A/N: This story is based on the live action version of Aladdin. It deals with that chair-scene from the movie and what follows directly afterwards.
It is partly filling in the blanks from the movie, and part AU (only a little). The story will consist of two chapters, but the next chapter will probably not be posted before next week (sorry...)

Thanks in advance for reading, and all favs, follows and reviews are highly appreciated ;-)

He was in trouble…
Aladdin had a nose for such things, and right now he could smell trouble from a mile away.

The moment the guards had appeared in front and behind him, effectively blocking his way in one of the palace's corridors, Aladdin knew this might not end well. He was not one to show fear, so he kept up his bravado and tried to bluff his way out of this.
"Can I help you?" he began bravely, although his voice did sound a little higher than usual.
"The Vizier wants a word with you" one of the guards spoke.
"Okay" Aladdin answered apprehensively. Maybe, just maybe, this was not as bad as he feared. Still, Jafar had brought him to the Cave of Wonders and was the one person in the entire palace who could know that he was not Prince Ali.
"I'll be honoured to meet with him" Aladdin said "please lead the way to his office".

The guards escorted Aladdin through half the palace, to the wing that presumably housed Jafar's office. He wasn't manhandled by the guards, but it was very clear that he should not make any unexpected moves.
Halfway down the umpteenth corridor, they halted in front of a heavy wooden door on the righthand side. Given the rich, decorative carvings in the wood, this could indeed very well be the office of someone as important as Jafar.
Without knocking the guards pushed the door open and led Aladdin inside.

The moment Aladdin set foot over the threshold, he knew he should have trusted his instincts. He definitely was in trouble…

The door closed behind him and there was a loud click of the lock sliding shut.
Aladdin spun round to assess his situation, but that was the worst move he could have made. And he knew it…
He heard the guards behind him make their move. He swiftly tried to turn back to see the impending doom, but he didn't get the chance. One of the guards' elbows landed hard and painfully between his shoulder blades. Aladdin crumpled to all fours, coughing and gasping for breath. The guard who had locked the door saw the opportunity and kicked him hard in the ribs.
Aladdin fell over and lay on his back on the stone floor. He was winded, and his spine and ribs hurt from the impacts. Before he could move, the guards grabbed him. His arms were painfully twisted behind his back, and his wrists and ankles were bound with ropes that bit his skin if he struggled too much.
"What're you doing?! Let go of me!" Aladdin protested, as he started to lose his cool now.
"Jafar wants a word" the lead guard answered curtly.

Aladdin was dragged over to a wooden chair that stood on the edge of a balcony without any railings. He was slammed down hard on it, sitting uncomfortably with bound hands and feet.
Aladdin ventured a peek over his shoulder to see what was behind him, and felt his stomach turn. Behind him was only the steep cliff and, far below, the sea crashing upon the rocks and against the cliffs. He could see where this was going…
"Come on, guys! Can't we just have a civilized conversation?" Aladdin pleaded, definitely getting concerned now.
"That would depend on your answers". One of the guards came to stand by the back of Aladdin's chair and another stood in front of him.
"What answers?" Aladdin could not remember being asked any questions yet.
The guard beside him moved swiftly. He grabbed the back of the chair and tipped it backwards. He didn't let go, but suspended Aladdin helplessly over the edge of the cliff.
"Wow, wait!" Aladdin protested, but didn't dare to struggle too much.
"Who are you?" the guard hissed the question at him.
"I'm Prince Ali… of Ababwa" Aladdin answered hastily.
"You lie!" the guard retorted.
"No, I'm not" Aladdin threw in, "I am Prince Ali".
"There is no Prince Ali" the guard held on. Aladdin nervously glanced over his shoulder again at the crashing waves far beneath him.
"Of course there is a Prince Ali. You're looking at him!" Aladdin bluffed, "don't you know who I am?!"

"I know exactly who you are…"

The cold, but serene voice sent involuntary chills down Aladdin's spine.
He had not seen or heard Jafar enter the room, and for a moment he wondered whether or not the Vizier had been there all along.
The guards set the chair back on all four legs and stepped away to give Jafar some space with his prisoner. Aladdin knew that what had happened to him thus far, was probably nothing compared to what Jafar was cooking up.

