Authors note: Now that Cortex Castle has been given the go ahead to be rebuilt, Vincent breaks the news to the tenants that they'll have to stay elsewhere as they have to be away for their own safety. What follows is a series of escapades with the doctors and mutants doing their best to find temporary accommodation in Wumpa Town which could prove difficult, I mean would you take them in?

Eventually, an opportunity comes up in the form of a new theme park, owned by a man of bizarre tendencies...

DISCLAIMER: Crash Bandicoot is owned by Activision.

Chapter 4: A New Dawn

The following day, Cortex stirred from a deep sleep, feeling the glare of the bright sun. Another day of searing heat. He tore his forehead off of the armrest and groaned with a big stretch. He focused on his watch. It was after twelve. The doctor bolted up and sped across the Lab and spoke into an intercom; "ATTENTION ALL CORTEX PERSONAL: GET YOURSELVES READY! VINCENT WILL BE ATTENDING SHORTLY!"

Doctor Cortex went through his normal morning routine, well almost normal. First, to save water and what little electricity there was to power the castle, he avoided a shower and simply washed himself at a sink before he put on black clothing, a fresh white lab coat many of which he had a vast collection, along with yellow gloves (he also has a red pair with matching boots). With no razor available, he decided to give his pointy beard a small trim with the use of Komodo Joe's scimitar, taking great care. He gave his black springy hair a brush, and the final touch? Giving the metallic N on the front of his cranium a polish, the N that reminded him of the mockery he suffered from others for his brilliant ideas.

He was later seen running down the stairs with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. As he entered the lounge area, he was surprised to see everyone else up - N. Gin was sitting at a long table whilst in the corner the mutants were watching TV. Cortex marched up to N. Gin who was drawing a diagram of future plans.

"N. Gin, why didn't you wake me? You know what's happening today." at that moment he was using mouthwash and the chair on the other side spun round and Vincent revealed himself.

"Ah. Glad you decided to join us, Doctor."

Cortex was so surprised he spat the cool mint wash right in N. Gin's face stinging his eye and causing him to shriek, "Arrgghhhh! Don't do this at home kids, I am a trained professional. Agghhh!" He ran about the room in agony, but the others paid little attention.

"So where do you need me to sign?"

"Oh, there's really no need. Your assistant already did so." Vincent confirmed as he sipped the last of his tea.

"He did, did he? N. Gin?" Cortex innocently called out, he held his hand out and slapped N. Gin's sore eye which made Vincent wince. How could N. Gin sign his castle off to this developer without his final answer? "Is that everything then?"

"Well, there is just the little subject of where you should stay as you can't be here during the whole process. Health and Safety protocol, I'm afraid. Perhaps a hotel or a friend's house?"

"Oh great. That's simple enough for us evil villains to do. Also, I don't have many friends and a few individuals still have minor grudges against me." He said with a small tinge of sadness.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." Once again, the Viscount packed his gear and exited.

After a piercing glance towards N. Gin, Cortex walked over to his underlings sitting on the couch to announce the news. They were watching Cooking with Rusty Walrus.

He turned off the TV which swiftly grabbed their attention. "Hey, what's the big idea? We was watching dat!" fired Pinstripe.

Tiny stood up and roared creating a small force of wind, "TINY WANT TO WATCH..."

"Tiny, sit!" Cortex barked back and tapped his foot on the floor, the tiger immediately sat on his hind.

Joe shook his head, "Ssstupid mammalssss. Can't turn on their limited minds for jussst a few minutesss."

"Your awful brave saying that, mate!" Dingodile cradled his flamethrower, while Pinstripe cocked his gun. Even Ripper Roo was giving Joe an icy stare.

Cortex rubbed his temples, 'Sometimes I wonder how I came to be surrounded by incompetent idiots', he pulled his ray gun out of his pocket and set it to Freeze. He blasted the group of mutants which immobilized them, although they could still blink.

