Reviews for Brain and Brawn
ObsessedWithAnimeForever chapter 32 . 6/17
Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Sofyyy21 chapter 32 . 6/9
I was not ready for this plot twist, but I’m excited to see where the story goes from here. This is amazing so far!
Sofyyy21 chapter 31 . 6/9
I screamed when Juvia did that. I love this story so much!
Guest chapter 32 . 6/1
Amo tu historia! Espero con ansias el próximo capítulo! Siempre supe que el hermano intentaría hacer algo contra gajeel pero jamás se me ocurrió el desenlace que le diste, solo lamento que la primera noche de levy con gajeel no fuera un poco más explicita u.u
Pero no importa, supongo que tiene que ver con que no es categoría M XD
Adoro como cuadraste las parejas en esta historia, sobre todo el Gruvia, Nalu y Wendymest... (creo q sería West o Mendy o Mesdy) tu q dices?
Aún no se como funciona esto de la revisión pero espero que puedas leer esto y nómbrame si lo lees y te gusta :D
Att: Bosque
Guest chapter 32 . 5/31
Amo tu historia!
Mechine chapter 32 . 5/24
I can't remember this Lukas guy. Who is he and why he's so interested in Levy? And he's wrong, they do not have all the time in the world. The amazons are coming and Laxus :-D
Mechine chapter 31 . 5/24
Did Juvia knock Gray out? LOL That was great!
Mechine chapter 30 . 5/24
I see that I need to catch up! I loved the new turn in the story, but hope they will be able to reach Gajeel before any harm comes to him. And now we have Lyon! This role suits him well!
rao hyuga 18 chapter 32 . 5/19
Nice twist. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Dragonfly2311 chapter 32 . 5/19
Whoa! Not who I was thinking! Talk about a curve ball! Can’t wait for Levy’s reaction.
Amanny chapter 31 . 5/16
Great chapter
rao hyuga 18 chapter 31 . 5/16
Great chapter!
Amanny chapter 29 . 5/12
I'm happy that Juvia made Levy realise it wasn't Gajeel.
Amanny chapter 28 . 5/11
What has happened to Gajeel.
Mechine chapter 29 . 5/12
Thank you for updating! Juvia is very level headed collected about everything except Gray :-)
Of course, she knew exactly what to say to make Levy see the truth. Now they need to rescue Gajeel.
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