"I know exactly who you are… Aladdin". Jafar advanced slowly on Aladdin, his cold gaze boring into him.
"I'm Prince Ali of Ababwa" Aladdin held on.
"You cannot be a prince of a kingdom that does not exist" Jafar sneered, halting a few feet in front of Aladdin.
"Just because you have never visited it does not mean it doesn't exist". Aladdin knew he was pushing the boundaries of his luck and of what Jafar would accept from him.
"Are you calling my bluff?" Jafar's glare turned menacing now. Even his parrot seemed to know no good was coming, for it flew off Jafar's shoulder and on its perch, screeching, "Oh-oh, who's in trouble now!".
"No" Aladdin felt the situation slip further out of his control, "what I mean to say…"
"Explain me this" Jafar interrupted, holding up a slender forefinger to silence him, "how does a street thief like you make it out of the Cave of Wonders alive, carrying so valuable a trinket?"
"I don't know what you're talking about" Aladdin retorted.
"It doesn't matter" Jafar answered coolly, "it is easy enough to put to the test".
It started to frighten Aladdin how calm and collected Jafar seemed to be, even though his eyes were filled with hatred and anger.
"Where is the lamp, Aladdin?" Jafar sneered.
"What?" Aladdin was still not ready to blow his cover, "this must be a misunderstanding! I don't have a lamp and I don't know who Aladdin is. I am Prince Ali of Ababwa!"
"Really?" Jafar now almost growled, barely able to contain his anger any longer, "so if I were to throw you of this balcony, and you really are Prince Ali of Ababwa, you will die a watery death. If you survive, it can only be because of the lamp. In which case I'll have my answer".
Aladdin now saw a deranged look in Jafar's eyes. The look of a wildly unpredictable madman.
"So?" Jafar pressed on. He lifted up his staff and placed the end of it against Aladdin's chest.
Aladdin shifted uncomfortably in the chair and looked fearfully at the gold staff resting against his chest. Things were really getting hairy now…
"I don't know who you think I am". The moment the words had left his mouth, Aladdin knew he had gone too far.
An evil grin spread across Jafar's face. "Goodbye, Aladdin".
Jafar gave his staff a violent shove.
"No!" Aladdin screamed. He felt the staff push him backwards and tip the chair over. With his hands and feet still tightly bound, there was nothing he could do to prevent himself from going over the edge. He got one last look at Jafar's evil smirk, before he fully disappeared over the edge.

The fall down to the water felt like ages to Aladdin.
A involuntary scream tore from his lips as he was somersaulted to what indeed would be a watery death.

The chair shattered into pieces upon impact with the water. The wood took most of the force of crashing into the sea, but Aladdin still felt his back and shoulders take a heavy hit. He was just able to take a gulp of air before he disappeared under the water's surface.
Aladdin sank to the bottom like a stone, and came to lay on the sandy ocean floor. He was now freed of the chair, but the bonds were still tightly in place around his wrists and ankles, making it impossible for him to swim. Fighting against the ropes resulted in nothing, apart from his skin being cut.
Aladdin truly started to panic now. There was no way he was getting out of these bonds, and he was quickly running out of oxygen. Jafar would get his way: he was going to drown.

Just when he had lost all hope for a miraculous escape, Aladdin noticed a shadow appear at the water's surface. It was a rectangular form hanging over him. Something glimmered at the surface, and was suddenly sinking through the water in Aladdin's direction. He needed a few seconds to recognize it for what it was.

The lamp!

Maybe there was an escape possible after all, but he needed to act fast.
The lamp landed in the sand a few metres beside Aladdin. He kicked at the water and the ocean floor to the best of his ability. The current was strong and the bonds limited his movements, making it difficult for him to reach the lamp.
Aladdin felt his mind getting foggy from the lack of oxygen. The hope he had just felt upon seeing the lamp disappeared quickly, because he was doubting that there was enough oxygen left in his lungs to actually reach it.
Aladdin willed himself to continue, but simply couldn't anymore. His lungs burned for air, the need to take a breath became almost irresistible, and his vision started to blur and darken. His fight was over.

Within a metre from the lamp, Aladdin went limp and lost consciousness…