
Twilight © Stephanie Meyer

OC © Author Sia Leysritt


Fate never feel like she fits in the mortal world. Being a mutant and having a Goddess mother, she finds it hard to adapt with mortals and often finds herself to be the odd one. Oh, and espicially when she has red eyes which is so not normal for her to blend in with the mortals.

Alysa always felt that she only belongs with her adoptive family due to her telepathic powers. She is afraid to exposed herself to the outside world and prefer to be safe in her comfort zone with her family.

Two different girls with the same issues and always thought everything will stay the same as they always imagine to be, but when Fate, who all this time went back and forth between the Institute and Camp HalfBloods moved back to Forks to spend time with her family, what would she found? Things might become more interesting and more dangerous as Fate realized there are more supernatural beings than mutants and demigods in this world and that Alysa has come to realized she is not the only one with special power.


Twlight: New Moon.
X-Men: The Movie : Alternate Timeline, way after Dark Phoenix (Yes, I know the movie has not been realesed yet but I kinda get the gist of who survived from Days of Future Past)
Percy Jackson: Before Titan's Curse and after Sea of Monster


I also included X-Men here, so it's Twilight x Percy Jackson x X-Men : The Movie.

Ocs Portrayal:

Fate Violetta Swan: Alisha Newton
Alysa Euphoria Cullen: Nikki Hahn
Jacqueline Diana Whitlock: Kaya Scodelario
Violet Marie Evenson: Hera Hilmar

Sia Leysritt Present:

Hand Stretched


A Change in Life

"I'd spent so long trying to fit in,trying to be someone I wasn't, that i had no idea who I was any more."

Dorothy Koomson, The Rose Petal Beach

"Well Fate, I hope you'll have fun spending times with your family."

I look up from Hailey, my Siberian Husky puppy, towards Scott. I smiled at him and nodded though I'm not exactly sure I'm going to have fun in normal world.

As if reading my thoughts, Scott smiled at me as if to assure me everything is going to be alright.

"It's gonna be alright kid, not all people hate us mutants. I'm sure you'll do just fine and you'll fit in the society no problem."

If only it's that simple.

For starters, I think I need to introduce myself. My name is Fate, Fate Violetta Swan, a mutant with the ability to move things with my mind and also has telepathic ability though it's not exactly as strong as Jean (Jean is way too strong that sometimes it's scary). I lived in Forks ever since I was adopted by Charlie Swan, a chief officer of Forks but moved in to the school of the gifted that was founded by Professor Charles Xavier about three months after I was adopted.

Yeah I know, it's a pity that I just got adopted but I have to be seperated from my new adoptive father, especially after I was being moved from one foster family to another and I was lucky enough to have father dopted me, but here's the thing, I was still six years old that time and my mutant power is going crazy since I have no control over it. Over time, I would fly things across the room and wreck the house and it get worse because I'm emotionally unstable so my new adoptive father, Charlie, contact Professor Charles in order for me to be enrolled in his school.

The existance of mutants is not exactly a secret anymore to the world, especially by how we were exposed in the past (Of course, I was not there to see or experience it, but I heard talks all over the school, especially when you are telepathic you usually found out just by reading minds or looking into memories) so my dad was not entirely surprised that I'm a mutant.

As for my real family, that's not something I would want to talk about, so let's not talk about it.

The craziest thing is that, not only I am a mutant, but I'm also a Demigod. Half mortal and half human. I found this out about several months after I turned twelve (which is a couple of months ago) when a huge monster with one eye was chasing me out of nowhere (I know now that monster was called a Cyclops). Long story short, a Satyr found me and bring me to the camp and several days later I was claimed by Hecate and that makes me a daughter of Hecate and perhaps that's what's explain my abnormal appearance namely my pale skin and my red ruby eyes.

"We're here, kid."

I was snapped out of my inner monologue as I heard Scott's voice and I looked through the car's window that we have, indeed arrived in front of my house. Cute little and simple house and I see an orange truck parked in front of it.

