Harry had begun his training a month ago now he was progressing much faster than he had originally thought he would. He'd also moved out of the room he'd been in. Aragorn and Arwen lived together when Aragorn was in Rivendell and Harry, was apparently staying with them from now on. In fact, if Harry didn't know better he'd say that he'd been adopted by them. Harry didn't object to being adopted by them at all. He enjoyed spending time and learning from both of them.
Dagger fighting-70
Archery- 50
Harry had been pushing himself to learn as much as he could in these areas. Swordfighting was proving to be his downfall. He was obviously not healthy enough or strong enough to learn it yet. His Healing Mastery had gone up and he'd mastered several Healing techniques over the last month. His body was now clear of all scars including the Lightning bolt scar. He had learned how to use magic and creams to awaken his nerves and had learned how to repair nerve damage using just his magic. Right now he was learning how to repair sinew, ligaments, and muscles. He was in a lot better shape now than when he had first come here. He improved every day.
Harry's magic was coming along as well he'd learned many spells and had leveled them up. The Valley was really coming alive now though nowhere near being near fully awakened and healed it was still getting better. The Elder Tree was now at level 4. It gave him more wood now.
Things were going a lot better for him here in Middle-Earth way better than they had been in his world.
Harry woke that morning and got out of his bed. His back was feeling a lot better these days it had always hurt him in his world. He stretched out and went into his bathroom and got ready for the day. He stared at himself in the mirror after he was done washing his face in the basin. His hair had grown quickly and was now down to his shoulders. He liked how it looked and now, he fit in better in this world since most men wore their hair at this length. Though the elves, of course, wore their hair longer. Harry tied his hair back flat against his upper back.
"Okay, Hermione, I'm off," he said, patting the journal on his nightstand. "I'll talk to you later."
'It is time for one of you to join Harry in Middle-Earth.' the voice who'd trapped them there spoke.
"Oh, finally!" Hermione said, standing.
Ron had stood at the same time.
'Severus Snape, you will join Harry in Middle-Earth.'
"WHAT?!" Hermione and Ron cried.
Hermione actually had tears in her eyes.
"Oh, please send me to Harry!" She begged, "Please!"
Ron was fuming.
Severus walked forward. He was instructed to place his hand on the book. A second later he was gone.
"Lord Aragorn! Lady Arwen! Lord Harry!"
Harry blushed at the Title.
The guard had interrupted their "family breakfast".
"A visitor. " the Guard reported.
"A visitor dressed as Lord Harry was..."
"What do they look like?" Harry demanded.
"He has black hair and black eyes." the guard reported. "Skinny,..."
"Ugh, I see for myself," Harry said, then ran off.
"Harry!" Aragorn and Arwen called racing after him.
Harry raced through Rivendell as fast as he could and it was rather fast he had gotten faster over the last month though he still couldn't outrun an Elf or even Aragorn he was fast. He ran straight to the Elder Tree. Sure enough, there was Snape.
"Aww, why is it you?" Harry asked, walking to Snape and holding his hand out.
Severus glowered at Potter but grabbed his hand and allowed himself to be helped up.
"You know this man?" Elrond asked.
"This is Severus son of..."
"Son Tobias." Severus finished.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, Lord Elrond I know you told me to tell you if I remembered anything. I have been remembering some about where I came from. " Harry admitted. "Severus is a Scholar. He tried to teach me his art but it didn't go too well."
Arwen hugged Harry to her.
"Can this man be trusted, my child?" she asked.
Harry blushed.
"Yeah, sure. Why not?" Harry muttered. "I mean yes, he can be trusted."
Severus was not shocked by Potter's first statement but he was by the second. He knew by now that Potter was not who had thought he was but he had never hoped that Potter would vouch for him.
"May we talk, P...Harry?" Severus asked, remembering to use the boy's first name.
"I'm sorry not right now." Harry said, "I have boarder patrol this morning. My first one. I'll be off around mid-day we can talk then."
With that, Harry sprinted off toward the border. He was fully armed. His daggers in his belt, his swords in his quiver on his back with his bow. Yes, he was ready. Today he would prove himself to his adopted parents. He climbed swiftly and deftly climbed to his spot. He blushed when he found that he would be working with Legolas before.
"Man erin,, Legolas." Harry said.
"Good morning, Laevir" Legolas spoke back. "You seem well."
