I do not own Rising of the Shield Hero

Biggest thanks for Ace-Triad helping me with SPAG edit! Also special thanks to Angel Wraith for reading my rough draft and provide important feedbacks.

More author note at the end for people who are interested to see me blabber some more.

The afternoon sun shone down in the palace courtyard as newly hatched filorial chicks tweeted at their handlers for some soft boiled beans. All in all, it was the perfect weather to hold an afternoon tea party.

The princess daintily picked up her tea cup and took a small sip while her playmates chatted over the newest romance novel they read.

"So, what's up with this new novel, 'Exiled Princes and the Earl's Daughter'?" Katarina squeezed her eyelid shuts while shaking her head in circles. The monkey of House Claes was obviously trying to hurt her head by thinking very hard. She waved around a thick book with a hard cover on both sides. "Why is the main character such a c..."

"Conniving, scheming, and manipulative player?" Iris set her own cup down on the plate, finishing Katarina's intended line for her with much more elegance. The blue eyes of the fox of House Amelia wandered over to meet the princess, seemingly at random.

"Yes, that!" Katarina jumped up from her seat, making the whole tea table wobble on the granite tile. "I mean, aren't most romance novels have a kind, compassionate main character?"

"It was most certainly surprising to learn the main character was intentionally stealing every man her ... childhood friend Ginger fell in love with to spite her." Bertia nodded her head as she sank even deeper into her seat. "That feels more like something a knave would do."

It's a small respite that the hog of House Noches wasn't as physically active as Katarina, or else the tea table would have toppled over for sure. The princess did not care so much about the expansive Siltvelt porcelain ware, but she still wanted to eat some more of her favorite sponge cakes.

She felt like shaking her head just like Katarina, albeit for a completely different reason.

Of course, neither Katarina and Bertia would understand the beauty of Lillian. Neither of them were groomed by their fathers to be future players for the game of thrones, despite their high birth. From the point of a player like the princess herself, Lillian's actions made complete sense. Securing the future support of all the important men in the court, while at the same time snubbing her biggest competitor by making her look bad in their eyes.

Lillian was beautiful.

Chapter 25: My Friend Iris

"The mages in the court's employment calculated the next Wave of Catastrophe, and by extension, the next hero summoning." Iris daintily stirred her tea without looking at anyone in particular. "It'll be within our lifetime. Moreover... around the time when we start to look for suitors. That means, we'll likely have to capture a hero and wed them."

"You mean, together?" Katarina's head whipped over so fast, it's endangered to spin off her shoulders. "Like the old Oath Sisters of Hibernia?"

"There will only be one hero summoned by each nation. Doesn't leave us any room to be picky. Unless they dare to break the covenant laid down by the Seven Kingdoms." The fox of House Amelia daintily brought up her cup to her thin lips. "Who would be stupid enough to do that? Q'ten Lo may be no more, but to break the covenant is to invoke the wrath of every other nation in the world."

"I think it's great! We are already growing up together like sisters." Bertia closed her hands in front of her chest and closed her eyes, almost like she's making a wish on her birthday. "Wouldn't it be the most romantic thing, if we were wed to the same dashing hero?"

No, Bertia. It would definitely not be 'the most romantic thing'.

"But aren't we more like the villainesses in our books?" Both Katarina and Bertia turned to look at the Princess.

"AWWW, here I thought you liked us. M-" Katarina quickly amended her words as Iris started hammering the rim of her tea cup with her folded fan. "Your Grace, why do you go and compare us to the bad girls?"

"I'm just being honest here." The princess took another sip of her tea. "Think about it. All the villainesses in our books are in positions of power within high society, and the heroines are the upstarts. Can anyone get any higher than us in glorious Melromarc? Maybe aside from the ladies in House De Gallia and House Arc?"

Bertia covered her right hand in front of her mouth. Probably in an effort to hide the short gasp at her revelation. "You are absolutely right, Your Grace! Does that mean... the heroes will be our downfall?"

Not if she had any say in it. At least for herself.

Whichever hero summoned to glorious Melromarc will be her opportunity to get out of a betrothal with her uncle. Maybe even the chance to sit on the throne of her birthright.

"Ah! Not you too, Tia." Katarina's face planted into the tea table with a loud 'thud'. She finally managed to knock over her teacup, splashing liquid all over her hair. The not so noble heiress of House Claes didn't seem to mind the impromptu shower. "You two make my head hurt."

Are you sure it's not the head butt you delivered to the table?

Iris reached over and set up Katarina's tea cup upright again, before Katarina's personal maid had a chance to cross over. She took out her hankie and wiped the energetic heiress' hair.

"I'll do it!" Bertia suddenly seemed to gain some kind of resolve. She balled up her fist and stood up straight from her chair, boldly declaring to the entire courtyard to everyone's confusion. The princess was sure there's even a glitter of tears in the corner of her eyes. "For the good of the heroes to find their soul mates, I'll play the role of the villainess! Even if it will be my downfall!"

"Aw, you worry too much, Tia." Katarina shot up from her seat, and quickly threw around her arms around the shoulder of the much shorter Noches heiress. She pulled Bertia tight into her chest, and spoke in her unusual soothing voice. "No one will hurt you, Tia. They'll have to go through me and Iris first. Isn't it right, Iris?"

