're kidding!"

"Her father told her we are just conditioned here in Europe and in America to need one, but many in the wizarding world don't use them. Luna has been practicing wandless magic since she found out, and she was able to teach Tori and me to cast a mild stunner and the powerball without wands. We wanted to surprise you all next year at school." Harry just stared at her unbelieving.

"I can feel that you think I am pulling your leg, but I swear to you Harry I am not."

"So, you can use wandless magic?" he asked again. "and what do you mean by feel I don't believe you?"

"Unlike Luna, I don't seem to have the knack for wandless magic other than what I told you," Ginny explained. "I think I have seen wands used too many times to fully except I don't need one."

"Okay and the other part?" Harry pressed. Ginny sighed realizing she had for the first time in her short life exposed too much. She was not some groupie or fangirl anymore, Tori had set her straight, but she still was drawn to Harry in ways she could not describe. That's probably why she said too much. "I can feel other people's emotions."

"Since when?" Harry asked, startled. This was definitely something new.

"Since forever," she admitted. "I haven't told anyone before, it's kind of creepy like when one of the twins has a crush on a girl and I am too close to them I feel like I have a crush on that girl too. Even worse is when my parents are in a 'loving' mood. When I walk away, I only feel myself again."

"Do 'your' own emotions ever override what others are feeling around you?" Harry asked curiously not judging or disbelieving her. It was such a relief; she was always afraid to share this part of herself with anyone.

"Yes, if I am really angry or scared. My emotions can override those around me. When you came out of the water though all I could feel was your rage." She swallowed and realized Harry was bone dry, he must have dried himself when he exited the water.

"Can you do anything else with this ability?" Harry asked.

"I can't project my feelings or anything or make someone feel something they don't. I am just at the mercy of the emotions around me."

"I'm sorry if I frightened you, and I should have congratulated you for hitting me. You are correct, the girls and the DA have been trying in vein to hit me for quite some time." Harry smiled. "Also, I think we need to get you occlumency lessons to help shield you from others emotions."

"Thank you," she smiled back, "we should get back to the party though."

"Wait, sit." He said motioning to a chair "Tell me a little about yourself. I don't really know much other than you're Ron's little sister and Tori's friend. Also, I would like to hear more about this wandless magic Luna is practicing." He took one of the seats by the pool, using energy he made a small light appear above them. Ginny hesitantly took the seat across from him and the pair spoke for the next hour getting to know one another. Lord Greengrass had been looking for Harry and witnessed most of what occurred. When Harry first burst from the pool he was going to intervene but saw it was not necessary.

"Maybe she is what you need tonight Harry." Cyrus thought to himself and left the pair alone.


The following day found a still shaken and unhappy Harry using the pensieve. He was going over memories and interactions with Ginny from his past life. The signs of her being an empath were obvious to him now. The way she would always know what to say. How she would get angry when overwhelmed by emotions around her. The night of the quidditch world cup when she was teasing Ron about being enamored with Victor Krum.

"That whole time you were keeping it a secret." Harry marveled under his breath looking at yet another memory. This one was in the Department of Mysteries. Ginny quickly turned and attacked a Death Eater when no one else saw him coming. She must have felt the malevolence coming from him and reacted.

Even the night of Dumbledore's funeral, Ginny seemed to know what was going to happen and excepted it. She understood how he was feeling and let him break it off even though it must have hurt her terribly. All those little nuances and connections all made much more sense now. Harry began to wonder if every witch or wizard had a small hidden talent or knack on top of being magical.

Parselmouths, metamorphs, natural legilimens, empaths, seer's, were these all just the tip of the iceberg about what was really out there? Harry wondered if wizards and witches had talents they didn't even realize and took for granted like Harry had being a Parselmouth in his first go around? Now add that he had Energy Sight and was an Energy user to the list of possibilities. After all the Incarnations had told him that Merlin and Morgana were Energy Users too. The Incarnation of Evil spoke of Daphne having a hidden power. It was almost too much to think about at the moment, people around him might be more dangerous than he ever realized.