"Much better today." Harry agreed. He took his post on the wall. There was a stool for him to sit on as he tired, unlike the elves. "Did you hear someone came today. He arrived just like I did."
"Yes, I heard." Legolas answered, "I saw him on the way over. Do you know him?"
"He is Severus son of Tobias. A Scholar."
"Why does Harry keep telling them that Snape is a Scholar?" Ginny demanded.
"Because he's a teacher." Hermione offered. "Now be quiet, will you? I'm so tired of you. "
Ginny glared at her.
Harry and Legolas had been relaxing for most of the day just talking and flirting. It was close to the end of Harry's watch when he grabbed the war horn and blew it. Legolas yelled in Elvish as the two of them fired arrows into an advancing Goblin hoard.
"Fire Arrow Volley!" Harry called, he fired one fire arrow into the air. Just as it reached the peak of its arch it became thirty arrows and rained down on the Goblins.
Fire Arrow Volley-39
Harry smirked his Fire Arrow spelled had evolved into this when he'd mastered it. Take that for an offensive spell, Hermione. Merlin, he missed her. While not as fast as an Elf when it came to drawing his arrows he made up for it by using spells like this. He continued to fire.
Severus couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sure he had seen Harry training and had seen him get into fights while he was here but seeing it first hand was something else. Harry seemed to be confident in his abilities. He seemed to be comfortable here. Severus climbed up beside the boy and elf.
"Stay back, Severus, you're going to distract me!" Harry yelled.
Severus held his hands out and smirked at Harry when he let loose his magic.
"Incendio" Severus said, and unleashed flames from his hands.
"Bloody show-off!" Harry yelled at him. " I hate you, Severus!"
Legolas laughed a bit and Severus allowed himself a smug smirk as they continued to fight.
"Fire isn't working." Severus finally said. "Got any more ideas?"
"Always," Harry said, readying another arrow. "Lightening Arrow Volley!"
This time Harry's arrow was lit up with electricity and became twenty when it became a Volley.
"Of course." Severus nodded.
"Resourceful isn't he?" Charlie laughed, as he held Draco in his lap. "and you said that these spells would never be much use, Hermione."
"Very well I will apologize when I talk to Harry tonight." Hermione pouted, "If he tells me about today, which he will."
"I said it before and I'll say it again," Sirius said, beaming. "My Godson is brilliant and clever!"
"Yeah, he's something alright," Neville said, grinning.
"James and Lily would be so proud," Remus stated, fondly.
Harry cursed to himself he didn't know how much longer he could keep this up. He was running low on magic because of all the spells he was using. He sighed in relief when the close-range fighters finally engaged that would lesson what he had to do. He was still drenched in sweat when the fight finally ended. He collapsed right into Legolas' arms.
"You push yourself too hard, Laevir," Legolas whispered into his ear. "Come, I will take you home. You still have a lot of healing to do still."
Harry nodded into Legolas' chest. He loved it when Legolas held him so close.
"The Tree." Harry said, "I want to go to the tree, Legolas."
Legolas chuckled but carried Harry to the Elder Tree and laid him down. He sat next to him and pulled Harry snug to his side. He pulled a book out and began reading in Sindarin to him. He smirked to himself as he watched Harry smile in his tired sleep.
The Elder Tree had been getting a lot of water and children reading to it over the last month but Harry insisted that it calmed him down after a long day of training and that he loved doing it.
Harry didn't go to sleep he just lay there and recharged. Merlin how he loved Legolas' voice, it was so wonderful. When Legolas had finished Harry stood and stretched he hissed as his back popped but it didn't bother him much. As today was supposed to be his day off and Legolas was going to talk to some friends that had come to Rivendell Harry decided to go find Snape's room and talk to him.
It turned out that Severus was in Harry's old room.
Severus frowned when the door opened.
"Lord Harry is here to see you." his handmaid announced.
"I'll see him."
With that Harry was let in the room. He walked over to a chair and just sat down. He waited until they were served snacks and the handmaid was gone before he talked.
"How'd you get here?" he wondered. "I mean I doubt it was the same way I got here."
"I was reading Lord of the Rings." Severus lied easily. "It's a Muggle series I find I quite enjoy from time to time. The book started glowing and I ended up here."
"That's exactly how I got here," Harry said, running fingers through his hair which had come undone.
The two sat in silence for a long while after that.