Opening Moves

Chapter 1 - home

Hermione and Harry both drew their wands for the job Infront of them. It wasn't a hard job; both could have easily done it by hand. But levitating their luggage off the train would be the last bit of magic that they could do until September so neither of them wanted to waste the opportunity. Harry levitated Hedwig in her cage onto his trunk and then levitated his trunk out of the door. Hermione opted to carry Crookshanks in his carrier while directing her trunk to follow Harry.

The platform was busy with witches and wizards catching sight of their children for the first time in months. Hermione led Harry around the crowd to cross into the Muggle part of the station where her own parents waited. Just before the barrier the two underage Wix ended the spells on their luggage as they settled the trunks onto a trolley and returned their wands to their holsters. They would both really miss magic but the law was clear, as the two of them were underage they were not allowed to use magic outside of school unless there was an emergency. As Harry had had such an emergency last summer, he doubted that the D.M.L.E. would be so lenient again.

The two walked through the barrier that separated Platform 9¾ from the rest of Kings' Cross and were instantly shifted from a crowd of reunited families to a crowd of rushed commuters. The two pushed their way through the mass of overworked and underpaid people, Hedwig fussing the entire time because she wasn't a fan of her cage, which drew a few looks from people. Eventually Harry spotted Dan at the far end of the station, close to the exit and away from the crowd, and pointed him out to Hermione. Having seen her father Hermione was off, leaving Harry behind to deal with the trolley and make his way through the mass of people.

It took Harry a few minutes to follow Hermione. The trolley was harder to navigate around people than a lone teen was. When Harry finally got clear of the crowd, he could see Hermione with her arms wrapped around her parents. Harry had missed the two dentists as well, but he was nowhere near as close to them as Hermione was. Harry started pushing the trolley over to them, but his heart sank when he saw someone he had hoped he would never see again. His uncle Vernon was standing near the exit scanning the crowd looking for him.

Harry looked at the floor as he made his way towards the Grangers; if he was lucky, now that Harry was wearing clothes that fit instead of his cousins extra extra baggy cast offs, his uncle wouldn't spot him amongst the other people in the station. Of course, if you want not to be noticed, you probably shouldn't have distinctively messy hair, a large trolley with two large ornate trunks, and an owl in a cage. At least not while you are in a Muggle area; in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade it might have worked.

Harry's first indication that he had been spotted was the obvious one, Uncle Vernon's voice shouting, "Boy it's about time you turned up! I have better things to do than wait around for you! Get in the car, we are going!" It sounded like his temper was already lost for the day. Harry almost did what his uncle ordered on reflex but instead pretended he hadn't heard and continued to the Grangers. Madam Bones had said it plainly in her letter, unless he received an official letter from her on Ministry-headed parchment, then it was illegal for him to go with his uncle.

"Boy! Enough of your foolishness, let's go! I have places to be!" Vernon once again shouted over the background noise in the station.

Hermione looked up from the hug she was enjoying from her parents at the sound of shouting. Harry's uncle was the one shouting and he was shouting at Harry, and that pissed her off. Hermione had only seen Harry's uncle twice before today: almost exactly a year ago and then the year before that, when the man had picked up Harry at the end of the school year. Some might have considered it odd that Hermione could remember so well a man she had only seen a handful of times, but as it was Harry's uncle she had paid attention. It also helped that his overly rotund figure was somewhat distinctive, and the family resemblance to the photos of his sister that she had seen in the paper also helped.

Hermione watched as Harry deliberately ignored his uncle, watching his feet and not looking around for the source of the shouting like everyone else. His uncle could see it too, and started across the station towards Harry. Hermione started to rush to Harry, her parents following behind. They could see what was happening, it was their duty as Harry's current guardians, but more than that it was a thirteen year old in trouble. That Harry was close enough to their daughter to almost be considered family just made it more urgent.

Vernon reached Harry first and grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards the exit. Hermione watched as Harry just sort of closed down and accepted it and started to shuffle along next to his uncle. Harry who had fought trolls, acromantulas, a basilisk, two dark Wix, and a horde of Dementors and won, wasn't fighting back at all. Hermione didn't understand it, but she could see all she needed to see: for whatever reason Harry couldn't fight back against this man so she would do it for him. She grabbed Harry's other arm and pulled him away from his uncle, shouting "Get away from him!"