"Romance novels aren't real life." Iris tapped the book on her forehead while she closed her eyes and shook her head. "The potential lover of a Legendary Hero or not, any upstart commoner or low tier noble would be out of their mind to directly challenge us. They would knock out their very own support structure underneath them."

"You said it, girl!" Katarina let go of Bertia. Her hands closed on the shoulder of Iris and furiously shook the annoyed looking Amelia heiress.

"I better stop eating pastries, if we'll meet the hero later. I need to ... become more slim." Bertia's eyes seemed to draw to the delicate Faubley sweets on their table, despite her words.

"Nonsense, Heir Noches." The princess moved a cupcake with vanilla frosting right in front of Bertia. "A Legendary Hero won't be so shallow as judging you by appearance. You will be fine, just being yourself."

The eyes of Iris seemed to focus on her now.

"Really, Your Grace? You think so?" The naive heir Noches turned to look at her with her innocent blue eyes.

"I'm sure." The first princess ran her hand through Bertia's bright curly red hair. "Why, I'd take you as my wife, if I'm a Legendary Hero."

"That's good to hear. I certainly would have loved to meet such a kind hearted hero." Bertia was about to dig into her cupcake when she heard a chirp. She turned to look at a filorial chick who escaped from its handler. The Noches heiress smiled and picks up the tweeting bird, letting the little chick feed on her cupcake while petting its large head.

"Oh, right. I never got around to thank you for suggesting me taking up a hoe, Your Grace." Katarina wiped her head to face the first princess again. "Watch this!"

The House Claes heiress pointed her open palm towards the grass patch away from their seat. The princess turned around to look at the ground, where nothing seemed to happen. "...And?"

"I made the earth go down! I can only have them thump up before." Katarina puffed out her chest, looking all too smug for her extremely feeble achievement. "I would never have done that, if you didn't tell me to bond my magic by plowing the field!"

"You are very welcome..." The princess tried her best not to make her cheek heat up. Especially under the intense gaze of Iris Amelia. She pointed her hand at the small pile of romance novels on the corner of their tea table. "Let's change the subject and speak of something lighter. I never got to ask you girls. What's your favorite steed for the heroes in these romance novels?"

"I think a white Pegasus is the most romantic thing." Bertia closed her hands together in front of her chest again. She shut her eyes as if trying to see the scene in her mind. "I think I would die, if a Legendary Hero landed in front of me riding a white Pegasus."

"Nah! Griffins are the best." Katarina hopped on her seat, as if emulating how she would actually ride a griffin. "The beast of freedom, a griffin, doesn't care for anyone and anything. Taking itself wherever it wants to go. Doesn't it befit a hero?"

"I prefer dragons myself." Iris moved her teacup to her mouth to take another light sip. "Powerful, magnificent, any dragon protects its treasure and youth. The perfect image a hero should present themselves as."

"Are we talking about the heroes now, or their steeds?" Bertia giggled at the different responses. She turned to look at the first princess. "You haven't given us your opinion, Your Grace. What steed do you want your hero rides on?"

"It matters not what beast they ride." She picked up a piece of sponge cake with her thin slender fingers, and brought it up to her mouth. "So long as they worship me as their goddess."

Katarina and Bertia blinked their eyes at her, likely stunned by her utterly brilliant answer. They turned to look at each other while the babe birds tweeting behind them. "Filorial?"


Both of them giggled themselves silly at it.

"Almost heaven, Hibernia. Harvest Ridge Mountain, Goddess' Bounty River~

Life is old there, older than the tree. Younger than the mountain, blowing like a breeze~"

The bonfire in front of Lute's village hall is as large as a small wooden shack the poorer commoners lived in. The filorials of the village quack to the melody rhythm of the old Hibernia song 'Queen's Road', giving it a more energetic and authentic vibe than any bard's instrument can provide.

The Tristania bard certainly has good taste in music.

Mein takes a wineskin from one of the boys who acts as the runner for food and drinks. She vaguely remembers him as the leader of the child scouts they met on the first day after settling in Lute. The younger brother of the young knight she 'persuaded' to allow her witness the royal summoning ceremony.

Glorious Melromarc can be surprisingly small, after all.

She takes a quick swig, feeling the burn of cheap liquor down her throat. It's surprisingly not unpleasant, compared to the finely aged wine she's more used to in Mother's court and banquets.

"You want to give it a try, lass?" The princess turned adventurer looks to the side. A small group of older kids are huddling together, passing wineskins obviously not intended for them.

"Don't pass your bad habits to Raphtalia, Wil." Raki gives a light shuffle to the shoulder of the other boy. Mein can't see the boy's face, but his voice definitely gives away his annoyance.

"Drop your good boy act and piss off, Raki. Kiss the Shield Hero's ass when he's around." The other boy rolls his eyes and shoves Raki right back. He holds up the opened wineskin to Raphtalia again. "Don't you want to try what the grownups do? Don't tell me you are brave enough to fight the Wave, but you are too scared to get a little drink!"

Raphtalia looks around at the children surrounding her. She tentatively takes the wineskin from Wil despite Raki's protests and edges it ever closer to her mouth.

