Dear person reading this!

I'm some random kid who thought it would be a good idea to try my hand at writing! so... Enjoy, Also I don't own any RWBY characters.


The Slayers


Long ago, the world was made, two brothers to make it. One made mankind, and the other, jealously made the Grimm. Little did they know, that their father, the creator of the Shattered Isles added an extra species.

The Grimm, Humanity and The Behemoths. All lived in a world called the Shattered Isles. And throughout history the men and women fought the horrors. Two occupations arose.

Huntsmen: The defenders of humanity


Slayers: The sword which defeats beasts

These bands of warriors tore through Grimm and Behemoths and the Shattered Isles were in peace. However one day disaster struck!

The isles shifted to the point that the world became spherical, the moon suddenly became brighter and water flowed through the lands. Many were killed, by the terraformation and the evil creatures.

Due to the destruction the wold was called Remnant now, not the shattered isles. However that's I'm the past... let's focus on the now...



7 year old Jaune was an average kid, yearning to be a huntsman.

However his parents, specifically his dad, Nicholas Arc was not a big fan.

"Dad, will you train me... to be a huntsman? "

"Son, there are better ways to help people... a lot more safe ways... like... being a Baker! Yeah, you bake for mom and your sisters a lot so I think..." Nicholas Arc, his father, answered

That was a conversation they had two months before and Jaune was walking down a trail in the forest by the Arc Manor.

Jaune lived in Ansel, a village far from civilization. But it was well protected, since the inhabitants of the village were mostly huntsmen. It also had it's own extension from the CCT, so the huntsmen could respond to urgent calls. That allowed them to enjoy the wonders of internet AND cable television.

Jaune was walking around dejectedly because his father wasn't into the idea of him being a huntsman. Imagine that, being a 7 year old and having your dreams shut down, it hurt him a lot.

However Jaune heard a deafening screech. OWWWW Jaune thought as he covered his ears.

Usually people would run from the source of the sound. However Jaune felt as if he might be able to help. Jaune ran towards the shrubbery that covered the place the sound came from.

Jaune saw a man with a massive sword, be might've passed for an old man. If only he didn't have ripped muscles that showed through his blue and fluffy coat.

The man was fighting a massive beaver-like creature that had armor plating on it's tail. Which was cut off by the man...

The man was bleeding all over but he was still fighting like a maniac. Hit after hit, opened a wound in the beast, until it pitifully squealed.

Jaune was watching the exchange and throught the worst as the beast kicked the man as it died.

Through the sheer force of the kick, the man was thrown into a tree. Jaune rushed toward the man.

Be ok please... Jaune said as he carried the man on his shoulder.

"Kid... what're you doing... " the man asked

"I-I'm taking you to the house, Mom or Sapphire can heal you" Jaune told the man as he was carrying him.

"You got heart kid... If you don't mind... I'll go lights out... " Thorin passed out


Jaune dragged the man to the Manor. It was a pretty big Manor too, enough space to hold a family of 10 and a Butler.

"Master Jaune, let me" The butler, Gerard Granite told Jaune. Gerard was a huntsman who was hired by the Arcs after he lost his team and his job.

Gerard took the man and he was shocked when he found out who it was...

Thorin Pendragon, a legendary huntsman, who referred to himself as a Slayer. He was well known for killing not just Grimm, but other monsters in the outlands, that sound not like Grimm, but actual Behemoths!

Whatever a slayer was, he's still strong Gerard thought as he placed Thorin on the couch in the living room and took the first aid kit.

"Jaune are you-" Jaune's youngest sister, Rogue, gasped and called Sapphire and Joan, Jaune's mother.

Jaune explained what happened to the man, and how the monster was dealt with by the man.

"By the gods Jaune! Good thing you brought him! He's in a really bad condition." Joan told Jaune as she used her aura to give some to the man. Of course she knew who the man was, but she didn't care, he was in danger.

