Whoa. This is a large-ass project I'm about to undertake, but I think it's going to be a lot of fun!
Now, a good portion of you Naruto lovers probably won't know what show this story is based off of, so I'll give a quick explanation to catch your interest!
Basically, twenty-two Naruto characters are brought to an island as teenagers and complete strangers (some ages will be slightly altered but nothing too bad) where they must undergo challenges and face elimination. Think Survivor but a little wackier. I'll be using the challenges from the show "Total Drama Island" and following that format, but the elimination order and the interactions/relationships/conflicts will be my own creation, hence the funness.
This is a regular world AU. No ninja stuff. Just the people and their personalities, with minor tweaks to make them a little more realistic as people.
So, because there are only twenty-two people, some of the more prominent characters will not make it into the cast. I know some will be disappointed that their favorites are not in the story but I hope the cast I selected is diverse enough to catch everyone's interest.
Will your favorite make it far and win it all, or face a shameful early elimination? Will they get that kiss or get schmaked in the face? Find out here on Total Shinobi Island!
Couples: I will only give out two so as not to spoil the fun, but NaruHina and SasuSaku will be at the very least hinted at if not made canon.
"Yo, we're coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa, somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario!" A well-dressed man in his mid-thirties was seen standing on a dock. He flashed his shiny grin at the camera. "I'm your host, Chris McLean, dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television right now!" He walked down the dock. "Here's the deal. Twenty-two teenagers have been chosen to spend eight weeks right here at this crappy old summer camp. They'll compete in challenges against other teens, and have to face judgment by their fellow campers in the event that they lose. After each challenge, one team will either win a reward, or watch one of their teammates leave for good." He chuckled.
He walked towards a small clearing, where a number of small stumps were set up as chairs, and an oil drum with a plate of marshmallows sat in front of it. "Their fate will be decided here, at the dramatic and drama-inducing campfire ceremony, where each week all but one camper will receive a marshmallow. In the end, only one contestant will be left standing, and will be rewarded with the ultimate prize, fame! To survive, they'll have to battle black flies, bears, disgusting camp food, and most importantly, each other. Every moment will be caught on camera by the hundreds of camera's situated around the camp. Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out right here, on Total! Drama! Island!"
[Radical Theme Song]
"Welcome viewers, to the very first episode of Total Drama Island!" Chris grinned. The host with the most was currently standing on the one and only dock to the island, which was noticeably in rough shape. "It's time to meet our twenty-two campers." A boat pulled up to the dock and a teenager walked off. "Everyone, meet TenTen!"
TenTen was a friendly looking girl in black jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Noticeably her hair was in two buns. She gave Chris a friendly wave.
"Welcome," Chris greeted her warmly, "are you excited to be here?"
"I'm ready to kick some butt," TenTen said firmly, "I can't wait to get started!"
TenTen: Total Drama Stereotype – The Blackbelt.
"Excellent! That's the kind of excitement I like to see." Chris shot her finger guns. "Go stand on the end of the Dock while the others arrive, ok?"
TenTen nodded and walked to the end of the Dock as the next boat pulled up.
"This is Deidera everyone!"
Deidera had a grey muscle tank splattered in paint and grey cargo shorts, also covered in paint. He had very long blonde hair up in a high ponytail, but some had fallen and was covering his eye, both of which had a slightly crazed look in them.
"Hey hey," Deidera greeted, fingers twitching, "stoked to be here."
Deidera: Total Drama Stereotype – The Artist.
"Glad to have you my man, go ahead and wait at the end of the Dock."
Deidera walked over to TenTen and nodded. "Hey."
TenTen nodded back. "Hi! My name is TenTen."
"Wanna see my art?" Deidera asked excitedly, apparently not hearing her introduction.
TenTen looked taken aback and a little hesitant. "Uh...sure?"
Deidera jammed his left hand into his pocket and pulled out a small clay figurine that looked slightly mammalian. He handed to her and she peered at it. "Isn't it just the best thing you've ever seen?!"
"Uh, it's cute, yeah," TenTen offered, handing it back to her.
Deidera beamed at her, "Thank you!" and took back the figurine.
By then the next boat had arrived. "Next up, we have Kiba!"
Off the boat stepped a tough looking boy. He had a red tattoo of a fang on each cheek and a grey hoodie on despite the summer weather. He also had on old jeans and farmer boots. However, most noticeable about this newcomer was the puppy that was happily perched on top of his head.
"Oi," Kiba said, mildly annoyed, "don't forget to introduce Akamaru, man!"
Chris rolled his eyes. "I'm not introducing a dog."
"Jerk," Kiba muttered, stalking past the host. Akamaru gave a little growl as he passed.
Kiba: Total Drama Stereotype - The Dog Lover.
"You're lucky I even let that mutt on the show," Chris pointed out, "so watch it." He put two fingers to his eyes and then flicked them at Kiba.
"Yeah yeah," Kiba rolled his eyes and walked over to the other two. "Yo."
"Oh my gosh, your dog is so cute!" TenTen gushed.