"Burning the Midnight oil again I see," Remus said interrupting Harry's thoughts.

"Uncle Remus how are you doing today?" Harry asked.

"Much better, the burn scars are nearly gone, and I am not as stiff when I move. I'll be more than ready to be a substitute Dark Arts Professor when the term starts up."

"Do you think just being a temporary Prof in name will get around the curse?"

"It's possible, If I am not given the official title then I may be able to teach as an interim Professor for years."

"Well I hope it works; you were one of the best teachers I had, the other was a Death Eater in disguise," Harry half laughed.

"What was it I interrupted when I came in? I see you are looking at memories."

"I've been given yet another piece of a puzzle that is not mine to speak of, but it got me thinking about many things." Harry paused. "Do you think it's possible that most Magical's have other abilities like Nym being a Metamorph or Tom being a Parselmouth?" Remus seemed to consider that question for a while.

"I would not say most," he answered slowly. "But I would say many. After all there are still things we don't understand about magic or Energy in your case."

"Even though magic is just Energy in use via words and motions?" Harry questioned.

"You would know better than I," Remus laughed. "I get the concept with the way you described it but let's say others are tapping into a different part of Energy, or as you said it using a different program."

"How so?" Harry was intrigued now.

"Take my affliction." Moony grimaced. "It is magical in nature but also physical, perhaps its just another program of Energy as opposed to the one that executes commands with wands." Harry turned on Energy Sight and stared hard at Lupin, he let his focus drift from just the man's souls to the innate energy around him. When he stopped focusing on what he knew, he was able to see something slighty different about Moony's body. Remus watched as Harry studied him realizing what he was doing.

"I never thought if it that way." Harry said focus returning to normal, "Even with Nym, I was looking for patterns of energy when she morphs and could not duplicate it, maybe I am just thinking in the wrong 'Program'. When I just examined you I did notice something different about your body, I can't place my finger on it yet, but maybe it was your Lycanthropy."

Remus nodded "So, when you ask if other Magicals can have other talents or abilities, the answer is obvious."

"Not all, but many."

"That's the way I see it. Hope that helps."

"It does, I never thought to try to change the way I was seeing energy. What you just told me allowed me to alter my Energy Sight slightly. I need to keep seeking other opinions and points of view. Every time I do, it unlocks another door in my mind and more things make sense."

"Well then my work here is done." Remus laughed and left the room.


Christmas came and went with much fanfare and merriment. The Longbottoms had purchased presents for Neville and Harry for each year they missed. Some of them like binkies and toddler toys were quite comical to the group. Remus laughed calling Frank a new Marauder which reminded everyone of Sirius who refused to come back for the occasion.

Even with all the joy and happiness around him Harry's mood began to get more and more sour over the mistakes of the past few months. The revelation that Ginny had given him (which he kept secret for now) weighed on his mind as well. How much more had he missed? He was trying to enjoy himself, but his anger and frustrations were making him think that he was the problem. In his last timeline the prophesy caused all the damage, and in this one he was the center of it all again, from Remus getting burned to Sirius going off the deepend, even Teds death.

Harry had carefully selected gifts for everyone, as had become his custom. The trio of Tori, Luna and Ginny were given communication mirrors to talk to their siblings (and Hermione in Luna's case.) This alone should have brought a smile to his face but again it had not. He was doing a decent job faking it, but he realized that Ginny would probably feel we was faking which set his mind off again. He had excused himself from the festivities early and retired to his room. Nym, Hermione and his Aunt had come to check on him and he just told them it was a headache and he just needed to lay down. He returned for Christmas dinner, but the darkness inside him remained.

