3. First Team Meeting Of ABRN And NRWY

As we left the auditorium after the team naming ceremony, I tapped Ruby's shoulder and said "Hey, I just realized that I never got your Scroll number."

"Huh, oh right, we should all probably switch numbers now that we're on a team." Ruby said and we quickly swapped numbers before doing the same with Pyrrha and Blake. Team NRWY quickly did the same beside us when they saw what was happening and I managed to convince the two teams to continue trading numbers for 'just in case.' That got me a look from Weiss but she gave her number easily enough, as did the rest of team NRWY.

As soon as I was finished looking around ABRN's dorm room, HOPEFULLY for the full four years, I sent a text to Ozpin asking if there was a windowless room I could use for a briefing of the two teams. Five minutes later my phone pinged with a text that was simply a map leading from ABRN's dorm to a room in the tower his Office was over labeled SCIF along with a code that I assumed was to open the door of said room. Surprised but grateful for Ozpin allowing access to Beacon's high security room, I sent a quick group text to the others to meet me at the base of the tower in fifteen minutes.

Ruby, Pyrrha, and Blake all took out their scrolls as they gave various text message tones. They looked at me in confusion at the text before Ruby showed understanding and said "I guess we should get going then."

"Really? He sends some mysterious text about a meeting on our second day here at the center of the academy when we could simply have the meeting in one of our dorm rooms and you're fine with it?" Blake asked with a cocked head.

"I trust he has a reason for us going there." Ruby said, following me out of the dorm room.

I'm pretty sure the other partner half of our team traded looks but I heard them following. We actually met NRWY on the way and Weiss frowned severely as she asked "Tac, what is the meaning of having us go so far for a meeting between our two teams?"

"You'll see when we get there." I said, leading the way.

"That is not a satisfactory answer at all." Weiss huffed though I ignored her.

We gained some attention from the few students in the hallways and on campus as we made the trip but nobody stopped us. Reaching the bottom of the building, I checked the map again before I entered the stairs and walked up to the second floor. Walking over to a nondescript door with a keypad by the doorknob I typed in the code Ozpin gave me and the door unlocked and swung in on itself.

"Why do you have a security code for this door?" Weiss asked.

"Ozpin gave it to me." I said entering the room noticing that it looked like a conference room that could hold about twenty people comfortably, a large screen on the wall opposite the door and a control panel at the head of the table.

"Why would he give you that?" Weiss asked with a frown.

"Probably because he knows that what I'm going to tell you shouldn't be heard by curious eavesdroppers." I said, giving her a raised eyebrow look.

Weiss huffed and made her way to the chair on the right side of the panel seat, saying "Ugh, this had better be important." Yang took the next seat followed by Ren then Nora.

"Pretty sure it's really important." Ruby said, taking the seat opposite Weiss followed by Blake then Pyrrha.

I closed the door which automatically locked and moved to look at the panel at the head of the table. A moment of study later and I flicked the right switch and there was a soft but audible hum while the large screen turned on with the words SCIF ACTIVATED appearing.

"What's SCIF mean?" Nora asked with a cocked head.

"Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. Basically a place where secrets can be told without others overhearing." I said before I shifted into War Hawk and linked up with the screen causing the words to be replaced by the Autobot insignia.

Putting my metal digits on the back of the chair I was in front of, I said "I think it goes without saying at this point that what we discuss in here does not leave this room. As such let me get straight to the point. Less than a week ago 'Tac Arc' was not in any system of any of the Kingdoms. That is because five days ago I was transported from my bedroom on my home planet Earth to Vale by a Random Omnipotent Being, R.O.B. for short, by the name of Taifun."

The Autobot symbol on the screen disappeared, replaced with a first person view of me working at my computer before realizing that I had a visitor. The little movie played through until I appeared on the rooftop overlooking Ruby's fight where it ended, fading back to the Autobot insignia. As I deleted any trace of the movie from the screen's system, I said "So now that you've seen why I'm here, are there any questions before I get to explaining what I know about what's coming?"

