Reviews for Taking Chances
Longing to Write chapter 47 . 7/12
Sweet story.
cullensrule chapter 47 . 6/27
This chapter had me tearing up. Four tissues later if was perfect. Thank you for this wonderful story. I enjoyed it so much. Alex, Anthony and Charlie were priceless.
ChristyWIX chapter 47 . 6/22
Beautiful wedding. Absolutely perfect for the two of them. Neither wanted the big to-do and they got exactly what they wanted, yay. I am a huge fan of small and intimate weddings. Had one myself. Those big ordeals are just garish and horrible. I was going to be upset that this ended so abruptly. Glad to read there is a sequel. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~ChristyWIX
ChristyWIX chapter 46 . 6/22
Bella was a right mess. Understandably so. I still have issues with them being separated after what happened before. This day should have been nothing but blissful and happy for her. Instead, she was an absolute wreck because she was so worried that she’d lose Edward the way she lost Brody. That was really unfair to do to her. That is not a part of your life you can get back or do over and she just spent it miserable and zoned out. Ugh. She damn near had a panic attack with Charlie in the morning. That is not good at all. I hope the other women enjoyed themselves, the bride sure as heck didn’t. Poor Bella.
ChristyWIX chapter 45 . 6/21
What a beautiful rehearsal dinner. Elliott and his crush on Bella is just too adorable. Rose's words to Edward were sad, yet loving. I like your Rose very much. I was rather shocked that Bella ever agreed to separating the night before the wedding. I would think, after what happened, that she never would’ve allowed for it. Traditions be damned. Definitely a shocker. Brody coming to Edward made my eyes leak. None of the others got to me. This visit did. Goodness.
ChristyWIX chapter 44 . 6/21
So happy to learn she finished the book and it’s already out there making waves. Looks like it is going to be a phenominal hit. Go Bella! Tanya was funny in this chapter. She is a great character. Refreshing change from the ones that are always trying to steal Edward away. Not this one, she was happy with the boys. It seemed she had a ton of fun with those two the whole night. Glad to see Charlie and sue are dating now. Must be hard to do living four hours apart. They’re doing it though. Bella and Edward were all kinds of sexy when they got back home.
ChristyWIX chapter 43 . 6/21
Loved that Bella answered Edward with a caveat. That she will let Edward adopt Alex when they marry, as long as she can do the same with Anthony. Yay! Both those boys deserve to fully belong to the other parent. I still think Bella may already be pregnant. Or, she will become before they decide it is time. The boys loved their new bikes so much. I am surprised they didn’t ask to bring them with them to Carlisle and Esme’s home. The photo album was a lovely gift. Her saying that Bella was the one that inspired her to to start shooting again, was really nice. Carlisle's gift of the ornaments was also lovely. What a wonderful tradition to have. I love that they still put Sarah's on the tree. It is a perfect time of year to remember her with love. Sweet ending with the family photo.
ChristyWIX chapter 42 . 6/21
That song would drive me crazy if it was nonstop for days. I’m surprised that Edward and/or Bella didn’t threaten them with Santa. Saying they better stop singing it or Santa won’t come, lol. Charlie is evil for teaching them it. Something my husband would do, teach a kid that song. The grits were all well done. The two at the end, Bella to Charlie, the Old Spice and Charlie to Bella, the iTunes card . . . 'the usual' , , , too cute. I loved Edward’s idea of adopting Alex. I hope that Bella does the same with Anthony.
ChristyWIX chapter 41 . 6/21
Well, they are out of their old homes and into their new one. They’re all moved in, they just have to unpack. Hopefully, Bella wakes up the next morning back to her normal age, as she wasn’t any better in this chapter. I liked that Edward thought the same thing I had. Going along with her on the tour and taking the boys with them. His idea of photographing Bella was an odd choice though. I figured he’d want to capture the sights, as he was trying to get away from shooting pets and people. I liked that the boys want a sister. I have a feeling that will happen without abella and Edward having a choice in the matter.
ChristyWIX chapter 40 . 6/21
I have to say Bella was incredibly immature in this chapter. She was acting like she was fifteen in that meeting with the head of the company, not her nearly thirty year old self. It was embarrassing to read her be so very unprofessional with him. Even turning anger on Tanya at one point. I would say that had they not wanted her latest book so desperately, he would’ve had no issue whatsoever kicking her out completely. She was horrid to him. Tanya hugging her when she was leaving the office was a shocker, as she was treated like dirt by Bella. Good grief. The one thing, pfft the only thing, I agreed with Bella on for that meeting, was that she needed to discuss it all with Edward first. With Edward having enough notice, he and the boys could travel with Bella to these events. He may even be able to capture some great shots of the cities they go to for a book of his own, a coffee table book. Marcus and Didyme did an amazing thing for them and those boys. What wonderful people they are. The boys really will like the room. What talent.
Longing to Write chapter 12 . 6/21
Sweet chapter.

I was surprised Bella ordered something with nuts since Alex is allergic.
ChristyWIX chapter 39 . 6/21
That was one giant insatiable chapter. As it should be for them when they’ve got a childfree night. And, they did it over and over again all night long. Sated at sunrise should be the name of that chapter. Very fun to read.
ChristyWIX chapter 38 . 6/21
I like how drawn Ivy is to her Aunt Bella. She always has grabby hands towards Bella when she is near. It’s really cute. Elliott and his question was adorable. So cute. Rose and Bella had a great conversation too. I like that Bella told her to stop trying to make her situation less than, just because Bella lost her fiancé. The wall of photos and the story Carlisle told Bella was fun to read. Edward joining in was sweet too. Esme asking to keep the boys and kicking them out of the house was funny.
ChristyWIX chapter 37 . 6/21
What a wonderful chapter you put together of Edward leading up to the proposal we left of at in the last chapter. That was all kinds of fantastic. Calling and then meeting with Charlie to get his blessing. Charlie meeting Sue, wonderf if Charlie is going to sell his place there in Forks and buy Bella's place. With everyone he loves there in Seattle, it may be time to move closer. Driving four hours each direction to date would be very cumbersome. I liked that Charlie suggested he ask Alex. Loved that Edward did just that. I also really liked the explanation of why Sarah did not have his grandmother’s ring. Loved Bella’s way of answering Edward. Very well written. Emmett has to be rather cranky right now, as the food must all be cold, lol.
ChristyWIX chapter 36 . 6/21
I’m so happy they are buying the house. I knew they would, as it was just too good to pass up. Marcus and Didyme must’ve truly enjoyed seeing Alex and Anthony fall in love with their home. They’ve got to know they’re selling it to a family that will have lots of love and make it their own home. The conversation with Bella and Esme was good. Made Esme less weird to this reader. All of the reasons everyone was thankful for was fun to read. Then you shocked me with Edward dropping to one knee and proposing. That was brilliant. So very lovely too. What a wonderful surprise. So excited for them.
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