Lisa was practicing fighting with her polearm, spinning and parrying it and making quick jabs into the target.
"Lisa my dear daughter there you are. How many times have I told you, the duty of a princess is to marry a prince, not to be a warrior!" Sultan Bobby brought her into the throne room. "I have someone to introduce you to."
There before her stood a man that Lisa immediately did not trust. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He had tanned skin, like everyone in Agrabah. His blue eyes were very blue, almost glowing.
"Lisa dear. This is Lucifer, my newest and most trusted advisor." Bobby said.
Lisa forced her features into a sweet smile and curtseyed before him as he bowed to her and kissed her hand. Revolting.
"A pleasure to meet you, sweet princess." Lucifer said.
"No, the pleasure is all mine." Lisa said.
And with that she called her pet fox Kit and the two went to her room.
Lisa pulled the secret store of books she had accumulated about magic and lore in her travels throughout the kingdom and beyond. Travels that her father never need know about.
She pulled a small scroll from a treasure box.
This scroll contained the prophecy of hope for her kingdom.
"When the Sorcerer descends fiery damnation upon Agrabah, a Savior will arise to cut him down. This Savior, this Righteous Man, is the Diamond in the Rough!"
Lisa clung to the scroll.
"I will find the diamond, if I must search a thousand lifetimes and never marry. Lucifer must be stopped. I must help the Savior cut him down. That is the true duty of a princess."