A/N: Yet another one of my H/Hr story ideas come to life! This is what happens when you get distracted from your WIP... at least for me.

Like Magic

Harry thought he'd experienced as much as one could by defeating a dark sorcerer. He thought he'd done and given enough by ending a war while still a teenager. He thought Fate would finally look away from him and turn her attention to someone else after 18 years. He thought he was done with anomalies in the magical world but he apparently thought wrong, because, now- now- there was something weird going on with his very magic.

The months after Voldemort's fall were emotional, hectic, confusing and promising and, initially, Harry did not notice something was off. There were random, sparse instances with his magic that he did not pay much attention to because they seemed so mundane; he could not have correctly identified when they even started.

However, the wizard did eventually begin to take more notice of these strange occurrences and the first one he was fully cognizant of happened during lunch with Ron and Hermione. The trio had gone to a restaurant and requested to sit outside due to the accommodating July weather, and they were all in a pleasant mood during the meal despite the gawkers watching them. And it was only gawking, as privacy charms kept anyone from hearing them and their combined fame intimidated anyone from approaching them during the meal.

The general mood of the lunch was jovial. They were so focused on how good it felt merely being there, alive and content and together. Hermione had laughed at something her boys said, a tinkling, delighted laugh that had been missing from her since the war took a grisly turn in sixth year with Dumbledore's death, and, moments later, she gestured and smacked her glass of juice; the liquid went rushing in the other direction of the circular table, surprising them. All three stopped and peered at the accident before Harry took out his wand and declared that he would right it. He succeeded in getting the juice back in the glass and having it sit upright again, but only a split second later and the glass slammed the opposite way, all of the liquid spraying on Hermione's face and chest like it had come out of a hose.

They all froze at this as the wizards stared at Hermione, Harry with a gaping mouth and Ron with wide eyes. She appeared stunned and did not have a reaction, at first. But then Harry found his voice and was apologizing profusely, insisting he had no idea what had happened as he had not meant to do that ("I reckon I overshot? I'm so sorry!"). When the witch finally did react, it was to laugh. She laughed because it had been unexpected, because she knew it was accident, and because she probably looked ridiculous and knew this would find its way into a newspaper or magazine, not helped by the sheer amount of people watching them.

But she mostly laughed simply because she could. Hermione laughed because she had made it through a war at practically nineteen years old with the two people who meant the most to her in the wizarding world, both of whom were relieved that she was taking the juicing so well. She used her own wand to dry herself so she appeared as if nothing had happened, and the trio returned to its lunch, not giving any more mind to Harry's extreme display of magic.

One week later, they were at Grimmauld Place in one of the home's abundant rooms when Harry took a seat and then used his wand to close the door behind them. The door slammed shut so loudly that all three jumped and Hermione's hand went to cover her mouth when they observed two, long splinters manifest in the wood seconds later from the force of it. She looked at Harry questioningly and he could only grimace when Ron sarcastically asked his best friend if he believed he closed the door hard enough.

Then, there was the incident at the Ministry of Magic.

Ron and Harry (and Neville) had taken up the government's offer of joining the Auror Academy based on their accomplishments in the war, despite missing NEWTS, and Minister Shacklebolt had been more than happy to welcome them. Hermione was happy for her boys and went with them to pick up the stack of paper they would need to fill out before returning the following week for a physical examination and practical examination in dueling. (The week after that, the two would officially begin the Academy with twelve other wizards and witches).

For her part, Hermione had chosen to complete her final year of school but was not doing so the traditional way by returning to Hogwarts, as Ginny was. She was going to receive a curriculum for her seventh year and study independently before taking her NEWTS in January. She had until June to finish her studies and take the exams, which is what the Patil twins were doing, but she believed she did not need that much time to complete the work, which was an accurate assessment due to the witch's intellect. Hermione also wanted to be able to start working as soon as possible so that meant January and not June.