Mein gets up from her unofficial seat and walks to the children. From all the stories she heard of how raccoon dog demi-humans behave, she's not looking forward to having an inebriated and hyperactive raccoon dog girl on her hand. "You damn kids better beat it, before I beat it out of you."

"Ah! GROWNUPS! Scram!" The gathered kids quickly run in every direction, leaving Raki and Raphtalia alone to face Mein's possible wrath.

"It's not Raphtalia's fault." Raki turns around to face Mein, his body edges away to stand in front of Raphtalia, who seems to be shrinking back into her shadow. "I tried to stop them."

"Yes, I saw and heard what happened. Run along now." Mein rolls her eyes just like the trouble making kid did a moment from before. She waves her arm at Raki, indicating any discussion is now over. The boy gives a few unsure glances back to the demi-human girl before joining his friends.

The princess turns her attention to Raphtalia, whose ears are now drooping over her hair. "I guess you know you did something wrong. It's kind of pointless, if you are going to do it anyway."

"So, sorry." The girl's face is dropping even lower, to the point it's almost buried in her chest.

It reminds the first princess of how someone else acted, when she was berated by her own mother. She was never good enough in Mother's eyes.

"Look, I'm not really mad at you, Raphtalia." Mein runs her hand through Raphtalia's hair, the child's head slowly and unsurely rises back up. "I'm a pretty heavy drinker myself. I don't have a problem if you want to try it too. But next time, start with something light first."

"This stuff," Mein began as she shook her own wineskin in front of Raphtalia's face, "... is too strong for you. You'll be so hammered after a few mouthfuls, you'd make a fool in front of Master Naofumi, if you don't get seriously sick first. You don't want that. Do you?"

"No, I don't." Raphtalia quickly shakes her head around, as she almost trips her on her feet with self-inflicted dizziness.

"Careful." Mein holds onto the child's shoulder with her free hand. "We'll get you some watered fruit liquor next time we go to an upscale inn, the one they spice with nectar. They taste almost like fruit juice, only a little alcohol. See if you like it. And if you do, we'll move to stronger stuff once you are used to the drink, and your body develops. Say, didn't you hit level 20?"

"Yeah, after the Wave." Raphtalia quickly wraps both of her arms around Mein to remain steady. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, I was just thinking about you should hit your growth bonus soon." Mein pets Raphtalia's head once again. "I should remind Master Naofumi to prepare some extra grub for you every meal. You need to eat a lot to grow strong, healthy bones."

"Oh." Raphtalia blinks her eyes at the mention, she looks aimlessly around as if trying to seek out the Shield Hero. It seems even the demi-human child herself forgot about the growth bonus of her people. "Oh."

It's probably something a Melromarc demi-human commoner doesn't even think about. They aren't those savage Siltvelt animals, where even the children enjoy bleeding monsters and each other, after all.

"Don't worry. We have enough money to feed your extras every day. Come practice your magic with me. Didn't you want to show Master Naofumi how much you learned?" Mein ties the wineskin around her waist, while she pushes the demi-human girl in the back to guide her back to the bonfire.

Both of them sit down. Mein easily and wordlessly summons out a perfectly controlled ball of flame in each of her hands, she lazily tosses them back and forth between her hands while Raphtalia tries to start a basic [Mage Light] spell.

The raccoon girl frowns like she's having trouble holding in a very nasty fart. A few sparks ignite between her hands as she starts her chant, but they quickly fizzle out. Probably on account of her lack of concentration... and likely damaged mind after witnessing the death of her parents.

She manages to summon out a ball of light between her palms on the fifth try, and keeps it around till Mein counts up to five.

Mein tosses her two fireballs into the sky, having them explode out in little flowers of embers, fizzle out harmlessly before they touch anything. She scratches Raphtalia's hair once again. "Good girl. You are getting the hang of it. Now, stand up with me, and try to do the same thing you just did. And hold the spell between your hands as long as you can."

"Okay!" The raccoon girl's ears finally perks up. She stands up as Mein commanded, and manages to recreate the brilliant little ball of light in her hand, even as sweat begins to trickle down her head.

The other children start to slowly creep their way back to the demi-human girl, so Mein decides to give them a good show. She starts to ignite fireballs in her hand, one after another as she tosses them between her hand, till she's juggling five burning orange spheres between her hands. There is an absolute limit to how much control she has to both maintain the shape of her magical constructs, and from accidentally dropping them onto the ground or worse, toss them right into a man's face.

The kids from Lute are no doubt awed at the display, judging by the oohs and ahhs they unconsciously make. Although it's hard to tell if they are more enamored by the skill of Mein, or the fact a girl of their age is able to do magic. Their reaction almost stopped Mein from noticing a young man with wild hair standing near the edge of the crowd.

Unfortunately for the princess in disguise, she did still notice the young man. Fortunately for the villagers of Lute, her self control is strong enough to not start a magic induced wildfire right in the middle of their ruined home.

Henchman number 2 again. One of Iris Amelia's most loyal thugs.

The young man grins at Mein, showing off his perfect white teeth. His thumb slowly slashes across his own neck, till' it points toward a direction away from Lute village. Any doubt Mein has for this gesture being a coincidence is immediately dashed as Henchman number 2 turns around and quickly makes his way towards the direction his thumb last points towards.