Vernon turned to look at her, a look of anger on his face. He was about to push her away from Harry and continue manhandling Harry when her parents slipped between them and the man that had left all those scar's over Harry's torso. Hermione knew from where the scars, always in two parallel lines, came.

"Mr Dursley, what an unexpected surprise. What are you doing here today." Despite the friendly words, her dad's tone was ice cold. And no one could have mistaken it for friendly

"You! Haven't you caused enough trouble for me? I know you tipped off that cop. I am here to collect the boy, now move out of the way." He was using his size to try and intimate them. Hermione felt a little afraid, but compared to LeStrange Vernon Dursley was just not that intimidating. Her parents ignored the posturing as well. Harry was the only one who looked nervous.

"Harry," Emma put emphasis on his name, as Harry wasn't just a 'boy', "was placed in our custody to prevent any future incidents like the one that happened last year. Leave now or I will call the police and tell them just how like your sister you are."

"I had a letter from one of those people saying that I was to come and collect him today," Vernon said through gritted teeth.

"Unless you have a repeal of the custody order for us signed by the head of the D.M.L.E., then that letter isn't worth the paper it's written on," Dan replied. Hermione was angry now; someone (probably the headmaster) was trying to send Harry back where he would get hurt.

"Those are your laws, not mine. I only answer to the real police. Your people have no authority in my life! And according to the government, my wife and I are the boy's guardians."

"Actually Mr. Dursley, you will find if you were to look it up that you are not Harry's legal guardian any more," interrupted a young woman dressed in dark gray trouser suit and a familiar face. "The Ministry has some limited contact with the government and social services; when it comes to a child like Mr. Potter, then we do have the full authority under treaty to act and move him to a safe location."

"And who the hell are you!" Vernon eyed the interloper, obviously searching her for any sign she was a witch.

The young woman grinned as she replied, "I am Auror Tonks. An auror is our equivalent of a detective, although it's not a direct comparison. Basically, it's my job to investigate crimes and protect the people like Harry and Hermione from threats. While I may not be able to arrest you myself, I can make life very difficult for you. Maybe even a phone call to the police from inside your house." Tonks was staring at Vernon right in the eyes.

Hermione picked up on what Tonks was saying immediately and by the gasps from Vernon, Harry and her parents, they all picked up on it as well. Tonks had been the one who got the police to Marge Dursley's house.

"You evil freak, you have no right to interfere with the lives of good and honest people just trying to make a living!" Vernon Dursley was fuming. "Why can't you people just stay the hell out of my life?"

"Good and honest? I only brought the cops there; she was the one with the dogfighting business and child slaves. The funny thing is, if you had acted like a proper guardian and prevented your sister from harming an innocent child in your care, I never would have found out what your sister was doing." Tonks sounded like she was really enjoying herself now as she laid Vernon's sins back on his own shoulders. "And yet I'm going to give you exactly what you asked for. Turn around and leave. Just go, and you won't have to deal with anyone else from our world again. Without Harry in your life, none of us have any reason to contact you at all. Just leave and it's over."

Hermione watched as Dursley worked through what Tonks was saying. "So the freak goes with you lot and it's done? All of it? No more vanishing glass, no more being followed across the country, and no more poxy owls? It's a wash, my family and I get to go back to living normal lives?" He seemed to like the idea.

"Just so. You can forget all about us." Tonks agreed.

"Then take him. He's yours. Goodbye freak!" And he turns and hurried out of the station as though he thought if he stayed around any longer they might change their minds. Tonks and the Grangers watched as he left. Good riddance, how disgusting of a man he was to care so little about his nephew. Harry was too busy breathing deeply trying to keep calm to watch his uncle leave.

Hermione put her arm around him, which calmed him down a little. Then Emma surprised him by pulling Harry and by extension Hermione into a hug. Harry hadn't ever been hugged by an adult before, not that he could remember. He had hugged Hagrid the one time at the start of the school year, but that had been him doing the hugging and not being the one getting hugged.

