Reviews for A Ruff Expirence
Ameli0 chapter 1 . 1/20
I read the second paragraph and it instantly went to my favorites
Smile chapter 8 . 1/4
Destruction is easy, romance is hard. That had me rolling! Great job!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/6/2019
Wonderful story, very well done. Thank you so much!
Guest chapter 7 . 3/31/2019
Guest chapter 7 . 3/31/2019
I would strongly suggest that you watch the three HTTYD movies. There is no way that this is plausible.
Eris chapter 7 . 3/31/2019
Fascinating story. Very exciting and unusual. Please update soon.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/23/2019
This is a good story. I like it. Thank you for the new chapter, I look forward to reading more.
Mariah chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
oh no both got captured by Dagur.

can they escape?

will Astrid be angry about their relationship?
Guest chapter 4 . 3/11/2019
Just a question: Have you seen HTTYD 3? Hiccup marries Astrid NOT Ruffnut.
guest chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
i have a question for you personally i think this story is funny but why do you ship hiccup and Ruff.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/5/2019
Interesting, looking forward to more.
JessicaLee22 chapter 3 . 3/7/2019
Interesting idea!
Tryndamer95 chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
Mariah chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
wow that was a very cute scene.

when will Astrid find out about it?
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
Sorry, but neither of these characters except for the briefest moment in HTTYD1 where Ruff ogled Hiccup in the arena (and one has to ask who doesn't she ogle?) (and Hiccup showed absolutely no return interest) ever, ever shown any romantic interest in the other.
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