The next few days were much of the same for Harry. He was going through the motions, but his heart was not in it. He couldn't escape the thought that maybe he was the problem. The prophecy had been about him, but with his Horcrux gone the Prophecy was technically fulfilled. He had informed most of the people here about his past (Including keeping his promise to Tracy when the Hol's started) so anyone one of them could now take out Tom. Was he even needed anymore? Or was he now a catalyst for damage to his loved ones, Energy use or not? As the thoughts plagued him, he found himself getting shorter with those around him even during training. This led to a little more damage than he intended. His new ability to pick up snippets of thoughts was not helping as those around him were wondering why he was behaving like an arse.

"Enough Harry!" Tonks breathed during their last session. She had thought that maybe this time she could keep up but Harry had fired off spells so rapidly he must have used 'Acceleration' with just his hand. She was itchy, blotchy and barely able to stand. "What the hell was that attack?"

"Sorry, Nym," Harry muttered and had excused himself. Andromeda had rushed in to help her daughter as Harry left.

"What is wrong with me?" Harry said aloud seated by the side of the pool once again. As he looked down into the water at his reflection a blond mass of hair fell over his head. Warm arms wrapped around him.

"Come with me Harry." Daphne said helping him to his feet. In his current mental state, he just let her lead him. They wound up in the Music room.

"Why are we here?" Harry asked. Daphne just put a finger to his lips shushing him and had him sit at a bench across for her. She picked up guitar tuned it for a moment. Then spoke.

"I want you to listen to this Harry, because I mean every word." Harry just looked at her confused. Daphne closed her eyes for a moment then began to strum something Harry was not sure if he had heard before.

~You with the sad eyes

Don't be discouraged, oh I realize

It's hard to take courage

In a world full of people

You can lose sight of it all

The darkness inside you

Can make you feel so small~

As Daphne sang Harry could see the energy around her, it was beautiful and permeated the room. He could feel the energy in him resonate and react to her and the song she was singing. The dark thoughts and negative feelings started lessening. He was captivated once again looking at her. She locked eyes with him refusing to let his gaze fall.

~Show me a smile then

Don't be unhappy

Can't remember when

I last saw you laughing

This world makes you crazy

And you've taken all you can bear

Just call me up

'Cause I will always be there~

Harry felt the truth in her words and realized she was telling him that he was not alone, this crazy task he was set on this ugly world he lived in he was not alone. He began to genuinely smile for the first time in days.

~And I see your true colors

Shining through

I see your true colors

And that's why I love you~

The intensity in her eyes and her voice when she sang the last line sent chills down Harry's spine, he grasped she was not just singing the words but expressing her feelings.

~So don't be afraid to let them show

Your true colors

True colors are beautiful

Like a rainbow~

He hadn't realized that tears were streaking down his face until the song ended. Daphne set down the guitar and pulled Harry into a tight Hug.

"Thank you, Daphne," Harry managed to say. "Your voice…it's magical." And in that moment, he knew it to be true. This was the power Parry had spoken of, Daphne's voice was somehow connected to her Magic and when she sang it had properties all of its own. "A part of me loves you too," Harry admitted. Daphne just held him tighter for a moment and let him go.

"Well then Heir Potter." She said formally her eyes also slightly wet from tears. "Are you ready to start being my Harry again?"

"Yes, Daphne," Harry smiled back wiping the remaining tears from his yes. "You helped me more than you can know."

"Well then, since it was me who helped you. You must promise me the first dance at the new year's Ball," she said, slightly haughtily.

"It's a promise," Harry said with a grin, standing. He kissed her forehead surprising them both and left the room feeling lighter and more focused than he had in weeks. He also knew he had to contact Parry as soon as possible. Daphne would need training to master her gift.


