PART I - A year following Drago Bludvist's attack on Berk, one of the Dragon Riders is taken and sold into the slave trade of a far off land. After a narrow escape and living as a sell word for ten years, he never expected to return to Berk... but fate has a strange way of working. (chapters 1-13)

PART II - Taken from their people a decade ago, a long lost Dragon Rider reappears. Now a stranger in their old home, they must learn to put their troubled past behind them and adapt to life on Berk... and little does Chief Hiccup know that Berk's time of peace may be threatened by a new enemy stirring across an ocean, and even within his own tribe. (chapters 14-?)

Rated M for graphic violence, depictions of rape, death.


Snotlout jerked awake with a sharp gasp, hand instinctively moving to the greatsword laid across his lap.

The night was dark around him, the fire low and crackling. A light snow lazily blew in the wind. It was the early weeks of spring and the air still carried a sharp bite. He paused, relaxing his hand against the sword hilt. The dream that had snapped him awake didn't have any sense of danger to it, and was far from it in fact, but his reflex did not know the difference. Eventually he settled back onto the tree trunk that he had been lying against - and apparently fell asleep on - during his watch. It wasn't the first time that he had dreamt about flying again.

The wind rustled his hair, and the steady beats of Hookfang's wings were the only sounds in the sky. Tall clouds reflected the sunset in tones of pink and soft oranges, and the Earth below seemed so far away. He had reached forward and given Hookfang a soft pat on the side of his head and was answered with a content rumble. In his dream, he could feel the swell of easy happiness as teenager and dragon wheeled gently above Berk. But now, Snotlout was met with a dark night and a fire that needed to be tended to. A few feet away in a tent, Adelaide slept silently. He looked on her briefly, mentally berating himself for falling asleep. They had just heard wolf howls not two nights ago. A cold wind swept through the campsite and the low fire crackled. He rose quietly as possible, sheathing his greatsword against his back, and went to the pile of sticks beside the tents. Standing beside the pile tied to a tree, his horse Juniper nickered softly to him.

He fed the fire, the bite of cold leaving his face, though still hearing the beats of wings in his head. It never did get easier as time passed - he missed his best friend. An intrusive image flashed in his mind of the Monstrous Nightmare reeling back with a pained roar, blood splattering from the deep wound on his long neck. Snotlout clenched his jaw tight at the thought. "Stupid dragon," he whispered under his breath. But he knew that it was his own fault Hookfang was killed. It was almost ironic in a terrible way. Hookfang was always so proud and defiant, but his last moments were trying to save his rider.

He thought to Berk. The only thing that he was certain of was that he would not be staying long. Just pay respects to his father and leave. It would be more than likely that his visit would not be welcome at all. Before being taken away, he was only barely tolerated to begin with. But it was no wonder. Snotlout cringed to himself, remembering himself as a teenager… boisterous, obnoxious, and a bully. And the one who he was the worst to is now the Chief. Still, he told himself, he just wanted to pay his father a visit. And then he would leave and put that village behind him. He had accepted it long ago - that he was just a wanderer with no tribe to call his own. A wolf howled what seemed to be only a few miles away, and he listened carefully. An answering howl echoed even closer. Juniper pawed at the ground anxiously. Snotlout still gazed into the fire, not very fazed. On this road, wolves were the least of his worries. It was the people to be concerned of... thieves and bandits were plentiful.

Adelaide stirred, sitting up in the tent with furs wrapped about her, also looking out into the night. "They are closer than they were the other night."

Snotlout nodded. They had been on the road for two months now. There were things he was still trying to figure out about her, but he was more at ease with her than any other person he had met in this place. Their conversations were short and to the point - it had been a mostly quiet journey. She rose out of the bed and joined him by the fire to warm herself, catching a glance at the sky. "It will be a few more hours until light. You should get some sleep."

"I'll be fine," he answered. The dream, despite being serene in itself, had been unsettling and he wouldn't have been able to sleep even if he wanted to. He didn't mention that he had also dozed off on his watch, which in this land, was potentially dangerous.

The two sat quietly for a long time, both looking into the licking flames of their fire. Adelaide looked to her guardian after several long minutes. "The port is a three week journey from where we are, right?"