Cortex began pacing around them explaining what will happen next, "As you will all be aware, the base is going under some extensive renovation, err a lot of it to be exact, so for our safety we have been advised to find somewhere else to stay until the construction is done.", the phone rang "N. Gin, would you get that please? Realistically I don't see one hotel within the archipelago that would willingly accommodate us, so any suggestions of where to stay will be welcomed. Now, I'm going to unfreeze you, when I do can you please stay calm?"

They could only blink, "Uhh-huh." they said in unison.

With a blast of his ray, they were mobile again. "Joe, do you think your brother Moe would let us crash at his for a bit?"

"Are you kidding?! No way! He'd..." Joe noticed everyone eyeing him up for losing his cool, "I mean, I doubt that would work. He dessspises me, plusss I don't even know his whereaboutsss."

"Hmm, no major concern. We have today and tomorrow to ponder all about it."

N. Gin shuffled up next to Cortex, "I don't know how to say this boss, but that was the Viscount. He wants us out in two hours."

Neo's jaw almost hit the ground.

Two hours later Team Cortex bar Tiny and Dingodile were waiting for Vincent on the beach near the old factory. Most of them had either one or two suitcases, of course N. Gin helped carry Cortex's luggage. Cortex spotted Pinstripe smoking the cigar the Tasmanian devil gave him the other day. "Still smoking that cigar?"

"Darn right. You should try it."

"I'll pass. It's still a filthy habit." As he returned his gaze to the sea, Cortex wondered if he had bitten off more than he could chew going through with Vincent's offer. This was a guy who turned out of the blue and upon closer inspection he looked like a classic phony car salesman with the fancy suit and slick hair, however once Cortex has his mind set there's very little that would convince him otherwise. Plus, the sooner the work gets started the sooner he can get back to plotting that Bandicoot's demise. He looked down his line of minions and realized two were missing, "What's taking those two buffoons?"

"Dingo! Dingo! Dingo!", the hybrid popped up from behind a rock and soaked the rest with a water cannon, he was also wearing bright pink summer shorts, sunglasses and a blue cap, "Check out what I found!"

"Yeh, I think we all have. Mah suit!" as the potoroo checked over his dripping suit he noticed the water jet had propelled his cigar into the sea, "Ohhh." Meanwhile Cortex stifled a snicker at his frustration.

"Dingodile, why are you wearing those ridiculous clothes? This isn't a summer vacation!" shouted N. Gin, his missile emitting smoke.

"Sorry mate, I just thought it would brighten things up."

"Dare I ask, where's Tiny?" Cortex asked.

"TINY IS READY!" Tiny came running from around the corner of the factory exterior. He was wearing a rather tight Hawaiian pineapple shirt (without his spike shoulder pads), yellow shorts and sandals.

Not even a second of looking at one another lasted before they all erupted into belly busting laughter at the ludicrous sight, "Hahaha! Tiny, you are too much!" his boss was wiping away tears.

"Tiny blend in." the muscular tiger stood proud.

"A disguise does not change your persona you imbecile."

Ripper Roo in his Gentleman Suit nodded his head yes, giving a knowing wink to Tiny.

"Look sssir! Emerging from the ssssea."

An object appeared out of the crisp sea air which turned out to be a white speedboat. After a wave from Vincent, he stopped sideways at the beach, unfortunately for Cortex and co. it caused a mini tidal wave that soaked them all, Dingo didn't mind it as much considering what he was wearing.

The Viscount stepped out of the boat, "Glad to see you all here, including you Dr. Cortex."

"Hey, it wasn't my fault I slept in!" Cortex defended himself as he threw away a fish that landed on top his head.

"No matter we'll overlook that. I see you're ready to go."

"Just about. In a few minutes, we'll be off in my best home away from home; my private airship, the best and only way to fly!"

Vincent held up a finger, "Uh no actually. It's not just the castle I'm renovating, your dirigible also needs an upgrade. Hey Tiny, love the shirt." This earned a gleaming smile from Tiny who folded his arms at his doubters.

"That's insane! My airship is perfect the way it is!"

"I'm sorry, but Dr. N. Gin signed the contract that allowed not only the castle to be fixed, but also the airship, which is legally binding." Everyone darted their eyes at N. Gin.

"You drongo!"