Harry had expected to get that noted panicky feeling in his stomach like he got when most people touched him, but he was surprised to feel just warm and safe. It was similar and yet completely different to when Hermione hugged him, her hugs had something more about them. Harry threw his arms around the mother and daughter Grangers and pulled them against him for a few moments until he finished composing himself.

They separated from the hug and Harry noticed both Dan and Tonks were watching him. Harry blushed hard and said, "Uh...hi?"

Dan laughed good-naturedly before saying, "Hello Harry, it's good to see you again."

Harry nodded, not knowing what else to say he replied with, "It's good to be back, and it's great to see you too."

Hermione giggled at them. "Ok you two stop being so awkward and formal." Before she turned to Tonks. "So it's Auror Tonks now? Not Trainee Auror Tonks?"

Tonks beamed at Hermione. "Caught that did you? Yep, as of three days ago I'm now Rookie Auror Tonks, freshly graduated from Brighton Academy's Auror course." Harry and Hermione beamed. They both thought Tonks seemed cool last time they met and it was good that her career was progressing.

"So what are you doing here today? Work, or do you have a family member coming home from Hogwarts?" Hermione asked to keep the conversation going.

Tonks grinned. "Watching to make sure all you little kiddies get off the train and to your proper families today is my first assignment. Boss lady Bones put me on this one specially because I already know about Harry's relatives, and she thought that something like that might happen." She pointed at the door Vernon had just left though.

Harry joined the conversation; he had been giving Auror Tonks a calculating look while she spoke. "You told him you'd make a phone call from inside the house. That's what happened to Aunt Marge. Did you have something to do with that?" Hermione was sure Harry didn't mean it to sound as harsh as it did, he just needed to know what happened with his relatives.

Luckily Tonks seemed to understand. "Well considering how she as well as your aunt and uncle treated you, and that your aunt and uncle's motivation was knowing about your heritage, we had to check that she wasn't a breach to the Statute of Secrecy. Director Bones sent me to investigate her and I found what she was doing. I wanted to arrest her myself for what she had done to you before I went there." A dark look crossed her face. "After I went there I wanted to throw her in the deepest darkest cell in Azkaban and vanish the key. But she is a Muggle and so were her victims, and I wasn't a full Auror yet. I was just on a fact-finding mission, so I broke in that same night and called the cops." She grinned. "And once they were there I screamed for help and then apparated out. The cops investigated and the rest ended up as *"chip wrapper."

Hermione watched Harry as a lot of complex emotions passed over his face. She understood, Tonks had removed a number of obstacles from Harry's life. It may have been Tonks job to investigate but she had obviously wanted to help Harry. And Harry was always more comfortable doing the saving than being the one saved.

Harry eventually decided what he wanted to say. "Thank you. After what happened last summer I don't know what would have happened if I had had to face them this summer…thank you."

"Hey kid, it's no problem. I became an Auror to help people who need it, and that's what I did." Tonks looked like she was steeling herself for a moment before she continued. "Besides my great aunt Dorea, whom I was somewhat named after..." She then mumbled under her breath to herself, but thanks to the upgrade to her hair band Hermione could hear it clear as day, "even if my fool of a mother choose the bloody name Nymphadora." She continued at a regular volume, "Was your grandmother Dorea potter. You didn't make the connection last time we met and I told you how both you and I were related to LeStrange, and you weren't in a good place for me to bring it up at the time. You had the best family Harry, but you also have the worst. The war wasn't kind to the good parts of our family, but now I - we - have found you again and we don't intend to lose you.

"You are with good people now." She nodded at Hermione and her parents. "But if you ever need help don't hesitate to contact me, OK?" Tonks watched Harry to see how he would react to her little speech. It was obvious to Hermione that Tonks must have practised that little bit a few times, and easy to see that she was nervous. And Hermione could understand why, considering how Harry had reacted last time she had been around when family was brought up to Harry.

Harry was stunned, he obviously didn't know what to say. Hermione wanted to help him but it was his decision to make. She knew that Harry was desperate for any form of a family after the way his mother's relatives had treated him. Yet, after discovering that he was related to Malfoy and LeStrange, she wouldn't be surprised if Harry just didn't have any trust left for the bonds of blood.