"If I remember right, yes," Snotlout answered.

"Once we board the ship, how long of a sail will it be to Berk?"

The Viking used his foot to arrange a log that had popped and rolled away from the flames. His chest began to feel heavy as he spoke. He wasn't even sure if they were going to arrive by ship. What if there were going to be dragon riders waiting for them? And what if those dragon riders recognized him? "I don't know," he answered, "It could be days, months... But I'm not sure."

"Should we just get going, if we're awake for the day?" Adelaide asked, looking up at the stars. He had quickly noticed her tendency to look up at them at the beginning of their journey. She was reading them, but whatever it was they told her, he had no idea.

"There's really no reason to stay here," he answered and stood, and offered a hand to her. He couldn't feel her skin through his steel gauntlets when she took the offer. "So let's do it."

The two of them began to pack their things, breaking down tents and rolling up their furs as the early skies lightened. Adelaide pulled out a couple of apples from her bag as they worked - their food supply wasn't the greatest for a full meal. Though thankful to eat, Snotlout's stomach turned. In just a few weeks, only an ocean would be separating him from Berk, a place that until just recently, he thought he would never see again. It felt like a lifetime had passed since he had made the decision to not go back. Yet he was still pulled in it's direction, he always had been. As he usually did before setting off, he fingered all of his weapons. The greatsword on his back, the dagger to his side, there were twenty-eight arrows in the quiver at Juniper's harness, and the bow across Adelaide's back… all items that were on the way to becoming obsolete in Berk due to Hiccup's dragon training, but now items essential to survival. The two began to set forward, Adelaide on the horse and him walking. How things have changed.


Chapter One.

The plaza of Berk was bustling that morning: Vikings working, trading and talking, and dragons roaring and squawking to each other as they flit past and perched on roofs. Any evidence to indicate the attack of Drago Bludvist on their village was long gone aside from new structures… though the colossal Bewilderbeast had blown a third of the buildings away with its powerful ice breath, the Vikings of this village were as resilient as a hardy weed and bounced back quickly. It was almost a year since that day, and things have changed quite a bit. Many many more dragons, a new chief, a new alpha dragon… but some things just couldn't be changed.

Snotlout Jorgenson, notorious for sleeping in late, was not pleased with the bustle outside and groaned, throwing the closest thing on his bedside table towards the window - a tankard. "Come on, people… some of us are trying to sleep!"

Having left Dragon's Edge quite some time ago, he now lived in the upstairs room of the Jorgenson house again. It was custom for his people to live together as a family, even into elder years, so the twenty year old bachelor lived alongside his father Spitelout, his mother Calamity, and occasionally his best friend and dragon, Hookfang. The said dragon poked his head through the stairway and chortled a greeting rumble at the sound of his rider waking, spitting his harness on to the floor with a loud thump. The dragon was practically wriggling with excitement.

"Hooky, give a guy a minute," Snotlout yawned as he stretched and hauled himself out of bed. Hookfang always got a little stir crazy having to wait for his rider to wake up.

Downstairs, Snotlout could hear the sounds of his father opening the door and exclaiming. "Gods - Snotlout! Get your dragon on out of here! I don't want to come home to seeing dragon rear first thing!"

Snotlout snickered to himself as he pulled his boots on. He normally wasn't supposed to let Hookfang in the house (considering the dragon was about the size of the building and perfectly sized stables elsewhere), but he couldn't resist sometimes. And Spitelout probably did have a giant dragon butt in his face upon entering. Plunking his helmet on to his head, he approached the Monstrous Nightmare and put a hand on the giant snout. "What do you say, Hookfang? Flight around Berk then the great hall for fish and breakfast?"

Hookfang roared loudly in approval and retracted his horned head. There was something Snotlout and Hookfang shared - they didn't let on just how much they got along when people were watching. The two were both stubborn and proud… Hookfang had no qualms with occasionally lighting Snotlout on fire or throwing him from the saddle, and the young Viking would boss his dragon around on a daily basis, but with no one watching and in the privacy of the Jorgenson home, the two didn't hide their easy contentment with each other. They couldn't have people think they were going soft, after all. Downstairs, his father Spitelout was attempting to pour a glass of mead from the cask but kept getting slapped with Hookfang's wagging tail fins.