She had chosen to not return to school because, after spending a year on the run facing impossible odds, the thought of going back to a boarding school at age 19, where she would be locked away for nine months, was one that she could not stomach. What was more, it would have kept her away from Harry and Ron, which she could not imagine. That year had been hell for them but brought them even closer together, especially Hermione and Harry, and if she were separated from them, she could not do things like go with them to start their Auror careers. Or witness Harry's odd displays of magic, such as him holding the stack of paperwork and being led to a table to fill it out with a gentle hand from Hermione on his back before all of the paper went flying erratically in four different directions.

Physically going away to school would also have meant that Hermione missed her two best friends moving into an apartment together. The trio had resided at the Burrow until the middle of June, at which point Harry went to Grimmauld. Hermione went with him so he would not be alone, yet when Ron said he could go as well, the pair insisted he needed to be with his family to mourn Fred, which he did. However, the brunettes still frequented the Weasleys often and their youngest son could be found at Grimmauld on occasion.

Thus, when Harry and Ron decided to get a place in September, it seemed like a step everyone was ready for as, by this point, Hermione had her parents back. Two Ministry employees who were renowned for their work with memory charms had accompanied the witch to Australia in late August to reverse her work and, one week later, the Muggleborn had returned to England with her parents and a hole in her heart repaired. She moved back in with them but she was there to help her boys move in (which only took one day) and get settled (which took a week). They had a housewarming party two weeks after arriving and crammed a large number of people into a two bedroom apartment but no one seemed to mind. Most everyone they cared about was present and it was a good time.

Incidentally, it was also when Harry experienced another magical outburst. He had been in the kitchen when Hermione wandered her way inside, pushing the number of occupants in the room up to two.

"Harry, there you are!" she stated, smiling at him.

"Looking for me?" he wondered, giving a half smile.

"Not necessarily."


She laughed and then said:

"Seamus was asking after you, actually."

"Was he?" Harry prompted.

"Yes. Well, asking about you, more like. About a… situation."

"What situation?"

He was looking at Hermione with a raised eyebrow and she made a bit of a face, looking fairly apologetic.

"With Ginny," she attested. There was a stint of blunt silence.


"I told him I wasn't certain…"

"Yeah, well… there's not much to tell. She's away 'til June and we're not together." Harry remarked, looking away.

It had been at the start of July when Ginny and Harry revisited the topic of romance. Initially, it was slightly awkward; her brother had only been dead for two months and he was still reeling from Voldemort's demise, which were the two essential reasons both were unprepared to try again. The discomfort vanished with honesty and Harry stated he felt like a different person from the year away, and wanted to be better overall before he became a boyfriend once more. Ginny understood and pointed out that she was going back to Hogwarts as well, which would put a strain on anything they attempted to get going.

It felt nice being on the same page and Harry even agreed with her comment that the following summer might be a much better time to embrace romance again if things aligned for them. Nevertheless, he was shocked when Ginny ended the conversation by practically jumping on him and kissing him like the world was ending. It did not prevent him from participating in the lip lock for those few, fervid minutes but Harry was undoubtedly shocked. Since then, though, nothing else had passed between the pair that was not platonic.

Hermione nodded and her cautious demeanor faded. Harry was not vocal about his feelings regarding Ginny but he had made it clear to her and Ron, more so her, that the pair was not going to rekindle its relationship in the foreseeable future because of the timing. If there was anything more to it Hermione did not know because he did not share, something that, for some reason, made her both upset and relieved.

"Well, I did come in here for a reason that was not to pester you about your ex-girlfriend," she mentioned.

"That was just a bonus, yes?" Harry responded, flashing a short smile and pulling a genuine one from her.

"I need a new glass, actually. Will you hand me one?"

He nodded and moved swiftly to open one of the cabinets for the requested glass, but when he grabbed the knob and pulled it out, every single cabinet door in the kitchen flew open with soft BANGS at the same time. Hermione took a step back in alarm and a hand went over her heart while Harry merely stood and stared into the cabinet he had physically opened, blinking a couple times. When he finally turned back around to face her, he appeared sheepish.

