After Edward and I set the date for the wedding, everyone flew into a bit of a frenzy. Alice and Esme wanted to throw us the biggest wedding ever known to man, stating that we, along with our sons, needed to celebrate, but we didn't want a huge wedding. Edward had already been down that road with Sarah, and all I wanted was to marry him, pure and simple. Once we got them to calm down, we sat them down and explained where we wanted our small wedding to be held. Our park. Not only had our children become the best of friends, and brothers at that park, but Edward and I found each other there. We bared our souls, discovered the bond that would eventually turn into love. The park was perfect for us.

The limo pulled up to the side of the park Jared came rushing around, opening the door for us. My hands shook while I waited for Esme, Kate, Angela, Rose, and, finally, Alice to climb out. Jared leaned in, offering me his hand. Allowing him to help me out, I inhaled a sharp breath, feeling the butterflies dancing in my stomach once again.

"Congratulations, Miss Swan," murmured Jared, nodding his head.

"Thank you." My words were soft and airy.

With the sun getting ready to set, the park had never looked more beautiful, a dull orange shimmered over us. A floral scent hit my nose, I knew where they came from; blue roses. Our flower. Bringing my hand up to cover my lips, I blinked back the tears, begging myself not to ruin my make-up now. Looking around, I saw Charlie and Alex heading over to us, both wearing black suits, with white shirts and blue ties. Smiling wider as they came closer to us, Charlie stayed a few steps away, allowing Alex to reach me first.

"Momma, you look beautiful," he gasped, slipping his arms around my waist. "Like one of those princesses that Anna loves so much."

"Thank you, sweetheart," I whispered, sniffling back my tears. Clearing his throat, my father reached into his jacket, pulling out a handkerchief, handing it to me like it was nothing. "Thank you, Daddy."

"Welcome," he groused, keeping his eyes on the ground. "You look beautiful, Bells."

"You clean up nice," I giggled, causing him to laugh and shake his head.

Lifting his head, he met my eyes. "You ready, honey?"

"Yes," I breathed, still shaking. "More than ready."

Esme, Rose, Alice, Kate, and Angela took their turns to hug me, before they headed just beyond the trees to take their seats. Hooking my arms in with Charlie and Alex, I allowed the two of them to lead me down the candlelight path. Making our way around the trees, music started playing, and everyone stood up, blocking our view of the people we needed to see. The moment my foot landed on the blue carpeting leading down the aisle, everyone around us murmured, "Aw."

Looking up, I found the deep, sparkling green eyes I dreamed about every night. Standing under the white arch, Edward, with Anthony right in front of him, smiled. My heart raced in my chest, beating against my ribs. They were here, ready for us.

"Daddy!" squealed Alex, pulling me and Charlie down the aisle. Everyone laughed.

"Slow down, bud," chuckled Edward, putting his hand up, but keeping his eyes locked on mine. "We've got plenty of time."

Huffing, Alex followed Edward's instructions, walking me down the aisle. On the other side of me, I could hear Charlie sniffing, but couldn't look at him, knowing if I did, I would start crying, too. Instead, I held onto his arm tighter, telling him what my words couldn't, I love him. Telling him thank you for never giving up on me, for holding me for hours when I cried. For talking me through three in the morning feedings, and temper tantrums. Always telling me how good of a mom I was, what a good job, I did, my father had been there for me every step of the way. Now, he could let me go without having to worry. Edward would be there now.

"I know, honey," he muttered, placing his hand over mine. "Me too."

Coming up to Edward and Anthony, we stopped. Anthony reached out, covering my hand with his, breathtaking smile on his lips. "You're really pretty, Mommy."

"Thank you," I murmured. "You look so handsome."

Anthony blushed. I lifted my eyes back up to Edward, feeling my own cheeks heat up. Before he could say anything, Reverend Robert Weber, Angela's father, stepped up behind him. He had graciously agreed to perform our wedding five minutes after meeting Alex, who Anna introduced as "the love of my life, Pappy." Ben hadn't been too happy about her little declaration, but didn't say anything. Robert found it hilarious, however, and agreed on the spot.

"Are we ready to begin?" He looked between us.

"Yes," we replied, laughing when we spoke at the same time.

