The first time I played the game with my editor a couple years back, it took us over a month to complete the game. In that time, a couple of funny things happened. So I thought, hey, why not make some of those into a drabble mini-series?

Sorry if the characters are OOC, but this is humor so you shouldn't take it seriously, and it was based off real incidents.

Epic Mickey 2 doesn't belong to me, nor do I make any profit from writing this story.

Mickey, Oswald and Gus made their way through the ruined courtyard of the Dark Beauty Castle. The titular character climbed up a pile of rubble and spotted the ledge where they had to go next. Unfortunately, the gap was too wide, even with the double jump.

"…once Oswald jumps in the air, he can glide across. And Mickey, if you jump and grab onto his feet, both of you can travel to the other side together." The gremlin finished explaining his solution to this dilemma.

"Gosh," Mickey rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm not sure that's such a great idea…"

"What, don't trust me?" Oswald crossed his arms, but that motion triggered the remote. A crackling beam of blue-white electricity shot across the courtyard and hit a stone wall, making it immediately crumble to pieces.

"No, not really." He replied, and promptly moved further away from the lucky rabbit.

Another quake hit the castle, more violent and lasting longer than previous ones. Mickey was nearly thrown off as the rubble grew more unstable.

"The castle won't last much longer-Mickey, it's now or never!" Gus yelled.

The mouse threw his hands up. "Ok, okay! I'll do it!"

Oswald hopped into the air and hovered in place, waiting for him to grab on. Ignoring the gleam of the menacing remote, Mickey jumped, his arms reaching out…

…and missed.


Oswald landed and poked his head over the edge, spotting a black and red puddle with two round ears sticking out.

"You have fallen." The rabbit observed.

Mickey bounced up from his previously flattened state and shot a glare up. "Nah, you think?"

I hope you liked that. I'll be making another four, so keep an eye out for that during the next few weeks.

Until next time!