"Er… so which glass do you want?" he asked.

The peculiar shows of magic only increased from there. Those close to Harry noticed and started to make remarks, conveying their confusion, but by the time October was coming to a close, they expressed concern. He took Molly's advice and went to St. Mungos for a checkup (despite the fact that he had had a thorough one before starting the Academy), but when he was given a clean bill of physical and magical health, Hermione took it upon herself to research. Harry assured her she did not have to as she had her NEWTs preparation and nothing outrageous was happening during his Auror training, at least, but she would hear none of it.

"This is not additional stress for me, Harry, or a burden. I want to do this!," the witch asserted, a large book from the Black family library perched in front of her, "We need to figure out what's going on with your magic. It's important! We need to make sure you're okay. You have to be okay!"

Hermione took his hand then and he nodded, knowing she would care more about not being able to research on his behalf. She cared about him too much to let this go. Consequently, numerous books went flying off the shelves only seconds later and she gripped his hand as a reflex to her surprise before peering at him in stubborn determination and returning to the tome.

Two weeks later, Hermione handed Harry a piece of parchment with a triumphant smile.

"Egor Meknikov?" he questioned, reading the name that was on the paper.

"He's a Russian Healer and scholar. He specializes in magic abnormalities! He has published works, nearly 25 years worth of experience, and is well respected in his field. I think he'd be able to help you! We haven't had much luck searching for answers on our own," the witch explained.

"Magic abnormalities? My magic's not-"

"Harry, you Summoned your glasses two days ago and they zipped right past you and left a dent in the wall from the strength of the spell. Don't say your magic's not abnormal."

"Only since the summer." Harry mumbled, looking at the parchment once more.

"Contact him and set up an appointment. He's based in Frankfurt," Hermione instructed, "Ron and I will go with you, if you'd like."

Harry felt reticence but he did as he was told, even if it took five days for him to reach out to to this Meknikov fellow. Additionally, his best friends did travel to Germany with him for the first appointment, for support and as a safety precaution. (One could never be too careful with embittered followers of a dark lord out there). Meknikov was a nice enough wizard and gave off a subtle warmth but it did not do much for how guarded Harry was those 90 minutes. The Healer had mostly spent the time trying to get to know more about him and the only questions he asked about Harry's magic pertained to how long it had been happening and for specific examples. Hermione was anxious to hear how it went when the trio returned to the boys' apartment and even more anxious when she asked Harry if he was going to return. Knowing it would make her happy and thinking he might actually get some helpful information out of the ordeal, he agreed.

Conversely, Harry was reluctant share anything too meaningful about his magical experiences within the past year the first handful of appointments, mostly because they involved Voldemort and were quite personal. Meknikov understood the younger man's hesitancy and obliged it to a degree, but he reminded Harry after session number four that they could not make headway if he was not open.

"It's necessary to understand what's happening to you, Harry, and I can only help if I understand," the Healer noted.

Hermione reiterated this sentiment one Sunday afternoon when they were having tea at Ron's and Harry's.

"I know it may be scary, or painful," she remarked, looking at him with concern, "But... do you think he wants the information to use against you, or hurt you?"

"No," negated Harry in a solemn voice.

"Then just be honest, Harry. He wants to help."

"Yeah. And we do too," Ron added, "We want to make sure you don't end up offing yourself with your magic one of these days!"

Hermione peered at Ron with a wholly unimpressed, annoyed expression but Harry cracked a smile.

"Ron's horrible choice of words aside, yes- we want the help for you, too," she stated.

Sighing, their best friend nodded and twirled his wand in his fingers absentmindedly. All of the living room's hangings then ripped off the windows and Harry froze in his spot. Hermione's inhale of breath was audible as was the curse word Ron muttered, their eyes on the fallen cloth. Harry was still frozen and refused to look at them when they attuned to him again.

"Mate, if you don't tell him, I will." Ron claimed, clapping the other wizard firmly on the shoulder.