Mein quickly tosses the fireballs into the night sky, having them explode in a spectacular display of explosion much to the cheer of the gathered kids. She pats Raphtalia on her shoulder and whispers into her ears. "Big sister Mein needs to go relieve herself. Go have some fun with your new friends. Listen to Raki, he's a good guy like his big brother. He won't lead you wrong."

Raphtalia looks back up at Mein again with unsure eyes. She settles into a furious nod in a blink. "Okay."

Mein pulls up her hood and mask in an instance while she squeezes through the dancing, drinking and celebrating crowd to follow the trail Henchman number 2 disappeared from a moment ago. While it's possible this is a trap the heiress of House Amelia set up, she's not particularly worried for an attempt on her life.

It's an open secret in Melromarc court that at least one Shadow follows every member of the royal house. Not as their bodyguard, no, but as the monitor for the current reigning queen to spy on any possible action of treason against the crown.

Ironically, this safety measurement for mother also means Iris can't make an attempt on her life. Mother may not care for her wellbeing, but assassinating a princess of glorious Melromarc would give mother the exact excuse she needed to cull House Amelia's expanding influence. Iris is too smart to try a direct tactic like that.

The princess still shivers as she makes her way deeper into the King's Forest. Every noise in the expanse of the dark forest makes her jump on her heels. Every waving shadow makes her reach for the hilt of her sword. Until she eventually makes it into a clearing where her childhood playmates await with her two bodyguards, personal maid, and a raptor for each of them. "Heiress Amelia."

If House Melromarc dies out, by dynasty succession the crown should go back to the Most Ancient and Noble Princely House De Gallia. Considering this country used to be the Kingdom of De Gallia a little over two hundred years ago. If House De Gallia also suffered the same unfortunate fate, the crown would go to House Arc. Considering they have the strongest blood heritage of the now died out House Albion.

But everyone in the court of glorious Melromarc knows the strongest contender for the Melromarc throne is neither House De Gallia nor House Arc. No, that dubious honor belongs to none other than House Amelia, despite their lack of claim to any straight heritage from the ancient Seven Kingdoms.

Glorious Melromarc under Mother's reign has no prime minister. As the king regent, Father effectively fills the role of the prime minister himself. This means the next most powerful minister in the court happens to be Lord Louis De Amelia the finance minister. Especially since the entire nation is hopelessly indebted to House Amelia for all the money and resources they spend during the Great War.

Nobody fancies the prospect of not paying back his loan, considering who happens to be the Good Father of Lord Amelia.

Gazelle Diaz Anderson, the indomitable beast, tyrant of the great spear, and the general of the triumvirates. He may lack Father's clever plans, or Pope Balmus' ability to call heaven's blessing onto an entire army. But what he lacks on a chess board and magical wheel, he makes up for with his instinct to sense the weakness of his enemies, and strength that can't be stopped by ten thousand men.

He also happens to be the most beloved of the triumvirate by the common soldiers, considering how the old general flat out turned down a lordship granted by Mother after the war, choosing to live with his soldiers in the garrison instead over a comfortable life in the court.

Of course, thinking his daughter is nothing more than a tailcoat rider of her father would be giving the duchess too little credit. Despite not having a ladyship herself, Merellis Reiser Amelia nee Anderson is the one with stronger influence than even her husband in Melromarc's high social circle. Often considered the perfect example of a Melromarc Lady, Lady Merellis can influence the noble court with a mere twitch of her finger, like how her husband influences the day to day administration of Mother's ministers.

Iris Lana Amelia may be the childhood friend of the first princess, but the noble heiress of House Amelia is arguably a bigger competitor to her in this Game of Throne than her younger sister.

The maid pulls the hood of a plain traveling cloak down the head of Mein's childhood playmate. Letting the light aqua hair of Iris freely flow down her shoulder and back like a silky waterfall.

"Your Grace, I would start with some pleasantries, maybe offer a few sponge cakes you love so much. But something tells me you won't appreciate them." With a flap, Iris opens up her Siltvelt folding fan in front of her face. She turns towards her two thugs. "Lyle, Dida. You two can wait for us a little further away."

Ah, so that was Henchman number 2's name.

He's still Henchman number 2!

Henchman number 1, the blonde boy toy of Iris, turns to walk away as she commanded. He stops his feet when he notices his compatriot is fixed in place. "You heard Lady Iris, Dida."

"I'm not leaving Lady Iris with this bitch. There's no telling what she has planned." Henchman number 2 whines like a petulant child.

"This 'bitch' is standing right in front of you, and hearing your every word." Mein crosses her arms in front of her chest. You can't teach manners to a rabid dog it seems, even if the thug does not have a single drop of animal blood in his veins.

Even little Raphtalia behaves better than this hoodlum! Goes to show one don't need to have tainted blood to be a dirty animal.

"Do excuse Dida. He has trust issues as you know, Your Grace." Iris gives a half bow to Mein, in an effort of appeasement so comically superficial, it feels more like mockery. "But I believe we have a lot of catching up to do, after you went undercover to accompany the Shield Hero."

"Some of us aren't born the favorite of our parents, and have to fight for their birthright tooth and nail to avoid a life in the clergy, or worse, be wed to the Faubley King." Iris visibly shudders with Mein at the mention of the notorious Pig King of Faubley. It seems like a bleeding heart is something her childhood friend didn't grow out of.