"Cute indeed," Deidera agreed, "you must let me sculpt him!" He dug into his right pocket and pulled out a wad of clay. He then turned his back to the others and began mashing the clay together, muttering excitedly under his breath.
Kiba raised an eyebrow at TenTen, but she just shrugged.
Boat four pulled up. Out stepped a black girl with fiery red hair. It seemed her temper was fiery as well, because she hollered back at the boat driver. "Oh look! We made it before I died of old age! I guess miracles do happen!'
As a response the boat driver hurled her luggage out after her, which she caught in the face.
"Welcome Karui," Chris chuckled, "problem with your driver?"
Karui: Total Drama Stereotype - The Hothead.
"There's a problem alright, that dude was a freaking moron." Karui spat, adjusting her lime green crop top and making sure her white bandana was on straight. "I can't believe you'd hire such terrible drivers.'
Chris just shrugged, "we just got the cheapest ones we could find," he admitted, "go over there." He pointed to the end of the Dock.
Karui scoffed and stalked off as boat number five arrived.
"Welcome, Sakura!"
Sakura was a pretty, pale young woman with long, light pink dyed hair and emerald green eyes. She smiled warmly at everyone as she stepped foot on the dock. She wore a pink sundress with white sneakers.
Sakura: Total Drama Stereotype - The Romantic.
"Hello everyone! Great to meet you." She said politely. She walked over to the group and stood next to Karui. She leaned in and whispered, "Man, not a lot of cute guys here, huh?"
Karui glanced at Kiba, who was trying to look cool with a puppy on his head, and Deidera, who was still kneading clay and muttering excitedly to himself under his breath. "Meh, hopefully it goes up from here," Karui admitted, not bothering to whisper.
"Shikamaru, everyone!" Chris announced.
Shikamaru was a lanky young Asian man with a very bored look on his face. His long black hair was tied up in a spiky ponytail and he wore a maroon flannel over a plain white t-shirt with denim jeans and matching maroon chucks. He stifled a yawn through his fingers and grunted out a greeting.
Shikamaru: Total Drama Stereotype - The Slacker.
Karui laughed. "Yikes, maybe they won't get better."
"Welcome to the island," Chris told Shikamaru. "Excited to be here?"
"Not really," Shikamaru drawled as he walked down the dock, his voice deeper than expected from someone of his stature, "I'm only here because my mom wanted me out of the house for the summer."
Kiba let out a bark of laughter. "Damn dude, chill. You're gonna overwork the ladies with how cool you are."
Shikamaru stared dully at him. "You've got a little doggie on your head and think you can lecture me about coolness? What a drag." He turned away from Kiba, leaving him fuming.
Chris chuckled. "Excellent! Dramatic interactions bring in the ratings," he told the camera, "and the higher the ratings, the more cold hard cash I make! It's win-win!"
"Doesn't really sound like it's a win for us," TenTen muttered as the next camper arrived.
Said camper was female and very attractive. She had long, long blonde hair down to her bottom and wore a fairly revealing deep purple tank top with short white jean shorts. She also had purple sandals and a confident smirk on her face.
"This is Ino, everyone!"
"Hey, everyone," Ino said cheerfully, "I'm so looking forward to this!"
Ino: Total Drama Stereotype – The Model.
She walked down the dock, and every movement she made suggested she knew how attractive she was. She stopped next to Kiba and gave a high-pitched squeal. "What a cute little puppy! What's his name?"
Kiba grinned at her, "that there is Akamaru. I'm Kiba."
"Nice to meet you!" Ino squealed, mostly to the dog. She reached out a hand and scratched him under the chin.
Kiba blushed but tried to maintain his cool. "Nice to meet you too!"
"Pfft," Karui muttered, "skank."
Ino didn't seem to hear, as she turned to Sakura instead. "Oh my gosh, I love your outfit!"
Sakura beamed, "thank you! I love your hair!"
"Aw, stop it!"
"No, you stop!"
TenTen rolled her eyes and Shikamaru let out an audible groan, but Chris was there to move things along.
"Here's Bee, everyone!"
Out stepped a very fashionably dressed young black man. He had on a two piece white suit with matching hat, and dark black sunglasses. He swirled around and gave Chris finger guns. "Yo, Chris, what up my man?"
"Welcome to the island!" Chris greeted.
"Thanks man, it's great to be here. But ya'll got stuff to fear, danger is near, cause Bee will smear...the competition," he rapped.
Bee: Total Drama Stereotype – The Rapper.
These unprecedented bars were met by silence from the other campers.
"Did you just rap?" Karui asked rudely. "Because that was awful."
"My sweet lady, beautiful you may be, but hard of hearing I see," Bee continued to say, stalking down the dock to the others.
"Stay away from me," Karui spat, eyebrow twitching.
"Sheesh, whatever you say." Bee muttered, sliding over to Shikamaru and Kiba. "What up brothers from other mothers?"
"Yo," Kiba said indifferently. Shikamaru ignored him.