"I.. uh…" Harry tried to say something but was lost as to what to say. Hermione watched as a blush started to creep up his cheeks. Strangely, it was Hedwig who settled everything. Hermione couldn't figure out how, but somehow she escaped her cage and took flight. After a quick circuit around the area, she landed on Auror Tonks' shoulder while watching Harry and hooting gently.

Hermione watched as shocked looks took over everyone's faces and presumed that hers didn't look much different. That was, until a huge grin spread over Harry's face. "Well, how could I ignore an endorsement like that? I'll definitely stay in touch." Tonks beamed at Harry and Hedwig flew back to Harry and landed on his shoulder. Hermione laughed at Harry's face as the snowy owl lightly nibbled his ear.

After that, Tonks had to leave and go back to checking on all the students and making sure they all had someone there to collect them. So after a quick goodbye, her mum and dad lead both her and Harry to the car. While it was true that they didn't live that far from the station, it was still a few miles and walking that far with their trunks wouldn't be pleasant. Unfortunately, there was no car park at Kings' Cross Station, so it was still a bit of a walk just to the car.

On the way her dad asked, "So what should we get for dinner tonight? First night back so it's a welcome home dinner and all the rules about healthy eating are off tonight."

Hermione started to think about it. What did she fancy to eat? Some of the more British unhealthy foods such as fish'n'chips were available at Hogwarts, so it was almost a waste getting something like that. The immediate options of pizza, curry, or Chinese food jumped into her mind, but then she thought about some fried chicken and she knew just where to go.

"Why don't we get food from Sam's?" She asked everyone.

"What's that?" asked Harry, curious.

"It's a Turkish kebab house that also does burgers, pizzas and really good fried chicken." Hermione answered.

"Sounds perfect, if it's ok with everyone," Harry replied.

"Sounds great," responded Emma. "They have great chicken shish and I haven't had one for ages."

The four of them piled into the car, and Dan turned the car in the opposite direction from home and headed towards the takeaway she had suggested.

With the question of food taken care of, Hermione's mum turned around in her seat and looked at Harry and Hermione seated in the back.

"Are you ok Harry? It can't have been easy for you uncle to turn up like that."

Hermione took Harry's hand in her own, doing what she could to reassure him. She watched as Harry withdrew into himself slightly before he steadied himself and started talking.

"I… I don't really understand what happened. I know I'm not allowed to go back there but when he grabbed me I was just going to follow him. I have dealt with much bigger and stronger things than my uncle while at school but I was too afraid to stand up to him." Hermione stroked his hand to comfort him, but with both Crookshanks and Hedwig between the two of them, she couldn't give him one of her custom hugs.

"That's normal Harry. You have been afraid of him for a long time, much longer than you have known about magic. You learned that he was a danger to you long before you got strong enough to fight back, and reacting like that has become a habit," Emma said gently. "It's not easy to change a habit we used to need to keep us safe, but you can do it, Harry. And you probably won't see him again for a long time anyway."

"Honestly I hope I never have to see him, my aunt or my cousin ever again." Harry replied


When they pulled the car up in front of the house Hermione jumped out, excited to be home. She pulled both Crookshanks and Hedwig out of the car and handed them to her mum, then rushed around to the boot of the car to get their trunks. She passed Harry's trunk to her father and picked up her own.

Harry watched Hermione with a slightly bemused expression on his face. Maybe it was because the gap between summer and Christmas was shorter than the one between Christmas and summer, but Hermione was nowhere near this hyped up when they had returned for Christmas break.

It was only when Hermione went towards the door carrying her trunk that Harry started to get the suspicion that there was something off.

"Can you open the door for us, please, Harry?" Hermione asked, unable to hide the merriness in her voice.

"We seem to have our hands full," added Emma, holding up Crooks and Hedwig.

Harry realized that it was staged, probably Hermione's idea to get him to use the key she had given him months ago. He fished out the key that was tucked into the small pocket of his wand holster (where he also kept his trunk keys) and used it to open the door.