"Well done, genius! How do we get to Wumpa Island now?" Cortex thought out loud.

A bit later Vincent was at least kind enough to drop off Team Cortex at the island, however he probably regretted it as Tiny threw up on the boat ride. "Thank you and my sincere apologies for the mess!" Cortex waved as he faked a smile of gratitude before looking N. Gin in the eye. "I was planning on using the airship as a living space for the time being. Now it's in the hands of someone else again!" Indeed, Crash and Tawna also stole his airship following his first ever battle with the marsupial and the couple used it to explore their new life together.

"Riggght... Not that this hasn't been 'educational', but I gotta head home." Pinstripe flicked his toothpick and headed off the jetty towards a road.

"Marvellous idea, Pinstripe! Of course, we'll stay at your place."

The mobster froze his stance, "Hehe, you wouldn't wanna stay at mine's, the boys and I make a right mess."

"You forget who you're talkin' to, chum?" Dingodile chimed.

"Grr... Fine, but the misses ain't gonna like this."

Pinstripe phoned his driver, Fat, another potoroo gangster who was a bit more rounded in the belly area. He rolled up in a stylish black and pink 1930s' Cadillac Sedan. "How's it goin', Fat? Get some more barrels ordered in? Ya never know when that rat will show! Haha." He beckoned his passengers into the car.

After tossing the luggage in the trunk, Cortex, Tiny, Dingodile and N. Gin took their seats in the back, whilst Pinstripe, Roo and Joe ride shotgun, with Fat still driving. He spoke with a gruffer accent compared to his boss, "Yeh, business is good, apart from someone buying up all our TNTs again." the Don eyeballed Roo, who gave a nervous chuckle as the car cruised down the dry track.

The land mass of Wumpa Island is immense, by far the biggest in the vicinity. It also contains the most diverse locations; you have your standard jungle, beach, waterfall and ancient ruin themes, additionally there is a beautiful, but cold wonderland to the south called the Frozen Coast comprised of different shaped icebergs, a desolate desert region known as the Wasteland a scorching and unforgiving place; travelers are advised to avoid it, and a dark, gloomy mountain.

Near the sea and away from the exotic habitats lies Wumpa Town – A peaceful community that started relatively small, but has since boomed in popularity. There has been a surge in anthropomorphic residents, although none are the work of Neo Cortex himself. Human visitors even came to the island once in a while for a vacation, having heard of the adventures of Crash Bandicoot. In the Town Square and Park there was even a statue erected, dedicated to the hero in his iconic 'Crash Dance' pose. Other points of interest include the Lighthouse and Harbor, a Fishmonger, a Farmers' Market, an Arcade, the Wumpa Diner, the Nitro Nightclub and the Tiki Bar.

For tourists there is Lost Tours; special boat trips that take people around the ruins of the Lost City of Lemuria over on Pyro Island, and the N. Sanity Funfair, an amusement park built entirely on a pier where Ripper Roo is their most frequent guest (Part of the reason he gave Vincent his request for the new castle).

Cortex rolled down his window as the smell of fresh fish hit his face. Tiny leaned over and stuck his head out like a dog would, as Roo did the same.

The gang car arrived at Pinstripe's Hideout on the outskirts of the settlement in a particular seedy area. It was a decent building, with a red exterior and blue roof. There is a garage underneath where Pinstripe keeps cars inspired by some of his favorite Mafia movies. This was also a social hangout for him and his mob with their own bar, and dabbed in such activities as snooker, poker, darts, and Bag-A-Bandicoot – a shooting game which they only played whenever Tawna was away. In the back is the Don's personal office, a shadowy place straight out of a Crime novel where he takes care of 'business', with a brown desk, his full name on a plaque (Don Pinstripelli Potorotti), black leather chairs and the classic blinds.

Pinstripe led the doctors and other mutants into the dimly lit club, but a couple of members in his mob shielded their eyes at the brightly clothed Tiny and Dingodile.

"Yaah! I'm blind!"

Pinstripe scratched the back of his head, "Heh, sorry. If you don't mind?"