It was January when Harry revealed to Meknikov that he had been a Horcrux and it was January when everything changed. Most of their sessions ran between an hour to an hour and a half but the session where Harry shared the Horcrux information had been two hours. It was a heavy session and Meknikov already possessed knowledge about the dark artifacts, which did not surprise the younger wizard. Meknikov mostly asked clinical questions and added input but they did not delve into anything deeper, something that Harry quietly appreciated. The Healer asked him if he had experienced any magic fluctuation before having the Horcrux removed, which was denied, and then he sent Harry on his way with the simple instruction to take a month's worth of observations of his magic.

"Place, time, and the people present." Meknikov stated, earning a nod from the other man, "We'll hold off meeting again until then."

Harry started his observations the following day, although there were no oddities. There were more than enough during the month, however, and they did not seem to abate. There was one night where the trio was out with many of the members of Dumbledore's Army at a pub and the large table was noticeably dirty. Instead of waiting for a worker to come clean it, Harry took it upon himself to do the task but his Scouring Charm was a bit powerful and cleaned the table too well- so well that he put a hole in it. There was another incident where Harry and Hermione found themselves at the Burrow out in the yard. Harry found a gnome who braved the cold to wreck a bit of havoc so he intervened by using his wand to throw it across the yard. The problem was that he exceeded throwing the thing and ended up launching it, causing Ron to put an arm in front of Hermione and take a step back.

There was also an episode at the Grangers' home. Hermione took and passed all of her NEWTs with O's during the latter part of January, surprising absolutely no one, but, regardless, they celebrated her over a number of days with genuine pride. Mr. and Mrs. Granger had a dinner for her on a Sunday and the witch invited her best friends, although Ron could not make it because he had to work an evening shift that was usually reserved for rookie Aurors. Hermione looked positively happy throughout the meal and it only slipped into a look of consternation when Harry levitated the post-meal dishes and they flew into the ceiling before crashing to the floor in pieces. He was embarrassed and Mrs. and Mr. Granger were shocked, and, in hindsight, he realized it had been a questionable decision to take care of the dishes himself.

Harry returned to Meknikov after his period of observation feeling grimmer but also determined. The Healer looked over the notes and had questions before before offering his thoughts.

"Did you notice anything about your bursts of magic?" Meknikov inquired. Harry accepted the paper back and took a long moment before replying.

"I realized I'm hardly ever alone when they happen," he answered. The older wizard nodded and gave a slight smile.

"Yes. And the one instance you were alone- tell me about that."

"It happened after I woke up from a nightmare."

"What was the nightmare about?" Meknikov pondered. Harry frowned as he stared at the parchment in his hand. The Healer had just read through everything so he knew what the nightmare had been about.

"Hermione was being tortured at the Malfoys' manor." Harry responded.

"You told me about this, yes."

"She… she didn't make it. In my nightmare."

There was extended silence before Meknikov's low, soothing voice was speaking once more.

"Ms. Granger, yes. Let's talk about her," he attested.

Harry brought his head up and stared at the Healer, furrowing his brow.

"What about her?" he inquired in a cautious tone.

"Well, one thing I noticed is that she was present every time your magic went awry. Even in the nightmare, she was there."

This declaration stunned the dark haired wizard and he gaped before shuffling through his notes to confirm it. When it proved true, he raked through other moments in his mind of magical instability before the past month and realized it also held true. How did he not catch that himself?

"That's… that's not too surprising. I'm with her all the time; it's always been like that. We're best friends," he explained, running a hand through his hair.

"But of course," Meknikov said, "You care a great deal for her, yes?"

"Of course I do."

"She was the one who suggested you see me."

"She was really concerned about my magic." Harry mentioned. Meknikov nodded.

"Can you tell me more about your relationship with her?" he prompted. Harry narrowed his eyes, not understanding what this had to do with his magical problems.

"She's one of my closest friends, like I said. Best friend, since I was 11. She worries a lot about me and goes out of her way to help me."

"Has there ever been major conflict between the two of you?"