"Welcome home Harry," Dan said as he stood behind Harry. "Now if you'll go in because you are blocking the way, we can get to dinner!"

Harry moved and helped put the trunks in the house, he and Hermione would take them upstairs after dinner. Emma let Hedwig and Crookshanks out of their carriers. Crooks gave Emma an affectionate rub then darted off up the stairs, presumably needing his litter tray. Hedwig's behaviour was similar, only she swooped out of the still-open front door and turned north towards The Heath, probably looking for a juicy mouse.

At dinner Harry and Hermione discussed their time at Hogwarts since Christmas. It got a little strained when they spoke of what happened with LeStrange, but the two older Grangers both said that getting Madam Bones involved and her placing an Auror at the school was a big improvement over the year before, where Hermione had gotten petrified by a monster that was hiding in the school for about six months without any progress made into catching it before Hermione was targeted.

On the other side, Dan and Emma heaped praise on Harry when Hermione told them about how much more effort he had put into his school work this year. Harry, who had never had such praise from anyone before outside of Quidditch, blushed so hard he could have recooked the fried chicken he was eating a second time. He had gone with Hermione's recommendation and gotten the fried chicken, potato wedges and coleslaw from Sam's and it was a good choice. The Grangers also praised Hermione as she told them she still ranked highest in the year overall, even if she wasn't the top student in every subject.

Once Harry and Hermione were finished telling their tale of school, they got to listen to Dan and Emma as they talked about what had happened in their lives. Mostly it was run of the mill stuff that was only interesting because the two teens cared about the two dentists. If Harry had to listen to anyone but Dan as he complained about losing his no-claims bonus for his car insurance, Harry would have had a hard time not yawning. However, he found the conversation interesting enough, if lacking in substance.

One topic that captured Harry's attention was Dan telling him about taking the Dursleys to dinner. At first, Harry had felt a little betrayed that the Grangers would go to dinner with his aunt and uncle. But as the story went on and Dan explained how Vernon had been trying to sell them dental drills, and how Dan had been stringing him along as much as he could, Harry felt a great of vindictive satisfaction. Dan told him how Vernon and Petunia had been tricked into insulting themselves, stuck with the bill, and arrested for drunk driving and assaulting a police officer.

Once that story was told Emma spoke up and said, "And we have a surprise for the two of you. We are all going to France. Tomorrow!" A big smile graced her face.

Hermione screamed in joy. "Oh my god really? We are going to see uncle, Steven?" Emma nodded at her daughter's question. " Yes! Yes! Yes! It's been ages since I got to see uncle Steven and his family." Hermione's face quickly turns a bit panicky. "But we haven't done any shopping. We'll need new clothes and I know I need a new bathing suit! And what about my cat problem? And what about Harry's passport? We never got Harry's documents from his uncle did we? So how can he leave the country? And who will look after Crookshanks?..."

Hermione was running on, so Harry did the only thing he could think of to get her to calm down. He stood up and pulled her into a hug and kissed her. The kiss wasn't one of the long make-out sessions from the Room of Requirement, but it wasn't a chaste peck on the cheek either. "Mione. If you don't give your mum a chance to talk, she can't answer any of your questions."

Harry turned from Hermione to face her parents then the realisation of what he had done hit him full in the face. He had kissed Hermione right in front of her parents. They had given each other a few pecks while her parents were in the room but that was it. A part of him was panicking that they would be angry at him, even though he knew that they were aware that the two of them kissed on a regular basis.

The reaction Harry didn't expect was the one they got: a pleased smile from Emma, while Dan was examining one of the pictures on the wall as though it was the first time he had seen it.

"Thank you Harry" Emma said before continuing. "Your father and I have gotten you each a few things, but we are mostly going to buy what we need in Paris. We are meeting Sarah and Steven in Paris and we are going to spend a couple of days shopping before we continue with the holiday. Your father and I will travel to Paris first on our own, while you and Harry will travel via magical means. That way you don't have to worry about your ears and tail being revealed. The two of you will be travelling on a magical world passport issued by the Ministry of Magic, so that covers his paperwork and your 'fuzzy problem'. Finally, Crooks and Hedwig have a reservation at a magical animal hotel that has a reputation for spoiling its guests." Emma smiled as she explained. "A witch should be by tomorrow morning to pick them up."