Further conversation was interrupted by a loud "WOOHOO!" coming from the next boat. Before the boat had even come to a stop, a young man jumped from the stern and landed cleanly on the dock. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a revolting orange tracksuit on.
"Welcome, Naruto! Love the enthusiasm!" Chris told him.
"You guys better be prepared to lose, cause I'm winning this whole thing!" Naruto exclaimed excitedly. There was no trace of malice or confrontation in his voice, which struck the others as odd.
Naruto: Total Drama Stereotype – The Knucklehead.
"Good luck, cause you'll have to go through me!" Kiba said, much harsher than Naruto had.
"And me," Karui added, "I doubt those lanky arms are too much to be worried about."
Naruto just brushed off the confrontational words and laughed heartily. "Just you guys wait and see! I got this." He went over and stood next to Shikamaru. "What's up dude? Sick hair!"
Shikamaru just stared at him dully. "Thanks," he drawled.
"What's your name?"
"Do you even care?"
Naruto looked hurt. "Of course I do! C'mon, don't be such a downer."
The slacker rolled his eyes but gave his name nonetheless. "Shikamaru."
"HAH!" Naruto's shout of laughter made Shikamaru jump. "Shikamaru? What kind of name is that? I can't tell if I like it."
Shikamaru chose not to respond and instead fixed his eyes on the next boat.
Out of said boat stepped an Asian girl with short black hair and a determined look on her face. She had on a black flannel over a grey tee-shirt with farmer jeans and large boots.
"Kurotsuchi, everyone!"
Kurotsuchi waved at everyone. "Hey," she greeted casually. She received some greetings and headed over to stand next to Deidera.
Kurotsuchi: Total Drama Stereotype – The Tomboy.
"Whatcha doing?" She asked the artist, trying to peer over his shoulder.
"It's almost finished," Deidera muttered, "I'll show you soon."
Kurotsuchi took a step back. "Riiiight...okay then, I'm gonna go over there." She went to stand next to TenTen.
"Camper number eleven is Tayuya!"
Tayuya was a rough looking girl with scraggly red hair. She had on a muscle shirt with a skull and crossbones on it, and ripped up jeans. Everything about her screamed "punk", from the three piercings in her nose to the black lipstick on her face.
"Sup," she sneered, stepping out onto the dock.
Tayuya: Total Drama Stereotype – The Bully.
"Yikes, what is that mess?" Ino whispered to Sakura, who giggled.
"You say something, pretty girl?" Tayuya snapped, making Ino jump.
"No, nothing to you," Ino replied quickly, annoyed. "Are you always so nosy?"
Tayuya walked lazily over to Ino and stood five inches from her face. "Watch your mouth when you speak to me, girlie."
Ino, overwhelmed by Tayuya's aggressive approach, backed down. "Just get out of my face," she muttered, looking away.
Tayuya smirked triumphantly and went to stand next to Naruto, who scooted away from her.
"The power of youth compels me!" Came a shriek from the latest boat. A young boy with a revolting bowl cut came springing out, landing on the dock with a perfect somersault.
"Lee, everyone!"
"It is a great honor to meet you all!" Lee said, saluting.
Lee: Total Drama Stereotype – Mr. Motivation.
"What's up dude!" Naruto called. "My name is Naruto, and I'm gonna WIN this show!"
Lee shot Naruto a blinding grin and bounded over to him, "such fierce words! You will make a most honorable competitor!"
Naruto grinned back and, just as eloquently said "I'll kick your butt too, believe it!"
"Done!" Deidera said loudly, startling those around him. "Kiba, check out this, hn!"
Kiba walked over and looked at what Deidera had. It was a small clay puppy. It was rough, but had a certain charm to it.
"Hey, that's pretty good," Kiba grinned, taking it from the artists hand. "Whaddya think, Akamaru?"
Akamaru leaned down and gave the figure a quick sniff. The puppy gave it a quick lick and wagged his tail, and Kiba pocketed. "I'd say he likes it."
Deidera beamed, "thank you!"
The camera shifted back to the next boat, where a lovely looking young woman with long purple hair. Her bulky sweatshirt hid her nice figure and you could tell just by the way she walked how shy she was.
"This is Hinata, everyone!"
Hinata nervously gave a little wave. "H-hello everyone," she muttered, "it's nice to meet you!"
Hinata: Total Drama Stereotype – The Wallflower.
"Oi, aren't you hot?" Naruto called from the growing crowd of teens, "it's summer and you're wearing a sweatshirt! What's up with that?"
Hinata blushed at that and tried to stammer out an answer, but she was saved by Sakura jamming an elbow into his ribs.
"Hey!" the pinkette barked, "it's not nice to comment on a girl's outfit!"
Naruto yelped and rubbed his sore ribs, "I didn't mean any harm," he grumbled.
By then, Hinata had joined the crowd and the next boat had arrived.
"This is Sai, everyone!" Chris announced.
Out stepped a very pale boy with short black hair. He wearing a peculiar outfit of a black crop-top and farmer jeans with farmer boots.
"Nice outfit, loser," Tayuya mocked, causing a couple sniggers to run through the group.