Nora quickly raised her hand and asked "What did that Taifun guy mean by 'War Mage'?"

"I'm given four spell sigils, one on each palm of my hands and soles of feet. Highly versatile, there were ten classes, six levels, three spells per level. The classes are Wind, Water, Fire, Lightning, Earth, Light, Dark, Gravity, Space, and Staff, the spells for that last one are utility and healing spells." I explained.

"Sounds quite useful. So what does being able to change into a mechanical being grant you that made it a better option?" Weiss asked.

"Well, as you saw back in the forest I can now convert water into Aura making it relatively easy to replenish as needed, and I can also transform into any vehicle that I scan, but the real kicker is this." The compartment on my left forearm opened and I pulled out the Neo Forge and continued "This little miracle worker is called a Mini Forge. Based off of the Forge of Solus Prime, so long as it has the juice and I have a firm picture in my mind of what I want, it can create anything I desire out of raw materials."

"You mean you could turn a pile of sand into a pile of pancakes?!" Nora asked drooling.

I gave her my flattest look, which given my currently metallic face was pretty darn flat. Putting the Mini Forge away I said "I could, but I'm not."

"Awwww." Nora whined, slumping in her chair.

"I can certainly see the appeal of having such an item to use." Weiss said, leaning forward as she asked "Have you tried creating Dust with it yet? Having access to extra Dust stores out in the field would be quite the boon."

I shook my head and said "Not yet, I wanted to have you with me during the first try so that way we could make sure that what I'm making is actually equivalent to the natural stuff."

Weiss nodded and said "A wise decision on your part."

"Anything else or should I continue with the briefing?" I asked.

The others traded looks then Ruby said "I think we're good Tac."

"Right then. In that case, I'm going to start off with things relating to members of these teams then move onto enemies, combat applications first, then everything else. For starters, Ruby I already told you about your eyes and my plan for helping you activate them last night. On the more mundane side, you need to work on your unarmed combat. In the source material, you got separated from Crescent Rose at least once so you need to be able to last long enough to get back to it if such a thing happens here."

Turning to Blake, I said "Blake, You, Ruby, and I need to look into enhancing Gambol Shroud, it's durability at the very least. In the show the sword portion got sliced in half so we need to look into stronger materials for it."

Blake nodded and I shifted my gaze to Pyrrha and said "Pyrrha, get yourself some metallic sand. I know you like to be low key with your Semblance but I can't stress enough how much blocking or outright stripping a person of their sight in a fight could help. Also, see if you can use your Semblance to run Kinetic motors and if so consider putting small ones on your shield and weapon for electrical charges. I can probably make you really small ones if you want me to."

Pyrrha gave a slight frown of consideration and nodded. Turning to Nora next, I said "Speaking of things that make electricity, Nora, Piezo Crystals, find some, then have Ruby or me integrate them in Magnhild's head, and wire them to the grip."

"Oooookay? But what exactly are Piezo Crystals?" Nora asked in confusion.

"Piezo, short for piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials in response to applied mechanical stress. A common example is quartz." Weiss stated factually.

I pointed at her before I turned back to Nora and said "Basically, the harder you smash things, the more charge you get, the more souped up you are, the harder you can hit things. In short, you start hitting things, and your strength will only grow during the entire fight."

Nora gasped and said "That's GENIUS!"

"That's terrifying." Ren countered with a slightly scared look in his eyes, probably having a day terror about an unstoppable Nora playing wackamole with anything that moved.

"And it has the benefit of being an inbuilt security system. Someone else grabs your weapon and the first time they swing, ZAP!" Ruby said with an eager grin before she perked up even more and said "Oooh! What if we added a storage option, a battery that you can charge up for when you really need a boost in a hurry?"

"I LIKE HOW YOU THINK SISTER!" Nora said with a megawatt grin.

Ren put his head in his hands and said "Congratulations Tac, you've made a monster."

