Hey everyone.

Melissa here again.

So in the previous chapter, we saw Naruto summon up a brand new spirit. Tamamo No Mae. A very seductive Kitsune that already decided to seduce Naruto the moment he interacted with her.

With a new Heroic Spirit now on his side, he has begun to expand his army. And his harem. What will be in store for Naruto as he goes along his life. With not just one, but two Heroic, drop dead gorgeous Spirits?


Doctors are still amazed at how fast my husband is recovering. He's already shaved off a large amount of time needed to have him fully heal.

They say that they still wish to keep him under for a bit longer. Even after he has recovered enough to be brought back.

They just want to be sure.

They will still do some checks regarding if he will walk again when he's fully awake.



Disclaimers: BlackSpirit owns nothing.

Chapter 5: The Conspiracy.

Every morning ever since Naruto summoned Tamamo, Naruto had been experiencing, a few problems. Well for starters Tamamo kept sneaking into his room and sleep in his bed. Despite having the Kitsune sleep with Scathach, the sultry fox girl kept defying his requests.

And it was getting on Naruto's nerves. Well partly but every time he'd try and confront her to stop it, she'd always find a way to avoid it. But that wasn't the only thing Naruto had to worry about. Despite the undeeded advances of Tamamo, Scathach had taken a sort of...Jealous? approach to their training sessions.

Naruto couldn't tell if she was upset regarding the whole thing. About how forward Tamamo was regarding her advances and wanting to sleep with him. Or if she was just wanting to step up the training.

And it was beginning to get under Naruto's skin.

And that is where we find Naruto now. Sparring against Scathach in one of the training areas, Naruto fended against every single one of Scathach's attacks only to find himself pinned yet again. Thus making the score 27 - 1 in Scathach's favour.

But Scathach was hiding something from Naruto. Whenever they'd train or spar, she'd give him this...look and then walk away telling him they will continue the next morning.

Something was definitely bothering her. And Naruto had had enough. He needed to get to the bottom as to what was eating Scathach inside.

Getting off her master, Scathach made her lance smaller and clip it to a necklass around her neck, thus turning her back into her usual look being that of the jersey and tights.

"You've improved. But not good enough still." she spat turning on the balls of her feet and heading back to the apartment.

Naruto followed close behind her and soon they were at the door to his apartment. Grabbing the door knob, Naruto hesitated knowing full well what was waiting on the other side. Looking to the floor, he breathed in. As if trying to keep his composure.

Twisting the handle and pulling the door open, Naruto was awarded with a very excited and very energetic Kitsune slamming into him. Her slender and long legs wrapped around his waist while her subtle arms wrapped around his neck.

Tamamo, when they initially summoned her, hid her fox appearance to that of a regaulr woman. It was very convenient, however when they got to the apartment, Tamamo turned back and pushed Naruto into a bedroom which for some reason was his.

Tamamo would've gotten to the point where she was going to have sex with Naruto. If Scathach hadn't broken down the door and threw the horny woman out the room. It was her that had Tamamo sleep with Scathach to avoid the whole mess. Guess it seemed to not work one bit.

"Dearest husband. Welcome home~." she purred while slowly grinding herself against Naruto's body.

"You want to take a bath? Or dinner? Or do. You. Want. Me~?" she purred licking the side of Naruto's neck in a sultry manner.

This was not good. Naruto could feel the blood beginning to rush to his lower region. Tamamo was truly incredible. How she always did this time was truly astounding. And it was frightening at the same time.

Scathach was livid. Even though she could hide it, the amount of Killer Intent was evident. Prying the horny fox off her master, Scathach lobbed Tamamo onto the couch and proceeded to enter the kitchen while Naruto headed to the bathroom to get into a shower.

Hearing the water to the shower run, Tamamo shot a glance to Scathach. Seeing her back turned, Tamamo turned her head back to the bathroom Naruto was in. Licking her lips, she slowly got up and snuck over to the door.

But before she could even make it close, Scathach's lance was thus slammed into the wall, stopping her advances any further. Amazed and slightly shaken up, Tamamo turned to find Scathach's outstretched hand with her back still turned.

"I suggest you sit down again. Besides, master will just kick you out again." barked the lance weilding Heroic Spirit.

Choking on her words, Tamamo eventually gave in and sat back down on the couch. Scathach was mentally high fiving herself. She managed to prevent Tamamo from interupting Naruto with his shower. Smiling as she fixed some food for the three of them, she heard the water stop. And just in time as well. She had just finished the food.

Setting it down just as the door opened to show Naruto is a white shirt and long black pants. Sitting at the table with Tamamo and Scathach, Naruto looked to the food laid out before him. Scathach surely was an amazing cook.