"We're gathered here today to celebrate the union of Bella and Edward, along with their sons, Alexander and Anthony," he started. "Who gives this woman to be married?"

"I do," announced Alex, proudly. Again, everyone awed. Looking up at me, Alex somehow smiled wider, taking my hand and placing it in Edward's. "Did I do that right?"

"Yes, Alex," chuckled Robert, shaking his head in amusement. Alex, beaming, looked over his shoulder at Anna, who sat between her parents, and waved. Anna giggled, waving back, causing Ben to groan. Clearing his throat, Robert brought his attention back around to us. "It's always a blessing to get to stand before two people who love each other, and watch them commit their lives to one another. However, this time feels different. Instead of uniting two people, I'm bonding four lives together."

Pausing, Robert looked to my father, nodding his head. Letting go of my arm, my father, placed my other hand on top of mine and Edward's joined hands. Blinking rapidly, and letting his chin wobble, he shifted his eyes up to mine. "I've waited a long time to see you smile again, Bella," he choked out.

"Daddy," I wept.

"Be happy, sweetheart, and let them love you," he added, leaning in and kissing my cheek. A tear fell onto my bare shoulder, I was unable to stop my own from falling. "It's been an honor to stand here with you."

"Thank you, Daddy," I whimpered, "for everything."

Charlie stepped away, wiping the tears off his face, and sitting next to Sue, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, and leaning in to kiss her cheek. Turning back to Edward, I smiled once again. His eyes were swimming with tears, too. "I love you," he whispered, squeezing my hand.

"I love you, too," I resounded, matching his soft tone.

"Yeah, yeah, we all love each other," grumbled Anthony. "Can we get on with it? There's cake!"

Everyone laughed. "Edward and Isabella have chosen to write their own vows," chuckled Robert, resuming the ceremony. "Edward."

Taking a deep breath, he turned to me, shifting his eyes down to Alex and Anthony for a spit second before looking up at me again. "Do you remember when we went to the zoo?" I nodded. "I fell in love with you on that day. I'm sure of it," he murmured, each word laced with tears. "We were in front of the monkey's, and you had your arms around the boys. Anthony pointed out the baby monkey, commenting on how he believed that she hugged him all the time. You didn't say anything, Bella, but you pulled him into yours arms, holding him just a little tighter. I didn't realize it at the time, but I fell in love you in that moment. You fixed us, Bella. You and Alex make us whole,and I will spend everyday of the rest of my life thanking god for bringing you and Alex to us."

"Oh, Edward," I cried, bringing a hand up to my mouth. Behind us, I could hear people crying with me, but all I could focus on were the people standing in front of me; my children and husband.

"Bella," encouraged Robert, indicating it was my turn.

Trying to get some control of myself, I slid my hand around, pulling Alex against my body and letting my hand rest on his chest. Feeling his heartbeat under my palm, I looked between Edward and Anthony. "I was scared," I began, speaking just over a whisper. "For so long. I never thought I'd be see the day when it didn't hurt to wake up alone, but I finally did."

I began weeping. Alex turned, wrapping his arms around me. "It's okay, Momma. You have Daddy now," he soothed.

"I know, sweetie," I cried, smiling when I looked up at Edward. "I will spend everyday of my life thanking god that he sent you and Anthony to us. Together, we became a family, we will always be a family."

"Momma," whimpered Anthony, stepping over and hugging me and Alex. Soft sobbing came from behind us, but all I could focus on where the boys in front of me, and the man who made us complete.

"Forever, Bella," he echoed, stepping over to us. Leaning his forehead down onto mine, he slipped his hand into mine, pulling it up to his chest. "Forever."

Clearing his throat, Robert pulled our attention back to him. Blushing, I pulled on my bottom lip, smiling weakly. "May I have the rings, please?"

Standing up, Esme stepped up to us, holding out the two wedding bands we had picked out. Both were simple gold bands, perfect for us. She placed the bands in Robert's hand, wiping away a tear traveling down her face. Returning to her seat, she cuddled up to Carlisle, placing her hand over her heart.

"These rings make a perfect circle," he explained, holding up my wedding band. "Just like these rings, your love is everlasting and never ending." Turning to Edward, he held out my ring. "Edward."