"Hey Dad! Where's Mom?" Snotlout said nonchalantly, then winced a bit at his father's annoyed gaze. "Oh, right… sorry, Hookfang was begging to come inside, so."

Hookfang snorted saucily as if to say 'I don't beg.'

"Ye mother is at market," Spitelout just sighed in exasperation and stepped over the dragon's tail to drink his mead at the table. His son was just out the door when he raised a hand. "Just a second, boyo."

Snotlout paused as Hookfang awkwardly twisted his body to squeeze out of the door. The tone of his father's voice was serious, and he had an idea of what was going to be asked. "Have you spoken to Hiccup like I asked, son?"

Snotlout avoided his father's gaze awkwardly. "Uh, no. Not yet, been meaning to but things just keep coming up-"

"You're twenty summers old, boy!" Spitelout rolled his eyes. "Time to figure out your future! Make a name for yourself and the Jorgensons! You've lost your chance of chiefdom, so you need to be making your moves while you still can!"

"I know, I know," Snotlout answered, impatient to get going.

Spitelout drained his tankard and set it down loudly, unimpressed with the answer. "Today, son. Speak to Hiccup today."

Snotlout just swallowed and nodded, turning away to leave. Outside, Hookfang cocked his head curiously as Snotlout began to attach the saddle to his neck. The dragon rumbled, sensing a mood change in his rider.

Hiccup Haddock, the meek little boy Snotlout was practically raised with, had grown to become chief of Berk. Sometimes it was hard to wrap his head around it, just how everything had completely changed. The town runt of fifteen years was now in charge, let alone got the girl every Viking his age coveted, and dragons coexisted peacefully with Vikings… if someone had said this just ten years ago, they would have been laughed off of the island. But it was the way things were, and life had to adapt.

For the longest time, everyone on Berk was sure that Snotlout would have been Chief one day. Hiccup was just… a 'Hiccup', a name given to the smallest of a litter. Most villagers were surprised that the young Haddock boy made it through so many winters as small as he was, and he didn't possess a single Viking-like trait. Snotlout was not only the closest heir, but was the strongest and most skilled in weaponry and fighting of his generation, surely Stoick would have passed the duty onto him. But, as said, things had changed quite drastically and to say that Snotlout was still a bit bitter or jealous would be an understatement. Hiccup was now the beloved chief of Berk, and Snotlout lost his chance to become something great. Unless he could still make a name for himself. And the Jorgenson's always made a name for themselves.

It had been made clear early, in the days of them living on the Edge, that one day the dragon riders will need a new leader when Hiccup became a full time chief. Had Astrid not already been the founder and leader of the Auxiliary team (and now it seemed very obvious that she would become married to Hiccup one day and be the wife of the busiest man on Berk), he was sure the title would have been given to her. Hiccup knew just how badly Snotlout wanted it. It was his last claim to fame, his last chance to prove himself as a Jorgenson - for generations, his father and grand fathers served as Marshals to the Chief in times of war and it was time he carried on the torch.

It just wasn't happening fast enough for him though. The death of Stoick the Vast threw Berk upside down. Never did they imagine Stoick the Vast would leave them so early and in the shocking way it happened. It was near the anniversary of that very day and still Berk grieved. Hiccup was doing a great job adapting to the role of a strong and dependable leader. But no one could have expected for him to be thrust into his father's place so suddenly, and sometimes Snotlout could see the doubt on the young Haddock's face as if he still questioned himself in his new role. Despite being earnest of obtaining the title of Marshal of the Dragon Riders, even crude and often oblivious Snotlout of all people could see that immediately asking in this time would be uncouth. But a year has passed! He couldn't wait any longer, and Hiccup could not continue to ignore it… in addition to his father badgering him on a daily basis.

"Ready, Hookfang?" Spitelout said as he jumped aboard the dragons long neck. The Monstrous Nightmare roared enthusiastically and immediately took to the skies.

Of course Snotlout wanted to be in that position. He deserved it more than anyone on the island! He was the most qualified rider, the best warrior of his generation (second to Astrid, of course) and it didn't hurt he found himself so handsome. And he wanted more than anything to make his father and people proud. But… the idea of asking Hiccup permission for anything still made him cringe a bit. Despite all of the progress the two had made from Snotlout being his older cousin's biggest bully to respecting him as a competent leader, wingman and friend, damn if it didn't bruise his ego.