"Won't be the last time, I promise." I said with a cackle.

Ren looked at me through his fingers and asked "Do I want to know?"

I hooked a thumb at Ruby and said "I'm thinking about making her a scythe that has a plasma blade rather than metal at some point."

Ruby's eyes lit up as she said "Ohmygosh, that would be so COOL!"

"No, that's terrifying." Yang countered, sounding very much like her teammate had just a few moments ago.

I let out a cackle at that before I said "Moving on, Weiss and Ren, you two have the same problem, which is compounded by the fact you're on the same team: Endurance. You two have excellent Aura Control but we'll be getting into several drawn out and intense fights down the road. You two need to be able to last from start to end or you'll become a liability to your partners. I suggest figuring out a time where you can start running, maybe add parkour or an obstacle course a week or two in as well."

The pair traded a glance with each other before looking back at me and Weiss nodded as she said "I shall make the pair of us a schedule once I've seen what the workload from the classes are like."

I nodded at that before I turned to Yang and said "That just leaves you Yang." Shaking my head, I said "I'm not going to lie here Yang, when it comes to upcoming fights you're going to be having a rather rough time of it."

"Okay?" Yang asked with a slightly worried look. A moment later, she firmed her resolve and said "Alright, hit me."

"Alright, for starters, learn how to deal with kick and counter based styles better. Roman Torchwick's partner is a four foot ten slip of a girl and she absolutely wrecked you with her combat style of using a strengthened umbrella and kicks to counter you."

The Autobot insignia on the screen changed again and thanks to my currently cybernetic brain the two teams watched the Yang Vs Neo fight on the train EXACTLY as it happened. Yang, Ruby, and Nora winced when Yang hit the train car ceiling and Weiss and Pyrrha had slight frowns.

When the video ended, Yang said "Alright, I can see where you're coming from. I probably shouldn't count on some stranger that uses portals to come rescue me, whoever she was."

"Indeed." I said, thanking the fact that I was currently in bot mode to help hide my emotions somewhat. "You're final opponent in the Vytal Festival used leg prosthetics in his fight and I don't think I need to remind you about your fight with those twins in Junior's Bar, see a pattern?"

Yang bashfully rubbed the back of her head and asked "You uh, know about that?"

I gave her a look then played the fight in the first volume's Yellow trailer. By the end of it Yang was sunk into the chair with a blush, the others looking at her with their own flat looks, Weiss' particularly disapproving.

Shaking my head, I said "Like I said, 'pattern'. Also, in the Vytal Festival, you used your Semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers so we need to figure out a way for you not to rely on it so much."

Straightening up with narrowed eyes, Yang asked "So? How's me using my Semblance to win a fight any different than when others use theirs?"

I smirked and said "I'm so glad you asked that question. Allow me to show you. Also, I'll explain the prosthetic later."

"Prosthetic?!" Yang and Ruby asked with wide eyes, a look the others mimicked before they looked at the screen again as the Yang VS Taiyang Sparring Match began playing.

When the clip ended, I said "I hope you learn the lesson your father gave you in the show before you wind up needing that new arm Yang, though it did come in handy during the rematch with the guy who did that to you."

"Who did it Matt?" Ruby asked, honest to Brothers rage in her eyes.

I glanced at her before I turned my gaze to Blake and said "In the show, Blake and Yang were partners. Blake had a partner before Beacon, one who felt she betrayed him. During the Vytal Festival he was attacking her and Yang did a head on charge trying to get him away from her. He used his Semblance to cut through her aura like it wasn't even there."

Blake's eyes were wide and fearful. Ruby's eyes flicked towards her before turning back onto me as she asked "Who Matt?"

I paused for a moment before I said "His name's Adam, and he used to be a decent person. However, he's become a monster and is now a leading figure in the extremist faction of the White Fang."

"Is there any other kind of White Fang?" Weiss asked, crossing her arms with a scowl as she glared at me.