The titans grumbled as they changed into their normal gear.

Pinstripe continued up to his private penthouse. He stuck his long nose around the front door, before peeking his face round.

A smooth voice like butter came from a room "Honey, is that you?"

"You guys zip it, and let me do the talkin'. It's me, Tawny."

N. Gin chortled, "Tawny?" before Pinstripe shushed him.

The blonde bandicoot Tawna walked through a doorway, she was dressed in a black strap mini dress with white pinstripes and a thigh split which boasted her tall figure, heels, pink lipstick, hazy eye makeup and a fluffy scarf. Her hair was still in a bouffant style, her fringe covering one eye, "Hi, baby. You like it?"

"Wow! You look smokin' babe!" his eyes practically bulged out of his skull.

She giggled at his response and just noticed the Cortex crew, "Oh, hi-ya boys. Just a sec." She went to the kitchen to get something with Pinstripe following close behind her. The others smirked at his disposition.

Tawna came back with a tray full of homemade chocolate chip muffins, "Here you go fellas, fresh muf-" the tray was scrubbed clean, "-fins. Gee, work up an appetite?"

"Yes, merely the same old, causing people great misfortune and much suffering." Cortex munched his snack as he began staring at Pinstripe intently, nodding his head at Tawna.

Pinstripe casually placed his arm around her shoulder, "Listen, babe, there's a few problems goin' on at the castle right now and... Well... Cortex was wondering if they could stay here for a while?"

"Ohh, of course, they can stay 'til tonight."

"Umm, not just tonight, but for at least a week?"

Tawna's smile froze as she shut the door so she could talk to her boyfriend, leaving the rest in the stone-cold hallway. "Her face didn't look too reassuring."

"Rubbish, N. Gin. Have faith."

Inside, "I'm sorry hun, but they can't stay here. There's no room and have you forgotten? Cortex tried to turn me evil. So, no."


"Hmm, I can make one exception."

Tawna opened the door to a grinning Cortex which made her jump, "Great, so are we roomies?"

"I'm afraid we don't have enough room, but you can stay with us, Ripper Roo. I think your kinda cute." The others stared in disbelief as Roo bounced into the apartment, tipped his top hat and blew them a raspberry.

"Well, he's lost my vote!"

Back outside, Cortex, N. Gin, Tiny, Dingodile and Joe dragged their cases along the sidewalk, "I was just cast aside like nothing! I can't believe the nerve of that Roo! As for Pinstripe, you can plainly see who wears the pants in that 'relationship'. Dingodile, if you ever see him again, you have my permission to fry him."

He licked his lips, "No bother. Could go for some deep fried potoroo."

However, from behind the side of a house slipped out Slim, yet another henchman of the mob. In contrast to Fat, Slim was thinner and even taller than Pinstripe, with buckteeth and a blue suit. He started hitting his palm with a crowbar and spoke with a more nasally accent, "Yous talkin' smack about the boss? Mr. Potoroo don't take kindly for that sorta behaviour. Here, curtesy of the Don himself." he handed them an envelope and disappeared into the shadows. Opening it, Cortex pulled out a few hundred Wumpa Notes along with a handwritten message, 'Dear Doctor Cortex, to show that there are no hard feelings about turning you away, here's some dough to keep you afloat for a few days. Sincerely, Don Pinstripe Potoroo.'

"Tiny feel baaad."

The group casually strolled into the midst of Wumpa Town, where a few people were keeping a nervous eye on the villains. Coming up to the Fishmongers near the harbor, they noticed a 'Lodger available' sign. Inside was a hefty amount of seafood ranging from haddock to lobster. They were greeted by the obese owner Capu Capu, a man with a black beard of aboriginal descent. His dialect was a bit tilted and very thick, "Welcome to fish market! Want fish for eat? We have tuna, salmon, cod..." as he listed items, Tiny and Joe began salivating, having not ate anything since the muffins nor a decent meal, "trout, jellyfish, squid, and crab."

"Excuse me?"

"Crab I say."

"Ohh. Well, wondrous as your delightful spread is, it's regarding your lodger sign."