Hookfang ascended quickly into the skies, beating his wings and letting his forked tongue loll out as the wind rushed past them. Snotlout looked down on his village, where the people were just tiny dots below. "What do you think, Hookfang?" he said, "All those people looking up to your Snotlout, coming to me for my wisdom... I'll be leader of the riders and finally get the respect I deserve around here!"

The dragon had no interest in these human affairs and just grunted, enjoying his flight. Snotlout leaned back in his saddle with his usual cocky grin. "I'd be pretty good at that job, won't I?"

Once again Hookfang ignored the comment and began heading towards the sea stacks that peppered the waters around Berk. Snotlout made up his mind; no matter how busy Hiccup was today, he would make the chief listen. It was time to make his dad proud. Just as he was having these thoughts, he heard even from this distance from the island a short round of applause. He glanced over to see the flitting shape of Toothless and Hiccup descending towards Berk, returning from some sort of business of likely importance. Snotlout rolled his eyes. It wasn't unusual for his entrances to be met with clapping and cheering. Sometimes he thought that Hiccup could sneeze and the people of Berk would fall all over themselves in admiration.

They flew for almost an hour until Hookfang got his pent up energy out darting through the sea stacks and dunking his head in the water to snap at fish, and they glided down to Berk towards the great hall (to no applause, Snotlout noted) for a bite to eat. The hall was emptier than usual, as most of Berk woke at a normal time. There was almost always some sort of communal food being made, and Snotlout helped himself to some as Hookfang buried his head in a basket filled to the brim with tuna and mackerel. The young Viking inhaled his food quickly and had two more servings. He ate like a man twice his size, and he told himself it was because he still had growing to do. He didn't exactly see himself as having the manliest stature at the moment, but hopefully that would change… Spitelout told him (with disappointment of course) that his grandfather didn't grow into typical Viking size until his twenty-fifth summer and was counting on it.

Snotlout perked up when he recognized a certain voice and the distinctive sounds of a prosthetic on the wood. Hiccup. He was walking with a group of Vikings through the Great Hall in deep conversation. As always, Toothless trailed behind him and warbled hellos to other dragons in the hall - despite being the King of Dragons, Toothless was just like an excited puppy. Abandoning his plate, Snotlout trotted behind the group and tapped Hiccup's shoulder. He did not like having to reach up to do so, just another jab to his ego as he compared their height. He caught the tail end of a sentence: "-ships entering our waters with strange markings."

Hiccup Haddock turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Snotlout?"

"Hey, Hiccup," Snotlout said, trying to keep the usual notes of arrogance out of his voice. "Got a minute?"

"Um, actually, no," the chief answered. "Kinda busy at the moment, something important."

The darker haired boy tried not to let the comment get to him - it sure sounded like he was implying Snotlout wasn't important enough. "Well, at some point I really need to talk to you…"

One of the men in the group cleared his throat impatiently, and Hiccup began walking with them once more. "I'll talk to you later today, Snotlout."

Snotlout was really learning today just how time consuming being a chief was. He tried several times to locate his older cousin, but Hiccup was always on the move. He would be at the forge, meeting with several Vikings over grievances, checking on dragons and inspecting their fishing fleet, but no time to talk to Snotlout.

He was starting to get frustrated. And Hookfang was getting very uninterested following his rider, voicing his boredom with low growls and grumbles as they walked through the emptying plaza. The sun was lowering in the sky and the twenty year old was beginning to think he lost his chance for the day, when he spotted Hiccup and Toothless walking towards their hut. And they were alone! Snotlout picked up the pace and called out.

"Oh, hey Snotlout," Hiccup said. He sounded tired and looked a bit like it as well. It must have been a long day for him. "That's right, you wanted to talk."

"Right. So, I was thinking," Snotlout began and cleared his throat. He suddenly was nervous and hated it. "Well, with you being chief and all now. I was thinking… you know, that maybe some new people can be considered for some new positions and... whatnot."

Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "New positions?"

