A/N: The Blood crazy Himiko versus Bunny Hero Miruko what will come of this battle? Perfect is the property of Ed Sheeran.
Miruko shook her foot as she looked at Himiko. Her red eyes locking with Himiko's golden ones as the lights from the street shone down the alley. Himiko smiled as she produced several knives. "I really like your eyes they're the color of blood!" Himiko said with a small giggle as Miruko frowned.
"The only thing I want to hear from your mouth villains is "I surrender." Anything else isn't worth listening to." Miruko said before jumping forward. Toga threw her knives at Miruko who easily dodged them and kicked Himiko in the gut, but her blow was blocked by two crossed knives as Himiko flew back with a smile. Miruko's ears flicked as she heard something whistling through the air behind her. She jumped to the side as the knives Toga had thrown flew past her. The knives were surrounded by a blue glow and before Miruko's very eyes the knives corrected their course and flew back at her spinning through the air with a deadly whistle.
"What the hell?" She asked a she jumped to the side and heard the knives clang against the wall some becoming stuck there as the other continued to follow after Miruko. Toga shook her hands out to get rid of the stinging from having to block one of Miruko's kicks. Once she was done Himiko laughed as she watched Miruko dodge or throw the knives of course with the wind from her kicks.
"This is fun right let's keep going!" She shouted before hurling more knives each one glowing with a blue aura. Miruko squinted at Himiko. This makes no sense. Her quirk is supposed to be transformation not whatever this is!" She thought to herself as Himiko continued to laugh. "This is all thanks to Big Sis Magne so you better enjoy it!" She said happily as a memory rolled through her mind.
Toga was sitting down as Dabi and Spinner tried to formulate a plan for taking down Edgeshot. Himiko really had no interest in the plan whatever it was she was sure she'd have a fun part in it. Himiko looked at her phone as she scrolled through pictures and videos of Izuku. She was really starting to miss her green haired obsession. It was at this moment that someone cast a shadow over her. "Jin what did I tell you about personal space?" She said looking up as Shigaraki's hand pressed against her forehead.
For a split second Himiko was sure that Tomura was about to kill her. She would fall to dust instantly, but instead of feeling her flesh crack and fall off her forehead she felt as if something was being forced into her. The sensation receded as Tomura pulled his hand away with a sheen of sweat on his forehead. "Damn that takes a lot." He said sluggishly walking back to his chair and collapsing in it. "You're welcome." Tomura said as Toga held her forehead for a moment.
It was only later that Himiko found out what Tomura had done.
"Isn't Big Sis Magne's quirk amazing!?" Himiko asked excitedly before a rush of wind flew past her. Toga placed her hands against her skirt to keep it from flying up as Miruko stood before her with Himiko's knives stabbed into various surfaces. They still fidgeted wanting to get to Miruko but couldn't.
"This game is getting boring." Miruko said before dashing forward almost faster than even Toga could see, but even with seeing Miruko move she was far too slow to react as Miruko slammed her leg into Himiko's side. The breath was knocked from Toga who felt as if she'd been hit with a steel whip in the side. Himiko hit the wall cracking her mask open to reveal her face. She slid down the wall panting heavily trying her best to recapture the breath that had been stolen by Miruko's kick.
"Not so fun anymore is it?" Miruko said reaching down to take Himiko in. As Himiko was cuffed dozens of thoughts ran through her head. She wouldn't be able to see Izuku again, she had let the league down, and most of all she'd insulted Magne and her quirk. That thought spurred something in Toga as she remembered all the time she'd spent with Magne, the fun they had together and above all else the fact that Himiko couldn't save Magne.
"No." Miruko looked down at Himiko who she had under her arm.
"What was that?" Miruko asked before feeling a force push against her repelling her from Toga who dropped to the ground before standing up. Miruko's delicate hearing picked up the click of handcuffs as they were opened and fell to the ground.
"I said no. I'm not going to let you take me. I'm not going to let Magne down. I was given her quirk for a reason and I intend to use it." Himiko said as she looked up the sclera of her eye weren't white instead they were blood red which made her yellow irises stand out all the more. Himiko rushed forward almost seemingly pulled to Miruko who stood her ground. Himiko got within range and brought down the knife on Miruko who easily dodged to the side only to drop the knife and catch it with her other hand. Miruko drove her knee towards Toga but was stopped as her knee got close to Toga, but stopped short.
