Today was a very special day in the Artisans realm of the Dragon Worlds. Representatives from each of the realms; Artisans, Peace Keepers, Dream Weavers, Beast Makers, and Magic Crafters; came to celebrate the occasion.
The celebration was held in Town Square which was decorated from head to toe with streamers and balloons.
There was a huge spread with all kinds of food and plenty to drink; plenty of coffee, that is, complements of Gavin. Nestor suggested they have punch, but Gavin wasn't having any of it, feeling coffee was perfect to keep the guests strong and in a constant partying mood.
As for the guests themselves, in addition to the Dragon realms, those from Avalor and the Forgotten Realms were present as well including; Elora, Hunter, Moneybags, the Professor, Bianca, Sheila, Bentley, Agent 9, and SGT Byrd.
In addition, dozens of young dragons were happily playing with each one another. Since their hatching, they were always an energetic bunch, but today, they were more so than usual, for today, the young dragons had some new playmates; dragonflies.
Indeed, today was quite a day to celebrate as the baby dragons received their dragonflies who would be their companions; to help and protect them, just as Sparx with Spyro.
Delbin was busy painting a portrait of a baby dragon with its dragonfly. However, it proved to be difficult as the dragon kept changing its dragonfly's appearance, putting on different outfits, much to Delbin's annoyance.
A bunch of gnorc dummies were set up which the baby dragons threw paint balloons at. Agent 9, thinking they were real gnorcs, wildly fired his blaster at them.
"HAHAHAHAAA! Take that, you gnarly gnorcs! That'll teach you ta mess with Agent 9!" Agent 9 shouted before blasting at the dummies again.
One of his blasts caused the head of one of the gnorc dummies to fly off, landing on a nearby sheep. Agent 9 turned to see the sheep and, thinking it was a gnorc, went after it while the Professor tried to keep him under control.
Moneybags being Moneybags tried to bribe the elder dragons with some fancy hats in exchange for some gems.
Meanwhile, Gavin was busy posing and flexing his muscles in front of the other dragons as Spyro along with Elora, along with Hunter and Bianca, were talking.
Hunter and Bianca observed the baby dragons playing with their dragonflies. "They sure are happy. Aren't they, Spyro?" he asked as he placed an arm around Bianca.
Spyro nodded in agreement. "Well it's not everyday a young dragon gets his dragonfly," he said.
"Well thanks to you and Hunter, the dragons are her to have them," Elora said as she scratched Spyro under the chin, much to his liking. She then looked to Bianca, giving her a serious look. "Of course, you wouldn't have had to go to the trouble if 'someone' hadn't taken them in the first place."
Guilt fell on Bianca's face while Elora just stared coldly at her.
"Elora!" Hunter scolded.
"Hey, come on, Elora. Bianca really helped us in the end," said Spyro.
"Yeah!" Hunter agreed. "I mean sure she did work with the Sorceress and stole the dragon eggs and almost wiped out all the magic in the Dragon Lands, not to mention trying to kill us on more than one occasion..."
Spyro cleared his throat and cut Hunter off, seeing Bianca pull at one of her ears, being racked with more guilt over Hunter's words.
Hunter looked to Bianca and saw this as well and ran over to comfort her. "But she learned the error of her ways and made up for it and that's what matters."
"Well, I guess," Elora sighed. She was still skeptical about Bianca, but for the sake of the party and Spyro, she put on a positive face as Nestor called forth all the guests, baby dragons, and their dragonflies.
"Attention everyone!" Nestor proclaimed, standing before everyone. "First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming to this glorious celebration. Of course, the baby dragons receiving their dragonflies is cause in itself, but even more so because these dragons wouldn't be here today if not for the efforts of our own dragon, Spyro.
The elder dragons and the guests all applauded. Moneybags gave a single, unenthusiastic clap.
"Hey! What about me?! I helped too!" Hunter pointed out.
"Oh! And a degree," said Nestor.
"Thanks...hey!" Hunter responded.
Bianca, Spyro, and Elora laughed under their breaths.
Gavin came up to Spyro and lifted up while doing a pose. "Yeah! We owe everything to this little fella!" he exclaimed.
"Aww, it was nothing," Spyro said, trying to feign modesty.
"Nothing?! Nothing he says! HA! Nonsense! None of these dragons would be here if it wasn't for you and your sidekick!" exclaimed Gavin.
"Sidekick?" Hunter said solemnly.
"Especially since 'someone' took them," Gavin said, eyeing Bianca.
And with that reminder, the guilt in Bianca returned as she held one of her ears solemnly. It didn't help that the other dragons gave her virtually the same look as Gavin.
Hunter went over to comfort Bianca again while Spyro jumped out of Gavin's hand.
"Guys! What Bianca did was wrong, but she helped us in the end! She's our friend!" Spyro protested.
Some of the Artisan dragons and the Magic Crafter dragons were conflicted in regards to Bianca's trustworthiness. The Beast Maker dragons were more open to giving her the benefit of the doubt while most of the Peace Keeper dragons didn't have the best opinion of her.