Mein continues after she composes herself again. Well, being scarred by a Wavespawn has its advantages. It's not like her uncle to take in damaged goods. "You aren't doing too shabby yourself, Heir Amelia. Securing a position beside a Cardinal Hero together with Heiress Claes and Heiress Noches as your iron curtain. Although... the Spear Hero? Really? You can't find a better option? He's more fit as Father's new fool than a legendary hero."

Yes, both the Sword Hero and Bow Hero have their own quirkiness. Same thing can even be said for her Naofumi. But they both have more potential to help whatever ambition Iris Lana Amelia no doubt has, than the dimwitted Spear Hero. Assuming she can curtail their special brand of... personal traits.

"My fate was sealed when the Wave of Catastrophe struck Medea in our generation, like we predicted as children. As heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House Amelia, I am expected to wed a Hero with some of my fellow Melromarc ladies. To ensure the future prosperity of my House." The heiress turns the fan downward, slowly waving it.

Mein can't help but roll her eyes once again at her childhood playmate's love for spectacles.

"To be honest. I would have most likely have scooped the Shield Hero right out of your grasp, if you followed Uncle Aultcray's script to frame the young man, like a good obedient unthinking daddy's girl Uncle Aultcray took you for. Even if the young man is as much a fool as Master Spear Hero, his influence with Siltvelt and Shiltfreeden is simply too good to pass up. Especially for a future lady like me, whose power base is away from The Faith of Three's sphere of influence." Iris quickly opens and closes her fan. "But since you are smarter than that, I'll just have to take the next best thing to suit my needs."

"I won't disrespect your intelligence to pretend there wasn't any scheme cooked up by Father. Father was being so on the nose with his hair brained scheme, Katarina and Bertia probably noticed them." Iris nods back at Mein's admission. "But seriously, the Spear Hero is the 'next best thing' for you? I thought you had higher taste in men than a jester."

"I suppose the two of us have different needs for our lives. A flaw in the eyes of one lady, can be a boon in another's." Iris twirls the fan in her right hand. "A fool the Spear Hero may be, but I'd take a fool who allows me free reign to do whatever I wish with my life, over a smarter man who will keep me in a gilded cage for the rest of my days. All I needed from the Heroes is the prestige of their bloodline, after all."

Mein narrows her eyes at the implication of Iris.

On the one hand, it could be a declaration of resignation. It's a statement to stay out of the coming round for the game of thrones without explicitly saying so.

On the other hand, it could also be taken as a warning. That the position for House Amelia is so secure, the quality of the hero their heiress is betrothed to does not even matter in the game.

The utterly maddening thing for the first princess is she can't determine which reading to go on. It could easily go both ways for her childhood playmate.

Could she try to ask some questions, trying to guess Iris' meaning through her answer? But knowing her childhood friend, the Amelia heiress' very likely to realize her intention and give an intentionally misleading answer.

"The Spear Hero's former teammates didn't ditch him on their own volition like he thought, did they?" Mein's eyes suddenly open wide as she puts the pieces together in her head. Realizing a tactic she herself would have used if given the situation. "You were behind it all. Making him think he's abandoned by everyone, creating the perfect situation for you and your cohorts to move into both his party and his heart."

"What can I say? I gave those nice ladies an offer they can't refuse." Iris opens up her fan, just below her eyes.

"You sold them into slavery?!"

"What? NO!" Iris looks as shocked as she is offended by Mein's accusation. The fan in her hand actually fell down to her feet. Her maid quickly moves in to pick it up and hands the fan back to the heiress. "How can you accuse me of such barbarism! I paid them each ten times a royal knight would make for their whole year's salary."

"All that effort and money, just to be a glorified nanny to a child in the body of a man." Mein brushes away a strain of hair in front of her eyes.

"After my time in the court, meeting all the young men trying their best to either behave gentlemanly, or chivalrously. There is certain... appeal to someone who acts as genuine as the Spear Hero."

"He's another one of your lost pups, isn't he?" Mein quickly runs her eye through the maid and thugs of Iris standing behind her. "You have quite a habit of picking them up. At least Katarina only asked me for that personal maid of hers."

Iris looked a little flustered once again. A faint brush blossoms on her cheek, which she hides behind her fan. "I admit, it was rather refreshing to meet a man who wants neither riches, nor power from me, and only ask for sincere companionship in return. So yes, Sir Motoyasu has his flaws like all men do, but I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him."

Mein scoffs underneath her hood and masks. She didn't get any closer to find her rival's motivation, but at least she did have a glimpse about the relationship between Iris and the Spear Hero. "Let's cut to the chase. Why did you go through all the trouble of meeting me behind your hero's back? I doubt you wanted to catch up on old times, and resume our talk of fancy with the heroes."

Henchman number 2 looks like he's about to lunge forward at Mein. Thankfully both the bespectacled maid and Henchman number 1 manages to hold him back.

Mein would be lying to say she didn't enjoy how easily she riled up the rascal... and how he can't do anything about it. Services him right for putting a knee behind her back in father's banquet.

"Ah, about that." Iris regains her former composure when it comes down to business. She snaps her fan shut with one fluid motion. "I propose an alliance between us."