"Well," Snotlout wished that he could just get his words out, he was beginning to sound stupid. "You know, with you being Chief and all it leaves some stuff a little open..."

Hiccup exchanged a confused look with Toothless.

"Anyway," Snotlout said, "Well it's been a year now since you've been Chief, and we talked about it a long time ago how one day the riders are going to need a leader to tell them what to do around here and I was thinking… I should be that guy."

He held out his open hands and tried to smile. Hiccup didn't seem to get it at first, he must have had fuzzy thoughts from his long day and even Toothless cocked his head. Then he realized what Snotlout was getting at and awkwardly put a hand to the back of his neck. He looked very uncomfortable. "Oh! Oh, I see…"

Now the question was out, Snotlout practically started spewing words out of his mouth. "I'm like the best warrior we have, I'm a pretty awesome dragon rider, I've flown with you through the Red Death, Outcasts, Viggo, pretty much all the bad guys… I'm a Jorgenson, and we're kind of a big deal-"

Hiccup cut him off there. "But Astrid is taking care of all the Auxiliary riders already and we're in a time of peace. It doesn't seem necessary at the moment to really make a new title that-"

Snotlout waved his hand dismissively. "Well, that's the perk of being chief, isn't it? Getting to make some new stuff up? There can be two."

The chief pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "You know, it's not so simple, I don't just get to do whatever I want. The fact you even said that is a little problematic..."

"So… what do you think?" Snotlout asked and tried to hide his nervous swallow.

There was a moment of silence, too long for his liking. Hiccup looked more awkward than ever and gave Toothless a pet on his head as if to distract himself. "Well, Snotlout. Thing is… I think there are certain qualities someone should have to fill that position. And don't get me wrong, you've proven yourself over and over again to be loyal and fierce wingman… but I think you could improve those qualities quite a bit before any decisions are made."

Snotlout didn't show any outward signs, but his heart dropped into his stomach. He was being told no. What will my father think. "I've just had so much on my plate and haven't put much thought to it, honestly, and there's plenty of time to figure this out," Hiccup added, as if that would lessen the blow.

"But. You need me," Snotlout said quietly at first, and then narrowed his eyes. "You're going to choose Fishlegs, aren't you? Oh Gods, it's not going to be that mutton-head Eret is it?"

Hiccup made a sound that was half a laugh and a scoff. "I-what? I haven't even had this cross my mind yet! I'm still just figuring out how this whole 'being chief' thing works! I'm sure one day you actually will be-"

"Well, what's wrong with me? What exactly are these 'qualities' I lack?"

"Snotlout, I don't have time for this."

"You had plenty of time to avoid me all day."

"That doesn't even really make sense, but okay then," Hiccup sighed, "You're rash, competitive and sometimes not the most open-minded Viking in town… but you're also dependable, trustworthy-"

"Oh, don't sugar coat it," Snotlout rolled his eyes and was close to yelling. He could feel the few people in the plaza beginning to look. "I bet this whole thing is because I picked on you just a little as a kid. Time for payback? Make me look like an idiot to the Jorgenson clan?"

"No, that is not at all what this is about," Hiccup also was raising his voice, but his tone was if he was trying to calm a testy dragon rather than argue. He also saw some villagers beginning to flat out stare. If Snotlout kept at this, he would have some angry people to deal with: the people of Berk don't take kindly to their chief being insulted. "Don't get me wrong, I've had thoughts on this lately but there are other priorities at hand. And, things are peaceful right now… we're still recovering from Drago and the Bewilderbeast, it's time to focus more on-"

"I've proved myself to you over and over again!" Snotlout took a step forward, beginning to look like a cornered animal. "I proved myself to everyone, I deserve this!"

"Snotlout, you need to calm down."

"Stoick would have wanted me to have this, he even thought that I was gonna be chief for the first fifteen years of our lives, definitely not you," Snotlout snapped, not even aware of the words coming out of his mouth. He heard the gasp of onlookers and immediately felt a sense of regret and sinking dread.

Hiccups face grew uncharacteristically dark. "Don't bring my father into this."

Just then, a Deadly Nadder carrying a man on its back flapped on to the building beside them. "Hiccup! Ships spotted on the western shore!"

Hiccup took his stony glare off of Snotlout to turn to the dragon and its rider. "Do they carry the same insignia?"