Miruko was confused this was the second time one of her blows had been stopped. She looked at Himiko as she jumped up and stood on one of the walls with no help it was as if gravity had no effect on her any longer. "How are you doing this?" Miruko asked as Toga just smirked and drew more knives as she hurled them at her. Each one glowed blue and hurtled towards Miruko who dodged as some of the knives stabbed into the wall behind her while others were repelled by those in the wall to go after Miruko.
She mentioned Magne the one that was killed by Overhaul, and it seems like she has a similar quirk to his. How does she have two quirks and one from a dead person? These thoughts ran through Miruko's mind as she dodged the knives that were ricocheting off the walls around her rather than stabbing into them. Miruko bounced from wall to wall before standing on one of the rooftops and looking down to see the knives had embedded themselves in the wall and Himiko Toga was gone. Miruko bit her lip as she looked at the knife riddled alley. "Dammit!" She shouted angrily.
Izuku woke up that morning and scratched his head as he got ready for the day. After the sparring match with class A Izuku had returned to Heights Alliance where he met up with Eraserhead and he was told what was expected of him while he stayed here. Izuku would be put to work as somewhat of a teacher's aide. He would have his own room in Heights Alliance, and could still perform his heroic duties. He got ready and dressed in his hero suit. Donnie had been good enough to repair it for him very quickly. He stepped out of his room and felt a pair of hands grip his arm. He looked to the side to see nothing.
Izuku smiled as he turned towards Toru. "Hey Toru." He said as he heard a soft giggle.
"Morning Izuku are you heading out already?" She asked kind of disappointed. "I thought you'd stick around." She said as Izuku shrugged.
"Sorry Toru I need to get out there and help as much as I can." He said as he felt Toru hug him.
"So you have to go right this second? I haven't seen you in forever none of us have." Izuku scratched his head and bit his lip. On the one hand he'd like to spend time with Toru and everybody else. He loved being a hero, but he was also still a teenager and he wanted to hang out with other teens his age, but Stain's words were still in the back of his head and with the attack on Uwabami he needed to be out there to help.
"Toru I-." Izuku's phone went off. He looked at it and read a message on the hero app from Miruko. She wanted to meet with him. "Sorry Toru Miruko is asking to meet me." He said with a sad smile before kissing Toru quickly hoping to soften the disappointment she was feeling before rushing off and out of the door. Toru pouted and crossed her arms at this as she watched Izuku leave.
"No fair!" The invisible girl complained.
Izuku left the dorm and headed over to the faculty dorms to visit Eri for a moment before leaving. He knocked on Eri's door and waited a moment before it was opened and Eri stood there in her pajamas. "Izuku!" She said excitedly as Izuku kneeled down to Eri.
"Morning Eri did you sleep well?" Izuku asked as Eri nodded happily. Izuku took a moment to look at Eri's horn and found it was steadily growing smaller and smaller. That was good. He doubted it would completely disappear, but the smaller it got the better. "That's good to hear. I'm going to be gone for the day but I'll come back later and see you before you go to bed ok." He said as Eri nodded once again.
"Ok see you later Izuku." She said as Izuku nodded before leaving the faculty dorms and flew off to meet with Miruko.
Izuku flew the air before landing in front of a building and walked in. Apparently this was a restaurant which was surprising, but he shrugged. Izuku had expected to meet in an office or a proper meeting room, but he hadn't eaten this morning so he could definitely use a meal before heading out on patrol. He entered the restaurant and after being spotted by the staff he was led to a table near the window. At this table sat Miruko, Endeavor and Hawks. As Izuku neared the table Hawks stood up quickly and moved towards Izuku.
"Well if it isn't the new me." Hawks said which gave Izuku pause as he looked at the hero who so casually threw his arm over Izuku's shoulder. Hawks was a young man just a handful of years older than Izuku himself, and yet he'd climbed to the third spot in the hero rankings in the last poll. He had blonde hair swept back from his face and a bit of scruff on his chin. His crimson wings were laid against his back and he was dressed in a tan bomber jacket, jeans and boots.
"Umm what do you mean new you?" Izuku asked as he was ushered to table and sat next to Miruko.
"Well isn't it obvious kid, you became a pro at what fourteen or fifteen, and I wouldn't be surprised if at the next hero ranking your thrown into the big leagues with us right Endeavor?" Hawks said as Endeavor gave a grunt and crossed his arms.