Capu Capu nodded and led Cortex and N. Gin to a flight of stairs, leaving the other three alone. Out of the corner of his eye, Cortex thought he had seen a fish that looked exactly like Crash, but he simply put it down to hunger. The market itself was contained inside a man-made hut with a straw roof and log walls. A monolithic totem pole stood in the center with tribal faces inscribed over it.

Upstairs was a comfy bed sit, a stark contrast to Neo's cold room back in the castle; a rug with a totem god em-blazed over it, hammocks of various lengths, a mini stove, warm and lively colors such as bright green and blue, a banana leaf skylight which could open with the pull of a rope. Heck, there was even a toilet that actually worked. To Cortex, although nothing matches his more modern way of living, for his current situation, he could not ask for any better. Capu Capu began speaking in his native langue.

Naturally Cortex could not make sense of his speech until N. Gin translated, "He says we are welcome to stay free of charge, provided we help out in the market."

After an odd look Cortex shook Capu Capu's hand, "It's settled."

"Enjoy this place you will." he lumbered away and let the two doctors soak in the room.

Cortex placed his hands on his hips, "So, you can speak the native language? You never told me."

"You never asked."

Cortex rolled his eyes, "Forget it. This place is perfect." Suddenly they heard unintelligible shouting coming from downstairs, "Oh, great."

Reaching the bottom of the stairs Cortex gave a girlish shriek at what he saw; the entire stock of fish was gone, instead replaced by heaps of bones and lying on the floor was a very full Tiny and Joe, the tiger using a piece of bone to clean his fangs and the Komodo dragon hanging his head in shame. "I have dissshonoured mysself."

Dingodile approached Cortex and N. Gin looking disappointed, "Thought you boys had more will power, for shame. Sorry boss, I tried to stop 'em."

"Dingodile, I can see a fish sticking out of your pants."

He quickly gobbled it up, "What fish?"

A furious Capu Capu popped up behind them and banged the floor with a makeshift staff, "You must pay for whole market! Lizard and large cat cost me big time!"

Cortex rummaged his back pocket for something, "Heh, well, you see, the thing about that is *BZZZ*" the man was stunned and collapsed onto his back with a boom which caused the ground to shake briefly, "I think it's time to make ourselves scarce, now that the animals have been fed." he glared at his minions. Cortex was well aware that Capu Capu had his own legion of tribesmen and knowing they will come looking for their chief, he does not need more trouble on his back.

The villains decided to try their luck in the local hotels. Maybe they were incredibly naïve or even stupid, but at this point they were desperate. In a quiet spot near the beach, a new hotel; Palm Springs presented something of a chance as it was recently built by human settlers, a moderately clean B&B with tall, twisting palm trees on the grounds and a swimming pool in the backyard. Considering that the owners never met Cortex before, he thought he would try the direct, 'honest' approach.

Firstly, Cortex and N. Gin entered after ordering the three mutants to stay outside, and to not scare anyone. The lobby was a grandiose design, with a dark brown decor, maroon velvet seats, sparkling crystal chandeliers and a staircase reminiscent of Titanic's Grand Staircase with golden steps and handrails. The doctors caught themselves whistling as they walked to the reception. A smart woman with a brunette hair bun browsed up from her computer.

"Evening, my sweet. I'm Dr. Neo Cortex, I am a doctor of genetics and my friend Dr. N. Gin is an expert in missile technologies, you might know of his patented 'Clear-the-Road' missile system. No? Anyway, I require a double-room with breakfast for at least three days and I also have three pets if that's authorized?"

"Perfect. We do allow pets, so long as they're house-trained and not wild animals."

"Of course, they're house-trained."

"Pet names?"

Neo began stammering, "Uh, Mr. Tiny, Dingo, and Jojo."

N. Gin brought in a snarling Tiny attached to a lead, he tried to stand up, "Heel, Mr. Tiny, heel." A guest's chihuahua appeared startled and started yelping at the monstrosity in front of it.

Dingodile came in crawling along the floor and bared his teeth at a confused bellhop, followed by Joe who hissed at him.

