-Estoma's P.O.V.-
Being a golem, there one was thing that you'd always have: time. As long as no one was strong enough to destroy you, you'd keep existing. That gave you the chance to master many things. From gardening, to forging, to spellcraft, and most things in between. I'd had the time to learn that and so much more.
But after that?
I didn't know, so I'd chosen to end my travels for the moment and return to my home, Edrua. I wasn't aware of what had happened while I was gone, but I was certain that Machrosias would have been overjoyed to see me again… not that I could fault the man. We had been together ever since he had first begun learning goleomancy, and since then we'd stuck by each other through thick and thin. I still do not know how he managed to grant me a true mind, but it was the best gift he could have given me.
Or at least, I thought so until that day.
The castle was in shambles, and he was nowhere to be seen. The few demons who I still recognized spoke of divine smiting; the will of some divinity who'd been wronged by Machrosias. I, on the other hand, called it for what it was.
I could have believed that it may have happened centuries - if not millennia - in the past, but after so long Machrosias should've been by all accounts a god. Or at least, god-like. There was no way for him to have been truly dead.
And yet, as time passed, I was forced to admit that I may have been wrong in the end. He had not returned, and most demons had chosen to move on with their lives. I tried to hold onto hope, that one day he would return, but after centuries on end? It seemed that it was not to be. My closest friend was gone.
I tried, oh so many times, to find him with every bit of knowledge I had amassed in my travels, but I was forced to admit defeat. I retreated into the void between worlds, where none could hear my anguish as I decimated planet upon planet in my grief-fueled rampage.
When my fury subsided, I retreated back to Edrua, and took refuge in the deepest reaches of the land, where no one would find me. What was the point in going on without him? My creator, my best friend, my brother?!
That all changed when one small demon found his way in my cave. Apparently, time had eroded the ground enough to form a passageway small enough for the child. He was a frail little thing, his shaggy blonde hair dirtied by loose soil and roots. He'd apparently taken refuge in my cave after a heavy thunderstorm, and chose to remain there.
The young demon was understandably terrified of me when I first woke up to see him. I would've asked him to leave, and never return, but the way he begged me to let him stay touched something within me. I did not have the heart to make him go, and so he became my disciple.
I taught the young demon all I could of plant magic, and he showed a natural disposition for it. Always willing to keep learning, to better himself. Over the years, I started to see him as my own child.
Ironic, is it not? A golem, pretending to be a parent. And yet, I did my best. I wanted to see the young demon flourish, just as Machrosias helped me flourish so long ago. When the city on the surface – Miunachem, he told me it was called – expanded enough to reach just above me, he went out to make a name for himself in that city.
The prospect of having young Ailen never come back was terrifying to me, to the point where I was tempted to leave the cave and find him. It was at that point that I realized that that was how Machrosias must've felt when I left. So, I resolved myself to wait.
After months of patience, he returned.
He'd told me that his abilities in plant magic had aided him, alongside the city, to prosper. He had a new home, built right above the entrance to the cave, so that I would not be bothered.
I appreciated the sentiment, truly, but I felt it was too much. I did not want anything to do with the world, admittedly, but forcing him to act as my gatekeeper was a burden I would not allow him to carry.
He convinced me somewhat, admitting that he did not want to leave my side either. In the end I allowed it, crafting also several intricate wards to prevent any damage done to his house.
Years passed, and everything seemed to be going well. My child had a good life, and I enjoyed my isolation from the world.
It was not to last, though, as he was once confronted with a problem he could not solve himself. He came down, to ask for some guidance. Whoever it was whom had asked for the help had followed him, though, and the voices about my presence spread.
Apparently there were many people who still resented Machrosias, or simply wanted to be rid of me for whatever reason, as a horde of demons marched their way down into my cave, bent on ending me.
I had planned to simply incapacitate them. I had no reason to kill them.
Seeing my own son chained up, beaten and battered, changed that opinion immediately.
Fury consumed me, and I tore them all apart.
Voices must've spread, as no one had tried ever again.
Until now.
The intruder had a familiar look to him. It was not until the whelp tried to scan me with his magic that I realized what the issue was. Loki's stench was all over him.
I hated that 'god' and everything he stood for. It was him that convinced Machrosias to let me leave his side! It must've been him who turned all those demons against me! And now he had sent one of his agents to try again!
- Day 28 (Friday), Underground cave, Daniel's P.O.V.-
I did not have the time to realize what was happening before Estoma launched a furious roar at me, and pillars of stone rose from the ceiling to smash into me.
My speed was high enough to dodge most of them. One pillar blindsided me and slammed into my back.