"Don't get cocky Midoriya, it could lead to a bad end." Endeavor said as Hawks gasped.
"Was that genuine concern number one hero Endeavor? I would like some fatherly advice too." Hawks said as Endeavor's beard flared for a moment.
"I will roast you alive!" He growled as Hawks drew back.
"Oooh so scary." He said with a grin before looking back at Izuku. "Anyway thanks for coming I asked Miruko to call you over for our little get together. Go ahead and order whatever you like it's Endeavor's treat." Hawks said as Endeavor flared up again. "Oh come on number one why don't you treat your adorable Kohai?" Hawks said as Endeavor growled once again. "I'm taking that as a yes." Hawks said as he opened his menu. Izuku looked at the young man in front of him and then towards Endeavor.
"It's nice seeing you again Endeavor. Thank you again for everything you did for me." Izuku said before Endeavor shook his head.
"You did everything all I did was give you and opportunity where you could show your hard work. Don't thank me for doing so little." Endeavor said before glaring at Hawks before he could say anything. Izuku then looked at Miruko who shook her head.
"They've been like this since yesterday." She said shaking her head at the two heroes. "Anyway go ahead and order and while you do I'll explain why we called you here." She said having already placed her order. Izuku nodded and ordered an omelet and some orange juice. After that Miruko gave a look at Hawks and Endeavor before speaking. "The reason we called you here was because the League of Villains attacked again last night. They went after Edgeshot this time." Miruko said expecting Izuku to jump in with several questions wanting all of them to be answered, but to her and Endeavor's surprise Izuku said nothing.
He sat there staring intently at Miruko waiting for her to continue speaking. Endeavor gave a bark of a laugh. "So you've learned I see." Was all he said as Miruko continued to speak.
"Hawks and I were able to intervene before they could kill Edgeshot after which I pursued Himiko and engaged her. That's when things took a turn. She demonstrated a quirk not her own. From what she said I believe that the quirk she was using was the one originally possessed by the villain Magne." Izuku cupped his chin as he thought about this. Magne was killed by Overhaul, so did Tomura take his quirk from his dead body and give it to Toga? All Might never said that the person had to be alive to have their quirk taken. He thought as he looked up.
"Have you all spoken with Nighteye about this?" Izuku asked as Endeavor and Miruko nodded.
"We're aware he thinks that Tomura may possess the All for One quirk and is stealing quirks to give to his League, but it seems too random to me." Endeavor said. "The heroes who've been attacked are Uwabami a low ranking hero with a quirk suited for reconnaissance not combat, and Edgeshot a high ranking hero with a difficult quirk. There's quite a gap." Endeavor said as Hawks spoke up next.
"The only constant is Himiko and Spinner. They've been at both attacks, but Dabi did appear at the last attack, but we can assume that is because they were going after a highly ranked hero and needed the extra muscle." Izuku looked at the three heroes a little confused.
"I mean I want to help, but I don't see what exactly you want me to do." Izuku said before their food was brought. Hawks rubbed his hands together as he snapped his chopsticks apart.
"Oh they don't want anything I do. Let's partner up me and you. Two young heroes out on the town taking down villains we might just be able to catch the eye of the league and have them come after us. What do you say JForce want to team up with Senpai Hawks?" He asked as Izuku looked at him. Hawks wore the façade of a laid back man, but Izuku could sense a keen mind and intellect behind those eyes.
"Sure thing Hawks I'd be honored." He said as Hawks smiled.
"I knew you'd make a good choice." He said with a smile as the three began eating.
Tomura looked at the bloody knife that had been handed to him and then at Toga. "So the quirk activated with no problem, and even evolved." Tomura said as Toga sat down panting some. It felt like she'd run a mile. Using Magne's quirk took a lot more out of her than she'd thought it would. Combine that with her spending a large part of the morning weaving through alleyways to avoid detection and to keep Miruko or any other hero from chasing after her. Himiko was dog tired.
"Yeah, but I'm going to have to get used to it." She said as she started to drift off where she sat. The rest of the league looked at Tomura.
"Why'd you give a quirk to Toga and not the rest of us?" Dabi questioned as Tomura looked him over.
