With their supplies gathered up they mounted Toothless and flew off into the sky saying goodbye to the island where they'd been staying for the last few days. Ruff was a bit disappointed that they hadn't run into whatever their former resident had wrote about. Hiccup on the other hand was simply glad they were heading home. "Alright Bed on to the next island we need to confirm that it's Dredge island."

With an excited roar at being flying again he took off at full speed making Ruff hold on for dear life to Hiccup.

As they drew closer to the island Hiccup took notice of the whirlpools swirling around the island as well as the old destroyed Viking boats that littered the surrounding rocks and coastline.

"Yeah that's for sure Dredge island, there's one of Berk's oldest ships the Bronze gronkles. Knowing dad, he'd probably want us to see if there's anything still left that could be used to help Berk."

Ruff hearing this perked up. "So, we're going down?"

"Only to check the cargo hold. From here we can get to Berk within a couple hours."

"Then I guess we'll have to enjoy our private time while we can." She hugged him tighter making him blush.

Still getting used to this. But it's nice to have a girlfriend, or I guess she's really my fiancée but for now we'll stick with girlfriend. I can just imagine the look on our parents faces when we tell them the news.

As soon as they landed Ruff took off exploring the ancient ship while Hiccup traveled into the main cabin. Nearly all the items inside had been damaged or worn down to the point of non-repair. But in the far corner pinned to the wall was a half-destroyed map with a vague outline of the surrounding area. There were a few islands listed that Hiccup had never heard off but more importantly there was a drawn line that showed the direction of Berk.

"Alright I got what I need. Now to go make sure that Ruff hasn't found anything dangerous."

Walking back to the deck he saw Ruff trying to stuff into Toothless's saddle. "Come on you stupid thing."

"Ruff what's with the book?"

"I found it next to a Skelton. It has some pretty good pictures."

He took it and quickly flipped through the pages. Inside was some illustrations of the islands as well as what horrific things the now dead explorer found on them."

Well I should at least be happy that she's taken an interest in a book. Even if it's just about the numerous terrible things that can kill you.

"Anything else down there?"

"Nope just a bunch of dead people. Think we can come back here later?"

"Maybe but right now let's just get home. I could really go for some nice Berk cooking."

They got back on Toothless and headed off toward Berk. As they flew Ruff got an idea and for once it was actually pretty good one. However, as she thought it through, she quickly realized she'd need some help.

Within the hour they saw the beginnings of Berks landscape coming into view and as they got closer, they saw that Berk had it's ships out patrolling the waters. Once they saw Toothless, they began cheering which made Hiccup a bit nervous.

The moment they touched down in the center of the village they were swarmed with people asking if they were okay and what happened. Of course, shortly after they were getting used to the questions a very loud very recognizable voice overpowered everyone else's.

"Hiccup!" turning to the voice he saw his father very angry landing on his equally loud dragon Thornado. Hiccup prepared his ears for the screaming but as his father got closer the first thing, he did was pick him up and all but squeeze him to death. "It's about time you got back. Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"Sorry dad we tried to get back sooner but things kind of happened."

As he sat him down Ruff checked to see if he was okay. Something Stoick took notice of and smiled. "I take it you being away wasn't all bad."

He didn't say anything being to embarrassed, Ruff however took his hand in her own which was all Stoick needed. He began moving them away from the crowd and up the hill to the chief's home for a bit of privacy

"Well you're back now and that's all that matters. You two go inside and get some food and rest. When the other riders came back and told us that Dagur had captured you we put Berk on lockdown as we readied for his armada. They should be back from their scouting mission and when they do we're heading out to crush that fool once and for all."

"Have there been any attacks?" Hiccup asked as he walked through his door and fully relaxing in one of the massive chairs. Ruff decided to join him laying down atop of him and propping her feet on the rest.

"A few scouts but nothing we couldn't handle. Now you two get some rest I still have a war party to gather."

Before he left, he took on last look at the two of them and smiled. "At least I see the two of you of gotten closer."

Ruff smiled and gave him a punch in the arm. "Yeah well he's not so bad once you get used to him."

"Yes, well while you two are relaxing just keep in mind that his bed Is upstairs."

Their faces turned red as they understood his words. "Dad wait we." But he was already halfway down the stairs laughing at the situation.

