Author's Note: This has been running through my head since I saw Hidden World. I kept imagining what if Jorn was there, but it would be impossible since Astrid and Hiccup married in the movie and I married them after Stoick died, plus I gave them a kid. Then I realized "Why am I debating this, it's fanfiction, I can write an alternate version of Hidden World. So in this story Jorn and Valka are courting, Stoick Jorn is a noisy three-month-old and Hiccup and Astrid are married already. If this makes no sense to you, stop reading right now and go read my Seizure Procedure Series.

It had been a long week for Jorn. First Berk was attacked by Grimmel and his dragons. Then the chief decided to relocate everyone, dragons included. Just three days after settling on New Berk, Grimmel showed up with an armada, an armada bigger than Dagur's. The battle was epic but heartbreaking. Watching Hiccup fall to his death with Grimmel fighting him on the way down, was not a sight anyone would soon forget.

Jorn clutched little Stoick Jorn close to his chest and rushed to the front of the crowd with Garff in tow when the Light Fury dropped Hiccup onto the cliff. His leg was gone and was bleeding through his broken armor. Jorn stopped in his tracks when Astrid helped her husband up. He pushed off of her and hopped toward Toothless.

The tribe watched as their chief and resident Night Fury said goodbye to each other. Everyone began to shed tears and they released their reptilian companions back into the wild. Jorn was the last to remove his saddle from Garff. He hugged the Deathsong, who nuzzled him back. "In Valhalla do we meet again," he murmured softly to his friend before letting go. Slowly the dragons took to the air and flew toward the Hidden World. Toothless, as the alpha, was the last to leave.

Once the dragons disappeared beyond the horizon, Hiccup stood for a moment longer before he collapsed like a sack of potatoes. Jorn knew what was about to happen. He handed the Haddock baby over to Valka and leapt into action. As Hiccup began to convulse, Jorn turned him on to his side and held the chief as still as he could. Astrid stood over them, ready to help.

Once Hiccup stopped convulsing, Jorn turned him on to his back, surprised to find Hiccup still conscious. "Kid, can you hear me?" he asked urgently.

Hiccup just gave a small nod, but before Jorn could ask another question the young chief's eyes rolled into the back of his skull and his head lolled to the side. The resident healer picked Hiccup up, like he weighed nothing, and rushed to the healer's tent.

Jorn laid Hiccup on a cot and began to rummage through what little supplies he had. He quickly found the tonic he was looking for, uncorking it and forcing it down the unconscious man's throat. He watched as his patient's breathing evened out as the tonic took its effect.

Astrid and Valka burst into the tent, worry plastering their faces. Stoick Jorn started to whimper as if he knew something was wrong with his dad.

"What happened?" Astrid practically demanded. "He took his tonic before the battle."

"It doesn't always work," Jorn pointed out as he started to remove Hiccup's broken armor. "I'll increase the dose and how often he takes it. That should work."

Hiccup groaned in his sleep but did not wake.

Astrid took hold of her son. "Come on SJ. I think it's time for your nap. We'll come back when Uncle Jorn is done taking care of Daddy. Valka, I think Gobber might need some help."

Once they were alone, Jorn set about examining Hiccup's injuries. Broken ribs, wrist, several bruises, numerous cuts. This kid could not catch a break.

Jorn started mending the cuts, rubbing salves onto them, then wrapping bandages. He checked the bruises, applying some soothing gel to them. The healer wiped his hands down before setting the wrist in place. He grabbed the thicker bandages and folded them over and over, wrapping them tight to keep the wrist in place. Finally, he tried to set the ribs, but one just wasn't sliding right.

"Garff, could you hand me that shiny tool right there?" Jorn asked his dragon, to no response. The man sighed; this would take some getting used to. He grabbed the tool himself and was able to start the healing process.

Jorn was about to ask Garff to watch Hiccup closely when he remembered again. The healer backed up against the wall, then slid down, his hands covering his face. He completely understood the chief's pain.

Wiping away some tears that were starting to sprout, Jorn started making some dinner, chicken stew, and was about to throw a piece for Garff, but halted and added it to his stew. Sitting down at his small table, the man began to eat, feeling very down. It just wasn't right, not having Garff wait to play fetch with a chicken bone. But it had to be done.

Author's Note: Special thanks to Draconicbieng2.0 for staying on as my beta reader. Let me know what you think in the reviews.