Still, since Spyro was a respected hero in the Dragon Lands, the least the elder dragons could do was show Bianca a bit of respect on his behalf and did just so.
As for Bianca, though she was saddened by the lukewarm response, at the same time, she wasn't too surprised either. She was perfectly aware of her past and knew it would take some time to be excepted by everyone. But for the time being, she figured it was best for her to continue enjoying the party.
However, any further enjoyment of the party was halted as the ground suddenly began to shake, making the baby dragon and the dragonflies frantic.
"Hey! What goin' on?!" Hunter asked as the rumbling got stronger.
Spyro didn't know what to make of it. Earthquakes weren't too common in the Dragon Lands but he knew something was up.
The elder dragons ordered the baby dragons and dragonflies to stay back and take cover before they took their stances and prepared for what might come. And it didn't take long for them to see where the quakes were coming from as a large group of gnorcs marched forth, much to their surprise.
Hunter, Bianca, and Elora were especially surprised as they had never seen gnorcs before.
"What are gnorcs doing here?!" Gavin growled.
"I don't know, with Gnasty Gnorc gone, what reason do they have to attack us?" Lindar said.
"Whatever their reason is, keep on your guard," Nestor warned as the gnorcs approached them.
"I'M THE REASON!" shouted a familiar voice.
A few of the gnorcs parted to make way for their leader. To the shock of Spyro and the Elder dragons, it was revealed to be none other than an old enemy; Gnasty Gnorc.
Spyro growled as Gnasty approached him and the others. "What are you doing here, ugly?! I thought I toasted you! Did you come back for more!?" he taunted.
Gnasty growled back and clenched his fists. "You got lucky the last time! But I'm back and I'm here to destroy you!" he shouted.
"Don't count on it, Gnasty Breath!" Spyro responded, causing Gnasty to check his breath.
Hunter, Bianca and Elora were a bit surprised to see Gnasty Gnorc considering what Spyro had told them about his previous encounter with him. Regardless, Spyro wasn't phased and was confident he could take down Gnasty again just as he did before.
However, Elora and Hunter's surprised emotions were quickly stopped as they heard an all too familiar voice.
"Don't count on it, dragon!" the voice cackled.
Hunter and Elora held their breaths in fear.
"Hunter? Hunter, what is it?" Bianca asked, gently shaking her boyfriend.
It wasn't long before the keeper of the voice was revealed as he jumped on top of Gnasty's shoulder. It was none other than Ripto.
"Oh great! Things just got a whole lot better," Spyro said sarcastically.
Ripto gave a sinister grin towards Spyro. "Didn't expect to see me, did you, dragon?" he said.
"No, but that's only because most of the time, I can barely see you at all!" Spyro retorted.
"Wh-wha-was that-was that a short joke?! I HATE SHORT JOKES!" Ripto shouted, stamping on Gnasty's shoulder.
Elora, Hunter, and Bianca giggled while Spyro snickered.
"What? Were you just hiding behind Gnasty?" Spyro pondered.
"Yeah, so what?" Ripto answered.
"So, you were hanging onto his back, waiting to show yourself?" Elora also pondered.
Just then, Nestor approached Ripto. "Whoever you are, this is our home! And you are not welcome here!" he commanded.
Ripto chuckled in response. "Oh, that's too bad, because along with my friend here, I also brought some other guests to join in the party!" he said before snapping his fingers.
Suddenly, a large group of rhynocs charged in alongside the gnorcs, surrounding Spyro and the others.
"They got us trapped!" Hunter said.
"No kidding," Elora said in response, rolling her eyes.
Spyro looked around at the surrounding monsters. "First gnorcs, now rhynocs?! What next?!" he said.
Just then, another familiar voice echoed, much to Bianca's dismay.
"Hello, Bianca dear," the voice said with slight malice.
The voice soon revealed itself to be none other than the Sorceress.
"I just had to ask," Spyro said, breaking the fourth wall.
Bianca's eyes widened with shock at the sight of her former master. "How is this possible?! Spyro defeated you!" she said.
"Anybody else notice a pattern here?" Spyro asked.
Truth be told, neither Spyro nor anyone else had any idea as to how his previous enemies had returned, but at the moment, there was no time to worry about that as the combined forces of the gnorcs and rhynocs enclosed them.
"Let's just say, a 'common interest' brought us back, Spyro," said the Sorceress.
"What 'common interest?'" asked Spyro.
"That's on a need-to-know basis!" shouted Ripto before he elbowed the Sorceress. "As for right now, well I'd say there's one thing that interests us and that's destroying you!"
On Ripto's command, the gnorcs and rhynocs attacked.