"Not really," negated Harry, "Nothing serious. There was this fight over a broom when I was 13 and it was serious to me then but that was nothing, in retrospect. She's… Hermione's the one person who's never left my side since I found out I was a wizard. I can't even say that for Ron."

"So Ms. Granger is important to you," the Healer concluded.


"Has your magic been unstable before this, around her or in general?"

"Not before summer, no." Harry remarked, shaking his head.

"So it only happened after the Horcrux was removed."

The dark haired wizard stared at the other man and paused, his heart thumping faster after the statement. It was another fact he had missed, simple yet glaring. His magic's unpredictability only started after that odious part of Voldemort had been exercised from him.

"You think it's connected?" he inquired in a low voice.

"I do," Meknikov confirmed.


"Horcruxes are dark magic, as you very well know. They suppress or emphasize certain emotion. Magic stems from emotion and is necessary for many spells, but magic is also linked to companionship- the interpersonal bonds wizards and witches have with others. Relationships are steeped in emotion and, accordingly, can affect one's magic."

Harry thought of Tonks during sixth year, when she was grieving because of Remus' rejection of her desires and feelings. He nodded absentmindedly.

"As for its relevance to you and your situation, well… I wonder if your magic is responding to your feelings for Ms. Granger, unrestricted, without the Horcrux in the way," Meknikov continued, "I wonder if what you truly feel for her is more than platonic."

There was loaded silence in which Harry stared at the Healer, dumbfounded.

"What?" the young man asked in a sharp tone. Meknikov flashed a modest smile and then replied:

"Harry, you have a remarkably strong relationship with Ms. Granger-"

"Yeah, because she's my best friend!"

The Russian wizard held up his hand in a placating, entreating manner and waited a handful of seconds before explaining further.

"As I mentioned, Horcruxes suppress or emphasize particular emotions," he commenced, "Perhaps your other feelings for your best friend were buried beneath that piece of the Dark Lord, locked away because they were too good, too bright or pure, for the Horcrux. It may be that those feelings can now exist freely without the dark influence and your magic is responding accordingly, and it may seem so strong because your feelings have been subdued for so long."

What was Meknikov proposing? He believed Harry had repressed romantic feelings for Hermione and that was why his magic was haywire?

It was preposterous! His reasoning was flawed and Harry could not accept it. How did it make sense?!

"No. No. That's… no. That's not it. It's not to do with Hermione." Harry asserted, shaking his head in denial.

"You don't think so?" the Healer pondered, quirking his own head.

"I know so! Just because she's been there every time my magic's gone barmy doesn't mean!... look, I'd know if I had deeper feelings for her, don't you think? That can't be why my magic's messed up!"

"It's not 'messed up', Harry, it's simply reacting. And why can't that be the reason?"

"Because I should know my own feelings for her!," Harry declared, frantically waving a hand, "I've been around her for years and I've never had this problem with my magic before!"

"We've already established the Horcrux was present before." Meknikov told him.

"So?! Besides, how would that theory explain my feelings for Ginny, then? Because I had them and they were strong! Why were those not also repressed?"

"Based on what you told me about that relationship, it seems the feelings you had for Ms. Weasley worked with the nature of the Horcrux. This is likely why they were not stifled."

It was quiet yet again but the pause was fleeting.

"And what exactly would work with that abomination of magic, if you don't mind me asking?" Harry prompted through clenched teeth. He was exceptionally irritated right now and wanted to go off on the Healer, for insinuating his feelings for Ginny had been dark somehow but for also acting like he had some secret knowledge of Harry's feelings regarding Hermione. He wasn't Harry and he could not tell him how he felt!

"Jealousy. Lust." Meknikov offered in a measured tone.

The aggravation instantly evaporated and the young wizard was doused in shock once more. He did not register that he was blushing as he gazed at the other man. He was too busy thinking of sixth year and the monster that had roared in his chest whenever he saw Ginny with Dean, and of the plentiful, risque thoughts about her that had plundered his mind. What was more, his relationship with her had been short before he had to break it off, and it had been mostly physical. There was still a lot about Ginny he did not know.