Sai, however, just fixed her with a smile. "It seems your personality and face match, Ugly."
Sai: Total Drama Stereotype – The Sheltered One.
This caused several ooh's to echo through the group, and Tayuya went red with anger. She pushed her way to the front of the group and went for Sai, but Naruto and Lee held her back.
"Easy," Lee told her, "he was merely matching you jibe for jibe. Please do not sink to violence!"
Tayuya shrugged out of their grips, but didn't pursue Sai. "Don't tell me what to, Bowl Cut," she spat.
Sai joined them at the group while Chris counted them up.
"Only eight of you left to introduce," Chris noted, turning to the next boat and seeing who stepped off it.
This girl was tall and tan, with short, sandy blonde hair tied into four pigtails. She wore a white dress shirt with black skinny jeans and looked well put together. Her expression was unamused.
"This place is a dump," were her first words.
"Nice to meet you too, Temari!"
Temari: Total Drama Stereotype – The Perfectionist.
"So this is my competition?" Temari asked as she walked slowly down the dock. Her eyes slid over the faces of the other teens. "Should be an interesting game."
Karui smirked, "you know it!"
Temari stood next to Kurotsuchi and Bee as the next boat pulled up.
The next young man was very quiet. He had a bizarre collared shirt that covered his mouth and nose and dark sunglasses on. His tattered jeans and messy hair gave him a bit of an unnerving appearance.
"This is Shino, everyone!" Chris said, trying not to look creeped out as they kid walked by him.
Shino: Total Drama Stereotype – The Insectophile.
"Greetings, everyone," Shino's voice was surprisingly soft, "it is an honor to be competing alongside all of you. I expect your best efforts in defeating me."
"You say that like it's gonna be tough," Shikamaru yawned, eyeing the newcomer warily.
"Tougher than you might think," Shino said, his sunglasses glinting.
"Hm, I like this kid," Kurotsuchi grinned. She stuck her hand out to him. "My name is Kurotsuchi, nice to meet ya!"
Shino extended his hand and shook hers. "Nice to meet you too," he said politely.
He was then accosted by Naruto and Lee, who introduced themselves as well.
While those shenanigans were going on, yet another boat pulled up.
"This is Karin."
Karin was a nerdy looking young woman with shocking red hair to rival Karui's. She was bespectacled and wore very plain clothes – a lilac shirt with a pocket on the chest and khaki shorts with black sneakers.
She pushed her glasses up her nose a bit and surveyed everyone. "Hello, everyone."
Karin: Total Drama Stereotpye – The Geek.
"What's up, nerd?" Tayuya mocked, chuckling. No one else laughed.
Karin seemed unfazed, and walked over to stand next to Hinata.
"H-hello," Hinata mumbled, "nice to meet you, I'm Hinata..."
"Yes yes, pleasantries are nice," Karin said brusquely, "hope your day is going well and such." She turned her attention to the approaching boat.
Hinata sighed a little and looked down to the floor, embarrassed by the dismissal.
Off the next boat stepped a very muscular, intimidating young man. He was so pale his skin was almost blue, and he had sharp, beady eyes. His hair was so black it almost looked blue and he wore a black muscle tee and dark denim jeans. He also had on a pair of nice hiking boots.
"This is Kisame, everyone!"
Kisame grinned at the crowd, showing sharp teeth. Contrary to his looks, when he opened his mouth his words were courteous and eloquent. "Greetings everyone. So pleased to make your acquaintance."
Kisame: Total Drama Sterotype - The Athlete.
"Whoa, you are ripped." Ino said approvingly.
"Yes," Sai nodded, "he's a jock. A meathead."
Kisame threw back his head and let out a loud laugh. He walked over to Sai and threw an arm around his shoulder. "I can see why you would think that, pale one," he removed his arm from around Sai's shoulder but, quick as a flash, he had grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted him up off the dock with just one arm. "But I think you'll soon find your observation to be quite wrong."
"Hey!" Temari protested, pushing through the crowd to get to Kisame. "Put. Him. Down." She said sternly.
Kisame laughed again and released the boy, who, to his credit, landed gracefully on his feet. "Easy now, Pigtails, I wasn't hurting him."
"Yeah, but you could've damaged his crop top, and that would've been a tragedy." TenTen giggled, making a couple others chuckle.
Kisame grinned at her and took his place on the Dock while another boat pulled up.
"Our nineteenth contestant, Konan!"
Konan was a pretty girl dressed in all black. Like, all black. From her tanktop to her hoodie to her jeans, shoes and makeup. Her hair, however, was a deep, dyed purple. She had even more piercings than Tayuya.
"Say hi, Konan!" Chris said obnoxiously.
Konan shot him a glare and said nothing. She stalked over to the crowd.
Konan: Total Drama Stereotpye – The Goth.
"Hey," Sakura said, trying to be friendly to the newcomer, "I'm Sakura!"
Konan looked at her and sighed heavily, as if just talking to her was a huge inconvenience. "Hi, I guess."
Sakura didn't really know how to respond to that, so she just sort of smiled and looked awkwardly at the next boat.