-14.638 HP! Status: [Fractured wing] inflicted!
"Fuck that hurts!" I thought, panic taking hold. I needed to be faster if I wanted any chance to survive. I activated Power burst and Overdrive multiple times in a row, and did my best to weave between the rocks still being hurled at me. There was no way to win: only survive.
Walls of stone and spikes were added into the mix, and it all got faster and faster. I didn't have a chance to even speak, concentrated as I was to keep dodging.
I didn't notice the elf chanting something, but I did feel the vines sprouting out of the ground to ensnare my leg. This gave several spikes the chance to impale my chest, legs, and arms.
-57.281 HP!
I would've screamed if I had the chance, but the spike in my chest must've had destroyed my lungs. All that was heard was a pained gurgle as blood rushed out of my mouth.
The golem – the monster – rose up to its full height, staring at me with visible vitriol. And then it spoke, in a rumbling voice similar to an earthquake.
"If Loki wanted me gone-" the crystals all over its body started glowing brighter "-he should have come personally. Now begone!"
I tried to plead for mercy, to tell it that I was not here to fight him, but it was useless. I was unable to move or speak, as the rock – harder than diamond – immobilized me. All I could do was stare in horror as the light converged into its maw. The raw blast of mana barreled towards me, shaking my very bones with its power.
My skin burned.
"Why me?!"
My muscles were torn to shreds.
"I just wanted to return to my family!"
I was being vaporized.
"I never wanted any of this!"
I was dying.
I was nothing.
The pain was over.
And yet, something bothered me.
I couldn't remember what though.
It was… someone?
A person. No face. No body. But a voice. Caring. Worried. Fun-loving.
I had no idea who it belonged to, but I liked thinking about it. It made me happy.
But it still bothered me.
Who was that person? Did I know them?
Did they know me?
Did I know myself?
Who was I?
User: 'Daniel Samuels' located.
Was that… my name? It felt familiar.
Attempting data recovery…
Attempt failed. Data corrupted.
That seemed bad. Was I gone for good?
Attempting to reconstruct data…
Attempt partially successful: 3.1% data recovered.
I remembered something. I was Daniel. The voice belonged to my mother.
Where was she? Where was I?
Attempting to recover physical vessel…
Attempt failed. Vessel is not recoverable.
Building new vessel… complete.
I remembered more. A big creature. Light. Pain.
"I just wanted to return to my family."
That was what I wanted.
That was what I would do.
Attempting to contact admin: 'Loki'…
Contact failed. Setting default admin: 'Yggdrasil'
Was that good? Was it bad? I didn't know.
Loading system… Loading failed.
Data integrity: 21.6%
Resetting basic data…
Patching skills…
Rerouting arcane matrix…
System setup complete.
The lines of text disappeared, and instead a blue screen appeared in front of me.
[Name: Daniel Samuels
Title: N/A
Class: N/A
LV: 0
HP: 10/10 (+0.1/min)
MP: 10/10 (+0.1/min)
STR: 1
VIT: 1
AGI: 1
DEX: 1
MAG: 1
LUK: 1]
Welcome back.
Now, before people start to ask 'What is going on?' 'Why is the chapter so short?' 'Why did Daniel die?'
I'm telling you now.
I just couldn't continue the story like this. I wanted to bring this to a satisfying end, but I felt that if I were to force myself to keep writing I would lose the love I have for this story. It has taken me so long to upload this story exactly because I had lost my motivation to write it. As such, I felt like the only way to keep going is to do a soft reboot. NOW DON'T PANIC! I'm not scrapping this story like MK1. This will stay canon. Consider this Book 1 of Daniel's tale.
I'm sorry I had to tell you guys like this, but it was the only way I could keep going with this story. I promise that Daniel will be back to kicking ass soon, with a modified version of the system to boot! I have to thank TheDarkWolfShiro and his stories for the idea on how to reboot this story. I loved the way he did it for both his characters Kuro and Shiro, and that's what I'll do as well.
I would answer the reviews, but I'm really not feeling up to it. Stay tuned, though! A Game of Rebirth and Hope will arrive soon!
P.S. A big thanks to justsomeguy16, Ethhar, Spyro fanboy, zackman2k12, HardlightArtemis, Le Dregenbern, NibberWithAHardR, Deus and Artekha, for giving me inspiration and the will to keep writing until now, and ShadowFireAngel for doing his best to help me get better at writing for as long as he could.
And of course, a big thanks to all of my readers who I couldn't name here. I love every single one of you (no homo), and hope to hear from you beautiful people next time!
-Xeno out!