"How long are we going for? Will Ali be joining us in Paris? What are we doing after that?"

The conversation continued on from there, with Hermione asking about what they planned to do and who they planned to visit. Harry didn't know who Sarah and Ali were, but Hermione had mentioned that her family had a friend called Steven who moved to France and stayed there after he met a woman. Harry presumed this was Sarah, he had no clue who Ali was but Hermione definitely seemed excited to see him/her? Harry didn't know how he felt about someone he didn't know looking after Hedwig but he was also looking forward to seeing another country. Until his uncle started to drag Harry around half the country trying to shake off the letters from Hogwarts, Harry had nearly never got to visit outside of Little Whinging. The idea of seeing somewhere so different was exciting.


Hermione had changed into her sleeping outfit, a camisole and underwear to combat the sudden change in heat from going south to London from Scotland. She would have worn a nightie or something similar but her tail would just push it up embarrassingly. She was just setting up an electric fan when there was a knock at her door. She turned to open it herself but the door was already opening to reveal her mum standing in the doorway holding two bowls of ice cream.

Hermione smiled as her mum came into her room for their little ritual of a welcome-home mother-daughter chat. The two Granger women sat on Hermione's bed cross-legged, each holding a bowl with an unhealthy amount of chocolate caramel swirl ice cream.

"So how was your year? Last year you had a tale of your new boyfriend and how he was a good kisser. I refuse to believe that there have been no developments since then." Her mum asked with her regular gossipy tone that she used for these discussions. Hermione knew it was to keep the conversation comfortable while her mum probed for information, but Hermione never had trouble talking to her mum about this stuff. She couldn't talk to her dad about it, but her mum always gave great advance.

She grinned. "And what do you think Harry and I have done?" Hermione took a bite of her ice cream and moaned as it melted across her tongue.

"Nope. That's not how this works, now spill or I'll take my ice cream back," her mum joked, causing Hermione to hug her bowl to her chest just as jokingly. "We...Harry and I have done some things, but to answer your real question, we haven't had sex. Not yet."

"Not yet?" Her mother's tone took on a conspiratorial edge.

"I have stopped using the suppression potion. At least for now," Hermione admitted.

"Why?" The curiosity in her voice didn't quite mask her motherly concern.

"I'm building a resistance to it. I need to keep it for when I really need to not get distracted." Hermione explained to her mum. "I don't want to risk being too horny to concentrate in the middle of my O.W.L.s or my N.E.W.T. exams, so I talked to Madam Pomfrey about how to get the best results. I just finished my last month on that potion so next month…" Hermione trailed off, she didn't need to say it. Part of her was really looking forward to the experience, even if she was nervous.

"And what about the contraception part of the potion?" Hermione could again hear the concern in her mother's voice. Of course her mother would be worried about that, what mother wouldn't be?

"That still works fine. It's formulated to be taken over a long period of time and keep working. The suppression potion is a lot less in demand and just hasn't been researched on as much." That was a problem with the wizarding world: they relied on potion masters to improve potions but the potion masters themselves often chose to work on potions that personally interested them. Of course there was more interest in developing a potion to increase the amount of sex that was available to them than there was to reduce it. It was probably why there were so many types of love potion out there. Hermione suppressed a shudder at that thought. "I have a supply of regular contraceptive droughts that will keep me covered for the summer. Madam Pomfrey was very helpful with that." Hermione could see her mum relax a little.

"Good. As much as I understand that with the changes you went through that you would probably start that part of your life early, I'm proud of the fact that you have waited as long as you have. I'm not ready to be a granny yet."

"Trust me, the last thing I want right now is to get pregnant. I want to be a mum one day, but I have so much I want to do first. Especially as Madam Pomfrey told me recently that it's illegal for a witch to get an abortion. I will be taking all the care possible not to get pregnant." Hermione watched as her mum got angry, as she knew she would at hearing that abortions were illegal for witches. Hermione, her mum and her grandmother were all firmly set on a woman's right to choose.