"Yay, hi everyone!" Came the chirpy voice of the newest camper. The girl was tan and pretty, with a high-school cheerleader uniform of light spring green, which matched her hair. Her midriff was showing and she had startling orange eyes.
Fu: Total Drama Stereotype – The Cheerleader.
"Welcome Fu," Chris greeted warmly, "excited to be here?"
"You know it," Fu grinned, walking over to the others, "this is gonna be such a fun summer, I can't wait!" She fell to talking with Ino and Sakura as the last boat pulled up.
"Our last two contestants," Chris announced, "are arriving on the same boat!"
"Why's that?" Naruto asked, scratching his forehead.
"Because they're brothers, and we could save a little money this way," Chris told the knucklehead, "we are on a budget, y'know."
The boat stopped and out stepped two startlingly handsome young men.
The shorter of the two, a boy in fashionable street-wear with messy hair and bangs, walked out onto the Dock with a displeased look on his face.
"Really, we had to share the same boat?" his voice was smooth.
"Welcome, Sasuke," Chris greeted, ignoring the young man's complaint.
Sasuke: Total Drama Stereotype – The Cool Guy.
Sasuke pushed his bangs out of his eyes in a tired fashion and surveyed the other contestants.
"Oh my god," Sakura whispered to Ino, "he is so hot!"
"I know!" Ino squealed, not nearly as subtle as Sakura, "what's up, cutie!" She called to him, waving.
Sasuke saw Ino waving and sighed, rolling his eyes. A chuckle came from right behind him as the other brother walked up to him. "Happening already, huh little brother?"
"Just call me Sasuke," Sasuke muttered, embarrassed.
The other boy just chuckled.
Itachi: Total Drama Stereotype – The Pacifist.
Itachi's hair was dark like his brothers, but it was much longer and kept in a ponytail. He also had noticeable lines running down his cheeks, and a kind face. He dressed in a simple green hoodie with jeans and regular sneakers.
One thing of note about the two of them, though, was that Sasuke's fashionable shirt and Itachi's plain hoodie both sported the same crest on the back, something that Shino took note of.
"The Uchiha crest, huh?" The strange boy's sunglasses glinted in the sunlight, "what do a couple of richy-riches like you need with a hundred grand?"
"I knew I recognized that symbol," Karin agreed, "though I doubt they're here for the monetary gain."
Sasuke stared at her, causing her to blush. "You're right about that," he told her, bored. He went over and stood as far from a still squealing Ino and Sakura as possible, and ended up next to Naruto.
"Yo!" Naruto greeted loudly, making Sasuke flinch, "so you're a rich boy, huh?" he gave a friendly grin, "that'll make it more satisfying when I beat you!"
Sasuke did not take the jibe lightly and glared at the blonde, "Funny, because I'll be the one beating you."
"Hah!" Naruto cackled right in his face, "nice try, bub, but I'm gonna be the winner of this show!"
Sasuke was about to fire back a heated reply but was cut off by Chris. "Alright, that's everyone! Now, if you twenty-two teens will follow me, I'm going to give you all a little tour of this island!" The host walked off the dock and towards the bulk of the island. The others followed.
The island was fairly small. In the center was a long, wooden building dubbed "The Mess Hall" by Chris. That was where the campers would eat their meals three times a day. Inside was simple; two long tables with benches. In the back there was a kitchen counter where they would be served food cafeteria-style from a scary looking ex-con that went by "Chef".
About a hundred paces north of the Mess Hall were two beat-up log cabins. Each cabin had a porch and had two sides to it. Each team would get a cabin, Chris explained, and then within the cabin boys would get one side and girls the other.
The Dock of Shame was located on the very south part of the island, and right when you stepped off of it was the elimination area. It was eleven large logs made into seats and a gloomy looking oil barrel.
On the north side of the island was a massive hill that lead to a cliff and fifty-foot drop into the chilly water below.
The island also had a large lake on the west side, complete with its own separate dock and boathouse.
There were several other buildings on the island, but were for challenge use and therefore not shown to the contestants yet.
The group of kids were currently at the elimination area. Chris was there too, holding two rolled up cloth banners, one under each arm. "Alright campers, you've got a tour of the island and what goes down at each place except for right here," he gestured with his head to the oil barrel behind him. "I'm going to split you guys into two teams of eleven. You will then compete in challenges, and the losing team will have to come here and vote off one of their fellow teammates. If you do get eliminated, you will have to walk down the Dock of Shame and you can't come back, ever! Does anyone have any questions?"
Shikamaru raised a hand, "do we get any say in who our teammates are?"
The lazy boy sighed, "what a drag..."
"So, let's split you guys up. When I call you name, come stand to my right:
and Karui!"
The eleven teens walked over to Chris's right. Notably, Ino looked upset that Sasuke had not been called and Sasuke looked very relieved he had not been called.
"I dub you guys the Fierce Foxes," Chris told them, tossing the red banner to Kisame, who caught it easily. He unrolled it to see a drawing of a confident looking red fox on a slightly darker background.