That truck must be belong to Bella Swan, my adoptive sister who started to live here since a couple of months ago.

I havent' met Bella in person before, (I did told you before that I enrolled in the school of the gifted only three months after I was adopted) so frankly, I don't know what kind of a person she is and can only hope that she is nice and not like all those people that discriminate against mutants or bully them because they have (what they called) strange power. As for my father, though I barely go home to visit him but we're still in contact and I can pretty much say that we get along well and I like my adoptive father. He is kind and patient and what I like from him is that he never brought up or asking anything about mutants or my power except making sure that I was alright and not getting myself into crazy shennaningans with other senior mutants. He never asked anything else and we mostly continue the conversation by talking about the most normal thing a mutant daughter can talk about with their non-mutant father.

"Thank you for driving me here, Scott…" I said gratefully. "Tell everyone I'll miss them… And good luck on your mission."

"Sure thing, Fate. Have fun kiddo." Scott said as he patted my head and then drove away.

I turned back from the road to look at the house. I bit my lip, feeling nervous. Truthfully, even though I've stayed at the school for a very, very long time, It's still hard for me to control my power. Especially when my mental condition is not very stable (At least, that's what Professor Hank told me, I'm not really sure what that means, maybe the oversimplification definition is that if I'm being too nervous, scared, or something along that line, my power will go berserk). But then, it's not like I'm planning to stay outside and just staring at the house, besides the sky looks dark and it seems it's going to rain soon. I guess Percy wasn't joking when he said Forks is Poseidon's favorite place. Hailey barked, sounds exciting to go inside so I walked towatds the house.

I knocked the door twice before someone opened it for me.

The one who opened the door is a young lady. She is very beautiful with very pale skin and dark brown hair. She looked at me with curiousity and wonder with her large chocolate brown eyes. I instantly know who this beautiful young lady is. She must be Bella.

"Hi." She greeted.

"Ah… Hello…" I greeted back.

"You must be Fate, right? Charlie told me you're coming today."

I nodded. Okay, this is awkward but I really don't have any idea what I should say to her. She's a complete stranger to me even though we're supposed to be sisters. Okay, adoptive sistes, sorry.

I see Bella gave me an awkward smile. I actually was lucky that my telepathic powers only work when I touched someone, if not I would be reading her mind right now and that is definitely something I don't watnt to do. Barging into somene else's privacy.

"Yes… And you must be Bella, right? It's nice to finally meet you Bella." I said, try to give her my best smile but I have a feeling my smile is definitely looking awkward now.

"Nice to finally meet you too, come on in. Charlie's inside. He's actually getting ready to pick you up but…"

"Oh yeah, one of my seniors from my boarding school happens to be in the area so he offered to take me home." I said as I went in with my bag and luggage. The house haven't changed much.

"Fate? You're already here?"

I see father coming to us and I smile at him. "Scott happens to be in the area so he offered a lift." I say as I hug him.

He chuckled "How are you kiddo? Just fine? And I see you've met Bella?"

I released him and nodded.

"Well Bella, this is Fate, I'm sure I've told you about her already and Fate, this is Bella, your sister."

I nodded awkwardly and Bella smiled and giggled a little. Maybe she finds my actions amusing? Is that a good sign? Did I make a good impression? I hope I did. We're going to be a family now and I don't want her to hate me. I hold onto father's hand and asked through his mind.

Does she knows what I am?

No. I thought it's better if you tell her yourself.


I don't know whether that will make things easier or not for me, but truthfully I'm not exactly ready for my new sister to know that I'm a mutant. Though it's not like the entire world hates mutant, but there are some people who do and I definitely don't want my sister hating on me just because I'm a mutant.

"Well… Fate, uh… As you know since… There is no other spare room… You're going to share a room with me… Is it okay with you?" Bella asked carefully.