She helped Gerard bandage up the man and they laid him down in the guest room.

"Jaune, you saved this man's life, he'll be awake tomorrow, make sure to talk to him and give him food ok? " Joan told Jaune

"Ok mom" Jaune smiled as he got a head pat from his mom.


"So, Jaune ran into Thorin Pendragon, the Slayer of Dragons and user of the tree of oak? " Nicholas asked his wife, who was still in wonder.

"Yes! The man was wounded, and Jaune saved him. I think he'd love to see the boy who saved his hide" Joan told Nicholas

Nicholas sighed, Gods... I can't do anything against that

They then went to sleep for the night. Nicholas though had a dream.

Jaune was standing with fire around him. A massive broadsword at his back, and the family sword sheathed at his side.

He had a glowing light-blue aura mixed with white aura that the Arc family was known for. He was facing a beast, scaly and reptile-like however, the silhouette of the beast flickered between that of a woman and the beast.

Jaune shouted a mumbled mess but he heard one clear message

"I'm Jaune Arc, son of Nicholas and Joan Arc. I'll stand in your way to protect those I love! " Jaune shouted as he rushed toward the flames.

Nicholas' eyes snapped open. He saw his wife still sleepy but smiling.

"Good morning" she told him

"Mornin'" he told her as he kissed her lightly on the lips

What the hell was that dream he thought


"Boy, come over here" the man, Thorin, beckoned Jaune over

"Y-Yes? "

"Hahaha, I don't bite" Thorin smiled

Jaune came to the side of the man's bed.

"You... want to be a huntsman no? " Thorin asked the young Jaune

"H-How did you know? "

"Aspiring hunters have a glint in their eye, it seeks power. It seeks the power to protect"

"Oh... I didn't know that" Jaune said awkwardly

"Come, hold this" Thorin brought out his aether lamp.

"What's this?

"It's an aether lamp, just put your hand near it" Thorin told him.

Jaune did, and almost instantly the aether in the lamp swirled fast.

Hmmm, he has talent... Thorin thought

"Boy, come" Thorin called him closer.

Jaune came closer and Thorin put his hand on Jaune's forehead. He mumbled something incomprehensible and suddenly Jaune felt light, as if he was floating.

"Boy, I have opened your body to aether, as a thanks for saving my life. Use it well, not many huntsmen get the chance to do the same" the man told Jaune

Jaune was bewildered but accepted it with a 'thank you'

"I'm not in a good shape right now... however I'll stay here for a month and train you, tell your parents" The man told Jaune who then brought Nicholas Arc.

"Jaune, please exit the room for a while" Nicholas asked Jaune who left the room reluctantly.

"Thorin Pendragon, you will train my son? " asked the Patriarch

"Yes, as a thank you for saving me"

"Are you sure? Jaune may have a heart of gold but he's no fighter, I can assure you that one of his sisters can-" Nicholas was cut off by Thorin

"Why not give the boy a chance, he might surprise you" Thorin told Nicholas

"I gave up on him years ago! He never was proficient in any weapon I gave him! He's talentless, someone else can get better by your trainin-" Nicholas was stunned to see Thorin hold up his hand and silence the Arc.

"Let's make a deal, by the end of the next month, you'll spar with the boy. If he beats you in a spar, I'll be taking him away for a few years of training" Thorin said

"And if I win? " The patriarch said

"I'll stay here as a personal trainer for you children, barring the boy, of course. "

"I can't say I trust you fully but... I'll take your offer" Nicholas accepted.

"And how do I know you won't go back on your word? " Thorin asked

"My father taught me, an Arc never goes back on his words" Nicholas said

If Jaune won, he knew Thorin could protect the young Arc. If he won, his children would become stronger in the long run. This would be a win-win for him and his family.

Thorin... just wanted to see the untrained Slayer in Jaune... Blossom

Author note: uhm, I edited this first chapter, hope it's better than the last one and uhm, I'll see you next chapter