"Foxes, huh? Always liked foxes," Naruto grinned.
"And we are so totally fierce!" Karui smirked, "I like it," she surveyed her teammates and then the others, "we'll make sure to kick some serious ass."
"That means the rest of you guys are on team two," Chris continued,
and Karin, you guys are now dubbed the Rampaging Rhinos!" He tossed the banner to Tayuya, who caught it. This banner was green, and had an angry looking grey rhino on it.
"Rhinos? I like that..." Deidera muttered, digging into his pockets for some more clay.
"So, size up your competition and your teammates. They will be the only people you'll have contact with other than myself and Chef Hatchet if you plan on staying here for the next eight weeks." Chris told them, tapping his chin, "I feel like I'm forgetting something..." realization dawned on his face, "Oh yeah, the Confessional!"
"The Confessional?" Sai asked, "I'm not religious because I'm not deluded, so I won't be using that."
That got him a couple weird looks, but Chris just laughed. "No, Sai, the Confessional is a place where you can vent to the viewers without any of your fellow campers overhearing you."
The camera cut to a disgusting looking outhouse. Taped to the open door was a camera. "It really is a great piece of craftsmanship," Chris sighed.
(Confessional: Chris.)
Chris grinned at the camera, "so make sure you use this to its full potential. Complain or compliment, moan or groan, it's here for your venting needs!"
(End Confessional: Chris)
(Confessional: Naruto.)
Naruto looked around the Confessional and then at the camera. "So far, this place rules! The people are pretty great too, and I can't wait to get to competing!"
(End Confessional: Naruto.)
(Confessional: Konan.)
"The place where we can vent is a disgusting toilet," Konan deadpans, staring straight into the camera, "so far, this place sucks."
(End Confessional: Konan.)
(Confessional: Ino.)
"How come Sasuke can't be on my team," Ino complained, "We'd be the most gorgeous couple on the island! It'll be so hard to hook up with him now that we're enemies!" She gave a slight gasp, "ooh, maybe it'll be just like Romeo and Juliet!"
(End Confessional: Ino.)
"So, go get settled in your cabins and unpack. Lunch will be in one hour, and your challenge after that." Chris told them, shooing them away with his hands, "now get! Your luggage was dropped outside your cabins."
The twenty two teens dispersed towards the cabins.
Currently the six Fox boys: Naruto, Lee, Bee, Itachi, Kisame and Sai, were unpacking in their side of the cabin. There were only three bunk beds in the cabin, so they had to pick beds. Naruto got the bottom bunk on the bed closest to the door, with Lee above him. Sai had the bottom bunk in the middle bed, with Itachi above him, and Kisame and Bee had the bottom and top respectively of the farthest bed.
"Alright guys, how excited are you?" Naruto said gleefully, unpacking his suitcase messily onto his bed.
"Extremely excited!" Lee hooted, grinning exuberantly, "I have been waiting for a competition like this for a long time, and I do not plan on losing!"
"Tch, that's a shame," Bee cut in, grinning cockily, "because I'm gonna be the one to blame when I win this whole game."
"Hah!" Naruto interjected, practically shouting, "you think you're gonna win, that's hilarious!"
As the three loud boys continued to prattle on, Itachi was calmly unloading his suitcase into the drawers across the room. Sai was next to him doing the same, and both were silent.
"So," Kisame said, walking up to the two raven-haired men, "looks like I've got three quite boisterous cabinmates and two quiet ones."
Itachi looked at Kisame, "I speak when needed, but I don't see the need for senseless conversation."
Kisame eyed the Uchiha, "fair enough." he grinned, "at the very least our team isn't lacking in confidence." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder to Lee, Naruto, and Bee, who were now all shouting about why they would win the whole show, "we've got three winners on our team, no way we can lose."
"They're idiots," Sai decided, looking disdainfully at the three, "I don't like them."
"You're awfully blunt," Itachi noted, eying Sai curiously.
Said nodded, smiling, "yes, I've always had trouble veiling my true feelings."
"I'd be careful," Itachi warned, "some of the people here may not take too kindly to hearing your honest opinion."
"I'll gratefully take that advice in one ear and out the other," Sai told him, still smiling.
Itachi and Kisame were silent for a second, until Kisame burst out laughing. Itachi just shook his head and took his leave.
(Confessional: Kisame.)
Kisame was grinning, "That kid Sai is a train wreck. I wonder how long it'll be until he pisses off the wrong people."
(End Confessional: Kisame.)
The Fox Girls were also unpacking. They also had three bunk beds, but since there were only five of them one of them wouldn't have to share.
"I don't mind sharing," TenTen said, "one of you guys can have the solo."
"I don't care either," Kurotsuchi said, looking at TenTen, "wanna bunk?"
"Sure," TenTen shrugged, pointing to the bed furthest back, "that one?"
"Sounds good to me."
"I want the solo," Ino said, "I like, need my space."
"Why should you get it?" Karui challenged immediately, "I want it."
"Let's have a contest then," Ino said devilishly, "we can go ask all the boys on the island who is the prettiest out of the two of us and whoever wins gets the bunk!"