The man nodded. "Aye. There are several. Just a few miles from the shoreline."

Snotlout almost flinched when Hiccup turned back to him and said in an unusually cold voice, "This is going to have to wait. Get the other riders, we have something to investigate."

The sun was now setting deep in the horizon, the sky turning to shades of red. Flying low to the ocean, five dragons sped along. It had not taken long for Snotlout to gather Astrid, the twins and Fishlegs. Hiccup didn't explain the situation or say much at all as they saddled their dragons, and Ruffnut loudly stated that the tension was so high you could cut it, but Snotlout was silent for a change. Now, he felt sick to his stomach. He shouldn't have made the comment about Stoick. He probably had no chance in the future to become the leader of the riders now... and he was going to have to explain that to his father. He was going to disgrace the Jorgenson name, and he almost felt like a young boy again, afraid to meet his father's wrath. But for now, he had to do his job as a dragon rider, whether he wanted it or not. Hookfang was restless, picking up on Snotlout's energy.

"Alright, let's get some altitude," Hiccup shouted over the wind, and Toothless darted upwards with the signature whistle of a Night Fury in flight.

The other riders followed suit, and they leveled out just below the cloud line. Almost automatically the dragons moved into a V formation with Toothless and Hiccup at the head. "Okay, gang," Hiccup said and let Toothless drift back a little so he didn't have to yell. "According to our scouts, lately there have been sights of unidentified ships in the area. They've unsuccessfully pursued some of our fishing fleets and don't seem too comfortable with getting close to the island. We're here to see what they want, and if they're friendly."

Fishlegs groaned. "In the history of us seeing who is and isn't friendly, it always seems to be the latter..."

"Giving chase to our boats and retreating when backup is a possibility seems a good indicator," Astrid commented, more so to herself.

Soon, they caught sight of the ships and their foaming wake. There were four. Three sailed relatively close together, and the fourth was some distance away. The sinking sun cast their long shadows on the glimmering ocean. "Astrid, the twins, and I will go to three grouped together. I'll land and try to talk to these guys. Snotlout and Fishlegs go check out the fourth in the distance. Do not engage unless it's defensive and necessary, just keep an eye on them if they turn and run or try to pull something. I'll see what they have to say."

Snotlout immediately steered Hookfang away without a second thought. He just wanted to put distance between him and Hiccup. He heard Fishlegs shout something after him, but the Monstrous Nightmare was unmatched in speed for Meatlug to properly keep up. Soon they were just a dot behind. They descended towards the ship to circle over head, and Snotlout looked down on it. It was a rather large boat with several sets of sails. The largest bore an insignia he had never seen before - a large scarlet hand with a dagger piercing it. There were about two dozen people on deck, and they had already noticed the dragons in the sky and were pointing and talking amongst themselves. Snotlout flicked a glance towards the others - Meatlug and Fishlegs were still far behind, and he could see Toothless coming in to land on one of the three ships grouped together.

Something whistled by and Hookfang growled - the distinct sound of arrows. "So, that's how they're gonna play, huh?" Snotlout said and gave his dragon a pat, looking over to see the other ships reacting the same way to Hiccup's arrival. "Let's show them not to mess with dragon riders!"

More arrows whistled by and with a great roar, Hookfang burst into flame, nose diving towards the great ship. He smirked to see the look of terror in the men, and they froze for a moment, fumbling with their weapons. Hookfang blew a warning pyre of fire just above their heads, and Snotlout took a good look at the men as they passed. They seemed different. Something about their stature was off, and they had facial features unlike local men of the archipelago. Still, the warning shot did not deter them, and he heard another volley of arrows approaching. Hookfang easily dodged them and even gave a snort as if to say 'this is child's play.'

"Alright, let's make these guys sitting ducks. Aim for the sails, Hooky!"

The great dragon turned to make another pass, and soon all but the greatest of the sails were ignited - they had to suddenly veer away due to an arrow. They could hear the men yelling, and despite feeling sick to his stomach just moments before with anxiety, Snotlout couldn't help but laugh. Winning never got old! At the next pass, Hookfang bared his claws forward and snatched two crossbows from the hands of the sailors. He could do all this even before Fishlegs and his slow dragon could make it to the fight being such the great rider he was, and couldn't resist the Jorgenson battle cry.