Before her mum could start insulting the wizarding world and destroy the friendly mood Hermione explained. "It's not about controlling women. The wizarding legal system is different, most law is House law. And the head of (for example) the House of Potter would make their own laws for the people of their house. The Wizengamot is a lot more limited, the only reason they could make this law is because, technically witches and wizards are an endangered species. I don't like it, but I can at least say it's a better reason than just because a religion said so."

Her mum changed the subject before either of them could get worked up. "So, have you talked to Harry about all this yet?" The question was one Hermione was expecting but it was still enough to put her on edge because she knew she needed to talk with Harry but she hadn't. She shook her head and stared at her bowl of ice cream, too embarrassed to look her mother in the eye. "Why not? Are you afraid of what he will say?" Her mum prodded. Hermione shook her head again. Harry had been supportive ever since her change, she didn't think that it would ever change. "Then why?" Her mother's tone said she wanted answers.

"It's awkward. I haven't told Harry about my issue for so long. And I found something about myself this year that surprised me, it just makes talking to Harry harder. I want to tell him, but I don't want him to misunderstand me, and it's just an awkward conversation anyway. I don't know how to approach it," Hermione confessed, the words barely above a whisper.

Her mother was silent for almost a minute before she spoke. "What did you find out about yourself?" The question was gentle and caring.

Hermione hesitatingly bit her lip before she blurted out. "I like girls."

Silence hung in the air for an agonizing minute. Hermione could see the tension in her mother's shoulders. Hermione started to panic a little, her mother had always been fully supportive of people no matter who they liked. but Hermione thought of Daphne's mother. Maybe her mum would be fine with it being anyone but her daughter.

"What about Harry, you seem to be into him and he's a guy?" Her mum asked cautiously.

"I still like guys as well." She could see the tension flow out of her mother's shoulders. "I still love Harry, and I still want to be with him. I just found that I also like girls."

Her mum relaxed. "That's a relief."

"I didn't think you had a problem with people not being straight!" Hermione half-accused, half-pleaded.

Her mum looked shocked for a second, then a thoughtful look passed over her face and a flash of understanding. Her mum put down her bowl of ice cream and crawled over Hermione's bed and pulled her into a hug.

"My sweet daughter, I love you and I always will. No matter who you choose to love. I was afraid of how a break-up with Harry would affect you, especially as he lives here now. My worry had nothing to do with you liking girls. I was worried I might have to help you through a bad break-up."

Hermione relaxed into her mother's arms as she explained, but the situation did remind her of something she was worried about. "What do I do if I tell Harry and he thinks I want to break up? Or that he needs to break up with me to help me? I wanted to tell him but I was terrified he would misunderstand."

"You just need to talk to him and explain everything, honey. He is smart enough to understand. Though maybe tell him that you are bisexual, instead of saying you like girls. If he needs an explanation, say that you like guys, but you also like girls. Mention liking guys first and that should prevent a mistake." Hermione felt a little dumb after her mother said that. The solution seemed so obvious after her mother said it, how could she not have thought of it herself weeks ago? "Now do you need help with how to talk to Harry about sex, or are you ok? If you're going to cross that bridge soon, you'll need to talk to him first."

"I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and talk to him. It's going to be embarrassing but there is no avoiding that," Hermione admitted.

"It will be embarrassing. But don't forget, it will be just as embarrassing for Harry. Remember, don't pressure him into anything he isn't ready for. A lot of people think that guys are always ready, but it's not true. It would be wrong if a boy pushed you when you weren't ready, but it's just as bad if you pressure a boy."


*Chip wrapper- this is based off a British phrase, "today's news is tomorrow's chip wrapper" this phrase is from when 'fish and chips' shops used to wrap the food in old newspapers. Due to food safety being better now this is no longer a thing. Chip shops mostly use large sheets of food-grade paper now. However the phrase remains. It basically means that just because everyone is talking about something today they won't be talking about it forever.

I also want to note that the law I added to the wizarding world is my interpretation of how the wizard's would govern, not what I personally believe. I don't want this to be a soapbox where I preach my politics. But I don't want my inbox blowing up with people assuming things about me and telling me how I'm wrong. So for the record, I'm pro-choice.