"Consider what your feelings for Ms. Weasley have been since the war's end. Consider if your magic flares around her as it does when you are with Ms. Granger."

Harry did as instructed. His magic had not spiraled once during any time he had been alone with Ginny since May, and all the times it had gone berserk when she was around, Hermione had also present. Hermione, who Meknikov was suggesting...

He was flabbergasted. There was no other way to describe it. Harry did not know what to think and merely sat and stared at the floor.

"Your magic will presumably remain unstable until you work out your feelings for your best friend. You seem baffled, and rather upset, that you could be harboring another layer of emotion regarding her but I recommend you analyze your feelings seriously." Meknikov relayed.

"And if I do, and if you happen to be right?" Harry responded, exhaling and sounding weary.

"Then your magic should stabilize- it should stabilize with your acceptance. And if Ms. Granger so happens to have similar feelings for you, then it will not only settle but it will flourish as well. Your magic will likely bind with hers, to a degree."

The younger wizard felt his face flush a bit and he rubbed the back of his neck. All of this was disconcerting.

"What can I do apart from that to control my magic? Or in the meantime, while I'm… thinking about all this?" he muttered.

"The easiest thing to do would be stay away from Ms. Granger since she is the catalyst."

Harry made an offronted face and questioned:

"What? Who said that's easy?!"

"It is the simplest solution, Harry," the Healer stated.

"Well I don't like it. I can't stay away from Hermione for Merlin knows how long. She's…. No. I won't do it. I'll just have to deal with my magic as it is, then."

Meknikov nodded his acquiescence and managed to hide a soft smile Harry's reaction had elicited. It was silent once more and it last longer than the other times.

"So that's all there is, then? Contemplate my… my feelings?" Harry posed.

"Indeed. Your magic is unpredictable right now but it is powerful, and it is powerful because it is responding to a source with the same amount of strength: your bond with and feelings for Ms. Granger." Meknikov replied.

Harry could only sigh and give a defeated nod.

Hermione started working at the Ministry in March and had spent all of February deciding on the multitude of career options her intelligence and reputation had provided. She was thrilled on her first day in the Department of International Magical Cooperation and her boys, parents, and the Weasleys had happiness to mirror hers. Ron and Harry were excited to have her join them at the Ministry, finally, and they did their best to see her whenever their lunches and schedules aligned.

Accordingly, Harry did as he was told and started to analyze his feelings for Hermione, despite his disbelief over Meknikov's theory. His magic continued to spiral but it was different now that he was aware of a possible explanation for it and, whether he questioned the explanation or not, knowing there was one was somewhat alleviating. Hermione had wanted to know what his last appointment entailed and he informed her that Meknikov provided a hypothesis for his magic; when she inquired what it was, Harry did his best to not turn red and informed her he could not say yet because he was still doing observations and it might compromise that. The brunette witch appeared mostly satisfied and let it be.

Overall, Harry felt his feelings for the witch were the same- mostly- just as he assumed they would be. He still enjoyed spending time with her, still felt exasperation when she nagged (but not frustration or annoyance because he knew it was simply an extension of Hermione's care), and was still protective over her. And maybe he did feel marginally more protective than he had in the past, which was saying something, but the wizard reasoned that was because they had survived so much and he would be damned if she endured it all in vain. The year on the run had also been fraught with extreme danger and it was a second reason Harry justified the modest increase in protectiveness.

Another unimportant difference he noticed was that he was a bit more concerned about Hermione's feelings. He seemed more compelled to tend to them if they were not positive and ensure they remained positive when they were. Harry figured he felt a little happier when she was and her smile frequently pulled one from him, something he had not really noticed before the purposeful inspection of his feelings. Again, he attributed this to the protectiveness and his belief that Hermione deserved nothing but goodness after years of tribulation. He also just felt lighter himself and his feelings felt much less heavy than they ever had, but that made sense considering the Horcrux was gone.