Blake twitched, barely withholding a full out wince and I stared Weiss down and said "Weiss, it would pay to remember that the White Fang started out as a peaceful protest group. Not everyone in it wants to use violence to force about equality and/or fear of Faunus. Some still believe they can achieve equality through nonviolent ways. Please keep that in mind."

Weiss kept scowling at me for a moment before nodding. Yang meanwhile took a deep breath and visibly shifted tracks as she asked "Dad mentioned Mom in that clip you showed. Do you know anything about her?"

I nodded and said "Raven Branwren, I know the basics, though I don't think it's anything you'll like to hear."

"Like to hear or not, I need to know Tac." Yang said.

I studied her for a moment before I gave a sigh and said "Raven and Qrow Branwren grew up in a bandit tribe. They were sent to Beacon academy to learn how to handle any Hunter opposition that the tribe would run into. They were half of Team STRQ, the other half composed of Ruby's mother Summer Rose and the father of the two of you Tai Xiao Long, who you obviously share the last name of. Obviously your Uncle has remained around but for reasons that I do not know she returned to the bandit tribe and is now its leader, believing that only the strong should survive."

"I, I see." Yang said, looking down and closing her eyes as she continued "I guess she never really cared about us after all."

"That or she felt that those feelings of caring were a weakness. However, there is one more thing Yang. That 'stranger' that saved you in the train? That was her."

"But she didn't stick around." Yang said with a frown as she looked down at the table. Ruby managed to let go the last of her anger at that, getting up from her seat and walking around the table to pull her into a hug, one Yang returned after a moment.

Deciding to give them a moment, I glanced at Weiss and said "Speaking of parental figures, Weiss, you need to try and maintain contact with your father. Speak with him at least once a week. In the show, he cut you off during the Vytal Festival because you didn't. I can agree that he won't ever win father of the year award but that doesn't mean we should make him an enemy."

Weiss' eyes narrowed a fraction and she said "I shall consider your words."

I nodded and as Ruby returned to her seat glanced at Blake as I said "That goes for you as well Blake, get in touch with your parents at some point. In the show you went there after Beacon fell. Obviously I want to prevent that from happening here but the fact remains that they are your parents and I bet they miss you terribly." Blake gave a small nod. Finishing off, I sent a text message to her scroll that said 'One last thing. Weiss WILL find out what's under that ribbon, it would be better if she does so on your terms.' Blake pulled out her scroll and frowned a little at the message there before she looked up at me with a nod.

I glanced at the others trying to think of if they had anything I needed to tell them when it came to personal matters. Deciding that I didn't, I clapped my hands and said "Alright, let's move onto main enemies you all will encounter. We'll start first with Roman Torchwick."

An image of the man taken from my memories of the night of my arrival appeared on the screen and I said "Guy's a male human standing at six foot three and in the show he was the main baddie of volume one, and continued to be a pain in the ass until he was killed by a Grimm when he was distracted taunting Ruby during a massive Grimm attack. He's right handed, and his cane is his weapon. Called Melodic Cudgel, it fires explosive flares. No clue about his Semblance, he never showed any overt signs of knowing it himself."

The image shrunk and moved to the top left corner of the screen, replaced with a full body shot of Neo from the Yang vs Neo video and I continued "You've already seen what Neo here is capable of. You need to know her Semblance though. Called Overactive Imagination, it's a goddamned nightmare to go against. Basically, she's able to create physical illusions that can be seen by everyone, which shatter like glass when broken. They are highly realistic and she uses them in her role as an infiltration specialist, altering her appearance to avoid detection, and they're not limited to just disguising herself either. I saw a video clip once where she used her Semblance to change the appearance of an entire Bullhead. But while these two are certainly your enemies, they're not the head honcho."

Neo's picture shrunk and joined Roman's at the top, replaced by a picture of Salem. Gesturing at the picture, I said "This is Salem. She is a five feet six inches* tall shell of literal evil. And no, that's not an exaggeration, part of her origin story is her diving into a Grimm Spawning pool which corrupted her. Due to that, she has become the Master of the Grimm."