Mein feels like laughing at the absurdity to this situation. Iris Lana Amelia, the well beloved prodigious daughter of House Amelia who was born into everything except the right to wear a crown, has the gall to actively propose an alliance with her? The maligned first princess of Melromarc who is even detested by her own mother?

It sounds like a set up for a joke at her expanse. Too ridiculous even for an act of fealty declared to the royal house.

"If future favor from the crown is what you seek, then you proposed to the wrong princess." Mein slowly lets her arms drop to her sides. "Everyone knows my younger sister is the heir in all but name. I am nothing more than a political tool to help secure her rule. A broken tool at that. If Mother has her way, I'll spend the rest of my days locked away in a chapel."

Not for her lack of trying, of course.

"You have mistaken my proposal. I asked for an alliance between the two of us, not an alliance between House Melromarc and House Amelia." Iris doesn't seem to be annoyed at Mein's rejection, she simply explained her proposal in greater detail. "As the heir of Most Ancient and Noble House Amelia, I can easily learn everything going on in the court of Melromarc. But there are certain... fields closed off to me, simply because of my family status."

The Amelia heiress points her fan at Henchman number 2, who is still struggling against the maid and Henchman number 1. "Take Dida for example. He may grow up as an urchin in the slum and speak their language. But everyone knows he is a retainer of House Amelia now. Even his old connections are only willing to divulge so much, or rather, so little information that can be used against them by a member of Melromarc high society."

"I'm sure you can hear anything you fancy by throwing money at people. I've been to the slums, and these people live in absolute squalor." Mein crosses her arms once again, thinking back to the condition of the dust district. Even Beloukas, one of its most 'well off' denizens, lives in the dilapidated ruins of a building.

"Perhaps, but gold can only buy loose lips. And let's face it, those who rise to the top of the dust district didn't get where they are by placing their trust in loose lipped fools." Iris points her closed fan at Mein. "You, on the other hand, you are an unknown for the most part. Because 'Mein of Samphor' did not exist before the royal summoning. Sure, you don't spend your entire time in the underbelly of Melromarc. But you still have a greater chance to hear useful rumors than any men in my back pocket. So, my proposal is simple, I give you timely information from the royal court, you tell me anything interesting you found in your travels."

"So, a tentative alliance between the two of us where we share information with each other. I can live with that." Mein nods her head at the proposal. All in all, it's not a bad exchange for someone in her position. Probably the best deal she can realistically get without any consequences attached.

There is of course, one not so small problem. "In case you didn't realize, Your hero hates my hero's guts. How can I trust you won't give me false information, just to lead the Shield Hero and I down a cliff?"

"Men." The Amelia heiress neither lets out an unbecoming scoff, nor rolled her eyes. Yet, the one word from her thin lips make her condescension known. "Savage creatures who revel in throwing their weight around. To them, the best way to forge friendship is through fisticuffs and drinking themselves into oblivion together. I wouldn't be surprised that the Spear Hero shares a rather affectionate rivalry with the Shield Hero deep down. As for how you can trust in me, not anymore than I can trust you. My dear friend."

"Nice to see you are as faithful to your childhood playmate as ever."

"There's no need to play coy." Iris opens and snaps her fan open once again. Her gaze is piercing, just like all those years ago. "Do you honestly believe I didn't notice all the time you encouraged Bertia to stuff her face, or led Katarina to develop her love for... agriculture? You have seen us as rivals, if not outright threats to you since the start, Your Grace."

"And you should also stop treating me like a fool, my friend Iris." Mein points her left hand at the Amelia heiress, while slowly moves her right hand to the hilt of her sword.

She may not believe this is an assassination attempt, but she certainly would to be prepared if Henchman number 2 finally breaks free. Either due to his own struggles, or a command from Iris. "You are my biggest rival to the throne. Even more than my brat of a younger sister. She's too young to play the game, aside from blindly following mother's whim and wishes."

"Ah, I see. The mistake you made, is assuming everyone lusts after a slightly larger chair, and a replica circlet to replace the crown smashed by the Siltvelt animals in the Great War." Iris twirls her closed fan with her right hand. "Well, I can't speak for every lord and lady of this country, but I desire something else."

Mein can't help but chuckle at the absurd implication. Is her childhood playmate insinuating she has some even higher calling than the throne of glorious Melromarc? Does she intend to become the empress of Medea itself, or even ascend into godhood? "Really? Do tell."

Iris does not immediately answer Mein's question. She takes something out of a pocket inside her fancy cloak. It shines under the moonlight for a brief second before the princess making out the content in slender fingers of the House Amelia heiress.

A single copper coin. Too meager for the status of the most powerful Melromarc heiress.

"This here. This is what I desire more than a throne." Iris holds the copper coin in her hands up above her head. Her voice is serious without a trace of humor.

"A copper coin, really? You want to convince me that you desire nothing but money? Something your family is already over flown with?" The princess in disguise can't help but throw her head back and laugh at the pure idiocy at display.

As the saying goes. You can't buy everything with coins, but you can buy nothing without coins. There is always a place for those shiny click-y goodness even in a queen's court. That's why the finance minister is such a powerful position.