The woman at the counter dropped her pen in shock, "There is no way those beasts are staying!"

"Come on. Once you get to know them their really... TINY! SPIT OUT THAT DOG THIS INSTANT!"

Unsurprisingly, they were refused accommodation. Outside another hotel, N. Gin had a plan. "I have something that could offer us great assistance in obtaining a place and keeping you three morons out of the way. We must move quickly."

He reached into his case and revealed a small box. He pressed a button on it which caused it to increase in size. It was a crate with disembodied eyeballs on it.

"Ahh, an Invisibility Crate."

"Exactly, we'll sneak the mutants in and the management won't be aware of their existence. I only have one so don't waste this."

N. Gin instructed his subordinates to break open the crate at the same time and quite rightly they turned invisible. After booking a room, Tiny coughed causing the receptionist to glace over at Cortex and N. Gin who smiled innocently. The suspicious owner walked up to them. He clicked his fingers and a waiter came running out of the dining room, "Pepper, please."

Cortex and N. Gin raised their eyes. The waiter returned with a pepper shake and waved it in the air spreading black pepper. At that point Dingodile felt a sneeze build up in his nostril and despite his best efforts to ignore it he gave a massive sneeze, then all three became visible. The owner crossed his arms and kicked them out.

It came to a point some hotels would not even let the group in, despite Cortex attempting a sad face and getting N. Gin to play a violin.

Out of hotels, they somehow got back to the only place they know best, "You can't be serious?" Vincent stood at the door of the castle.

It was approaching sunset and the temperatures reached boiling point. Back in Wumpa Town, at the Park, Cortex was staring up at the Crash statue, "It's like your mocking me." He returned to a bench where Dingodile was sitting. He sat down and buried his face in his hands. His eyes appeared redder than normal due to stress.

N. Gin appeared. "We're out of our depth, N. Gin. I give up."

"So, we're not going ahead with the 'Beautiful Women' plan?"

"Let's face the facts; you and me haven't got the figure, I have a beard and you have a mechanized voice. Plus, I don't want to see Tiny in a dress. Ugh."

"Ok then." N. Gin secretly dumped a box of womens clothes in a bin, along with makeup and wigs. "So, what's the plan now?"

"Let's just say you'd better get used to catching splinters, because I have a feeling we'll be sleeping on these benches tonight."

Tiny and Joe returned with tubs of ice cream, "Iccce cream?"

"Why thank you. This'll perk my day up splendidly." as he observed the cold sweet, he noticed something strange about the smell and immediately gagged, "What flavor is this?"

"Tuna Twist, mate."

Neo spotted the tub's logo, "Darn polar bear."

Meanwhile, on a stage in the center of the park, a short green German cyborg was about to make an announcement. He spoke through an orange megaphone, but there was no feedback coming through. After a few good whacks he simply tossed it to the side, set up a small step ladder and spoke through a microphone on a podium.

"May I have your attention please?! I ze great Ebenezer Von Clutch vould like to announce ze amusement park of ze future! Von Clutch's MOTORWORLD!" no one even looked up in curiosity. "Verdammt! Pasadena, could you?"

Donned in her blue racing suit, Pasadena O'Possum gave a big whistle and whipped her long tail. "Ya'll better listen up! Ol Von Clutch has sumin' to say or we're gonna have problems."

One idiot from the crowd spoke up, "Aww, a pretty little thing like you?"

Pasadena grabbed the guy by the neck with her tail, "You were sayin'?"

"I stand corrected."

Someone else mocked Von Clutch, "So, like, what are you supposed to be? A jawbreaker or a Martian?"

"Ho-ho! We got a comedian over here. You are a funny guy! I'm a regular human like yourself. Just more handsome. Now, onto ze agenda." He unveiled a map of his park on a display board, comprising of one central area and five themed lands; Pirate, Prehistoric, Space, Egypt and Fairy Tales.

The speech caught the attention of N. Gin.