"She seemed the best suited for it to be honest. You'll all get quirks when I find the right ones for you." He said as he thought more about the heroes that Toga and Spinner had attacked. "Also no more of you two picking your targets, by now the heroes on onto us so we need to be much more selective. Here's a list of Quirks that I require and the heroes who possess them." He said flicking a folded piece of paper towards Spinner. "Once Toga is in fighting shape again go after them and make it quick. The heroes might be on our trail already." Tomura said before warping away.
Dr. Ujiko was tinkering with one of his High End Nomu when Tomura appeared. "Another delivery and this one in person no less." He said as Tomura dropped the blood stained knife into the doctor's hand. Dr. Ujiko made a disgusted face as he looked at the blood smeared item. "Was this really the best your League could do? A bloody knife, a vial of blood bodies would be better." He growled in disappointment as Tomura rolled his eyes.
"Yeah well this is what you got so deal with it." Tomura said before looking at the Nomu in question. "So is that list of heroes you gave me the best quirks to acquire?" Tomura asked as Ujiko blew air under his mustache.
"Don't question me boy. Of course they are. That list was meticulously crafted between All for One and I. Those quirks will not only create powerful Nomu, but also compliment your league's power. Without Gigantomachia you're league wouldn't survive without these." Dr. Ujiko said as he collected blood from the knife and turned to Tomura. "You trusted me to operate on you trust me to do what's best for all of us. If I lose you I lose my supply of quirks and my experiments will grind to a halt. If you won't trust me then trust the selfish nature of a scientist." Ujiko said as Tomura smiled.
"Now that's something I can get behind." He said.
Spinner and the rest of the league looked at where Tomura had been and then Spinner opened the piece of paper and looked inside. "So who's the first target?" Dabi asked before Spinner spoke it out loud.
"Gang Orca."
Izuku arrived back at UA well after sunset. Hawks was a firm believer in clocking out at sunset, but Izuku had went on for a few more hours in the hope that maybe the league would target him or at the very least he could prevent what happened to Edgeshot and Uwabami happening to anyone else. That hadn't been the case and then he remembered what he'd told Eri and headed back to UA with all due haste.
Izuku landed at the door of the teacher's dorms and opened it seeing no one around as he headed to Eri's room only to spot Mr. Aizawa working late. "Hey Mr. Aizawa." Izuku said as Aizawa looked back at him.
"You're back, don't worry Eri wasn't upset about you not being here before she went to bed." He said simply as Izuku gave a nod at that.
"Time just got away from me." He stated honestly before tapping on the door about the head back to Height's Alliance to get some sleep.
"I expect you in class tomorrow as my aide." Aizawa said as Izuku turned.
"Yes sir. I was asked to partner up with Hawks for a little while, so I'll let him know I'll join him on patrol after school lets outs." Izuku said as Aizawa nodded.
"I understand, but don't stretch yourself too thin. I expect my aide's to be competent." Aizawa said as Izuku bowed.
"Yes sir." Izuku said before leaving. It was a quick jaunt over to Height's Alliance and then it was time to sleep. Izuku walked up the steps and from outside the door he heard the lilting voice of someone singing. "Did someone leave the TV on?" He asked as he opened the door letting the full melodious voice wash over him. He followed it and found Kyoka sitting on the couch strumming a guitar as she sang a beautiful melody.
Kyoka was so immersed in her art she hadn't heard Izuku come in and still wasn't aware of him until he sat down next to her make her nearly jump out of her t-shirt and shorts. "Izuku what are you doing here?!" She hissed trying to keep her voice from getting too loud. Izuku just chuckled as he sat back.
"Just listening to you sing is all. I could listen to you forever." He said leaning back against the couch as Kyoka blushed twisting one of her earlobes.
"I was practicing was all." Kyoka saidd as Izuku sat forward a little. He'd nearly drifted off just lying there.
"Oh is there something you're practicing for?" Izuku asked. Kyoka nodded with a bashful smile on her face.
"The culture festival is coming up and the class decided that we should do a concert. I'll be composing the song as well as lead singer." She said as Izuku smiled wide at that.
"That's amazing Kyoka they couldn't have chosen anyone better." He said before looking at her guitar. "Speaking of composing a song I believe I owe you one." He said lifting her instrument and putting his fingers in the proper places.
"I've been practicing whenever I can, but would care to critique me?" He asked as Kyoka smiled and sat up.
"Sure dude play me something good." She said as Izuku placed his fingers on the strings of the Guitar and began to play. The room filled with gentle music and then Izuku began to sing.
(Play Perfect by Ed Sheeran)