"And the rest?" Ruby asked, looking creeped out, the others having similar expressions on their faces.

I huffed and said "Basically, she's an immortal Witch in a millennia long grudge match with a constantly reincarnating Wizard that she was once married to and the successors of their four daughters who were the original Maidens of Seasons, their powers transferred to the last female they thought about before they died."

"Wait, grudge match...'reincarnating Wizard'...Headmaster Ozpin was her husband thousands of years ago?!" Ruby asked with wide eyes.

"Pardon? Where do you possibly get THAT idea?!" Weiss asked, looking at Ruby incredulously.

Ruby looked at me and asked "Uh Tac, do you mind..."

She gestured at the screen and I nodded as a certain interrogation room appeared on the screen and the others heard "I know what you are Ozzy Osbourne, and that when your current body dies you'll share headspace with a farm boy named Oscar Pine."

The screen turned back to the Autobot Insignia and Ruby said "Ozpin also showed more interest about Salem's inner circle than anything else Tac had talked about before."

"Oh, so he's really-" Weiss started uncertainly.

"Literally older than the four kingdoms? Yes." I finished with a smirk before I grew serious and continued "Anyways, let's continue. I don't know as much as I would like, but I do know that Salem's inner circle has a Scorpion Faunus named Tyrian who's pretty much leapt off of the sanity cliff with no parachute. Don't let that fool you though, he's incredibly dangerous in a fight. Also under her wings are Hazel Rainart and Arthur Watts." Tyrian's picture appeared beside Salem's and two silhouette shots with question marks joined them.

"Wait, Arthur Watts?! Are you sure about that?" Weiss asked, an alarmed look on her face.

"Pretty sure, why, do you know him?" I asked, the others all looking at her as well.

"He was a high ranking scientist in Atlas, specializing in computer engineering, mechanical engineering, anatomical engineering, and cyber security." Weiss stated.

"Was?" Blake asked, eyes narrowing.

Weiss let out a slight cough and said "Well, he has been labeled as dead for quite some time."

"At the risk of sounding incredibly cliché by paraphrasing this, 'Rumors of his demise have been greatly exaggerated.' From what I got out of a time loop fic of the series, he's responsible for a very devastating virus that one of Salem's other goons puts in the CCTC tower during a dance Beacon held. I'm hoping that I'll be able to at the very least isolate the virus so that way it's no longer usable and at best use it to give HIM problems." I said with crossed arms.

The others mulled on that for a moment before Blake asked "What about this Hazel Rainart character?"

I shrugged and said "I've got jack all on him unfortunately. I unfortunately stopped reading the time loop fic for a while a few years ago and I didn't actually watch a lot of the actual episodes of the show so I don't really know. I plan to do a search for him on Remnant's version of the internet within this week to find out though."

Shaking my head from that, I continued "But the minion of Salem that I DO know about are Cinder Fall and her minions Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black." The four pictures in the center shrunk and moved to the top, replaced by the pictures of the three baddies.

Cinder's picture grew a little and the other two shrunk as I said "Cinder Fall is as deadly as she is beautiful. She's Five feet and eleven inches of femme fatale and she knows it. Even her dress is dangerous, given that it has Dust sewn into it. Her Semblance is called Scorching Caress. It gives her a bit of pyrokinesis as well as making molten glass weapons. She likes to make two swords which she can then combine into a bow, which she can fire up to three arrows from with superb accuracy. Also, she's not afraid to block high impact rounds with just her aura." I looked around the room with serious eyes and said "If any of you come across her one on one, my advice is to avoid direct confrontation until you get backup of at LEAST team strength, and even then to exercise extreme caution. In the show, this woman took Ozpin on head to head and came out on top. I can literally NOT stress how dangerous this woman is. I got the jump on her a few nights ago but I do not expect my Sonic Disrupter to work on her nearly as well a second time."