But what good is money, when someone in a higher position can simply take them from one's hand? There is a reason why the king and lords rank higher than merchants on the ladder of classes, no matter how many coins a peddler may gather.

Iris does not seem to take offense at Mein's dismissal. In fact, she seems to be in a rather poetic or philosophical mood tonight.

The noble heiress of House Amelia simply stares down into the meager piece of copper in her hand, and starts to talk as if she's reciting for a play. "Coins, coins. We aren't born with you, we can't take you with us when we die. Philosophers call you the root of all evil, yet there's no mistake the world turns at your beck and call, and on your whims and wishes."

The Amelia heiress puts the coin back into the pocket of her cloak, now she's down with her performance. She looks straight in Mein's eyes, still bare of any humor. "That is why those who control the coin control the world, even without a crown or throne."

"Stop playing with me and drop the act of a wordsmith. Heiress Amelia. I'm not here to play riddles with you." Mein places her left hand on her waist, feeling her patient grow thinner by the minute. "I won't entertain your fancy, if you can't even dignify me with a straight response. What is the real reason you don't aim for the throne?"

"Very well, let me talk these terms in a language you understand." Iris simply let out a sigh. The well pampered heiress probably isn't used to her performance receiving less than a glowing reception. "House Amelia may be powerful now, but descended from the seven old kingdoms' royalty we are not. While we can trace our legacy back to a previous Bow Hero, our claim to the throne is still weaker than House Melromarc, House De Gallia, and House Arc. In the unfortunate scenario of our Queen left on Cal Mira Island permanently, what do you think would happen, if I try to sit on the throne instead of you, or your sister?"

"The mad prince of Gallia will never allow it. The indomitable beast being your grandfather or not, Prince Joseph will rise an army and challenge your rule. There will be civil war. Archduke Wales Arc will join his side, simply because that's how dynasty succession is supposed to go." Mein narrows her eyes at Iris' suggestion. Yes, this explanation makes much more sense than her prior theatrics. "Damn, he might not even accept Melty on the throne, on account of how young she is."

The first princess can't help but be reminded of the part of history right after the Great War. Something most Melromarc people tend to forget. For a brief time, it is genuinely believed Melromarc would become the Kingdom of De Gallia once again with Prince Joseph as much a war hero as Mother.

The only reason Mother was crowned queen instead of Joseph ascending as the king was because of her marriage with Father, and the full blessing and support of Arch Vicar Biscas Balmus of the Three Heroes' Church.

That was the reason why Balmus was given the title of the Pope. The old ruling title for the Theocracy of Romalia, instead of remaining Arch Vicar as per tradition.

"Exactly. Why fight for a throne when its cushion is filled with poison needles instead of feathers? I have no desire to sit on what is for all intents and purposes, a trap to initiate the recession if not the outright downfall of House Amelia. And so long as House Amelia enjoys its current position, I do not care who gets to sit on the throne."

The hypothetical scenario brought up by Iris makes Mein feel cold on the back. If Melromarc devolves into civil war, more than House Amelia's future will be on the line.

With Father and the Pope's scheme capturing the wrath of the entire world, a civil war is an open invitation for every other country to join a crusade, similar to what happened back in the Great War against Siltvelt.

And unlike the beastman empire, Melromarc is in no position to remain standing afterwards.

All the more reason for her not to lose the game to her younger sister.

Iris puts her folding fan into her traveling cloak and holds her palm up to Mein. "Does this answer satisfy you, my dear old friend?"

"Very much so, my friend Iris." Mein pulls down both her hood and mask, revealing her scarred face to her childhood playmate. The two of them walk towards each other, and quickly clap their open right palm together. "Mein of Samphor enters into an alliance with Iris Lana Amelia of House Amelia. Until our interests part."

"But of course." Iris slowly walks backwards to join her cohort again. Her maid helps her onto the raptor. "Dida will be the messenger between the two of us. And as a show of faith, this one is free. The Three Heroes' Church is planning an expedition to the Silver Peak, the seat of power for House Seatto. Take that for what you will."

"Do they?" Mein pulls up her hood and mask. She watches the small party of House Amelia disappear into the dead of the night before she starts making her way back to Lute.

Omake: Accomplice of the Shield Devil AKA What if Itsuki didn't fuck up

"What did I do to deserve this? You must be thinking." Naofumi turns his head towards the dark alleyway between two shops. Four figures shrouded in cloaks approach him. He can't help but scoff at their attempt. It's not like he has anything worse robbing on him anymore. "Money, dignity, even the clothes on your back are taken away. From where you are, it must look like epic level bad luck. But the truth is ..."

The woman takes off the hood over her head, letting her pale aqua blue hair fall down her shoulder and back like a silky waterfall. "The game was rigged from the start."

One week later, Amelia Manor

"This tastes great as well, Master Naofumi!" Bertia puts her cutlery down besides her plate, while Katarina is still busy stuffing her face with her bare hands. "Is it true this pastry is made of beans? How can something taste this wonderful be made from something that tastes so awful?"

"Yes." A single word being the deadpan reply from the Shield Hero. The Noches heir does not seem to mind, as she starts to dig in again for the bean pastry.

"Strange something with such a mild flavor can be so endearing." Iris picks up a napkin to clean her mouth. "I'll pass the recipe to all the cafes under House Amelia."