"Nice one, Hookfang! Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi-"

Several things happened at once. Hookfang barrel rolled, turning into the next sweep so his rider was upside down to the ocean as Snotlout pumped his arm in the air, when he felt a sharp, hot pain. The left hand securing himself to Hookfang spasmed in reaction and he was falling. It wasn't even until he hit water hard and bobbed below the surface he realized what had happened. Just in his field of vision, an arrow protruded from connective muscle between his collarbone and shoulder.

Snotlout surfaced and cried out from the pain, coughing and spluttering as he struggled to stay above water. It was impossible to swim with the arrow through him. And the ship was close, too close. The ocean waves were bumping him into its wood, sending shooting pains into his shoulder. "Hookfang!"

He could see the Monstrous Nightmare snarling and diving towards him when he felt something grab him. Hands were pulling him into the ship. He heard voices yelling over the crash of the waves, shouting instructions and the loud clicking mechanisms of crossbows firing. "Keep that rider at bay! Aim for the head of the Monstrous Nightmare! Not too close, we've got one, we got a rider!"

Snotlout was dumped on the wooden floor and he thrashed, fighting against the men. His left arm was useless and he was easily subdued as he shouted obscenities and struggled, feeling a few noses break under his right fist, but there were just too many. Then the ship lurched with the heavy weight of Hookfang landing, sending many sprawling. He was on fire, a crazed look in his slitted eyes as he bellowed an ear-piercing roar. He easily tossed two men to the ocean and clamped his jaws on another's arm to send him flying. A jet of fire narrowly missed Snotlout.

"Hookfang!" Snotlout called, he was restrained and was being forcefully dragged away. His panic begin to rise as several men approached his dragon, weapons drawn. "Hookfang, go! Run!"

Swords glinted and men ran forward. Two were torched with fire, another pinned beneath the dragon's sharp talons as his tail thrashed and sent men overboard. Snotlout could only watch in horror as Hookfang snapped at one man as another ran into the dragon's blind spot.


The sword was swung in a perfect arc and connected. Snotlout felt his world go silent. The Monstrous Nightmare's eyes shot open in pain and a shriek of a high-pitched roar escaped him. A wide, deep gash opened on his long sinewy neck, and hot blood poured out like a fountain. It splattered loudly on the wooden floor of the ship, and the dragon convulsed, rearing on to his hind legs and wildly flapping his wings. Snotlout struggled harder than ever before and he could only shout his dragon's name over and over. The last thing he saw before being thrown below deck was Hookfang falling over the edge of the ship, trail of crimson blood behind him.

A/N. Hey everyone, and thank you for the follows and favorites! Before beginning the first chapter, I thought that I would go ahead and talk a little bit about my plan for this story. Yes, this is a Snotlout-centric fanfiction, and I have a feeling that this story will not get too much attention for that reason. I know the average person isn't too fond of him and some downright hate him, but after watching all of the shows and movies, I really grew to like him. I personally think he shows many layers and has a ton of depth to him... but that can be elaborated on if anyone wants to know why. Hiccup and the other riders are major characters and will have a huge role in the plot, but you may not see them for awhile. So if you are looking for a story involving him and the others, you may need to hold on for a bit! Also, Adelaide (seen in the prologue) is an OC of mine, we'll learn more about her in the future.

I had plans for this story long before The Hidden World was released, so this is an AU that takes place after the second movie. I also am one of the many fans of the franchise who was very confused with many aspects of HTTYD3, something about it didn't sit right with me... however, Riders and Defenders of Berk is canon, as well as the Netflix original series and the Gift of the Night Fury. I have never read any of the books as well, so this will obviously be based on Dreamwork's adaptation. I did, however, like the idea of Hiccup and Snotlout being cousins, with Valka as his Aunt. I think that is a pretty common assumption in the fandom... but not much else will be taken from the books. Another thing going into this, is keep in mind that this is a fanfiction geared towards an adult audience. There will be violence and sexual themes. I will try to insert trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters if necessary. Also, hold on to your butts, cause this will be a long one. I appreciate you all! - rummyxbones