The New Year's Ball at the Greengrass' was considered the place to be this year. Not only was Harry Potter the ward of the Greengrass' but the official alliance between the Dumbledore's, Blacks, Greengrass,' Potter's, Longbottom's, Weasley's and Davis' had been announced. Lord Greengrass had been absent for several days in the interim. Every Wizarding family in Britain was dying to get an invite to the party. Many families had started sending courtship and betrothal requests already hoping to ally their families with the new powerhouse group. Other houses were also affiliated which made their voting block on the Wizemagont very powerful. It was this newly announced alliance that stopped Fudge from bringing the late Delores Umbridge's restriction on 'half-breeds' to a vote. In some ways this was a blessing, but in others the damage had already been done. Most Werewolves, Vampires, Veela's as well as other sentient beings that fell into this category already knew the Minister wanted to pass the legislation and they would never forget.

"I'm glad to see you are enjoying yourself," Lord Greengrass said to Harry. "I was afraid we lost you there for a little while." True to his word Harry had danced with Daphne first much to the chagrin of several young ladies in attendance. He had then danced with Tonks, Hermione, Ginny, Tracey, and several other young ladies of notable families.

"I am Uncle," Harry smiled at the older man. "If not for Daphne I would not have recovered so quickly."

"I'm sorry I have not been able to talk more recently. I have had my hands full making sure Sirius was in the clear." Lord Green grass confessed. "And then we had this party…" he waved his hands around the room.

"It's okay Uncle Cyrus, really, I just forgot myself for a few days and Daphne reminded me. Speaking of that when we DO get the chance, I figured out what Parry was talking about. With your permission I would like to contact him."

"I'm interested to hear what that is."

"Of course, Uncle."

"Harry Potter, you have not danced with me yet!" Luna said walking over and taking his hand. "I am stealing him from you Lord Greengrass," she finished with a curtsy and dragged Harry onto the floor. Several people who witnessed the exchange without hearing the actual words chuckled. Lord Greengrass had also noticed that young Ronald had spent most of the night so far dancing with Astoria. Cyrus watched the pair dance again before he spotted Lord Nott and Lord Parkinson. He made his way over to them.

"My Lords, I am glad you could attend, are your Heirs enjoying themselves?" Lord Greengrass asked the two men.

"Ah, Lord Greengrass, you throw a splendid party although I was surprised to get an invitation," Lord Nott responded with a coolness to his voice.

"It is my understanding that you are taking over the business ventures of the late Lords Crabbe and Goyle. I thought it only proper as the Greengrass' are their major suppliers." His voice was equally as cool.

"My daughter Pansy seemed to enjoy her dance with your ward," Lord Parkinson interrupted. "Did you receive my owl?" the owl in question was for a courtship contract between House Parkinson and House Potter. The man hoped to hitch his wagon to the new alliance for political gains.

"My wife has been taking care of such things for the moment. I have had my hands full with business ventures," Cyrus lied smoothly.

"I see Lord Black is not in attendance tonight," Nott interjected.

"Lord Black has been working on a business venture in France I'm afraid. He was not able to return as of yet. You know how the French are. If he had turned down an invitation to one of their parties, he would have lost face." This was the agreed upon story for the time being. It could not be public knowledge that Lord Black was seeing a mind healer.

"I would like to speak to you at your earliest convenience about the prices we are currently paying on supplies. It seams other Houses are paying far less for the same things…" Lord Nott said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"An oversight I am sure," Lord Greengrass smiled. "We will have to put something on the books soon. If you gentlemen will excuse me, I have other guests to attend to."

The rest of the night went pretty much as planned. Dark families had been invited just to check their reactions to what they had seen. Many families both Light and Dark had approached the Longbottom's hoping to curry favor, thinking the Lord was still addled by his long years in St. Mungo's. All found they were grievously mistaken.

As the night wound down and people took their leave, Harry and the rest made their way to bed looking forward to the start of term.


A/N: The song used is Obviously True Colors by Cindi Lauper. I felt it fit the mood of the story and have been planning to use it for a while, just needed a right time.

I know I've said this before, but I like to show my characters have real human weaknesses. To me that's much more interesting then Hero's who never have a crisis of conscious or doubt themselves. I didn't want to drag it out and make Harry Emo so I took care of it quickly but like us all he will doubt himself from time to time.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.