Von Clutch extended his bionic foot and used it as a pointer, "As you can see, MotorWorld is a huge theme park based around my favorite activity of all time; RACING!" again no one seemed all that motivated, "Really? Is everyone around here boring? Ze park has so many thrill rides and mayhem it's almost illegal. I'm still putting the final touches in a few places and will soon be open to anyone who has a thirst for excitement. I like to call myself a people person, one who interacts on a daily biases with my wonderful customers. Therefore, instead of 'experts' walking around mein park, I'd like to invite a few members of my target audience to be the first guests, five to be accurate."

Cortex turned his head with great interest as Tiny counted up how many of them there were.

"Those who join, will also have zee joy of overnight stays and VIP treatments. Plus, all the churros you can eat!"

A street lamp over Cortex lit up, "Bingo." It became short-lived however as lots of people stormed towards the stage, now ecstatic to go to MotorWorld. Cortex had to think fast. Still holding the ice cream, he looked up at Tiny and a sly smile formed on his lips.

Von Clutch and Pasadena were overwhelmed by the response, "Zis is even better than I imagined. Take zis as a lesson, Pasadena, zis is how you generate ze interest of dummkopfs. Opps." he accidentally leaned on the mic button. "Who shall ve select?"

"What in the name of sweet Texas is that!?"

A feral tiger erupted into a raging episode causing everyone to run away in panic. Tiny's mouth was lined with ice cream giving the impression he had rabies. He bellowed a mighty roar before pretending to collapse, only a few people remained. A lady placed her hand against her chest, "Aw, the poor thing. It needs to be put out of its misery. Randall, get your gun from the car."

Tiny's eyeballs shot open as the woman's husband returned with a shotgun, "Don't worry son, you'll hardly feel a thing."

Thankfully, Dingodile and Joe came to his aid, "There you are you naughty boy!"

"For the lassst time, you're going to the vet."

After a look of slight confusion, the couple began to walk away, "Thank goodness. Just make sure you get him to a vet. He looks absolutely revolting."

"Heh, will do."

Tiny jumped up and wiped his mouth. Looking worried, he grabbed hold of Dingodile, "Tiny hate vet."

Joe slapped his own face with a groan.

With the Park empty, Von Clutch decided to go. "Valiant attempt Ebenezer, but today is not ze day."

"We'll get it one day."

As he and Pasadena walked down the stairs of the stage, they encountered Cortex leaning on a tree, "Good evening."

"Ja? What's so good about it?"

"My sympathies. People can be so rude sometimes."

Pasadena was weary, "Hm, you have anything to do with that animal hopped up on rabies?"

"Why no."

N. Gin joined him "Tiny's all better now." he gave an obvious wink.

"Ok that animal is mine, but I didn't know he had it."

"You certain you want to come? It's just you don't really seem the type zat races."

"Hey, we have raced before. Against a grouchy alien with a trunk."

Pasadena and Von Clutch exchanged strange looks, "Ok?"

Cortex then explained their situation and sure enough Von Clutch was more than eager to let them visit his park, however as a helicopter arrived with MotorWorld branding, Cortex and his henchmen had to wear blindfolds and ear plugs, to provide the feeling of transporting to a different world. The pilot was a person in a green bio-hazard suit with a gas mask.

With his first guests picked out, Von Clutch and Pasadena guided them into his chopper. She touched his arm with her tail, "You sure this is wise, Ebenezer? We don't know these critters."

"Ergo, they don't know whom ve are, und besides, Wumpa Cheeks won't return my calls. I have no other option."


Hmm, what could Von Clutch be up to?

For those who don't know, the proprietor of the Fish Market, Capu Capu is a deleted character from Crash Twinsanity, he would have drove the boat from N. Sanity Island to Cortex's Iceberg Lab. He actually has written dialogue in the game as he is the one who says "Come in to my boat furry man. I will take you to the other place." to Crash. To me, this indicates he is on friendly terms with Crash or at least not as mean as Papu Papu the other native chief. As you can see though, he still has his limits.

I have also made Wumpa Island (From Crash of the Titans and Mind over Mutant) and Pyro Island (the unnamed Middle Island from the First Game) separate islands. The other islands are Cortex Island, N. Sanity Island, and far off, the Academy of Evil.