So, yeah- there were some differences Harry noticed but nothing major, and nothing that suggested he was, and had been, in love with Hermione. Besides, he shuddered to imagine Ron's reaction if he knew the Healer believed Harry's magic was uncontrollable due to strong but hidden romantic feelings for the witch.

Considering Ron in relation to Meknikov's theory always brought down Harry's mood without fail. The red head was not dating Hermione and nothing direct had happened between the two since that kiss during the Battle of Hogwarts, but it was often apparent through subtle actions that Ron still carried a torch for her. It made Harry uncomfortable whenever Ron did display them and that discomfort had only grown since his last session with Meknikov. Before, Harry rationalized it was odd because they were his closest friends and seeing them together was so foreign, yet now there was guilt on top of it. Guilt for how Ron would feel about Harry's own completely alleged feelings for their female companion. Harry also did not know why the red head had not made a move or explicitly expressed an interest in her, or why Hermione had not, for that matter, but he was not going to ask and make things even more awkward.

Thus, Harry strove to merely block out thoughts of Ron during March when contemplating over Hermione to avoid the guilt and melancholy mood. It worked.

But then April arrived… and everything got turned on its head for Harry.

Ginny and Luna came home from Hogwarts for Easter and it was reason for mirthful reunions. Harry also jumped at the chance to use their presence to consider his feelings for Ginny, in relation to what they once were and comparing them to Hermione. He was happy to see his ex-girlfriend, no doubt, just like he had been for the winter break. He laughed and joked with her like before, bonded over Quidditch like before, and, admittedly, he noticed her physical attractiveness, like before. But… something was different. Something was missing from the well in Harry's mind that was labeled 'Ginny.'

What was more, it didn't feel sudden. It was more that this something had disappeared bit by bit and seeing the red headed witch during her short break from school made it click into place for him that it, whatever it was, was fully gone. It was not the same feeling as the one Harry had for Hermione (although he could not have explained why) and it was not even the same feeling as the one he had for Ginny a year ago. He postulated that her time away these past seven months had altered his feelings for her before he realized that it went beyond her seventh year.

Harry had been 16 when he was hooked on Ginny and he was 18 now. A difference of two years and, when he thought about it, he realized that they had been mostly apart for those two years. The Horcrux hunt and now her seventh year… there was consistent distance between them when there should have been togetherness to foster their budding relationship. Harry realized their prolonged time apart is what likely caused the it to disappear. While it did make him feel sad to a degree, there was also content acceptance in the understanding that it was likely just not in the stars for him to have another shot at romance with Ginny.

It was rather like finishing a good and intense chapter of a book before moving onto the next. And the next chapter? The next chapter started off with a bang and left you bamboozled.

On Ginny's second to last night of vacation, she had planned a girls night with Hermione, Luna, the Patil twins, and Hannah Abbott. She and Hermione were going to meet the four other women at the dance club and the pair got ready at Ron's and Harry's apartment to avoid the critical eye of Molly at the Burrow. They kicked Ron out of his room and commandeered it for almost an hour, which caused the wizard to leave after half an hour in order to go visit George, declaring he would return when "my room is devoid of music and giggling witches!" He asked Harry if he wanted to join but his best friend denied, amused by the situation and not at all flustered by the women.

Of course, this meant that Harry was left to deal with the reality of their effort and work on their appearance by himself. He had no one to play off his reaction with or no one to distract him from the sight of the pair, and he was caught wholly off guard. One of the witches opened the door a couple minutes before their departure and he walked past it as he made his way from his room to the living room. He casually glanced inside and saw that they were talking intently about something in Ginny's hand, and then he saw what they were wearing.

Harry's mouth dropped open and he stared at his friends before some semblance of sense activated within him and he jerked himself back out of view of the door. His heart was pumping faster as he processed what he saw. Ginny was wearing a snug black dress that made her hair stand out in a fantastic way while Hermione… gosh, Hermione. Her dress was not as spicy as the younger woman's but it was just as appealing in Harry's opinion. It left so much to be admired! She was wearing a burgundy, velvet dress that flared out at her waist and showed the absolute perfect amount of cleavage. It was modest but it was there, beckoning for one's imagination to run rampant, and it was the realization that he was actively looking at and thinking about Hermione's cleavage that made Harry reel back in the first place.