But as they ate, Tamamo decided to get sneaky. Looking to the one who summoned her, Tamamo leaned in which caught Naruto's attention.

"Oh, you've got something on your face." she purred.

Befero Naruto could attempt to get it, Tamamo licked the side of his face in a rather erotic manner. Moaning as she did so, she lapped at Naruto's cheek.

Naruto was rigid the moment her wet and smooth tongue touched his skin. Seeing Tamamo pull away from his face, Naruto strained a smile.

"Uh...thanks." he said sheepishly.

Tamamo giggled. She had him right where she wanted him. Just a bit further and she'd have him dominating her under the covers. But sadly, a fork being slammed into the table and a very angry Scathach was seen. Getting up from the table, Scathach just decided to go outside.

But Naruto saw through it. Getting up from the table, he tailed her. Calling her name every time he followed her. But Scathach denied him any form of acknowledgement. She completely shut out his pleas for her to stop.

Finally, after a full hour of tailing her, Naruto found her at their training ground where a nice waterfall rested. Scathach could be seen staring into the water.

Slowly walking to be behind her, Naruto looked upon her.


"You know master." cut Scathach in a rather venomous tone. "I've been training my entire life. Fighting and doing my best to be useful. My people always said to me. The strong will always survive. But the weak will perish. I lived by that for all my life. Every fight, every battle, every war. I put my soul on the line. Just to show that I am strong. But when I saw you, I felt...weak."

Naruto was at a lose for words. Scathach had just stated that she was raised and bred to be a strong woman. Powerful and fierce to the teeth. Training to be vicious to enemies. But he made her weak? Something like that seemed to be a shock like a 1000 volts.

"I buried these feelings inside. Thinking you'd never see me as such. Thinking you'd never look at me past being a Servant. After all, there are lines that were drawn the moment you summoned me." spoke Scathach now having her voice crack as her buried emotions came out like a tidal wave. "I'm a Servant. You, my master. I can never see myself in a relationship with my own master."

Naruto had finally heard enough. He wasn't as dense as he made himself out to be. Here was a woman, who just spoke her mind. Stating that she was in love with him. Even though she didn't say it to him. He could pick up the signs. Scathach was in love with him. There was no denying it. The moment he first saw her, Naruto's breath was stolen. His heart included. She was utterly amazing. And to hear that she too was in love with him just added more to this fire. He held back and controlled himself in an attempt to not try and make her feel uncomfortable. But hearing this from her, it felt right.

"Scathach." spoke Naruto taking her hands into his own.

Tears now streaming now the Celtic's face as she gazed into Naruto's own eyes. Their crystal blue look made her feel utterly protected. She felt warm and sheltered. She felt...safe.

"I know how you feel. I myself buried my emotions. The moment I saw you, I felt like the red thread of fate had tied us together. I chose to bury these feelings due to me thinking that you'd end up leaving me because I made you uncomfortable. But when I heard you, I knew that you too held feelings for me. Scathach. I love you." spoke Naruto showing his honesty through his actions by planting a kiss on her lips.

Scathach's eyes flew open as Naruto kissed her. Her heart raced. Her pupils glazed, her body reacted and moved on its own accord. Wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his. Naruto's own hands snaked to be at her waist, pulling her deeper into their passionate kiss. Their mouths soon opened and a battle of tongues began as the two made out.

Naruto could hardly believe it. Here he was, making out with the one he summoned. While Scathach felt her heart flutter with such happiness. Her master loved her. She was so happy she felt she might explode.

After a few minutes, the duo broke up the kiss and gazed into each other's eyes.

"Scathach, I promise to always love you. But despite me and you now be official, I worry about Tamamo." stated Naruto only to feel Scathach lay a hand on his cheek.

"As long as I remain your first, I will have no problems with sharing you. You have shattered every form of doubt I had with that simple kiss." she stated as she gave his forehead a kiss.

"I swear on my grave. You shall always be my first." swore Naruto with Scathach smiling lovingly and very affectionately to him.

"Thank you, master." she purred as they decided to head back home.

However, Naruto never truly understood why Scathach asked to be Naruto's first. It was actually a show of domination. As Naruto's first, Scathach now can establish herself as the top woman. The Alpha.

And scene.

So there you have it. Naruto and Scathach have now become an item and will forever be as such seeing that Scathach indirectly confessed to Naruto with Naruto seeing right through it.

Too bad Scathach's only way to get her feelings across was for Tamamo to be all flirty with Naruto. Well at least the two have finally become a pair.

As well, thank you all for subscribing to my husband's channel. He's doing better and better by the day.

Chapter 6: Team Up.

Coming soon.

Thank you for reading.

Please rate and review.

Melissa out. ;)