Karui blinked, "that's ridiculous! What kind of stupid challenge is that?"
"Yeah," TenTen added from her bunk, "why not do something easier like rock-paper-scissors?"
The two looked to TenTen and then back at each other. Sparks flew between their eyes as they glared at one another.
"Two out of three?" Karui challenged.
"You're on!"
Both girls cocked back their fists. "Rock, paper, scissors SHOOT!"
Ino threw out paper, while Karui had a rock.
"Hah!" Ino cried, "in your face!"
"It's still two out of three!" Karui yelled back, "Don't get cocky!"
The process repeated, but this time Ino had rock, and Karui had scissors.
"I'll be cocky all I want," Ino taunted, "thanks for the bunk!"
Karui let out a screech and leapt at the girl, but TenTen and Kurotsuchi held her back.
"It's just a bunk, girl!" Kurotsuchi barked, "it's not worth it!"
"Besides," Hinata spoke up, timidly, "I don't mind bunking with you, Karui."
Karui stopped struggling and sighed. "Fine."
"Look at us, all getting along," TenTen said sarcastically, turning away from the girls to continue unpacking.
"Well, one thing is for sure," Ino's voice was practically a purr, "there are some cute boys here."
Kurotsuchi nodded. "Those Uchiha books hit the jackpot for sure. Super rich and super hot."
"Kisame's not bad either," TenTen added thoughtfully.
"He's ripped for sure," Ino agreed. "He's got a bit of a bad boy vibe." She turned to Hinata, "what about you? Any cute guys catch you eye?"
Hinata turned bright red. "U-u-um...I-I, uh..." she bolted from the room.
The four other girls watched her leave, bemused.
"She's weird." Kurotsuchi observed.
"She's just shy," TenTen said, "give her time to warm up to us."
(Confessional: TenTen.)
"Having cute boys here is great and all," TenTen says, "but I'm here to win. If a boy happens to fall into my lap then great, but what I'm really drooling over is that one-hundred thousand dollars!"
(End Confessional: TenTen.)
"Man, this place is such a drag."
The five Rhino boys were, like everyone else, unpacking.
"You got your optimal bunk, so quit whining." Kiba said dismissively.
It was true. Shikamaru had the bottom bunk of the closest cabin, with Sasuke above him. The middle bunk had Kiba and Deidera, and the far bunk had Shino to himself.
"I am so ready to kick this competition in the butt," Kiba continued, puffing out his chest and thumping it. Akamaru, who was curled up on the sheets of his bed, gave a little yip of agreement.
Sasuke looked irked by the yip and turned to face Kiba. "That dog doesn't bark alot, does he?"
"Not unless I tell him to, no." Kiba shrugged, annoyed with Sasuke's annoyance.
"Good, cause I don't want that little rat keeping me up. I need the sleep to crush this competition."
In a flash Kiba was up in Sasuke's face. "The hell you just call my dog?"
Sasuke didn't back down, and returned Kiba's steely gaze. "You heard me."
Kiba looked like he was about to take a swing at him, but Shino agily slipped between the two and shoved them away from each other.
"You got a problem, Shino?" Sasuke snapped.
Shino turned to look at Sasuke. "I think this hostile attitude would be better directed at thte other team, no? You are here to win, and not squabble like a five year old with people who are on your side, right?"
Sasuke flushed. "You've got some nerve talking to me like that. Do you know who I am? It's-" he was cut off as Shino jabbed a finger in his face.
"It doesn't matter who you are here," Shino said, looking down at the floor. His voice was still quiet. The other three boys watched on, not daring to interrupt. "Here, we all start as equals. The only things that matter here are what you do once you set foot on this island." As he was speaking a beetle crawled out of his sleeve and up his arms, towards Sasuke's face.
"Those who fail to understand this will find themselves back in the real world shortly," Shino smirked, "so if you're so hung up about who you are in the outside world, keep it up. You'll be back there soon enough."
The beetle reached the tip of his finger. Sasuke was staring at the beetle and boy with a nasty mixture of revulsion and anger.
"Whatever," the younger Uchiha scoffed, smacking Shino's hand out of his way and stalking past him. The door slammed shut and the four boys were left in silence.
Kiba broke that silence.
"I like you, man," he grinned, going over to Shino and slinging an arm around him. "I think we'll get along just fine."
Shino was still smirking as the beetle crawled back up his sleeve. "Perhaps."
Meanwhile, Deidera had been frantically working on a clay sculpture.
(Confessional: Deidera.)
"Check this out!" Deidera beams. He pulls out several little clay figurines. They are rough but can be defined as Shino, Sasuke, Kiba and Shikamaru. "I hope to get all of the people here eventually."
(End Confessional: Deidera.)
(Confessional: Sasuke.)
"That little shit! Who does he think he is, being so arrogant?" Sasuke grumbled, leaning against the wall of the Confessional. He keeps up his anger for a few seconds, but eventually sighs. "I can't say he's wrong though. I gotta keep my cool. I try not to be elitist because of my upbringing, but my parents make that kind of hard." He shakes his head, "whatever, I still have the ability to win this game."