I shook my head. "I don't mind." I said and smiled a bit. I really mean it, I don't mind. Sharing a room with a sister is something that I always wanted to experience since I was little. I often sharing room with Jean since she's the most closest to me, but Jean is more like a mom to me so it's different.

"I've always wanted to share a room with a sister." I said honestly. Bella smiled, though it seems a bit empty I can see she's happy that I don't mind sharing a room with her.

"Great. Come on, let's get your things upstairs so that you can start unpacking."

"By the way Fate, since Professor Charles have informed me you're picking up a stray dog and getting attached to it, I fixed up a dog house outside our house." Father said as he played around with Hailey, the said dog.

I smile as I put my things away with Bella helping me. I looked at Bella carefully and for some reasons, I have a feeling that she's not in a very good mood. That, or maybe she's just always like that to begin with. I barely know her after all, I shouldn't making assumption.

"Thanks father." I said gratefully.

"Sure. By the way, Bells has Jacob contacted you yet?" Father asked, sounded a bit concerned. Who is Jacob? Bella's friend?

"No… Billy keep saying he is sick… I'm planning to check on him when I got the time." Bella answered.

Father nodded and they talk about some adult stuff I don't understand so I decided to let it be and focus in unpacking.

We spent sometimes together and I decided I like my new sister. We didn't talk much, really, but I can see she is a nice person but it seems she is having some kind of trouble right now because she seems depressed.

We chatted a bit during dinner time and she asked me some stuff like where I was this entire time which of course I answered that I went to a boarding school but I did not specified which one is it and we told each other what's our likes and dislikes and whatnot. The most normal conversation that a mutant can have with her non mutant sister.

But truthfully, I didn't expect for Bella to have a nightmare on our first night as a family. Late at night, Bella was screaming and trashing in her sleep. Something that you should know is that I have a very sensitive hearing so just a little noise could wake me up. I was jumped awake when Bella started screaming and honestly, I was in panic and don't know what to do. I'm trying waking her but it's not exactly working.

So I'm using another resort.

I put my hand on her forehead and green light appeared on my hand. I concentrated my telepathic power to calm her down and thankfully, it worked. Before she could wake up, I hurriedly removed my hand. She opened her eyes and he looked at me while still panting and I just looked at her awkwardly.

"A-Are you okay…?" I asked. "You were screaming and trashing in your sleep… So I wake you up."

Bella nodded. "I-I'm fine. I'm sorry if I bothered you. It's just a bad dream…" Bella assured.

It looked more like a nightmare to me. She closed her eyes again. It seems she wants to go back to sleep.

"… Alright… Are you umm… sure you want to go back to sleep…?" I asked carefully.

"No, not really… But then, I have to, right?"

"…Right… I can hold your hand for you… father used to do that for me when I have a bad dream." I said.

Bella looked at me and smiled softly. "Would you do that for me?"

I nodded.

"You're so sweet. Thank you Fate."

I nodded and lie on my back again and hold her hand.

And this time, we both sleep peacefully without having a nightmare.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay being in the house all by yourself?" Bella asked.

I nodded shyly. This morning, Bella will be going to school and father is going to work so it's just me and Hailey in the house. Bella is a bit worried leaving me all alone in the house but she can't exactly bring me to school with her and I'm trying to assured her that I will be staying here alone.

"If you're sure." Bella said unsurely. "Just call me or Charlie if something's happens alright? And don't open the door if it's not me or Charlie." She said.

"I understand Bella… Have a nice day at school." Bella nodded and went to school.

And so that's how I was left alone in this house today. I don't want to go to school because I'm not really fond of the idea of going to normal school. I'm doing just fine with my knowledge from the school for the gifted and luckily for me, father understand and didn't force me to enroll. But then, spending time here alone is a bit boring, so I decided to bring Hailey for a walk.