Sliding my wedding band along my left ring finger, he stopped at the knuckle, meeting my eyes once more. "Bella, with this ring, I vow to love, cherish, and honor you all the days of my life," he murmured. Pushing gently, he slid the ring up my finger, laying it to rest next to my engagement ring. A tear rolled down his face, falling into the lapel of his black jacket.

"Bella," murmured Robert.

Smiling, I took the ring he offered me, placing it at the tip of Edward's left ring finger. My hand shook when I started slipping it down to his knuckle. Feeling my lips tremble, I lifted my eyes to his. "Edward," the simple word came out shaky, "with this ring, I vow to love, cherish, and honor you all the days of my life."

Taking a deep breath, I glided his ring up his finger. Wrapping his fingers around my hand, Edward placed one hand on Anthony's shoulder, squeezing. He looked up at him, nodding his head before reaching inside of his little suit jacket and pulling out a small, dark velvet box.

"Momma," he began, sniffing through the words, "me and Alex picked this out for you, because, now, you're officially my mommy, too."

Holding the box out to me, I let go of Edward's fingers and took it from him, before kneeling down. Bringing my boys into my arms, I hugged them both. "I'll always be your mommy, sweetheart," I whispered, just loud enough for them, Edward, and Robert to hear. "I love you."

"Love you," cried Anthony, burying his face in my neck. Alex, laying his head on my shoulder, reached down and opened the box. I gasped.

Inside of the small box, laid small gold locket with two birthstones imbedded in the middle of the heart. The aquamarine and ruby stones offset each other, but much like my sons, were the perfect pair. With shaking fingers, I reached up, brushing my fingers over them, trying to stop myself from breaking down completely. I was the luckiest woman in the world to have such amazing sons.

"Do you like it, Momma?" begged Alex.

"I love it." I smiled. "Will you two help me put it on?"

Nodding eagerly, they looked up at Edward, asking him to help them get it out of the box. I turned, catching my father's eyes when they lifted the necklace over my head, letting it rest over my heart, right where they laid. Charlie's cheeky grin told me that he knew all about this. After a couple of tries, Alex and Anthony were able to get the clasp and I turned back to them, hugging both of them. Reaching around them, I grabbed Edward's hand, weaving our fingers together.

Robert had a smile playing on his lips when we looked back at him. Closing his bible, he hugged the book to his chest. "It's my honor and a privilege, to pronounce you husband and wife. Edward, you may kiss your bride."

Bringing his free hand up to cup my face, he brushed his thumb over my cheek, before leaning in and finding my lips. Placing my hand on the back of his neck, I leaned into the kiss, the first kiss toward spending the rest of our lives together.

"Sorry, Reverend Weber, they like to kiss," griped Anthony. Laughing, Edward and I pulled away, looking down at him. With a lazy smirk on he face, he slung his arm around Alex's shoulder. "Time for cake?"

"Almost." Edward snorted, pulling to boys in front of us as we turned and faced our guests for the first time.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Edward and Isabella Cullen."

Standing up, everyone started clapping for us. Feeling my cheeks heat up from the attention, I took hold of Anthony's hand, while Edward held Alex's hand. Together, we walked back up the aisle, a family prepared to face whatever obstacles stumble before us, and ready to move forward to a future of our own making.


I sat on the side of the bathtub, staring at the tiny white stick laying next to the sink. The only sounds were the slow, painful ticks coming from the kitchen timer sitting beside the little white stick. My heart raced through my chest, beating against my ribs. I tightened my grip around my fingers, trying to keep them from shaking, but since my entire body shook, it was a futile effort.

Chiming, the kitchen timer went off. I jumped, startled, even though I had been watching the hand moved at a slow, torturous pace. Standing up, I reached down, picking up the little white stick, and took a deep breath. Flipping it over, my heart thumped in my chest.

"Baby," called Edward, knocking on the door. "Do you know yet?"

Clutching the stick, I took the three steps over to the door, twisting the handle, and pulling door. He stood with his hands on either side of the frame, anticipation etched on his face. "Do you know?" he repeated. Instead of replying, I held the stick out to him. He took it, flipping it over. Snapping his eyes to mine, he gasped. "Are you fucking serious?"

Thank you for all the amazing reviews. Ther is a sequel to our little story called Moving Forward and I hope to have it started tomorrow.