"That'll be mere pocket change." Naofumi turns to look at his unforeseen supporter. "How's your pet Crystal Palace project?"

"With my father being the finance minister, and the crown hopelessly indebted to House Amelia? The conclusion isn't worth discussing." Iris offers her hand toward Naofumi. "Let's give Katarina and Bertia some room to enjoy themselves."

"Very well." Naofumi takes Iris, as the two of them wander away from the tea table set in the garden. "I take it your plan is moving along quite nicely?"

"With you by my side? Of course." Iris shares a knowing smirk with the Shield Hero behind her fan. "Let the fools play their game of thrones, and fight over that chair. They make for great targets, pulling would be assassins away from us. At the end of the day, the one who controls the flow of coin has true control of a country."

Naofumi chuckles at the choice of words from Amelia heiress. "You would fit right in my world."

"Hush, you charmer." Iris pinches his arm with her hand. She looks away at the sprawling city of Melromarc Castle. "I'll just have to settle for the pioneer of Medea."

"The real queen in the shadow of Melromarc's court isn't too bad either."

Yes, that would be their plan together. The ultimate revenge of the Shield Devil against 'glorious Melromarc' for taking everything away from him.

With the heiress of House Amelia as his willing accomplice, he'll let the bitch sit on the throne. Only to find out it's nothing but an empty title, where House Amelia holds all the real power behind the throne, with the Shield Devil as the master puppeteer.

After all, what is the worst fate for someone as ambitious as the first princess of Melromarc? Killing her in the cruelest way? No, true suffering is letting her enjoy a fate worse than death. And what is the absolute worst punishment than fulfilling her ambition, only to find nothing but a gilded cage?

The two of them simply stand side by side, looking out at the street from the fence of Amelia Manor. A young girl with fluffy animal ears on her head is bouncing a rubber ball across the street. She chases after the ball, not noticing a filorial carriage rushing towards her around the corner.

"WATCH OUT!" A red blur dashes out of a shop from the Silver Street. He charges across the street like a porcupine in heat, scooping up the child and rolls across the street before the filorial carriage can trample her.

"Master Spear Hero!" The rest of Kitamura's companions run out of the shop. They quickly gather around the two of them. "Are you hurt!?"

"No sweat, not even a scratch on me." The Spear Hero releases his grip on the little demi-human girl. He slowly brushes the hair away from the girl's face. "Don't run off by yourself next time... and watch both ways before you cross the street, Raphtalia."

"Okay, Master Motoyasu." The girl nods at the Spear Hero, she quickly follows them away, not realizing the Shield Hero was watching her not very far away.

End Note:

In this chapter, I show why Motoyasu's party deserted him before the wave. They were already unhappy with him cuddling them to begin with, they don't have much of a choice when Iris stepping in and offer them a way out and a fat purse.

And the omake is what would have happened, if Itsuki didn't have his outburst in the end of chapter 3, and Malty betrays Naofumi like canon. Iris steps in and scoops Naofumi up with Katarina and Bertia. So yeah, the Queen's plan to stick Melty to Naofumi wouldn't have worked regardless. She's either cuckolded by her elder daughter, or Iris Amelia. I'd say what happened in the actual timeline is much better for her than the 'what if' scenario.

Some readers asked this question before, and I hope this doesn't count as major spoiler. In my imagination, Iris, Katarina and Bertia are all an amalgamation of both their 'original' villainess personality, and their incarnation personality. They act more like their incarnation in their stories, but they aren't actual incarnate with modern knowledge so they still somewhat act according to this world's social norm. Which is why Iris actively play this game of betrothal, instead of avoiding it if she's a modern incarnate. I guess everyone can think them as being an incarnate but never awoken their modern memory, if that helps.

Onto the guest reviews.

To Giuseppe:

I personally have no plan to write a side story for the previous generation. Mostly because I'm unfamiliar with Fate or SAO or School Days. So I don't think I can do those characters justice aside from making some distant references.

As for Mikage Mikami. He's actually an original character created by Comrade Broseph. Although he is based on the main character from a Persona smut fanfiction I read in Chinese that's roughly translated to 'Demon Breeder'. I think his original name is Hyuin Mikage. I'm most definitely butchering it, so I'd very much appreciate if anyone who knows real Japanese can tell me how his name 御影 日阴 would spell in English.

The story is about a high schooler who lives in an abusive single parent house (he is constantly berated by his mother and little sister) meet Igor one day, and is tasked to raise Demons for his client. And he tries to cuckold Igor at every opportunity to raise the Demons he's given into his personal sex slaves. The only thing Mikage Mikami shares with this original iteration is the part where he grows up in an abusive single parent household... where he is constantly berated by his mother and little sister.

To Guest(s):

I'm very glad you liked my take on RotSH story! I am also disappointed at the direction the story took, since I think it's most intriguing part is the suggested political drama side not the gamified generic isekai adventure story. Which the actual story barely touches over. Glad you enjoyed the nod to John Denver's song, I like it very much.

I think the reason my story's political side looks good is mostly because I'm one of the first writer in this fandom who write it more like a GoT fanfiction. I certainly would have loved to see someone with much better talent (and this site is full of them) write a full on political drama set in RotSH universe. And of course, thank you very much for your kind words!