(End Confessional: Sasuke.)
(Confessional: Shino.)
Shino has a beetle on his thumb and is holding it close to his ear, as if listening to it. "Magnificent creatures, aren't they?" He lowers his hand. "It might be hard to believe, but I was actually giving Sasuke some advice there. He may be arrogant, but he's not an idiot, and is probably a capable competitor. Ideally, he sees that I help him out, and now I have a potential strong ally on the radar. Someone who is likely to be popular with the ladies is invaluable for strategy," he pushes his sunglasses further up his nose, "and I happen to love strategy."
(End Confessional: Shino.)
In the Rhino girl cabin, things were going rather...badly.
"I want the front bed, bitch." Tayuya spat, lifting Konan up by her shirt.
"Whoa, take it easy," Temari barked, walking over to the two and shoving Tayuya away. "There's two beds, you can each have one you psycho."
"I don't even want the front bed," Konan grumbled, snatching up her suitcase and heading towards the back of the cabin.
Temari turned to glare at Tayuya, demanding an explanation, but Tayuya just glared back.
"You really think this is the best way to go about this?" Sakura asked, her hands held up in placating gesture. "I mean, if we lose, we hold the power to vote off who we want. Is being a big jerk the way to go about this."
Tayuya took that in for a moment. Looking like she had sucked on a lemon, she finally spat out. "Shit. You're right. Sorry, gothball."
"Yeah, cause that was sincere." Karin deadpanned up top from the far bunk. Konan, setting up her stuff underneath her, cracked a smile.
"Let's just all try to get along, guys." Fu said brightly, "We've got butts to kick in this first challenge, and I'll be damned if we end up losing!"
That at least, was something all the girls could agree on, and the unpacking continued with no other issues.
An hour later, Chris called all the contestants in for lunch. One team got a table, so everyone was a little crowded.
"What. The. Hell. Is. This." Karin said, holding up a spoonful of some reddish-brown paste.
"It's LUNCH!" Chef screamed from the kitchen, making most of the campers jump.
One thing the campers learned very quickly was that it was best not to mess with Chef Hatchet, Afro-Canadian and mean. Easily six and a half feet tall and ripped, this ex-con did not put up with any kind of dissent about his cooking.
"I don't know what country you grew up in, Chef," Ino snapped, "but this isn't food."
Lee clapped her on the back, making her jump. "We must eat, for we need the nutrients required to perform well in this challenge!" He said vehemently, eyes sparkling.
"Yeah! He's right!" Naruto added obnoxiously, shoveling down the weird paste with gusto.
However, some of the others weren't as keen to eat the 'food'.
"Just let me in the kitchen," Karui said dismissively, getting up and walking towards the door, "I can cook something for myself, I-" she bumped into the massive cook, who was leering down at her. He practically radiated doom.
"Sit. Yo. Butt. Down."
Karui was no wimp, but she also wasn't a complete idiot. She sat down.
"Y'all will eat my meals three times a day. I will hear NO complaining, you understand me?" Chef barked at them, still radiating his doom aura.
No one answered, so Chef grabbed a meat cleaver from his cutting board and slammed it into the door frame. He let go, and the blade stuck.
"YES CHEF!" All contestants screamed back. (Some in fear, others in anger.)
At this moment Chris walked in, his pearly-white smile dazzling everyone.
"Hey guys, I've seen you gotten cozy with Chef," he let out a chuckle, "you poor souls."
"Real funny," Kiba grumbled.
"Your first challenge starts in fifteen minutes, so eat up!"
A couple of the campers looked like nerves were settling in. Kisame, on the Foxes table, noticed how nervous Hinata looked.
"Don't be worried, little one," he said in a tone that was half mocking, half consoling. "It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?"
"Not too hard," Chris answered him, a devilish smirk forming on his face. "Just make sure you're up on the cliff...in your bathing suits."
The realization of what this meant dawned on the campers, and the place went silent. Eventually, Kisame broke it.
"Oh, shit."
Rampaging Rhinos: Tayuya, Sasuke, Kiba, Fu, Sakura, Temari, Shikamaru, Shino, Karin, Deidera, Konan.
Fierce Foxes: Lee, Naruto, Ino, Itachi, TenTen, Kisame, Karui, Sai, Kurotsuchi, Bee, Hinata.
Voted Off: N/A.
Well there it is guys! I hope you enjoy! If any of you are curious to the style of the story and what its themes will be going forward, just search up the first episode of Total Drama Island if you've never seen an episode. This story will be definitely a little more adult than the cartoon. There will be minor sexual themes and moderate to severe language. Probably some blood and injuries too, but nothing even close to gruesome.
I WOULD recommend googling pictures of Chris McLean and Chef Hatchet, and maybe Wawanakwa Island, just to get an idea of what the place looks like.
So, who do you guys think will make it far, and who's cannon fodder? Let me hear those early predictions! I'll try and update this soon, within the week hopefully if reception is positive!