I don't know how we ended up in the forest, really. When we walk, I usually just let Hailey lead the way, plus I have a good sense of direction so I know my way back home, I just have to make sure to get home before Bella and father do or I'll be in trouble.

Hailey looked pretty happy to be in the forest. I don't know what's up with him and forest but I'm happy she's having fun. I like the forest too because there are a lot of animals here and truthfully, I find it easier to communicates with animal rather than with humans. Yes, sometimes I would used my telepathic power just to talk to animals and it was fun. But of course, the only animals I get to talk to are Hailey and a couple of birds and of course to talk to them I have to touch them first which is quite a difficult for the bird case.

Suddenly, while I was looking around the forest, being careful so that I won't go too far inside the forest, Hailey barked. I frowned and pick up the little one.

"Hailey..? What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

Somethings… There…

I heard his thought and looked towards the direction she is barking at. At first, there's nothing there other than trees and bushes and I almost thought Hailey was just seeing things. But then,I heard a soft, rumbling growl nearby. I was startled but then, this is a forest. There could be a lot of animals here… including those who growls. Before I could make my way to get out of there, I saw dark eyes peered at me from behind the bushes. My genetic mutation caused me to have a pretty good eyesight, but not at the level of superhuman vision. The next thing I know, a gigantic wilf covered in russet colored fur walk from behind the bushes.

Normally, people should run at the sight of an abnormally big wolf, but I have lived in a supernatural world and have seen a lot of mythical creature so the sight of an oversized wolf doesn't really surprised me. The question is, whether the wolf is friendly or not.

I looked into the wolf's eyes and that happened.

To be continue

Author's Note:

Okay, so I decided to re-write two words collide completely and add X-men in the already complicated crossover. Yeah, I know it's a mess but I'm trying my best. Anyway, I have to make it clear that, Fate is a some kind of a Mutant/God hybrid. She called herself Mutant Demigod because she doesn't know how to classify herself since she was born from mutant father and Goddess Hecate. Her powers are telekinesis and telepathy but of course, not in the same level as Jean Grey (No one can beat Jean Grey XD except maybe Scarlet Witch?) but she is considered pretty strong especially since her mother is Hecate. I don't know what kind of effect it will give to Hecate when she was pregnant with Fate as I read that it usually female mutant/male Asgardian (Mutant/Asgardian Hybrids I think is the closest to Mutant/God Hybrids so I took some reference from it) and having having mutant/god child is dangerous for the mother as they will suck the mother's energy so in Fate's case, since Hecate is a Goddess there will be no problem since I'm sure Hecate would give her a lot of energy. Anyway since the main focus will be in Twilight universe, I would put this in Twilight section. There will be X-Men or PJO characters appearing and some stuff appearing too but that would be later. Anyway, I'm sorry that I have to rewrite the previous story, and I would like to asked for your opinion about these two plots I had in mind for Fate and Jacob

One: Jacob imprinted on Fate. He accept the imprint and will told Fate first about his secret before Bella and Fate will tell Jacob about the fact that she is mutant and half God too and told him about her power. Jacob will not trying to get Bella's affection because he has accept his imprint.

Two: Jacob imprinted on Fate. He did not want to accept the imprint because of his love for Bella but later feel bad about always putting Fate need's second before Bella and also feel bad because he's been a jerk to a little girl who just want to be his friend, and over time will learn to accept the imprint. In this one, Jacob will still try to get Bella's affection as he is still, somewhat, fighting the imprint.

Please vote which plot you want to see in this story ^^ Thank you for being understanding. The next chapter will be in Alysa point of view since both Alysa and Fate are the main focus. Yeah, I know it's kind of complicated sin this is set after Edward leaves Bella, but it's connected to my story for Eclipse Saga later. Oh, and you won't be seeing Jacqueline and Violet yet but they will be mentioned by other characters from time to time. By the way, just to let everyone know, this is not a Bella Bashing fanfic.

Thank you for understanding, happy reading. Sorry for any typos and grammatical errors.