The elder dragons knew they had to keep the young lings safe and went on the offensive. Nestor punched out a few gnorcs and swiped away at some rhynocs with his tail. Gavin pounded away at a few with his strength. One rhynoc tried to get at him, but he just tossed him away. The Dream Weaver dragons used their magic to change the gnorcs and rhynocs into many different things from toads to sheep to statues to stuffed pigs. The Peace Keeper dragons joined in the fight as well, using weapons such axes, clubs, and hammers. As for the Beast Makers, they used unorthodox methods such as noogies and placing the enemy's heads in their armpits.
Agent 9 was having the time of his life as he fired away at the army. "Come on! You want some-a me?! Bring it on!" he shouted.
Meanwhile, Sheila bounced on a few gnorcs heads and slammed one into the ground. "How's the weather down there, mate?" she chuckled.
Sgt. Byrd used his missile to keep some of the army at bay. "Take that, you rapscallions!" he exclaimed.
Bentley whacked away at them with his club before turning to Sgt. Byrd. "'Rapscallions?' Hmm, not bad, but I'd prefer uncultured, heinous, malignant urchins!" he said as he whacked individual rhynocs and gnorcs.
Moneybags tried in vain to hide, but eventually was caught. "Um...hello, for a 1.5 percent discount?" he said, attempting to bride the gnorcs and rhynocs. Unfortunately, the greedy bear ended up being bounced around like a volleyball.
Gnasty attacked some of the Artisan dragons while Ripto fired away at Spyro, Hunter, and Elora.
"Stand still, you annoying dragon!" Ripto ordered as Spyro dodged his attacks.
"Still as slow on the draw as ever, 'shorty!'" Spyro mocked.
"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Ripto shouted, stamping his feet.
Hunter swiped away at the gnorcs and rhynocs with his claws, managing to knock a couple down. Though he fought valiantly, he was eventually overpowered by the numbers.
Elora managed to kick away some of them with her hooves, but she too was overpowered.
Bianca meanwhile didn't fare any better as her magic didn't seem to do much damage.
One of the rhynocs tackled Hunter to the ground while at the same time, another batted Bianca away right next to him.
"Hunter, are you alright?" Bianca asked as she helped him up.
"Aside from some major damage to my spine, I'll be fine. You?" Hunter asked back.
"Pretty much the same," Bianca answered with a slight chuckle.
Just then, Bianca noticed the Sorceress, who hadn't really done anything for the entire fight, keeping her distance. Upon closer observation, she noticed her gripping her staff with her eyes closed, chanting some sort of incantation. She had no idea what the Sorceress was up to, but whatever it was, she knew it was no good.
As the battle continued, the elder dragons were holding their own, despite the numbers, though it wasn't easy.
Ripto fired an energy blast towards Spyro who answered with his fire breath.
Meanwhile, Shiela and the others were holding their own as well, but they were getting exhausted.
The Sorceress continued chanting as her scepter emitted a bright glow. Seeing this, Bianca decided to take matters into her own hands and moved in to try and stop her. "Hold it right there!" she commanded nervously.
However, the Sorceress just chuckled mockingly. "You think you can stop me? I taught you everything you know!" she said.
Bianca backed away a step, but after taking a breath, she charged in with gritted teeth, only to be stopped by Gnasty. The massive gnorc grabbed her in his giant hands which made Hunter charge in and jump on him. It was to no avail as Gnasty just tossed the both of them aside.
With the two of them disposed of, the Sorceress continued until she her scepter had reached full power. She then raised it in the air, unleashing a beam of energy into the sky which stopped the battle in its tracks.
As the gnorcs and rhynocs pulled back, the elder dragons and everyone else looked up at the sky which turned an ominous magenta with lightning. The ground started to shake, making the baby dragons and dragonflies more scared.
"What going on here?!" said Spyro before he looked back at Ripto who gave him a sinister chuckle.
Meanwhile, the Sorceress waved her scepter and directed the lightning, not towards Spyro, not towards the other dragons, but towards the dragonflies. One by one, each of them disappeared, much to the dismay of the young dragons, including Sparx.
"The dragonflies! They're gone!" shouted Nestor.
Spyro frantically looked around, shouting for Sparx, but there was no answer. Elora rushed over to comfort him while the villains mockingly laughed.
With all the dragonflies gone, the sky cleared up. The spell the Sorceress conjured up had done its job.
Hunter and Bianca helped each other get to their feet before they noticed the same thing.
The Sorceress chuckled. "Well it's been fun...for us, but I'm afraid we have more pressing engagements, you understand," she said.
"You got the best of us last time, but now we have the upper hand!" said Ripto.
Using her scepter, the Sorceress made an orange portal appear.
"Or in this case, the upper 'dragonfly!' HAHAHAHA!" said Gnasty.
Ripto and the Sorceress groaned at Gnasty bad attempt at a joke before the three of them exited through the portal, but not before Spyro gave Ripto a quick torch on the butt.
With the villains departed and the chaos appearing to have concluded, some of the elder dragons attempted to calm down the baby dragons while the rest tried to clean up the mess.
Meanwhile, Spyro again tried to call out for Sparx, but it was no use, Sparx was gone, and not just him, all the other dragonflies were gone as well.