The others nodded and Yang said "Right, see a black haired chick throwing around fire balls stay the hell away."

I nodded and Cinder's picture shrunk with Emerald's growing and I said "Emerald Sustrai is as big a pain in the ass to go against as Neo. Height's five foot eight, weapons are called Thief's Respite, a pair of revolver sickles, more specifically Kusarigama with the chain ends connected to the handles. But while she has all of the ranges covered with her weapons, it's her Semblance that's the real problem. It's called Hallucinations, and as you can guess by the name, it allows her to modify the sensory information in a person's head while their brain is processing it."

"So in other words, instead of generating an illusion that everyone nearby can see like Neo, she affects the target's mind directly." Weiss said.

I nodded and said "Exactly. In fact, in the Vytal Festival one on one rounds, she made Yang think that her partner was attacking her after the match was already decided causing her to shoot him in the leg."

"What?!" Yang asked, eyes turning red. Ruby also clenched her fists, a rather harsh look in her eyes as she let out a low growl.

"Easy you two, Ozpin has already been told of that happening in the show, and now that you yourself know about it Yang, you can avoid falling for the trick here." I said, reaching over to put a hand on Ruby's shoulder in an attempt to help her calm down.

"I don't suppose I could break this bitch's legs when we run into her?" Nora asked.

"Tempting, but no. She might just make it so that you actually broke someone else's legs instead. Leave her to me, I plan on getting her with a micro tracking chip, delivered by a drone 'bug' bite, that way I know where she is at all times. In fact, I plan on doing that with all of our enemies if I get the chance."

Weiss nodded in approval and said "Smart, that way even if they escape us we have a way of tracking them."

I gave her a nod as Emerald's Picture shrunk and Mercury's grew as I said "Cinder's other minion is Mercury Black. He stands at five foot ten inches. His weapons are a bit unique even for Hunters and Huntresses. They're called Talaria and they are a large pair of boots with firing mechanisms built into them, similar to Yang's Ember Celica. However, Talaria are only half of his weapon arsenal. The other half are his prosthetic legs which are capable of shooting air blasts. Best way to limit his ability to contribute to a fight would be either Pyrrha ripping them out with her polarity or Weiss trapping his legs with really thick ice." I then grinned at Nora and said "Breaking his legs work as well."

Nora snickered while Ren sighed and said "Please don't encourage her Tac."

"Hang on, what about this guy's Semblance?" Blake asked.

"He doesn't have one." I said. At their looks, I shrugged and said "Or rather, his was stolen. When he unlocked it, his bastard of a father somehow used his own Semblance to steal Mercury's and claimed that he would get it back when he got stronger. However, Mercury never did get it back, partly because he wound up killing said father."

"And I thought that my father was a poor role model." Weiss said with a frown.

The rest of us didn't say anything to that, and I moved the three pictures to the top before one last picture appeared which had Blake clenching her fists under the table. Gesturing at the image, I said "This is Blake's former partner who has since gone to the dark side. Name's Adam Taurus, and by this point in time he's managed to work his way up to being the leader of the White Fang's Vale Branch. As you can see, he's a bull Faunus, Six feet four inches tall. For weapons, he has Wilt and Blush, a red sword, a chokuto I believe, and a scabbard that doubles as a rifle respectively. His Semblance is Moonslice and it works in a manner rather similar to Yang's. He stores any energy that comes into contact with Wilt and then releases it all at once. I'm pretty sure that he can hold onto the energy for as long as he wants though I doubt it's easy to do so while he's asleep if that's the case. Also, everything that's red on him glows when he absorbs the energy so if you see him glowing, stay the hell away from him. In the show, he used it to slice right through Yang's aura like it wasn't even there." Yang swallowed and gripped her right bicep tightly with her left hand. Ruby quickly got out of her chair and went back to Yang's side to offer her support again. I gave them another moment before I continued "However, Adam is far from unstoppable. Get his sword away from him and he's practically helpless. Also, he's got an incredibly bad case of tunnel vision syndrome. If the object of his fixation of the time can last against him long enough it's possible for others to be gathered to gang up on him. Also Ruby, I read a fanfic where you managed to go one on one against him and the end result was him cowering in a river bank for an hour with a bit of skin from the back of his neck on your scythe blade. Now, this story was after a time skip period and it WAS fanfiction, but given your experience with Yang's own Semblance, it's possible that given enough training you have a decent chance at taking him on. However, unless there are no other options do NOT try to test that." As I spoke, I sent said fic: The Big Bad Bull and The Little Red Reaper by Anthurak to her phone. Hey, it couldn't hurt right?