Sighing at the situation Hiccup leaned back in the chair. "Well that couldn't have been more embarrassing."

Ruff could only laugh. "Are you kidding I think that went pretty well."

She leaned up and kissed him before jumping off. "Now how about the two of us take a nap in an actual bed before all the crazy fun stuff happens."

Being tired of sleeping stones and wanting to feel the warmth of his blanket and comfort of bed he smiled and followed her up the stairs all but collapsing the moment he hit the bed. She of course jumped in beside him.

"Oh yeah this is so much better." The warmth of the bed quickly caused both to fall into a deep and peaceful slumber. They weren't sure just how long they were asleep, but they did know that the sounds of catapults and roaring dragons barely woke them up. After all they pent spent most of their childhood trying to sleep through dragon attacks.

It was Toothless that successfully managed to wake them up throwing the blanket off and dragging Hiccup out of bed by his metal leg.

"Alight I'm up what's the problem?" Toothless dragged him over to the window where he saw that in the waters just off shore were a legion of ships. And as he looked up, he saw his riders heading straight for them.

"Ruff wake up it's time."

Not waking up the first time he decided to try another method and simply shoved her out of the bed. She angerly got up and stared at him. "What the hell?"

He pointed out the window where she saw the carnage. "Oh"

"Now come on we have a battle to win."

They ran outside meeting up with the others. Ruff quickly joined her brother on their shared dragon as they shot into the sky.

"Man it's glad to see you guys again." Said Fishlegs as they flew.

"Yeah but right now we kind of need a plan. Dagur is attacking and so far, he's doing a pretty good job of taking out our ships. We've spent to many years fighting dragons instead of other Vikings, so our ships aren't built like theirs." As always Astrid being the more militaristic person quickly sized up the situation.

"Well I saw while the war party fights and holds off his ships we go for the head. If we can capture and defeat him then this entire invasion will quickly die."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Quickly gaining altitude the dove down from the skies heading straight for Dagur's flagship where he was loading a catapult aimed straight at them.

Using their speed, they were able to avoid most of the shots and make their way to the sides of their ships and setting them ablaze. Quicker then they thought the area was engulfed in steam and fire as the water heated up from the burning ships. Dagur seeing this became enraged and spotting Hiccup coming in rushed over the side and landed on top of him.

"Nice to see you again brother. Now let's do something about the you are being alive problem."

"You first." Hiccup grabbed Dagur by his shirt as he pulled at his foot clamps making Toothless climb high into sky. He saw his riders following him and in a moment of craziness he pushed off Toothless sending the two of them into a free fall. Being heavier Dagur fell faster and grabbed on to Hiccups metal leg but Hiccup simply disconnected it and let him fall.

Astrid dove after him and caught him with Stormfly's claws dropping him on the beach in front of Stoick while Hookfang caught Toothless.

Hiccup however fell for quite some time before he saw a massive green dragon swoop under him and two hands catching his own. Looking up he saw he'd been saved by the twins.

"Wow Hiccup that was downright reckless and stupid. Kind of makes us jealous."

"Yeah well remined me never to do anything like that again."

Flying down to a rapidly dying battle they saw that Dagur was now trapped under Gobber who gave him a well-placed whack with his good hand when he tried to push him off.

"Oh, knock it off you little whelp."

"I take it the battle's over?"

Stoick looked at the panicked berserkers and the fleeing ships. "I'd say just about. We'll deal with the crazy ones you lot burn their ships."

By the end of the day the bay was filled with the remains of the ships that hadn't fled and the Berk jail was nearly full of a very angry Dagur screaming once again about vengeance. While Hiccup and Ruff were on the edge of the island enjoying a slightly burnet pie that Ruff had made just a few hours ago.

She took a bite and licked her fingers clean. "Not to bad for the first pie I ever made."

"I still can't believe that you can cook."

"My mom tried to teach me years ago, but I was never interested. But I figured learning to now wouldn't be too bad."

"Well I'm not complaining about the pie." He turned to face her. "Or even that I'll be spending the rest of my life with who made it." She smiled and leaned back enjoying the moment. "Yeah but that's years away, I say for the time being we just take things slow."

"That coming from a girl who let a Skrill loose instead of waiting to see what my father wanted to do with it."

"Hey destruction is easy, romance is hard."

He laid back next to her. "Yeah but I think it's worth it."