Breathing a bit heavier, the wizard made a run for his room. He closed the door once inside and leaned against it, grimacing and staring at his bed. He was overrun by thoughts and shaken out of them three minutes later when there was a knock from the other side of the barrier. It startled him a bit.

"Harry?," Hermione called, looking at the closed door, "We're leaving now."

"A-All right!" he answered, shutting his eyes. There was a moment of silence before Ginny questioned:

"Are you going to come out and see us off, as a gentleman would?"

Harry could practically hear her smirk and took time before replying himself.

"I'm not a gentleman," he said. She gave a humorous snort and Hermione smiled.

"You lie, Harry Potter," the brunette told him. His lips tightened at the tender tone of her voice.

"You two go have fun. Be safe." There was another pause although this one was rather awkward.


Ginny made something of a discouraged face while Hermione frowned and removed her hand from the door. They may not have been wholly aware but both were disappointed Harry was not going to come out and see them.

"You're… you're coming to Grimmauld when the night ends, right?" he asked after they had taken a couple steps away from his room. The pair halted. The trio and Ginny decided to have the girls spend the night at Grimmauld Place when their fun was over so they would not have to disturb the Granger or Weasley parents, or have to be interrogated in case they returned inebriated. There was also more room in the townhome than the boys' apartment.

"Yes," confirmed Hermione.

"Right. Good. We'll be there. Probably leave when Ron gets back."


"And don't forget to send for us if you need help getting home!" Harry added, opening his eyes.

"Oh, Harry- I thought you weren't a gentleman! All of this concern is becoming of one." Ginny remarked, grinning. The brunette chuckled.

"Just get out of my flat, Weasley. I'll see you later."

The witches laughed and were gone shortly thereafter, leaving Harry alone. He sighed and felt his heart rate begin to slow down. Now that they were gone, he could breathe normally and get a hold of himself. All right, that had been a very strong and unexpected reaction to seeing his friends dressed up. But it made sense! He did not see them made up like that hardly ever, and it had been even more of a shock to see Hermione dressed so enticingly. However, the wizard told himself it was just a dress and not even a revealing one, so why had it seemed to captivating to him? An image of her chest flashed in his mind and Harry made a face like he was sucking on a lemon. He pushed it away and chastised himself for thinking of his best friend's cleavage, warning his brain to not do it again.

Harry's mind complied, in a sense. He did not visualize Hermione's chest the rest of the night (well… maybe once more) but he did mull over why he had such a jarring reaction upon seeing her, and Ginny, in her club outfit. Ron came back an hour after the girls had gone and they went to Grimmauld half an hour after that. Being in Ron's presence again silenced the rounds of thoughts bounding in Harry's head, as did the card game they played that mandated the loser drink his share of Firewhiskey until the winner decided he could stop. (They both lost a round).

It was 1:30AM when sleepiness overtook them both but Hermione and Ginny were still out. Ron declared he was going to his designated room to sleep while Harry chose to stay awake and wait for the girls, reasoning it would not be too much longer. He occupied himself with a Quidditch magazine once by himself and, when he finished with that, he stared into the sitting room's hearth and thought of Meknikov's theory about his magic. It did not seem as crazy as it initially did but he still had trouble believing it. Romantic feelings for Hermione!...

Harry dozed off in the armchair at some point only to be yanked out of his light sleep by the bodily sensation of a ripple going through him. He gave a great start and blinked in rapid succession before peering at the room's clock. It was nearly 3AM and he knew right away what that sensation had been: someone was at Grimmauld's front door. Harry got up and hurried to the entryway of the townhome to let Ginny and Hermione inside, knowing it had to be them.

He was greeted by the sight of two happy looking witches when he opened the door and it did not take much time for him to comprehend that they were tipsy.