Hey cuties! This is my third Fairy Tail fanfic and I am so excited to be releasing this. I love to hear your thoughts so please review. Hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget to heart it!

"Thank you, have a nice day," Levy grinned, waving to the little boy clutching at his book like it was gold.

She closed her eyes and gave a sigh of happiness. This was heaven. As a small child, she'd always wanted to work in a library. She loved the smell of books, the rustle of pages and the thousands of worlds she could explore. Each day brought about a new adventure. One minute she was in a world of dragons and princesses and the next she was in dystopian future. The possibilities were endless.

, not many people seemed to agree with her. Many would rather sit on their phones or laptops than open a book. So the library was pretty much empty, except for the one or two patrons dotted around the place, absorbed in their own world. That's when she saw him.

Terrifying. That was the first word that came to mind when she saw the guy. He was tall with facial piercings, long dark hair and red eyes that seemed cold. He seemed to move like a panther, slinking into the shadows. But there was one thing that confused Levy.

Why the hell was this guy in the children's section?

Levy watched as the man looked around before grabbing a few books and heading off to a table in the more hidden part of the library.

She had never seen anything like this before. There had been the old man who was asking for a copy of Fifty Shades and there was the woman who came in a few weeks before that asking for a book on how to cook meth.

But a guy slinking away with a copy of Winnie the Pooh? Unheard of.

Levy looked around. Everyone seemed pretty content. Knowing she wouldn't be needed for a while, Levy quietly left her desk and headed off to see the man.

Tip toeing through the bookshelves, she finally saw him. He was sitting, reading the book. A perplexed expression rested on his face and he seemed to be mumbling away. Suddenly, he stopped and looked up, glaring at Levy.

Levy took a deep breath and edged her way towards him, a very shy smile on her face.

"Hello there!" she said.


"I just wanted to let you know that we also have an adult section,"


"It's right over there," Levy continued, pointing towards the other side of the library.

"I know where the damn books are!" the man snarled, slamming the book shut. Levy jumped in surprise and her eyes widened. She'd never had to deal with a customer like this.

"I was just trying to help!" Levy snapped back," Jeez, no need to be rude!"

"Get lost, kid," the man growled, standing up.

"Shit," Levy thought to herself as this guy neared her," Way to go Levy. Piss off the crazy guy. Genius."

With each step the man took toward her, Levy took a step backwards until she hit a shelf. The man grinned at this and Levy felt like a mouse trapped in a corner. The image of the panther sprang back to her mind. He leaned down and Levy took a deep breath to calm herself. She caught the scent of oil and metal.

She closed her eyes.

Suddenly she felt something hard being pushed into her chest. She opened her eyes to see that the book was now in her arms and the man was walking off, hands in his pockets. What the heck!

"Hey, wait-!" Levy began before a nearby patron glared at her and made a shushing sound. She quickly apologized but by the time she turned around, the mystery man was gone and she was left alone, with a copy of Winnie the Pooh in her arms.


Levy spent the rest of the afternoon with a frown on her face. The regular patrons were a bit shocked to see their normally sweet Levy slamming the stamp into their books with excessive force and mumbling to herself.

"Are you alright, dear?" a little old woman asked timidly after her "Knitting For Dummies" book had been manhandled with anger. Levy looked up and then down at the book, before giving the woman a smile.

"I'm fine, thanks."

In truth, Levy was not "fine".

She was so annoyed.

"How dare he speak to me like that!" Levy thought to herself," I mean, just who the hell does that guy think he is!?"

But Levy was also puzzled. Why had that guy been reading such a childish book?

Soon, it was time to leave. Levy grabbed her bag and ushered the last of the stubborn readers out the doors before locking up.

"It's so cold," Levy mumbled to herself as she pulled her coat around her. She then began the walk home. The library wasn't in the nicest part of town, but Levy was normally alert to every danger and was usually safe. But with all her muddled thoughts, tonight wasn't going to be one of those nights.

Levy wandered down an empty road, her thoughts still stuck on the mystery man, when she felt the blade at her throat.

"Give me all your money!"

Levy panicked. She tried to get out of the man's grip, but he was strong and simply laughed at her pitiful attempts. She felt the blade push into her throat more and stopped wriggling. Any sudden move now could cause severe bleeding.

With tears in her eyes, she slowly reached into her purse. Being a librarian wasn't the best paid job and she needed this money for rent. But just as she began to unzip her wallet, the blade was gone and she heard the man yelp.

Levy quickly turned to see the robber on the ground, clutching at his nose and howling whilst a man stood above him, his fist bloody.

It was the man from earlier.

Levy remained frozen as the robber stumbled to his feet and ran off in the other direction. The man laughed and she snapped out of her somber state.

"It's you," Levy whispered in disbelief.

"Do I know you?" the man asked. Levy suddenly felt her blood boil.

"I'm the librarian from earlier on," Levy replied through her gritted teeth," Remember?"

"Oh yeah," the man chuckled," Gihee, who knew I'd run into ya later, huh?"

"You forgot your book,"

The man suddenly stopped laughing and stared at her with a slack jaw.


Levy opened up her bag and pulled out the book. She held it out to him, her eyes defiant.

The man took the book, his face turning slightly pink.

"Thanks," he mumbled before turning around to leave.

Levy had no idea what possessed her to say what she said next. It was simply curiosity.

"Why are you reading Winnie the Pooh?"

The man stopped and sighed before turning around and grabbing Levy by the back of her coat.

"Hey!" Levy yelled, trying to get away from him," Let me go!"

"You want answers right?" the man said in a low voice. Levy stopped struggling for a second and paused.


"Then come with me. I know a place we can get a drink."

Levy wanted to laugh, but she felt scared.

"Why the hell would I go with you?" Levy retorted," I don't even know your name!"


"What?" Levy asked in confusion. The man turned around and stared at her with his sharp ruby eyes.

"My name is Gajeel. What about you?"

Levy was quiet for a minute before replying.

"I'm Levy."