Ruby glanced at her scroll when it pinged showing she got the message but she glanced at Yang who squeezed her in a side hug, eyes red as she glared at the picture of Adam and said "I second that Ruby, unless there's no other choice I want you staying the hell away from this guy." Blake and even Weiss nodded in enthusiastic agreement and Ruby nodded her own agreement as she said "Right, stay away from the pissed off bull unless there are no other options."

"That goes for you three as well, I don't want you three anywhere near Adam in a fight. Given her track record, Pyrrha might have a good shot at holding him off but even her blocking his sword with her shield would help power up his Semblance so I don't want any of you taking any chances with him." I said, looking at Nora and Ren then at Pyrrha.

"What about you? I notice that you didn't say that you would avoid him." Ren asked with narrowed eyes.

I shrugged and said "That's because if I ever see him then I'm planning on finding a good sniper nest and taking him out from long range. The gun I make at the time to do so may or may not shoot lasers."

There was silence for a moment before Ren nodded and said "Fair enough."

"Well now, we have been told a lot of things that we must consider. Tac, is there anything else or are we finished here?" Weiss asked.

I shrugged and said "Only thing left was that I was going to advise you and Ruby to come up with call signs for us to use in the field. Never know if an enemy can get access to our comms after all. I've already got War Hawk for mine, WH for short."

"I'd like to stick with Spartan, SP for short." Pyrrha said right after.

Weiss let out a hum and said "Hm, that is a logical idea. I shall consider this and assign them in the morning."

Ruby nodded eagerly and said "I've got no problem with you two using those, means I just have to come up with ones for me and Blake."

"Just don't have any words that share first letters with your name, don't want to make matching them too easy for the enemy after all." I advised.

"Hm, good point." Ruby said before devolving into a muttering spree that would have made Izuku Midoriya proud.

Yang giggled and ruffled her sister's hair before she followed Weiss' lead as the Heiress stood up and said "Then, if that is all I believe we should head back to the dorms."

I nodded and cleared the screen, wiping out its memory as I did so before shifting back into my default human form and said "Yeah, that's everything."

Flicking the switch on the panel had the room unlocking and the others also stood before we filed out of the room. It wasn't until we had almost reached the dorms that I realized I had forgotten to tell Weiss about the White Fang's attempt to steal the Dust from the cargo ship just before the Vytal Festival. Oh well, a simple text once I had finished unpacking my minimal amount of resources should suffice. After that, it was mostly just looking forward to classes tomorrow to deal with. Oh wait, we had Professor Port first, maybe I should make myself a transcribing recorder so that way I could TRY to get anything useful out of his lecture without falling asleep to the sound of his voice...and if that didn't work, I'd just go in as War Hawk under hologram during each class and go on standby mode with my audio receptors set to record and download, that'd let me know what he was talking about even if he did manage to put me to sleep. But recorder transcriber first, going robot during second class if that didn't work. It was only polite to the other students that I try to learn in that class the normal way first after all...


Author's Notes: And we are done. This took a lot less time to do then Version one, even with the differences in how I did the first half of the meetings. Moving on, I'm tempted to go back to my One Piece stories but I believe that I will either do my Fire Emblem stories next or Hacker and Alicorn stories next. See ya guys.

*Made Salem a foot shorter then Ozpin due to lack of actual information found